on Q241) A major breakthrough in the studies of cells came with the development of electron microscope. This is because:
  • a) The resolution power of the electron microscope is much higher than that of the light microscope.
  • b) The resolving power of the electron microscope is 200 - 350 nm as compared to 0.1 - 0.2 nm for the light microscope.
  • c) Electron beam can pass through thick materials, whereas light microscopy requires thin sections.
  • d) The electron microscope is more powerful than the light microscope as it uses a beam of electrons which has wavelength much longer than that of photons.
on Q242) Which of the following is not true about cilia and flagella?
  • a) Both help in locomotion.
  • b) Cilia is shorter and flagella is longer.
  • c) Flagella works like Oars.
  • d) hair-like outgrowths of the cell membrane.
on Q243) No membrane surrounds in this organelle.
  • a) Lysosome
  • b) Nucleolus
  • c) Golgi body
  • d) Nucleus
on Q244) Which organelle possess hydrolase enzyme?
  • a) Lysosome
  • b) Golgi apparatus
  • c) Mitochondria
  • d) Chloroplast
on Q245) (A) Cell is a structural and functional unit of living organisms. (R) New cells are not formed by cell division of preexisting cells.
  • a) Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are true and reason (B) is correct explanation of the assertion A.
  • b) Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are true but reason B is not a correct explanation of the assertion (A)
  • c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (B) is false.
  • d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason B is true.
on Q246) Which of the following is true regarding sap vacuole? (i) Acidic pH and hypertonic. (ii) Acidic pH and hypotonic. (iii) Alkaline pH and hypertonic. (iv) Alkaline pH and hypotonic. (v) Deposits more K+ and acetic acid.
  • a) (i) and (v) only.
  • b) (ii) and (v) only.
  • c) (iii) only.
  • d) (iv) only.
on Q247) pH of vacuolar cell sap is:
  • a) Neutral and isotonic.
  • b) Alkaline and isotonic.
  • c) Acidic and hypertonic.
  • d) Equal to cytoplasm and isotonic.
on Q248) In bacteria, the gene responsible for conjugation is present in:
  • a) F plasmid.
  • b) R plasmid.
  • c) Chromosomal DNA.
  • d) Genophore.
on Q249) Which of the following function is not done by cytoskeleton?
  • a) Intracellular transport.
  • b) Maintenance of shape.
  • c) Cell motility.
  • d) Cyclosis.
on Q250) How many of the following statements are true: (i) Telomerase is an enzyme which is a ribonucleoprotein. (ii) The non - sticky chromosomal ends are known as telomeres. (iii) Chromosome is a nucleoprotein structure. (iv) DNA is a homopolymer. (v) Every gene is a polynucleotide.
  • a) One.
  • b) Two.
  • c) Five.
  • d) Four.
on Q251) Assertion: Pili are non motile appendages of bacteria. Reason: Pili do not take part in conjugation.
  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
  • d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
on Q252) Find out the mismatched pair:
  • a) Golgi bodies - Export house.
  • b) Sphaerosomes - Oleosomes.
  • c) Lysosomes - Baker's body.
  • d) Mesosomes - Chondroid.
on Q253) Which of the following is true regarding rough endoplasmic reticulum? (i) Consists of tubules and vesicles. (ii) Detoxification of toxic substances. (iii) Developed from nuclear membrane. (iv) More stable. (v) Ribophorins are present.
  • a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v).
  • b) (i), (iii), (iv) and (v).
  • c) (iii), (iv) and (v).
  • d) (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v).
on Q254) Consider the following statements: (i) SER developed from RER. (ii) RER is more stable than SER. (iii) SER is responsible for protein synthesis. (iv) SER gives rise to Sphaerosomes.
  • a) All statements are true.
  • b) All except (iii) are true.
  • c) Only (i) and (ii) are true.
  • d) Only (i) and (iv) are true.
on Q255) Cell wall shows:
  • a) Semi permeability.
  • b) Permeability.
  • c) Impermeability.
  • d) Differential permeability.
on Q256) What is true statement regarding ribosomes?
  • a) Ribosomes contain DNA and proteins.
  • b) Ribosomes are active in carbohydrate synthesis.
  • c) Ribosomes are present both in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
  • d) Ribosomes are only found associated with the endoplasmic reticulum in prokaryotic cells.
on Q257) Mitochondria differ from chloroplast in having:
  • a) Circular ds DNA.
  • b) 70S ribosomes.
  • c) Porin proteins on outer membrane.
  • d) Oxidative cycles.
on Q258) Which of the following statement of a bacterial cell is/are correct? (i) Mesosome is formed by the extensions of plasma membrane into the cell. (ii) The pili are elongated tubular structures made up of a protein. (iii) Flagellum is composed of filament, hook and basal body. (iv) Ribosomes are about 30 nm by 50 nm in size.
  • a) (i), (ii), (iii).
  • b) All of the above.
  • c) (ii) & (iv).
  • d) None of the above.
on Q259) Park and Biggins receive credit for discovery of:
  • a) Oxysomes.
  • b) Quantasomes.
  • c) Lysosomes.
  • d) Microsome.
on Q260) Cytoskeleton is made of:
  • a) Proteinaceous filaments.
  • b) Calcium carbonate granules.
  • c) Cellulosic micro fibrils.
  • d) Callose deposits.
on Q261) Which of the following is true regarding plasma membrane in eukaryotes? (i) Selectively permeable. (ii) Glycerophospholipids are major phospholipids. (iii) Allow solvent and certain solutes. (iv) Presence of channels and pumps. (v) Semi permeable.
  • a) (ii), (iv) and (v).
  • b) Only (iv) and (v).
  • c) Only (i), (ii) and (iv).
  • d) All except (v).
on Q262) The thickness of a unit membrane is:
  • a) 55Å .
  • b) 35Å.
  • c) 20Å.
  • d) 75Å.
on Q263) Consider the following statements: (i) With regarding to plasma membrane, glycoproteins acts as recognition site, the site for attachment and provide antigen specificity to cell membrane. (ii) Cholesterol provides both stability and fluidity to the cell membrane. (iii) Spectrin is an extrinsic protein found in the plasma membrane. (iv) Glycerophospholipids are the major phospholipids in the biological membrane.
  • a) (i) and (ii) are false.
  • b) All except (ii) are true.
  • c) (i), (ii) and (iii) are false.
  • d) Only (iv) is true.
on Q264) 80S type of ribosomes contains:
  • a) 60% rRNA and 40% proteins.
  • b) 40% rRNA and 60% proteins.
  • c) 30% rRNA and 60% proteins.
  • d) 50% rRNA and 30% proteins.
on Q265) Assertion: Transmembrane proteins penetrate the lipid layers. Reason: Extrinsic proteins are loosely bound to lipid layers.
  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
  • d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
on Q266) How many types of histone proteins are present in a eukaryotic cell?
  • a) One.
  • b) Two.
  • c) Three.
  • d) Five.
on Q267 Match the following in Column I with Column II:
Column I Column II
a. Primary wall Phenolic compound
b. Secondary wall Accretion
c. Plasmalemma Intussusceptions
d. Lignin PLLP.
- -  - - Carbohydrates
  • a) a= 5; b=4; c= 3; d= 1
  • b) a= 2; b=3; c= 4; d= 5
  • c) a= 3; b=2; c= 4; d= 1
  • d) a= 2; b=3; c= 4; d= 1
on Q268) Assertion: Polytene chromosomes have high amount of DNA. Reason: Polytene chromosomes are formed by nuclear division without replication of DNA as Endomitosis.
  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
  • d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
on Q269) Bacterial flagellum consists of all the following components except:
  • a) Microtubules.
  • b) Hook.
  • c) Basal body.
  • d) Filament.
Column I Column II
Ribosomes a. 1972
Nucleus b. 1855
Omnis cellulae e cellulae c. 1953
Fluid mosaic model d. 1831
  • a) 1= c ; 2= d ;3=a ;4=b
  • b) 1= c ; 2= d ;3=b ;4=a
  • c) 1= d ; 2= d ;3=a ;4=c
  • d) 1= b ; 2= c ;3=d ;4=a
on Q272) The Endosymbiotic theory suggests that there are similarities between prokaryotes, mitochondria and chloroplast like:
  • a) Presence of circular DNA not associated with histones and 70S ribosomes.
  • b) Presence of circular DNA associated with histones and 70S ribosomes.
  • c) Presence of 50S ribosomes and DNA.
  • d) Presence of 80S ribosomes and RNA.
on Q273) If the centromere is situated close to the end of a chromosome, it is called as:
  • a) Metacentric.
  • b) Sub metacentric.
  • c) Acrocentric.
  • d) Telocentric
on Q274) Select the correct statement from the following regarding cell membrane.
  • a) Na+ and K+ ions move across cell membrane by passive transport.
  • b) Proteins make up 60 to 70% of the cell membrane.
  • c) Lipids are arranged in a bilayer with polar heads towards the inner part.
  • d) Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane was proposed by Singer and Nicolson.
on Q275) How many of the following cell organelles are not present in prokaryotic cell? Endoplasmic reticulum, Nucleus, lysosomes, vacuoles, ribosomes, centrioles
  • a) 6
  • b) 5
  • c) 4
  • d) 2
on Q276) Which of the following is true about stroma except:
  • a) Contains enzymes for carbohydrates and proteins synthesis.
  • b) Chlorophyll pigments are present in stroma.
  • c) Contains the most abundant protein of the universe.
  • d) Contains small, dsDNA molecules.
on Q277) Microfilaments are made up of
  • a) Fat
  • b) Protein
  • c) Carbohydrates
  • d) Nucleic acid
on Q278) What is the function of SER?
  • a) Synthesis of Steroid hormone
  • b) Synthesis of protein
  • c) Synthesis of enzyme
  • d) a,b,c,all
on Q279) (A) Ribosome is non-membrane organelles. (R)Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis
  • a) Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are true and reason (B) is correct explanation of the assertion A.
  • b) Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are true but reason B is not a correct explanation of the assertion (A)
  • c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (B) is false.
  • d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason B is true.
on Q280) (A)The cytoplasm contain microbodies (R)The microbodies are not bound by membrane.
  • a) Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are true and reason (B) is correct explanation of the assertion A.
  • b) Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are true but reason B is not a correct explanation of the assertion (A)
  • c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (B) is false.
  • d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason B is true.
on Q281) Broken membrane of endoplasmic reticulum and golgi bodies are called:
  • a) Mitoplast.
  • b) Microsome.
  • c) Microbodies.
  • d) Both (A) and (B).
on Q282) The fluidity of membranes in a plant in cold weather may be maintained by:
  • a) Increasing the number of phospholipids with unsaturated hydrocarbon tails.
  • b) Increasing the proportion of integral proteins.
  • c) Increasing concentration of cholesterol in membrane.
  • d) Increasing the number of phospholipids with saturated hydrocarbon tail.
on Q283) Membranous extensions in blue green algae are known as:
  • a) Phytochrome.
  • b) Chromatophores.
  • c) Mesosome.
  • d) Pneumatophores.
on Q284) Match column-I with column-II and choose the correct option.
Column I(Chromosome) Column II (Position of Centromere)
a. Metacentric At the tip
b. Submetacentric Almost near the tip
c. Acrocentric At the middle
d. Telocentric Slightly away from the middle
  • a) a=3; b=4; c=2; d=1
  • b) a=4; b=3; c=2; d=1
  • c) a=1; b=2; c=3; d=4
  • d) a=4; b=3; c=1; d=2
on Q285) Which of the following is not true for ribosomes?
  • a) Each ribosome is made of two subunits.
  • b) When associated with endoplasmic reticulum, they are attached with their 40S subunit.
  • c) Endoplasmic reticulum bound ribosomes synthesise serum proteins and membrane proteins.
  • d) Free ribosomes synthesise structural proteins.
on Q286) Which of the following is incorrect for Rudolf Virchow?
  • a) He gave the statement 'Omnis cellulae e cellulae'.
  • b) He modified the hypothesis of Schleiden and Schwann to give cell theory a final shape.
  • c) According to him, all cells arise from pre - existing cells.
  • d) He proposed the cell theory but this theory did not explain how new cells are formed.
on Q287) Smallest component is:
  • a) Ribosomes.
  • b) Microtubules.
  • c) Microfilaments.
  • d) Glycosomes.
on Q288) How many of the following statements are true regarding mesosomes? (i) Discovered by Fitz James. (ii) Mainly occurs in Gram -ve bacteria. (iii) They are involved in aerobic respiration, cell wall formation and DNA replication. (iv) Contains respiratory enzymes which help in anaerobiasis. (v) Functional equivalence of mitochondria and golgi bodies. (vi) Septal mesosomes are associated with nucleoid and are involved in DNA replication. (vii) Mainly two types are present.
  • a) 4
  • b) 5
  • c) 6
  • d) 7
on Q289) Identify the correct sequence of origin of plastids:
  • a) Leucoplasts → Chromoplasts → Chloroplasts.
  • b) Chloroplasts → Chromoplasts → Leucoplasts.
  • c) Chromoplasts → Leucoplasts → Chloroplasts.
  • d) Leucoplasts → Chloroplasts → Chromoplasts.
on Q290) Tonoplast is:
  • a) Vacuolar membrane - Semi permeable.
  • b) Vacuolar membrane - Selectively permeable.
  • c) Cell membrane - Semi permeable.
  • d) Cell membrane - Selectively permeable.
on Q291) Assertion: Plant cells make spindle fibres even though they do not have centromeres. Reason: Plant cells have microtubular organisation near nucleus.
  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
  • d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
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