Which factors are required for growth ?
  • a) An increase in group of cells, a duplication of genetic material
  • b) An increase in group of cells, production of daughter cells by mitosis
  • c) A dupliction of genetic material and a division assuring that daughter cells receive an equal complement of genetic material.
  • d) An increase in cell mass, a duplication of genetic material, a division assuring that each daughter cell receives an equal complement of the genetic material
How many mitotic divisions must occur in a cell to form 1024 cells ?
  • a) 10
  • b) 20
  • c) 40
  • d) 64
A. The meiotic division-I is also called reduction division. R. During this the chromosomes are distributed in two cells in half their number.
  • a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
  • b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
  • c) A is true and R is wrong
  • d) A is wrong and R is true
Which of the following statement is/are correct for prophase of mitosis ? (i) At the end of this phase nuclear membrane and nucleolus disintegrate. (ii) At the end of this phase two chromosome and a centromere holding them together. (iii) This phase begins with the condensation of chromatids along their lengths.
  • a) (i) only
  • b) only (i) and (ii)
  • c) (i) and (iii)
  • d) only (ii) and (iii) (d)
Which is the true statement for mitosis ?
  • a) Two cells are formed as a result of this division are identical in all aspects.
  • b) Cells formed as a result of mitosis have different genetic characters.
  • c) Cell formed by it performs diverse functions i.e. show division of labour
  • d) The number of chromosomes in the new cells are half than that of the parent cell.
During prophase – I of meiosis homologous chromosomes pair with each other to form bivalent. A bivalent is an association of :
  • a) Two chromatids and one centromere
  • b) Four chromatids and four centromeres
  • c) Two chromatids and two centromeres
  • d) Four chromatids and two centromeres
During cell cycle DNA replication takes place in.......
  • a) G1 - phase
  • b) S - phase
  • c) G2 - phase
  • d) M - phase
Which of the correct order of phases in prophsae I ?
  • a) Leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, diakinesis
  • b) Laptotene, pachytene, zygotene, diplotene, dikinesis
  • c) Leptotene, diakinesis, pachytene, diplotene, zygotene
  • d) Diakinesis, diplotene, pachytene, zygotene, leptotene
Pick out the correct statements : (A) Synapsis of homologous chromosomes takes place during prophase-I of meiosis. (B) Division of centromeres takes place during anaphase I of meiosis. (C) Spindle fibres disappear completely in telophase of mitosis. (D) Nucleoli reappear at telophase I of meiosis
  • a) A only
  • b) C only
  • c) A and B only
  • d) A, C, and D only
With how many cell reproduction starts ?
  • a) Single cell
  • b) Two cells
  • c) Somatic cell
  • d) Many cells
The separation of two chomatids of each chromosome during early anaphase is initiated by :
  • a) The elongation of metaphytic spindle
  • b) Attachment of spindle fibres with Kinetochore
  • c) The interaction of centromere with the chromosomal fibres.
  • d) All the above
In which of the following matters mitosis and meiosis are similar ?
  • a) Both include separation of paired chromosomes.
  • b) Both process occurs in all kinds of cells
  • c) Both are precede by DNA replication
  • d) Both have pairing of homologous chromosomes
Statement – P : Interphase is divided in three sub phases. Statement – Q : G1 phase is the initial phase of interphase.
  • a) Statement P and Q both are correct
  • b) Statement P is correct statement Q is wrong
  • c) Statement P is wrong and statement Q is correct
  • d) Statement P and Q both are wrong
Which of the following statement is/are correct for Meiosis-II ? (i) Chromosomes are arranged on equatorial plate in prophase-II (ii) Nucleolus disappear during telophase-II (iii) In anaphase-II, the chromatids with their independent centromeres are called chromosomes. (iv) In metaphase-II, centromere of each chromosome becomes attached to filament of bipolar spindle.
  • a) only (i) and (ii)
  • b) only (iii) and (iv)
  • c) only (i), (ii) and (iii)
  • d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
What does “G1” indicate in given figure of cell cycle ?
  • a) Segregation of chromosomes
  • b) Nucleus with chromosomes in cell
  • c) Duplication of chromosomes
  • d) A cell with duplicated chromosomes
Spindle fibres are composed of :
  • a) Cellulose
  • b) Lipids
  • c) Proteins
  • d) Pectins
The locations at which crossing over occurs are known as......
  • a) Chiasmata
  • b) Centriole
  • c) Kinetochore
  • d) Centromere
During meiosis crossing over occurs between which part of homologous chromosome ?
  • a) genes
  • b) alleles
  • c) nonsister chromatids
  • d) sister chromatids
Select the correct option with respect to mitosis.
  • a) Chromatids start moving towards opposite poles in telophase.
  • b) Chromatids separate but remain in the centre of the cell in anaphase.
  • c) Golgi complex and endoplasmic reticulum are still visible at the end of prophase.
  • d) Chromosomes move to the spindle equator and get aligned along equatorial plate inmetaphase.
At the end of which stage does cell enter mitosis ?
  • a) G1 - phase
  • b) G2 - phase
  • c) M - phase
  • d) S - phase
The term ‘karyokinesis’ is used for….
  • a) Changes occuring at anaphase, when chromosomes move to the opposite poles.
  • b) Event occuring during interphase
  • c) Disappearance of nuclear mimbrane during metaphase
  • d) Over all changes occurring in nucleus during the cell division.
The role of mitosis is not merely to divide a cell into two daugher cells but to ensure genetic continuity from one cell generation. The mechanism ensuring genetic continutity is;
  • a) Formation of cell by new chromosome
  • b) Formation of two daughter cells
  • c) Formation of two cells with identical DNA
  • d) The new cells have half the number of chromosomes.
During which stage of meiosis crossing over takes place ?
  • a) Dikinesis
  • b) Zygotene
  • c) Leptotene
  • d) Pachytene
Significance of meiosis.........
  • a) A very significant contributing of mitosis is cell repair
  • b) The number of chromosomes is maintained in all cells.
  • c) Due to division, cell can maintain their efficient size.
  • d) It is important process for evolution
A. Number of chiasmata is more in longer chromosomes. R. The number of chiasmata depends on the length of chromosomes.
  • a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
  • b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
  • c) A is true and R is wrong
  • d) A is wrong and R is true
Match the following :
Coulmn-I Coulmn-II
(A) Cytokinesis (i) Reformation of nuclear Membrane and golgi body
(B) Metaphase (ii) Synthesis of RNA and protein
(C) Telophase (iii) Centromers of chmosomes are arranged on equatorial plate.
(D) Interphase (iv) Contraction of chomosomes starts
- -   - - (v) The formation of synctium
  • a) (A - i) (B - ii) (C - iii) (D - iv)
  • b) (A - iv) (B - iii) (C - i) (D - ii)
  • c) (A - iv) (B - ii) (C - i) (D - iv)
  • d) (A - iv) (B - iii) (C - ii) (D - i)
What is synthesized during G2 – phase ?
  • a) Protein
  • b) Micro tubules
  • c) RNA
  • d) (a) and (b)
In mitosis the daughter cells resemble to their parent cell. But in meiosis they differ not only from parent cell in having half the number of chromosomes, but also differ among themselves qualitatively in genetic constitution due to.....
  • a) Crossing over, independent assortment and segregation
  • b) Segragation and crossing over only
  • c) Independent assortment and crossing over only
  • d) Independent assortment and segregation only
A. During interphase, chromosomes are recognized as chromatin network. R. Chromosomes are highly dispersed during this phase.
  • a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
  • b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
  • c) A is true and R is wrong
  • d) A is wrong and R is true
Find the incorrect pair.
  • a) Metaphase - Kinetochore
  • b) Prophase – Chromosome made up of two chromatids and centromere
  • c) Bipolar spindle – Cytoplasmic fibres of protein
  • d) Anaphase – Equatorial plate
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