Which of the following statement is incorrect?
  • a) Reaction centre is formed by a group of chl- a molecules.
  • b) Reaction centre is different in both the Photosystems.
  • c) In PS I the reaction centre chlorophyll a has an absorption peak at 700 nm.
  • d) In PS II the reaction centre chlorophyll a has absorption maxima at 680 nm
Consider the following statements: (i) Thylakoid membranes have high protein content and are usual in having relatively little phospholipids. Instead these membranes have high percentage of galactose containing lipids. (ii) Mitochondrial inner membrane is highly selectively permeable containing high percentage of cardiolipids. (iii) Both thylakoid membrane and mitochondrial inner membrane are impermeable to passive transport of protons. (iv) Water splitting complex and PS II, both are physically located in the inner surface of the thylakoid membrane. Of the above statements:
  • a) All statements are false.
  • b) All statements are true.
  • c) All except (iv) are true.
  • d) Both (ii) and (iv) are true.
Which of the following statements are false: (i) Thylakoid membrane is virtually impermeable of protons, a substantial electrochemical proton gradient can develop across the thylakoid membrane in illuminated chloroplast. (ii) Thylakoid membrane mainly contains galactose containing glycolipids. (iii) During proton pumping, lumen becomes more alkaline. (iv) Oxygen evolving complex is located only in luminal side of the grana thylakoid.
  • a) Both (ii) and (iii).
  • b) (i), (ii) and (iii).
  • c) (iii) only.
  • d) (iii) and (iv).
Consider the following statements: (i) Thylakoid membranes have high protein content and are usual in having relatively little phospholipids. Instead these membranes have high percentage of galactose containing lipids. (ii) Cytochrome b6 and cytochrome f are iron containing electron carriers. (iii) Plastocyanin is found in the inner surface of thylakoid membrane. (iv) D1 and D2 proteins are essential for photolysis of water. (v) Carotenoids are found in both antenna an core region. Of the above statements:
  • a) Only (ii) is true.
  • b) Both (iii) and (v) are false.
  • c) All except (v) are true.
  • d) (i), (iii) and (v) are false but (ii) and (iv) are true.
Consider the following statements regarding C4 plants: (i) Concentric arrangement of Mesophyll cells leads to the minimum surface area so that effect of high light intensity can be overcome. (ii) Shows response to high light intensity. iii) Six C4 cycles and six C3 cycles are required for the synthesis of one glucose molecule. (iv) Optimum temperature for photosynthesis is 30 – 40°C. Of the above statements:
  • a) Only (iii) is true.
  • b) All statements are true.
  • c) Both (i) and (ii) are false.
  • d) (i) and (iv) are false.
Which of the following is false regarding Hatch and Slack pathway? (i) Utilise 30 molecules of ATP for the synthesis of one molecule of glucose. (ii) C4 cycle operates both in mesophyll and bundle sheath cells. But C3 cycle occurs only in bundle sheath cells. (iii) No synthesis of glucose in C4 cycle. (iv) NADPH2 synthesis occurs in both mesophyll and bundle sheath cells. (v) Catalytic activity of RuBisco in C4 cycle is carboxylation of PEP. (v) C4 photosynthesis involves both C3 and C4 cycle but the aim of C4 cycle is to build up CO2 concentration in the bundle sheath.
  • a) All except (i) and (ii).
  • b) (iv) and (v) only.
  • c) (iii), (iv) and (v) only.
  • d) All except (ii).
How many of the following statements are false? (i) Increase in incident light beyond a point causes the breakdown of chlorophyll and decrease in photosynthesis. (ii) Current availability of CO2 level in the atmosphere is limiting to C3 plants. (iii) In C4 plants, RuBisco functions as oxygenase enzyme minimising the carboxylation activity. (iv) C4 plants show response to low light intensities. (v) In Kranz anatomy, bundle sheath cells are arranged without intercellular spaces.
  • a) 1
  • b) 2
  • c) 3
  • d) All are true.
Which of the following does not occur during the Calvin cycle?
  • a) carbon fixation
  • b) release of oxygen
  • c) oxidation of NADPH
  • d) regeneration of the CO2 acceptor
hlorophyll b is:
  • a) C55H70O5N4Mg.
  • b) C55H70O6N5Mg.
  • c) C55H72O5N4Mg.
  • d) C55H70O6N4Mg.
Choose the correct statement from the following? (i) In C4 plants, photorespiration does not occur. (ii) In C4 plants, the concentration of CO2 is very low (iii) RUBISco functions as an oxygenase activity than carboxylase in C4 plants. (iv) Oxaloacetic acid is the primary CO2 fixation product in C4 plants. (v) Rice and wheat are examples of C3 plants.
  • a) (i) and (ii).
  • b) (i), (iv) and (v).
  • c) (iv) and (v).
  • d) (ii) and (iii).
Identify the statement that is true for C4 plants but not for C3 plants?
  • a) Initially fix carbon dioxide in Mesophyll cells as 4-carbon long compounds.
  • b) Initially fix carbon dioxide in bundle sheath cells as 3-carbon long compounds
  • c) Initially fix carbon dioxide in mesophyll cells as 3-carbon long compounds.
  • d) Initially fix carbon dioxide in bundle sheath cells as 4-carbon long compounds.
In the leaves of C4 -plants malic acid synthesis during CO2 fixation occurs in
  • a) epidermal cells
  • b) mesophyll cells
  • c) bundle sheath
  • d) guard cells
Which of the following is the characteristic of PS-I?
  • a) It is activate only upto 680 nm of light.
  • b) The reaction centre of PS-I is P680
  • c) PS-I is reduced by the electrons released in photolysis of water.
  • d) PS-I is involved in non-cyclic photophosphorylation.
The half-leaf experiment, where a part of the leaf is enclosed in a test tube containing some KOH soaked cotton was performed, which showed that _________ was required for photosynthesis?
  • a) Light
  • b) Chlorophyll
  • c) CO2
  • d) O2
In mechanism, photophosphorylation is most similar to
  • a) substrate-level phosphorylation in glycolysis.
  • b) oxidative phosphorylation in cellular respiration.
  • c) the Calvin cycle.
  • d) carbon fixation.
The difference in development of proton gradient in photosynthesis and respiration is-
  • a) Photosynthesis has thylakoid membrane across which proton gradient is generated
  • b) Proton accumulation is inside the membrane of thylakoid.
  • c) both a and b
  • d) Mitochondrial membrane is involved
Which evidence confirmed that O2 released during photosynthesis comes from water?
  • a) Isolated chloroplasts in water released O2 if supplied with potassium ferricyanide (reducing agent).
  • b) Photosynthetic bacteria use H2S and CO2 to make carbohydrates, H2O and Sulphur.
  • c) Isotopic O2 supplied as H2O appears in the O2 release in photosynthesis.
  • d) All of the above.
In blue green algae, Photosystem II contains an important pigment required for photolysis of water which is:
  • a) β carotene.
  • b) Phycobilins.
  • c) Chlorophyll a.
  • d) Chlorophyll b.
Consider the following statements: I. Photosynthetic electron flow is coupled to proton pumping across the thylakoid membrane and thus the stroma become alkaline and the lumen becomes more acidic. II. Both PlastoQuinone B and Ubiquinone are lipid soluble and are mobile electron carriers. III. Far red light is absorbed by both PS I and PS II.
  • a) I and II are true.
  • b) I and III are false.
  • c) II and III are false.
  • d) All the statements are false.
Given below are some characteristics of photosynthetic plants. Which of these are true for C4 plants? (i) RuBisco is present in mesophyll cells. (ii) 3 carbons in the primary carbon dioxide acceptor. (iii) The primary carbon dioxide fixation product is PGA. (iv) Possess PEPcase. (v) The initial Carboxylation occurs in bundle sheath cells. (vi) The Calvin cycle takes place in the bundle sheath cells. (vii) 4 – carbon atoms in the primary carbon dioxide fixation product.
  • a) (i), (iv), (v) and (vii).
  • b) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (vi).
  • c) (ii), (iii) and (iv).
  • d) (ii), (iv), (vi), (vii).
Chlorophyll molecule consists of:
  • a) 4 membered pyrrole ring with a central core of Mg and phytol side chain.
  • b) 4 membered pyrrole ring and a phytol side chain.
  • c) 5 membered pyrrole ring and a phytol side chain.
  • d) 5 membered pyrrole ring with a central core of Mg and phytol side chain.
Intact chloroplasts from leaves can be isolated using:
  • a) Acetone.
  • b) Alcohol.
  • c) Ethanol.
  • d) Sugar solution.
Which one of the following is wrong in relation to photorespiration ? It
  • a) occurs in chloroplasts
  • b) occurs in daytime only
  • c) is a characteristic of C4 plants
  • d) is a characteristic of C3 plants
Find out the mismatched pair: (i) Bell pepper – C3 plant – Optimum temperature 300C to 40deg;C. (ii) Sorghum – Tropical plant – CAM. (iii) Cladophora – Green algae – Engelmann. (iv) NADP – Grana – Non cyclic photophosphorylation. (v) PEPcase – Both C4 and CAM plants – Mesophyll cells.
  • a) Both (i) and (ii).
  • b) Both (iv) and (v).
  • c) Both (i) and (iii).
  • d) Only (ii).
Identify the proteins bounded to light harvesting complex: (i) CAB proteins → protect excess energy loss by heat. (ii) CAB proteins → orient chlorophyll in a plane suitable for light absorption. (iii) IP 39 → protect reaction centres from infrared light. (iv) IP 39 → orient chlorophyll in a plane suitable for maximum light absorption.
  • a) (i) and (iii).
  • b) (ii) and (iv).
  • c) (i) only.
  • d) (ii) only.
Crops such as tomatoes and bell pepper, allowed to grow in a carbon dioxide rich environment, show higher yields because:
  • a) They show an increased rate of photosynthesis at higher carbon dioxide concentrations
  • b) They can respond to high carbon dioxide conditions even in low light conditions.
  • c) They show C4 pathway for carbon fixation at high carbon dioxide is the limiting factor in such plants.
  • d) Only carbon dioxide is the limiting factor in such plants
Following is needed in the ionic form during non-cyclic photophosphorylation but not during cyclic photophosphorylation in higher plants.
  • a) copper
  • b) iron
  • c) manganese
  • d) zinc
The C4 plants differ from C3 plants with reference to the
  • a) substrate that accepts CO2 in carbon assimilation
  • b) type of end product
  • c) type of pigment involved in photosynthesis
  • d) number of ATP that are consumed in preparing sugar
What does chemiosmosis requires?
  • a) membrane, cytosol, proton pump, ATPase and proton gradient
  • b) membrane, cytosol, proton pump and H-ions
  • c) membrane, proton pump, ATPase and proton gradient
  • d) membrane, cytosol, proton pump, ATPase and proton gradient and H-ions
Which of the following does not differ in C3 and C4 plants? (i) Initial CO2 acceptor. (ii) Extent of photorespiration. (iii) Enzyme catalysing reaction that fixes CO (iv) Presence of Calvin cycle. (v) Leaf anatomy.
  • a) (i) and (v).
  • b) (iv) only.
  • c) (ii) and (iii).
  • d) (ii) only.
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