X is the outermost whorl of the flower and contains Y. Y is green, leaf like and protect the other whorls of the flower. Identify X and Y.
  • a) X - Calyx; Y - Sepals
  • b) X - Corolla; Y - Petals
  • c) X - Gynoecium; Y - Fruit
  • d) X - Androecium; Y - Ovary
Identify the different types of aestivation (A, B, C and D) in corolla and select the correct option
  • a) A-Valvate, B-Twisted, C-Imbricate, D-Vexillary
  • b) A-Vexillary, B-Valvate, C-Twisted, D-Imbricate
  • c) A-Imbricate, B-Vexillary, C-Valvate, D-Twisted
  • d) A-Twisted, B-Imbricate, C-Vexillary, D-Valvate
Aestivation of corolla in pea is:
  • a) Valvate.
  • b) Imbricate.
  • c) Twisted.
  • d) Vexillary.
Given below are the names of fruits: (i) Apple. (ii) Litchi. (iii) Pineapple. (iv) Watermelon. (v) Grapes. (vi) Grapes. (vii) Custard apple. Select the correct option that shows the correct type of fruits:
  • a) (iii) Pine apple – Synconus, (iv) Watermelon – Pepo, (vi) Custard apple – Etaerio of Achene.
  • b) (iii) Litchi – Nut, (v) Grapes – True berries, (i) Apple – Sorosis.
  • c) (i) Apple – Pome, (iii) Pineapple – Sorosis, (vi) Custard apple – Etaerio of Achene.
  • d) (iii) Litchi – Berry, (iv) Watermelon – Hesperidium, Grapes – Pepo.
Aleurone layer helps in
  • a) storage of food in endosperm.
  • b) protection of embryo.
  • c) utilization of stored food.
  • d) all of the above.
Match column-I with column-II and choose the option which shows their correct combination.
Column-I Column-II
A. Gamosepalous I. Flower of lily
B. Polysepalous II. Sterile anther
C. Gamopetalous III. Free petals
D. Polypetalous IV. Free sepals
E. Epiphyllous V. Fused petals
F. Staminode VI. Fused sepals
  • a) A - IV, B- V, C - III, D - I, E - VI, F - II
  • b) A - IV, B - III, C- V, D - I, E - II, F- VI
  • c) A - VI, B - IV, C - III, D - V, E- I, F - II
  • d) A- VI, B- IV, C- V, D - III, E - II, F- I
Consider the following statements regarding the root system of angiosperms and choose the correct option given below.In monocots, the fibrous root system arises from the base of the stem.The region of elongation is called the root hair region.In sweet potato, the adventitious roots get swollen and store food.The stems of maize and sugarcane have supporting roots called prop roots.
  • a) (i) and (ii) are correct but (iii) and (iv) are wrong.
  • b) (ii) and (iii) are correct but (i) and (iv) are wrong.
  • c) (ii) and (iv) are correct but (i) and (iii) are wrong.
  • d) (i) and (iii) are correct but (ii) and (iv) are wrong.
Which of the following part elongates directly and leads to the formation of primary roots?
  • a) bud
  • b) radicle
  • c) plumule
  • d) root hair
In which of the following plants, a slender lateral branch arises from the base of the main axis and after growing aerially arch downwards to touch the ground?
  • a) Mint and jasmine
  • b) Banana and pineapple
  • c) Grass and strawberry
  • d) Pistia and Eichhornia
The region of the stem where leaves are born are called ____________ while ____________ are the portions between two ____________.
  • a) nodes, nodes and internodes
  • b) nodes, internodes and nodes
  • c) internodes, nodes and nodes
  • d) internodes, internodes and nodes
The swollen leaf base of petiole is known as:
  • a) Ligules.
  • b) Amplexical.
  • c) Pulvinus.
  • d) Stipules.
Which among the following plant is used as a fodder and belongs to the family Fabaceae?
  • a) Aswagandha.
  • b) Aloe.
  • c) Trifolium.
  • d) Makoi
Choose the diagram which shows imbricate aestivation:

  • unit-2_ch-3_qn-198choice_img_no1.png

  • unit-2_ch-3_qn-198choice_img_no2.png

  • unit-2_ch-3_qn-198choice_img_no3.png

  • unit-2_ch-3_qn-198choice_img_no4.png
Which of the following is not a member of the family Solanaceae?
  • a) Petunia and Schizanthus – Grown in gardens for their beautiful flowers.
  • b) Mandragora officinarium – Mandrake plant.
  • c) Capsicum (chilli spice), Lycopersicum esculentum – edible fruits.
  • d) Tulipa gasneriana – Beautiful flower.
Consider the following statements: (i) In Racemose inflorescence, the flowers are borne in acropetal succession. (ii) In brinjal ovary is superior. (iii) Capitulum inflorescence is the characteristic feature of Asteraceae family. (iv) Synandrous stamen is found in Cucurbita.
  • a) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
  • b) (ii) and (iv) are correct.
  • c) (i) and (iv) are correct.
  • d) All are correct.
In a flower there are five unequal petals. The posterior petal is the largest; the two anterior petals are partially fused form a boat shaped structure. The two lateral petals are smaller than the posterior petal. Which one of the following characters is not associated with such a flower:
  • a) The aestivation of the petals is descendingly imbricate.
  • b) There are many carpels.
  • c) The odd petal is anterior.
  • d) The anther is Diadelphous usually.
A bud is present in:
  • a) The axile of petiole of a simple leaf.
  • b) The axile of petiole of compound leaf.
  • c) The stem apex.
  • d) All are correct.
Inflorescence of which one of the following sets completely develops into composite fruits?
  • a) Spike, Corymb, Hypanthodium.
  • b) Spike, female catkin, Hypanthodium.
  • c) Umbel, catkin, Spadix.
  • d) Female catkin, Corymb, spike.
When the filament runs throughout the length of anther, it is called:
  • a) adnate.
  • b) dorsifixed
  • c) versatile
  • d) syngenesious.
When a shoot tip transform into flower
  • a) It is always solitary
  • b) The flower is always short lived
  • c) It is never solitary
  • d) The flower is always long lived
Common feature of flower in Salvia and Brassica:
  • a) Didynamous stamens.
  • b) Cruciform corolla.
  • c) Tetradynamous stamens
  • d) Stamens exhibit variation in the length of the filaments within a flower.
The outer, inner and middle layers of pericarp are:
  • a) Epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp respectively.
  • b) Epicarp, endocarp and mesocarp respectively.
  • c) Endocarp, mesocarp and epicarp respectively.
  • d) Endocarp, epicarp and mesocarp respectively.
The edible part of Litchi are:
  • a) Fleshy receptacle.
  • b) Fleshy thalamus.
  • c) Fleshy and juicy aril.
  • d) Juicy hairs.
Which of the following are a fodder and a medicinal plant?
  • a) Indigofera and Asparagus.
  • b) Sesbania and Belladonna.
  • c) Trifolium and Petunia.
  • d) Aloe and Lupin.
Which is/are wrong about solanaceae?
  • a) Compound leaves.
  • b) Stipulate leaves.
  • c) Superior ovary.
  • d) Both (A) and (B).
Assertion: Bulbil of Dioscorea and tendrils of Passiflona are homologues. Reason: Both are axillary bud modifications.
  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
  • d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
Which of the following plants have root pockets?
  • a) Eichhorinia
  • b) Capparis
  • c) Opuntia
  • d) Banyan
Some plans have rhizome and roots as underground structures. Which characteristics of rhizome would distinguish them from roots?
  • a) Rhizomes are thicker than roots.
  • b) Rhizomes have scaly leaves
  • c) Rhizome are thinner than roots
  • d) None of the above
Bulbils take part in :
  • a) Sexual reproduction
  • b) Respiration
  • c) Transpiration
  • d) Vegetative reproduction
Adventitious roots: (AFMC:1994,Chandigadh CETs 1997)
  • a) Develop from radical
  • b) Develop from flower
  • c) Develop from embryo
  • d) Develop from any part of plant body except radical
A fruit developed from Hypanthodium inflorescence is called:
  • a) Caryopsis.
  • b) Hesperidium.
  • c) Synconus.
  • d) Sorosis.
Which of the following features is common in citrus, tobacco and onion?
  • a) All three are dicot plants.
  • b) All these bear actinomorphic flowers with axile placentation.
  • c) All these have thorn and stipules.
  • d) All these bear hypogynous condition and reticulate venation.
Which one of the following option shows the correct labelling of the structure marked as A, B, C & D?
  • a) A - Gynoecium, B - Megasporophyll, C - Ovule, D - Thalamus
  • b) A - Gynoecium, B - Stamen, C - Seed, D - Thalamus
  • c) A - Microsporophyll, B - Stamen, C - Ovule, D - Thalamus
  • d) A - Gynoecium, B - Stamen, C - Ovule, D - Thalamus
Match column I with column II and choose the correct combination from the options given below.
Position of floral parts on thalamus Represented in
A. Hypogynous I. Ray florets of sunflower
B. Perigynous II. Brinjal
C Epigynous III Peach
  • a) A= II, B= I, C= III
  • b) A= I, B= II, C= III
  • c) A= III, B= II, C= I
  • d) A= II, B= III, C =I
When a flower can be divided into two equal radial halves in any radial plane passing through the centre, it is known as
  • a) actinomorphic
  • b) zygomorphic
  • c) asymmetric
  • d) bisymmetric
Pneumatophores are found in
  • a) the vegetation which is found in marshy and saline lake.
  • b) the vegetation which found in saline soil.
  • c) xerophytic condition.
  • d) hydrophytic condition.
Persistent and accrescent calyx occurs in:
  • a) Pea.
  • b) Gram.
  • c) Physalis.
  • d) Petunia.
Which type of fruit is found in Compositae is also known as:
  • a) Siliqua.
  • b) Silicula.
  • c) Achene.
  • d) Cypsela.
Which of the following statement is/are true? (i) The stem is the ascending part of the axis bearing branches, leaves etc. (ii) The region of stem where leaves are born are called nodes. (iii) Thorns are modifications of leaves. (iv) In majority of dicotyledonous plants, the direct elongation of the radicle leads to the formation of primary root. (v) The primary roots and its branches constitute the tap root system.
  • a) (i), (iv) and (v) only.
  • b) (ii) and (iii) only.
  • c) (i), (ii), (iv) and (v) only.
  • d) (iii) and (iv) only.
Following are some special features of certain placentation types, identify the wrong co-relation.
  • a) Marginal placentation – Monocarpellary gynoecium.
  • b) Basal placentation – Presence of one ovule inside the ovary.
  • c) Axile placentation – Multicarpellary, multilocular ovary.
  • d) Parietal placentation – Multicarpellary, multilocular ovary.
Pick out the wrong statement: (i) In Racemose type of inflorescence, the main axis continues to grow. (ii) In cymose type of inflorescence, the main axis terminates in a flower. (iii) In Racemose inflorescence, the formal are borne in basipetal order and in cymose inflorescence the flowers are born in acropetal order. (iv) Hypanthodium is a special type of inflorescence found in the plant .
  • a) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).
  • b) (iii) and (iv).
  • c) (iii) only.
  • d) (iv) only.
Study the following lists.
List-I List-II
(A) A piece of underground branches store (I) Mentha food material
(B) Underground branches grow obliquely upward from the axillary buds of nodes of the stem below the soil (II) Hydrocotyl
(C) Aerial branches grow obliquely downwards (III) Agave and produce adventitious roots after touching the soil
(D) Weak stemmed plants have a cluster of leaves (IV) Stachys and roots at every node
-- -- (V) Jasminum
  • a) A- (III), B- (IV), C- (II), D- (I).
  • b) A- (IV), B- (V), C- (III), D- (II).
  • c) A- (IV), B- (I), C- (V), D- (II).
  • d) A- (II), B- (V), C- (I), D- (III).
A shorter and thicker sub aerial stem bearing lateral branches and giving out adventitious roots from all nodes are:
  • a) Stolon.
  • b) Sucker.
  • c) Offset.
  • d) Runner.
Position of which floral organ, with respect to ovary on thalamus describes the flower is hypogynous, Perigynous and epigynous:
  • a) Calyx.
  • b) Corolla.
  • c) Androecium.
  • d) All of these.
Stamens are fused by both the filaments as well as the anther throughout their whole length is present in _______ and the cohesion is called ________.
  • a) Cucurbita, Diadelphous.
  • b) Helicanthus, Syngenesious.
  • c) Cucurbita, Synandrous.
  • d) Ricinus, Synandrous.
Which one of the following option is not correctly matched?
  • a) cymose -Acacia
  • b) Hypanthodium - Banyan
  • c) Cyathium - Euphorbia
  • d) Verticillaster - Calotropis
Some foliar roots also produce adventitious root as in
  • a) Oxalis
  • b) Coleus
  • c) Tapioca
  • d) Bryophyllum
In roots, from the region of maturation, some of the epidermal cells form very fine and delicate, thread – like structures called:
  • a) Root hairs.
  • b) Root cap.
  • c) Root pocket.
  • d) Root system.
Which of the following statements are true: (i) Thorns are modifications of stem. (ii) The pattern of arrangement of leaves on the stem or branch is called phyllotaxy. (iii) In Pinnately compound leaves, a number of leaflets are present on a common axis, the rachis, which represents the midrib of the leaf as in Neem. (iv) In opposite type of phyllotaxy, a single leaf arises at each node in alternate manner, as in China rose.
  • a) (i) and (ii).
  • b) (ii), (iii) and (iv).
  • c) (ii) and (iii).
  • d) (i), (ii) and (iii).
The incorrect statement is:
  • a) In Nepenthes, the lamina forms a pitcher like structure.
  • b) In Utricularia, the leaves modify to form a bladder like structure.
  • c) Drosera leaves are reproductive in nature.
  • d) Bryophyllum leaves helps in vegetative propagation.
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