Which of the following processes would happen due to the stress caused by penicillin in an ecosystem?
  • a) Natural selection.
  • b) Lamarckian evolution.
  • c) Competition.
  • d) Mutation.
In birthrate and death rate is equal, then what will be the Vital Index ?
  • a) = 1
  • b) = 100
  • c) > 100
  • d) < 100
What is the vital Index, if Birht rate is 0 and Death rate = 5 ?
  • a) 0
  • b) 100
  • c) 1
  • d) None of these
If marine fish is kept in fresh water, will it survive
  • a) Yes, If chlorine cells are placed in its kidney
  • b) Yes, If chlorine cells are placed in its green gland
  • c) No, Because it can not adapt
  • d) No, they can not survive but of young ones hatching out of their eggs can survive
In which subdivision of aquatic ecosystem thermal stratification in seen ?
  • a) marine
  • b) deep fresh water habitat
  • c) marine and fresh water area
  • d) None of these
Increase and decrease in a population in one of the places in USA, because of sandy cyclone is given below. Which type of graph is possible for total no. of individuals in a population v/s month ? Month Birth rate Immigration Death Emigration July 40 100 30 20 August 100 200 50 45 September 200 800 100 10 October 100 -- 5000 3000
  • a) S. Shaped
  • b) irruptive
  • c) J. Shaped
  • d) None of these
A species whose distribution is restricted to a small geographical area because of the presence of a competitively superior species, is found to expand its distributional range dramatically when the competing species is experimentally removed. This is called
  • a) Competitive Exclusion
  • b) Competitive Release
  • c) Competitive Supremacy
  • d) Competitive Inclusion
When the population density reaches the carrying capacity, the logistic growth curve is said to be in
  • a) Lag phase
  • b) A phase of acceleration
  • c) A phase of deceleration
  • d) Asymptote
Under a particular set of selection pressure, organisms evolved towards the most efficient
  • a) Thermoregulation
  • b) Water conservation
  • c) Respiration
  • d) Reproduction strategy
In which of the following interactions both partners are adversely affected?
  • a) Competition
  • b) Predation
  • c) Parasitism
  • d) Mutualism
Commensalism is an association of two species in which
  • a) one live attached to the other without harming it
  • b) both organisms derive benefit from each other
  • c) one derives its nutrition from the other
  • d) none of the above
While heat gain or heat loss is the function of __________, heat production is the function of ________ of the body of an animal
  • a) Volume; Surface area
  • b) Surface area; Volume
  • c) Volume, Volume
  • d) Surface area; Surface area
A high density of elephant population in an area can result in
  • a) Mutualism
  • b) Intraspecific competition
  • c) Interspecific competition
  • d) Predation on one another
In an experiment freshly hatched larvae of an insect (Khapra beetle) were reared on a basal diet ( complete diet without cholesterol) with increasing amounts of cholesterol. Results obtained are shown in the graph given in the table: The graph indicates that
  • a) cholesterol is an essential dietary requirement of khapra beetle
  • b) growth of khapra beetle is directly proportional to cholesterol concentration
  • c) cholesterol concentration of 2μg/g diet is optimum level
  • d) growth of khapra beetle is inhibited when cholesterol concentration exceeds 5μg/g diet
The most widespread form of symbiosis in nature is
  • a) mutualism
  • b) commensalism
  • c) predatism
  • d) parasitism
Consider the following statements: (i) For aquatic organisms, the quality (chemical composition, pH) of water becomes more important. (ii) The concentration (measured in salinity in parts per million) is less than 5 in inland waters, 30 – 35 in the sea and > 100 in some hypersaline lagoons. (iii) Some organisms can tolerate a wide range of salinity and are called euryhaline. (iv) Some organisms can tolerate a narrow range of salinity and are called ectotherms. (v) Many freshwater animals cannot survive in sea water for a long time due to osmotic problems.
  • a) All except (iv) are correct.
  • b) Only (ii) and (iv) are false.
  • c) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) are true.
  • d) All statements are true.
Name the animals with freshwater habit in which (i) endosmosis is possible (ii) Excess water in removed by green glands (iii) Greenglands removes water in the from of urine
  • a) Fresh water fishes
  • b) ophiocephalus
  • c) Crustacean astucus
  • d) None of these
What is true for both the organism showing interspecific competition ?
  • a) Both are benefited
  • b) more or less harmful effect to both
  • c) one is benefited where as other is at loss
  • d) None of these
Which is true for the following statements ? Statement X : Cursorial animals have spindle shaped body Statement Y : Because of narrow head they can prepare burrow properly
  • a) X=True; Y= False
  • b) X=False; Y= True
  • c) X=False; Y= False
  • d) X=True; Y= True
What is true for the given statement ? Statement X : Most of the animals and almost all the plants cannot keep up their internal enviornment constant Statement Y : process of osmoregulation in plants is an example of this
  • a) Both statements are true
  • b) X - correct, Y- wrong
  • c) Both statements are wrong
  • d) X- wrong, Y- correct
Biotic community means.... [CBSC, PMT - 2001]
  • a) Group of Birds
  • b) Group of species
  • c) Group of interrelated population
  • d) Groups of interrelated ecosystem
The logistic growth curve of animal population growth is more realistic than J shaped curve because
  • a) Asexual mode of reproduction is rare in higher animals
  • b) Resources are finite and become limiting sooner or later
  • c) Most animals are conformers rather than regulators
  • d) Abiotic factors affect animals more than plants
July 11 is observed as
  • a) World population day
  • b) No tobacco day
  • c) World environment day
  • d) World health day
The graph shows two types of population grows curve. A is exponential anad B is logistic Which one of the following growth model considered as more realistic one?
  • a) Exponential growth curve
  • b) Logistic growth curve
  • c) Both the growth curves
  • d) None of the above
Which one of the following is most approximately defined:
  • a) Host is an organism which provides food to another organism.
  • b) Amensalism is the relationship in which one species in benefitted whereas the other is unaffected.
  • c) Predator is an organism that catches or kills other organisms for food.
  • d) Parasite is an organism which always lives inside the body of other organisms and may kill it.
From the following statements, mark the correct ones: (i) The smaller animals have larger surface area relative to their volume. (ii) Smaller animals are rarely found in polar region. (iii) Bear cannot migrate hence hibernate during winter. (iv) Smaller animals have smaller surface area relative to their volume. (v) Aquatic mammals have blubber to decrease the surface area.
  • a) Only (i), (ii) and (v) are correct.
  • b) Only (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
  • c) Only (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
  • d) Only (iv) and (v) are correct.
Certain characteristic demographic features of developing countries are:
  • a) High fertility, low or rapidly falling mortality rate, rapid population growth and very young age distribution.
  • b) High fertility, rapid density, rapidly rising mortality rate and very young age distribution.
  • c) High infant mortality, Low fertility, uneven population growth and very young age distribution.
  • d) High mortality, high density, uneven population growth and very young age distribution.
A mechanism that has evolved among species that promote co-existence rather than exclusion is:
  • a) Competitive release.
  • b) Interference partitioning.
  • c) Intraspecific competition.
  • d) Resource partitioning.
What is true for the following statements ? Statement X : Migration of birds is influenced by light. Statement Y : Reproduction of birds is influenced by light. Statement Z : In all birds gonads are activated due to increase in intensity of light during summer.
  • a) X=True; Y=False; Z=False
  • b) X=False; Y= True; Z= False
  • c) X=True; Y= True; Z= True
  • d) X=True; Y= True; Z= False
Find out population density. Since last 4 years number of lions in a squre forest is 500 (length of forest =10 km)
  • a) 1.25 lions/year . k meter2
  • b) 12.5 lions/ k meter2 - year
  • c) 1.025 lions/ cm2 month
  • d) 12.5 lions/ k meter2 – month
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