Assertion: Deficiency symptoms of N, K and Mg are first visible in the senescent leaves. Reason: Biomolecules containing these elements are broken down in the older leaves, making these elements available for mobilising to younger leaves.
  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
  • d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
Which one of the following is essential for photolysis of water?
  • a) Manganese.
  • b) Zinc.
  • c) Copper.
  • d) Boron.
In which form Phosphorous is absorbed from soil ?
  • a) H3PO4-
  • b) HPO4-
  • c) H2PO4-
  • d) H4P2O7-
Toxicity of Mn inhibits function of which other elements ?
  • a) Fe, Mg, S
  • b) Ca, Fe, Mg
  • c) Mg, K, Fe
  • d) Ca, P, S
Pick out the matching sequence:
(A) Calcium and sulphur Absorbed by plants in the form of bivalent ions Deficiency symptoms appeared in younger tissues Both are enzyme stimulators
(B) Magnesium and Phosphorus Major elements Required by 1 – 10mg/gm of dry matter Energy related elements
(C) Silicon and selenium Beneficial elements Required by all plants in small quantities Require less than 0.1mg/gm of dry matter
(D) Molybdenum Tracer element Involved in nitrogen metabolism Stimulates nitrate reductase enzymes
  • a) A
  • b) B
  • c) C
  • d) D
Boron is absorbed by plants as BO33- and B4O72-. How many of the following are functions of Boron? (i) Uptake and utilisation of calcium. (ii) Membrane functioning. (iii) Pollen germination. (iv) Cell elongation, cell differentiation and carbohydrate translocation.
  • a) (i) and (iii)only.
  • b) (i), (ii) and (iv) only.
  • c) (iv) only.
  • d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).
Find out the false statement regarding leg haemoglobin:
  • a) Nodule contains an oxygen binding haem protein called leg haemoglobin which is present in the cytoplasm of infected nodule cells at high concentration.
  • b) The host plant produce both globin portion and haem portion of leg haemoglobin to infection by the bacteria.
  • c) It provides sufficient oxygen to Bacterioids.
  • d) It is a pink coloured substance.
In plants, mineral nutrition, elements are called macro and micro elements depending upon their:
  • a) Relative presence in plant ash.
  • b) Relative importance in plant growth.
  • c) Relative amount required in plants.
  • d) Relative availability in soil.
Which element deficiency shows bronzing leaves ?
  • a) K
  • b) N
  • c) Ca
  • d) S
Write an example of bacteria and the process which is responsible for reducing nitrates to gaseous nitrogen ?
  • a) Agrobacterium and Nitrification
  • b) Pseudomonas and Agrobacterium
  • c) Nitrosomonas and Denitrification
  • d) Agrobacterium and Denitrification
Assertion: Excess manganese in soil, can adversely decrease magnesium, iron and calcium in the soil. Reason: Manganese increases the rate of photosynthesis thereby increasing the absorption of Mg, Fe and Ca from the soil.
  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
  • d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
Match the following columns:
Column I Column II
a. Rhizobium leguminosarum Cereal roots
b. Ureides Azolla
c. Azospirillum brasiliense Pisum sativum
d. Frankia Soybeans
e. Anabaena Alnus
  • a) a →3 ; b →4 ; c →1 ; d →5 ; e →2 ;
  • b) a →4 ; b →3 ; c →1 ; d →2 ; e →5 ;
  • c) a →5 ; b →4 ; c →2 ; d →1 ; e →3 ;
  • d) a →3 ; b →5 ; c →4 ; d →1 ; e →2 ;
Deficiency of which mineral causes shortening of internodes and reduction in cambium activity ?
  • a) K
  • b) Fe
  • c) Cu
  • d) B
What is responsible for N2 fixation in Rhizobium ?
  • a) nif - gene
  • b) leghemoglobin
  • c) Nitrogenase
  • d) ATP
Match the following:
Column I Column II
a. Necrosis Ca, Mg, Cu, K.
b. Chlorosis N, K, S, Mo.
c. Inhibition of cell division. N, S, Mo.
d. Delayed flowering Fe, Mg.
  • a) a → 1; b → 2; c →3; d → 4
  • b) a → 4; b → 2; c →1; d → 3
  • c) a →2; b → 3; c →1; d → 4
  • d) a → 1; b → 4; c →2; d → 3
Amonification is the release of NH3 after the death of plants and animals and their degradation. Find the mistake in the given statement.
  • a) Conversion of NH3 into NO2- and 3NO3- is not mentioned.
  • b) Excretory substances of dead bodies is not mentioned.
  • c) Microbes responsible for degradation in the process are not mentioned.
  • d) Release of NH3 from N2 containing substances (denitrification) is not mentioned.
Which element is required for absorption and utilization of calcium ?
  • a) Fe
  • b) Cu
  • c) B
  • d) K
Refer the given reaction, what does it depict?
  • a) Oxidative amination.
  • b) Transamination.
  • c) Reductive amination.
  • d) Deamination.
Nitrogen is an important constituent of ... ... [ AMU 1998]
  • a) Polyphosphates
  • b) Carbohydrates
  • c) Proteins
  • d) Lipids
Match the column .... ..... [ kerala 2006 ]
a) Aerobic Frankia
b) Cyanobacteria 2.Azospirillum
c) Casuarina 3.Clostridium
d) Tropical grasses Aulosira
- -   - - Azotobacter
  • a) a - 4, b - 3, c - 2, d - 1
  • b) a - 5, b - 3, c - 4, d - 1
  • c) a - 5, b - 4, c - 1, d - 2
  • d) a - 3, b - 5, c - 4, d - 2
Element required in least quantity is ... ... [ AMU 1997]
  • a) Zn
  • b) Mn
  • c) Mo
  • d) Cl
Function of red pigment leghaemoglobin present in root nodules of leguminous plants is to regulate ... .... [ AMU 2011]
  • a) CO2 supply in cells
  • b) Mo supply to cells
  • c) O2 supply to cells
  • d) Production of phenolic compounds
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