on Q140) Choose the wrong statements regarding bacterial cell: (i) Glycocalyx is the outermost envelope in bacteria. (ii) The glycocalyx could be a loose sheath called capsule. (iii) The glycocalyx may be thick and tough called slime layer. (iv) A special structure formed by the plasma membrane is called mesosome. (v) Small bristle like fibres sprouting out of the cell are called fimbriae.
  • a) (i) and (iii).
  • b) (i) and (ii).
  • c) (ii) and (iii).
  • d) (i) and (iv).
on Q141) Which of the following is false regarding Chromatin fibres? (i) Heterochromatin part having more histone. (ii) Euchromatin is transcriptionally more active. (iii) Nucleosomes are structural elements in chromatin. (iv) Percentage of histones is less than DNA content. (v) RNA content is more than non - histone protein.
  • a) (i), (iii), (iv) and (v).
  • b) (iv) only.
  • c) (iii), (iv) and (v).
  • d) (iv) and (v).
on Q142) Which of the following organelles is directly connected to the outer membrane of the nucleus in a eukaryotic cell?
  • a) Mitochondrion.
  • b) Lysosome.
  • c) Golgi apparatus.
  • d) Endoplasmic reticulum.
on Q143) Microtubules are absent in:
  • a) Mitochondria.
  • b) Centriole.
  • c) Flagella.
  • d) Spindle fibres.
on Q144) The following diagram represents a structure chromosome. Identify the structures marked as A, B and C.
  • a) A - Satellite, B - Primary constriction, C - Acrocentric
  • b) A - Satellite, B - Secondary constriction, C - Metacentric
  • c) A - Satellite, B - Centromere, C - Telocentric
  • d) A - Satellite, B - Centromere, C - Submetacentric
on Q145) Fernandez Moran particles are seen in:
  • a) Centrioles.
  • b) Lysosomes.
  • c) Nucleus.
  • d) Mitochondria.
on Q146) How many of the following statements are true: (i) Tubulins are present in spindle fibres. (ii) Nuclear lamina is the intermediate filaments found in the inner surface of the nuclear membrane. (iii) Coiled chromatin fibre in interphase is a solenoid. (iv) Chromosome is a nucleoprotein structure.
  • a) One.
  • b) Two.
  • c) Three.
  • d) Four.
on Q147) Every living cell has a:
  • a) Membrane.
  • b) Food vacuole.
  • c) Chloroplast.
  • d) Cell wall.
on Q148) The best material for study of structure of cell membrane is:
  • a) RBC of human.
  • b) RBC of frog.
  • c) Cheek cell of human.
  • d) Liver cell of rat.
on Q149) Select the incorrect statement about prokaryotic ribosomes.
  • a) 50S and 30S subunits unite to form 70S ribosomes.
  • b) Polysomes/polyribosome consists of many ribosomes only.
  • c) Ribosome is the site of protein synthesis.
  • d) Polysomes indicate the synthesis of identical polypeptide in multiple copies.
on Q150) Read the following statements and identify the correct option. (i) Contractile vacuole takes part in osmoregulation and excretion. (ii) Food vacuole is formed by engulfing the food particles. (iii) The vacuole is bound by a double membrane called tonoplast. (iv) Vacuole can occupy upto 90 percent of the volume of the cell.
  • a) (i) and (ii).
  • b) (ii) and (iv).
  • c) (i), (ii) and (iv).
  • d) All of the above.
on Q151) Consider the following statements: (i) Golgi apparatus is an important site of glycoprotein and glycolipids formation. (ii) Algae have cell wall made up of cellulose, galactans, hemicelluloses and minerals like calcium carbonate. (iii) The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the site for protein synthesis. (iv) Majority of the chloroplasts of the green plants are found in mesophyll cells of leaves. Of the above statements:
  • a) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct while (iv) is incorrect.
  • b) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct while (ii) is incorrect.
  • c) (i) and (iv) are correct while (ii) and (iii) are incorrect.
  • d) (ii) and (iii) are correct while (i) and (iv) are incorrect.
on Q152) Identify the organelle present inside another organelle:
  • a) Peroxisomes.
  • b) Glyoxysomes.
  • c) Ribosomes.
  • d) Sphaerosomes.
on Q153) Assertion: Heterochromatin is dark, thick condensed part of chromatin. Reason: Heterochromatin is generally more active.
  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
  • d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
on Q154) Which of the following statements are correct?
  • a) Na+/K+ pump is an example of active transport.
  • b) In plant cells lipid like steroidal hormones are synthesized in RER.
  • c) In plant cells, the vacuoles can occupy up to 10% of the volume of the cell.
  • d) Chlorophyll and leucoplast are responsible for trapping light energy essential for photosynthesis.
on Q155) How many of the following statements are true: (i) Porins are present in both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. (ii) Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic flagella are made up of flagellin. (iii) Cholesterol is absent in the plasma membrane of bacteria. (iv) Gram negative bacteria are more pathogenic.
  • a) One.
  • b) Two.
  • c) Three.
  • d) Four.
on Q156) The important site of formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids in eukaryotic cell is:
  • a) Endoplasmic reticulum.
  • b) Golgi apparatus.
  • c) Lysosomes.
  • d) Nucleus.
on Q157) Most of water, in mature plant cells occurs in:
  • a) Nucleus.
  • b) Cell wall.
  • c) Vacuoles.
  • d) Cytoplasm.
on Q158) Match column-I with column-II and select the correct option.
Column I Column II
A. RER Intracellular and extracellular digestion
B. Cell wall Provide structural support to the cell
C. Flagella Protein synthesis and secretion
D. Lysosomes 4 Responsible for cell movement
  • a) A= 3 ;B= 2 ;C= 4 ;D= 1
  • b) A= 2 ;B= 3 ;C= 4 ;D= 1
  • c) A= 1 ;B= 3 ;C= 2 ;D= 4
  • d) A= 4 ;B= 2 ;C= 3 ;D= 1
on Q159) The centromere of a chromosome is also called:
  • a) Satellite.
  • b) Primary constriction.
  • c) Secondary constrictions.
  • d) Centrioles.
on Q160) Satellite means:
  • a) Terminal part of the chromosome beyond secondary constriction.
  • b) Terminal part of the chromosome beyond primary constriction.
  • c) Terminal part of chromosome beyond tertiary constriction.
  • d) None of the above.
on Q161) Select the statements which are related to Schwann. (i) He reported that cells have a thin outer layer which is today known as plasma membrane. (ii) Cell wall is a unique character of the plant cell. (iii) Body of plants and animals are composed of cells and products of cells.
  • a) Only (i).
  • b) Only (iii).
  • c) (i) and (iii).
  • d) All of these.
on Q162) Which of the following statement is not concerned with the fluid mosaic model of cell membrane?
  • a) More extrinsic proteins at inner surface.
  • b) Presence of glycocalyx at both surfaces.
  • c) Quasi - fluid nature of lipids enables lateral movement of proteins.
  • d) Tunnel proteins run throughout the thickness of the membrane.
on Q163) Total number of microtubules present in Centrosome:
  • a) 9.
  • b) 9 + 2.
  • c) 27.
  • d) 54.
on Q164) Which of the following is false about mitochondrial membrane?
  • a) Outer membrane is smooth while inner membrane is folded to Cisternae.
  • b) ATP synthesising unit is present in inner membrane.
  • c) Outer membrane is more permeable than inner membrane.
  • d) Inner membrane contains porins.
on Q165) Read the statements given below with regard to the functions performed by Golgi apparatus? (i) Transport and chemically modify the materials contained within it. (ii) Performs the function of packaging materials. (iii) Important site of formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids. Which of the following is the correct answer?
  • a) (i) is wrong but (ii) and (iii) are correct
  • b) (ii) is wrong but (i) and (iii) are correct
  • c) (ii) and (iii) are wrong but (i) is correct
  • d) All are correct.
on Q166) Which of the following properties is common to all cytoskeletal motor proteins (such as kinesins, myosins and dyneins) ?
  • a) ATPase activity
  • b) ability to bind to biological membranes
  • c) two globular head proteins
  • d) an actin binding domain.
on Q167) Which of the following is not a character of gram +ve bacteria?
  • a) Cell wall contains 70 - 80% of peptidoglycan.
  • b) 2 rings are present in basal body of flagella.
  • c) Teiochoic acid present.
  • d) Lipopolysaccharide present.
on Q168) Detoxification site in the liver cell is:
  • a) Golgi apparatus.
  • b) Ribosomes.
  • c) RER.
  • d) SER.
on Q169) Consider the following statements: (i) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum developed from rough endoplasmic reticulum. (ii) Rough endoplasmic reticulum is more stable than smooth endoplasmic reticulum. (iii) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is responsible for protein synthesis. (iv) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum gives rise to Sphaerosomes.
  • a) All statements are true.
  • b) All except (iii) are true.
  • c) Only (i) and (ii) are true.
  • d) Only (i) and (iv) are true.
on Q170) Read the following statements and find out the correct statements: (i) The shape of cell may vary with the function they perform. (ii) The prokaryotic cells lack all membrane bound organelles. (iii) Schleiden, a German botanist concluded, based on his studies on plant tissues, that the presence of wall is a unique character of the plant cells. (iv) Based on their studies on plants and animals, Schwann a British zoologist proposed the hypothesis that the bodies of plants and animals are composed of cells and products of cells. (v) Schleiden and Schwann modified the hypothesis of Rudolf Virchow and gave the cell theory a final shape.
  • a) (ii), (iv) and (v).
  • b) (i), (iii) and (iv).
  • c) (i), (ii) and (v).
  • d) (i), (ii) and (iv).
on Q171) Ribosomes are: (i) Found only in eukaryotes. (ii) Negatively charged. (iii) Positively charged. (iv) Synthesised in nucleolus.
  • a) (i), (ii) and (iv) are true.
  • b) Only (i) and (ii) are false.
  • c) (i), (iii) and (iv) are true.
  • d) Both (ii) and (iv) are false.
on Q172) Which of the following are the monomers of pectin in the cell wall?
  • a) Xylens and glucomannans.
  • b) Galactans and Arabagalactose.
  • c) Arabinose and Galactose.
  • d) Glucose and Xylens.
on Q173) Chromatin is made up of:
  • a) DNA and protein.
  • b) DNA and histone.
  • c) DNA, RNA, protein.
  • d) RNA, histone and oil bodies.
on Q174) Who proposed that new cells arise through cell division of pre-existing cells.
  • a) Robert Hook
  • b) Rudolf Virchow
  • c) Robert Brown
  • d) Singer
on Q175) Chromatosome refers to:
  • a) Nucleosome + H1.
  • b) Linker DNA + H1.
  • c) Nucleosome + Linker DNA.
  • d) Nucleosome only.
on Q176) Cell sap is a:
  • a) Living content of cytoplasm.
  • b) Nonliving content of cytoplasm.
  • c) Nonliving content of vacuole.
  • d) Living content of vacuole.
on Q177) Identify the components labelled A, B, C and D in the given section of cilia/flagella showing different parts. Choose the option which shows the correct labelling of parts.
  • a) A Plasma membrane, B Interdoublet bridge, C Central microtubule, D Radial spoke
  • b) A Plasma membrane, B Arm, C Central microtubule, D Radial spoke
  • c) A Plasma membrane, B Interdoublet bridge, C Hub, D Radial spoke
  • d) A Plasma membrane, B Interdoublet bridge, C Hub, D Arm.
on Q178) Which of these is wrongly matched?
  • a) Chloroplasts - Chlorophyll.
  • b) Elaioplasts - Starch.
  • c) Chromoplasts - Carotenoids.
  • d) Amyloplasts - Carbohydrates.
on Q179) Balbiani rings are active sites of:
  • a) DNA replication.
  • b) Fat and lipid synthesis.
  • c) Synthesis of polysaccharides.
  • d) Synthesis of RNA and Proteins.
on Q180) Consider the following statements and choose the correct statement. (i) The endomembrane system includes mitochondria, chloroplast and peroxisomes. (ii) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the major site for synthesis of lipid. (iii) Rough endoplasmic reticulum is actively involved in protein synthesis. (iv) Mitochondrial matrix possesses single circular DNA, a few RNA and 80S ribosomes. Of the above statements.
  • a) (i) and (iii).
  • b) (ii) and (iv).
  • c) (iii) and (iv).
  • d) (ii) and (iii).
on Q181) The secretion of macromolecules by fusing transport vesicles to the plasma membrane is:
  • a) Pinocytosis.
  • b) Exocytosis.
  • c) Endocytosis.
  • d) Phagocytosis.
on Q182) Pericentriolar material is:
  • a) Gel like material deposited around the paired centriole.
  • b) Gel like material deposited around the centrosome.
  • c) Fluid part in the centrosome.
  • d) Both A and B.
on Q183) Choose the wrong statement regarding bacterial cell: (i) Glycocalyx is the outermost envelope in bacteria. (ii) Glycocalyx could be loose sheath called capsule. (iii) Glycocalyx may be thick and tough called slime layer. (iv) A special structure formed by the plasma membrane is called mesosome. (v) Small bristle like fires sprouting out o the cell are called fimbriae.
  • a) (i) and (v) are wrong.
  • b) (iv) and (v) are wrong.
  • c) (ii) and (iii) are wrong.
  • d) (i) and (v) are wrong.
on Q184) Which of the following statements are true regarding chloroplasts? (i) Endosymbiotic in origin by a cyanobacterium. (ii) Imparts in cytoplasmic inheritance. (iii) Stroma contains small single stranded circular DNA. (iv) Semi autonomous.
  • a) (i) and (ii) only.
  • b) (iv) only.
  • c) (ii) and (iv) only.
  • d) (i), (ii) and (iv) only.
on Q185) Primary lysosomes are derived from:
  • a) Centrosome.
  • b) Golgi bodies.
  • c) Plasma membrane.
  • d) Mitochondria.
on Q186) In which of the following chromosomes, have secondary constriction in humans? (i) Chromosome number (ii) Chromosome number (iii) Chromosome number (iv) Chromosome number 23.
  • a) (i) and (iv).
  • b) (ii) and (iii).
  • c) (i) and (iii).
  • d) (iii) and (iv).
on Q187) Find the wrong pair:
  • a) Mitochondria - 70 S ribosomes.
  • b) Leucoplasts - Colourless plastids.
  • c) Vacuole - Tonoplast.
  • d) Golgi apparatus - Cristae.
on Q188) The tail of the phospholipid molecule:
  • a) Is hydrophilic and composed of phosphate.
  • b) Is hydrophilic and composed of saturated hydrocarbons.
  • c) Is hydrophobic and composed of saturated hydrocarbons.
  • d) Is hydrophobic and composed of unsaturated hydrocarbons.
on Q189) Three of the following statements regarding cell organelles are correct while one is wrong. Which one is wrong?
  • a) Lysosomes are double membraned vesicles budded off from Golgi apparatus and contain digestive enzymes.
  • b) Endoplasmic reticulum consists of a network of membranous tubules and helps in transport, synthesis and secretion.
  • c) Leucoplasts are bound by two membranes, lack pigment but contain their own DNA and protein synthesizing machinery.
  • d) Sphaerosomes are single membrane bound and are associated with synthesis and storage of lipids.
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