Which one occurs during both cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation
  • a) Formation of ATP
  • b) Release of O2
  • c) Formation of NADPH2
  • d) Involvement of both PSI and PSII
Fret channel is a another name for
  • a) Stroma lamellae
  • b) Intergranal lamellae
  • c) Grana lamellae
  • d) Space present in stroma lamellae
For synthesis of one glucose molecule, the number of ATP required are
  • a) 9 ATP for C3 cycle and 20 ATP for C4 cycle
  • b) 18 ATP for C3 cycle and 30 ATP for C4 cycle
  • c) 22 ATP for C3 cycle and 35 ATP for C4 cycle
  • d) 24 ATP for C3 cycle and 36 ATP for C4 cycle
The name Melvin Calvin is associated with
  • a) synthesis of ATP during photosynthesis
  • b) release of water during photosynthesis
  • c) carbon fixation during photosynthesis
  • d) capture light energy during photosynthesis
Pick up C4 plant.
  • a) Papaya
  • b) Potato
  • c) Maize
  • d) Maize
The number of photons required to release one mole of O2 in photosynthesis called.
  • a) quantum yield
  • b) quantum requirement
  • c) red drop
  • d) Emerson’s effect
For chlorophyll formation most important are
  • a) Fe++ and Ca++
  • b) Fe++ and Mg++
  • c) Mg++ and Ca++
  • d) all the above
The basic feature of typical C4 plants showing ‘Kranz’ anatomy is
  • a) the presence of chloroplasts in mesophyll and epidermal cells
  • b) the presence of chloroplasts in bundle sheath cells
  • c) the presence of rudimentary chloroplasts in bundle sheath cells and typical chloroplasts with well-formed grana in mesophyll cells
  • d) the presence of typical chloroplasts with well-formed grana in bundle sheath cells and rudimentary chloroplasts in the mesophyll cells
Match the names of scientists given under Column – I with their important contributions given under Column – II ; choose the answer which gives correct combination of the alphabets :
Column – I(Scientists) Column – II(Contributions)
P. Peter Mitchell (i) Law of limiting factor
Q. Blackmann (ii) Dark reaction
R. Daniel Arnon (iii) Photosynthetic phosphorylation
S. Melvin Calvin (iv) Chemiosmotic hypothesis
- -   - - t. Mass flow hyposhesis
  • a) P = (iv) Q = (i) R = (iii) S = (ii)
  • b) P = (i) Q = (iv) R = (ii) S = (iii)
  • c) P = (ii) Q = (i) R = (iii) S = (iv)
  • d) P = (iv) Q = (iii) R = (ii) S = (i)
A. Under conditions of high light intensity and limited CO2 supply, photorespiration has a useful role in protecting the plants from photo-oxidative damage. R. If enough CO2 is not available to utilize light energy for carboxylation to proceed, the excess energy may not cause damage to plants.
  • a) If Assertion (A) and reason (R) both are correct and R is explanation to A.
  • b) If (A) and (R) both are correct but (R) is not an explanation to A.
  • c) If A is true but R is false.
  • d) If both A and R are false.
Photolysis of each water molecule in light reaction will yield
  • a) 2 electrons and 4 protons
  • b) 4 electrons and 4 protons
  • c) 4 electrons and 2 protons
  • d) 2 electrons and 2 protons
______ is precursor for abscissic acid (ABA)
  • a) Zeatin
  • b) Lutein
  • c) Violaxanthin
  • d) Mevalonic acid
Dark reaction requires light reaction for
  • a) carboxylation of RUBP
  • b) regeneration of RuBP
  • c) reduction of PGA
  • d) formation of hexose sugar
Reduction of co-enzyme NADP depends on
  • a) Reduction of CO2
  • b) Evolution of O2
  • c) Photolysis of water
  • d) Formation of ATP
In non-cyclic photophosphorylation
  • a) ATP is generated
  • b) Both PSI and PSII are involved
  • c) Electron flow is unidirectional
  • d) All the above
C40H56O2 is molecular formula of
  • a) Xanthophyll
  • b) Carotenes
  • c) Chlorophylls
  • d) Phycobillins
If thylakoids are removed and kept in culture medium having CO2 and H2O and exposed to light ; they cannot form hexose sugars as end product because.
  • a) light trapping device absent
  • b) pigments P-700 and P-680 not linked
  • c) CO2 assimilating enzymes absent
  • d) CO2 assimilation cannot occur in light
Out of the total light energy that is available for plants is
  • a) 50 %
  • b) 75 %
  • c) 25 %
  • d) 1––2%
Match the names of scientists given under Column – I with their important contributions given under Column – II ; choose the answer which gives correct combination of the alphabets :
Column – I(Scientists) Column – II(Contributions)
P. Peter Mitchell (i) Steps of dark reaction of photosynthesis.
Q. J.W. Gibbas (ii) Photosynthetic phosphorylation
R. Danial Arnon (iii) Concept of free energy
S. Melvin Calvin (iv) Chemiosmotic hypothesis
- -   - - (v) Mass flow hypothesis
  • a) P = (iv), Q = (iii), R = (ii), S = (i)
  • b) P = (iii), Q = (iv), R = (i), S = (i)
  • c) P = (iv), Q = (v), R = (iii), S= (ii)
  • d) P = (iv), Q = (iii), R = (i), S = (ii)
A. The atmospheric concentration of CO2 at which photosynthesis just compensation point. R. The CO2 compensation point is reached when the amount of CO2 uptake is less than that generated through respiration because the level of CO2 in the atmosphere is more than that required for achieving CO2 compensation point.
  • a) If A is correct and R is its explanation
  • b) If A is correct but R is not its explanation
  • c) If A is correct but R is wrong
  • d) If both A and R are correct
Photorespiration and photosynthesis both require
  • a) Organic fuel
  • b) chlorophyll
  • c) cytochromes
  • d) energy
RuBp carboxylase acts as RuBp carboxygenase at ______ CO2 conc. And ______ O2 conc.
  • a) low, low
  • b) low, high
  • c) high, high
  • d) high, low
Name a plant which do not perform photosynthesis is
  • a) Algae
  • b) Bryophyllum
  • c) cuscutta
  • d) Pitcher plant
The prerequisities of Calvins cycle are
  • a) H2O, CO2, ATP
  • b) ATP, H2O, NADPH2
  • c) CO2, ATP, NADPH2
  • d) NADPH2, H2O, CO2
Which of the following protist is a photoautotroph
  • a) Thiobacillus
  • b) Ferrobacillus
  • c) Diatoms
  • d) Chlorobium
Donor and acceptor of electrons is the same chlorophyll molecule in
  • a) Cyclic phtophosphorylation
  • b) Photorespiration
  • c) Substrate level phosphorylation
  • d) Non-cyclic photophosphorylation
What will happen to the rate of photosynthesis if sodium bicarbonate is added in the water having hydrilla plant in a beaker
  • a) It will remain normal
  • b) It will be decreased
  • c) It will be stopped
  • d) It will be accelerated
How many electrons are involved for the formation of 1 mole of glucose and 6O2 molecules ?
  • a) 6
  • b) 12
  • c) 18
  • d) 24
Photosynthesis is most active in
  • a) sunlight
  • b) yellow
  • c) red
  • d) green
In C4 plants showing Kranz anatomy which of the following is correct ?
  • a) Bundle sheath cells without grana and mesophyll cells with grana
  • b) bundle sheath cells with grana mesophyll cells without grana
  • c) both are without grana
  • d) both are with grana
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