Which fuel has the maximum calorific value? [ MP PET 1990]
  • a) Charcoal
  • b) Kerosene
  • c) Wood
  • d) Cow-dung
For the processCO2(s) → CO2(g) .. [ Pb.CET 1988]
  • a) Both ΔH and ΔS are positive
  • b) ΔH is negative and ΔS is positive
  • c) ΔH is positive and ΔS is negative
  • d) Both ΔH and ΔS are negative
Heat of neutralisation is least when... [ KCET 1988]
  • a) NaOH is neutralised by CH3COOH
  • b) NaOH is neutralised by HCl
  • c) NH4OH is neutralised by CH3COOH
  • d) NH4OH is neutralised by HNO3
In which of the following reactions does the heat change represent the heat of formation of water? [ EAMCET 1991]
  • a) 2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(l); ΔH=-116 kcal
  • b) H2(g) + ½ O2(g) → H2O(l)
  • c) H+(aq) + OH-(aq) → H2O(l) ; ΔH=-13.7 kcal
  • d) C2H2(g) + 2.5 O2 → 2CO2(g) + H2O(l); ΔH=-310 kcal
If for H2(g) + ½ O2(g) → H2O(g)ΔH1 is the enthalpy of reaction and for H2(g) + ½ O2(g) → H2O (l)ΔH2 is enthalpy of reaction, then.. [ Pb. CET 1990]
  • a) ΔH1 > ΔH2
  • b) ΔH1=ΔH2
  • c) ΔH1 < ΔH2
  • d) ΔH1 + ΔH2=0
Heat of neutralisation of strong acid and strong base is nearly equal to ...[ AIIMS 1988]
  • a) 10 kJ/mole
  • b) 10 cal/mole
  • c) -57 kJ/mole
  • d) -57 Cal/mole
If ΔH is the change in enthalpy and ΔE, the change in internal energy accompanying a gaseous reaction, then ..[ CBSE PMT 1990]
  • a) ΔH is always greater than ΔE
  • b) ΔH < ΔE only if the number of moles of products is greater than the number of moles of the reactants
  • c) ΔH is always less than ΔE
  • d) ΔH < ΔE only if the number of moles of products is less than the number of moles of the reactants
In which of the following, the entropy decreases? [ CPMT 1988]
  • a) Crystallisation of sucrose from solution
  • b) Rusting of iron
  • c) Melting of ice
  • d) Vaporization of camphor
If H+ + OH- → H2O + 13.7 kcalthen heat of complete neutralisation of one gram mole of H2SO4 with a base will be [ MP 1990]
  • a) 13.7 kcal
  • b) 27.4 kcal
  • c) 6.85 kcal
  • d) 3.425 kcal
A mixture of 2moles of carbon monoxide and one mole oxygen in a closed vessel in ignited to get carbon dioxide. If ΔH is the enthalpy change and ΔE is the change in internal energy, then ..[ MP PMT 1998]
  • a) ΔH > Δ E
  • b) Δ H < Δ E
  • c) Δ H=Δ H
  • d) not definite
The molar neutralisation heat for KOH and HNO3 as compaired to molar neutralisation heat of NaOH and HCl is ..[ MP PMT 1989]
  • a) Less
  • b) more
  • c) equal
  • d) depends on pressure
The enthalpy at 298K of the reactionH2O2 → H2O(l) + ½ O2(g)is -23.5 kcal/mol and enthalpy of formation of H2O2(l) is -44.8 kcal/mol. The enthalpy of formation of H2O(l) is ... [ Pb. CET 1988]
  • a) - 68.3 kcal/mol
  • b) 68.3 kcal/mol
  • c) -91.8 kcal/mol
  • d) 91.8 kcal/mol
Which of the following is an endothermic reaction? [ IIT 1989]
  • a) 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
  • b) N2 + O2 → 2NO
  • c) 2NaOH + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2H2O
  • d) C2H5OH + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 3H2O
If CH3COOH + OH- → CH3COO- + H2O + q1H+ + OH- → H2O + q2then the enthalpy change for the reactionCH3COOH → CH3COO- + H+ is equal to ..[Pb.CET 1988]
  • a) q1 + q2
  • b) q1 - q2
  • c) q2 - q1
  • d) -q1 + q2
When 1M H2SO4 is completely neutralised by sodium hydroxide, the heat liberated is 114.64kJ. What is the enthalpy of neutralisation? [ Tamilnadu CET 2000]
  • a) + 114.64 kJ
  • b) - 114.64 kJ
  • c) -57.32 kJ
  • d) +57.32 kJ
H2 + 0.5 O2 → H2O; ΔH°=-68 kcalK + H2O + aq → KOH(aq) + 0.5H2; ΔH°=-48 kcalKOH + aq → KOH(aq) ; ΔH°=-14 kcalFrom the above data, the standard heat of formation of KOH in kcal is ... [ CPMT 1988]
  • a) - 68 + 48 - 14
  • b) - 68 - 48 + 14
  • c) 68 - 48 + 14
  • d) 68 + 48 + 14
Which of the following statements/relationship is not correct? [ Pb. CET 1989]
  • a) In an exothermic reaction, the enthalpy of products is less than that of reactants
  • b) ΔHfusion=ΔHsublimation -ΔHvaporisation
  • c) A reaction for which ΔH° < 0 and ΔS° > 0 is possible at all temperatures.
  • d) ΔH is less than ΔE for the reactionC(s) + ½O2(g) → CO(g)
Which of the following reaction can be used to define the heat of formation of CO2(g)? [ MP PMT 1989]
  • a) C(graphite) + O2 → CO2(g)
  • b) CH4(g) + O2 → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)
  • c) CO(g) + ½ O2(g) → CO2(g)
  • d) C6H6(l) + 7.5 O2(g) → 6CO2(g) + 3H2O
Given C(s) + O2 → CO2(g) ; ΔH=-395 kJS(s) + O2(g) → SO2(g) ; ΔH=-295 kJCS2(l) + 3O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2SO2(g) ; ΔH=-1110 kJThe heat of formation of CS2(l) is.. [ Bihar CEE 1992]
  • a) 125 kJ/mol
  • b) 31.25 kJ/mol
  • c) 32.5 kJ/mol
  • d) 250 kJ/mol
If ΔHf(X), ΔHf(Y), ΔHf(R) and ΔHf(S) denote the enthalpies of formation of X, Y,R and S respectively the enthalpy of the reactionX + Y → R + S is given .... [ Pb.CET 1898]
  • a) ΔHf(X) + ΔHf(Y)
  • b) ΔHf(R) + ΔHf(S)
  • c) ΔHf(X) + ΔHf(Y) - ΔHf(R) - ΔHf(S)
  • d) ΔHf(S) + ΔHf(R) - ΔHf(X) - ΔHf(Y)
One mole of a non-ideal gas undergoes a change of state (2.0atm, 3.0L, 95K) → (4.0 atm, 5.0L, 245K) with a chnage in internal energy, ΔU=30.0 L atm, The change in enthalpy ( ΔH ) of the process in L atm is ... [ IIT 2002 p
  • a) 40.0
  • b) 42.3
  • c) 44.0
  • d) not defined, because pressure is not constant
(diamond) → C(graphite) ; ΔH=-1.5 kJIt follows that
  • a) diamond is exothermic
  • b) graphite is endothermic
  • c) graphite is stable than diamond
  • d) diamond is stable than graphite
For the transition C(diamond) → C(graphite) ; ΔH = -1.5 kJ It follows that ... [ BHU 1981 ]
  • a) diamond is exothermic
  • b) graphite is endothermic
  • c) graphite is stabler than diamond
  • d) diamond is stabler than graphite.
Thermodynamic equilibrium involves .. [ Pb CET 1991]
  • a) Chemical equilibrium
  • b) Thermal equilibrium
  • c) Mechanical equilibrium
  • d) All the above
An isolated system is that system in which ...[ MP PMT 1993]
  • a) there is no exchange of energy with the surroundings
  • b) there is exchange of mass and energy with the surroundings
  • c) there is no exchange of mass and energy with surroundings
  • d) there is exchange of mass with surroundings
In reactionCO2(g) + H2(g) → CO(g) + H2(g); ΔH=2.8 kJΔH represents [ KCET 1993]
  • a) heat of reaction
  • b) heat of combustion
  • c) heat of formation
  • d) heat of solution
Evaporation of water is ... [ MP PMT 1993]
  • a) An exothermic change
  • b) An endothermic change
  • c) A process where no heat changes occur
  • d) A process accompanied by chemical reaction
At constant T and P which one of the following statements is correct for the reaction? S8(s) + 8O2(g) → 8SO2(g)
  • a) ΔH < ΔE
  • b) ΔH=ΔE
  • c) ΔH > ΔE
  • d) ΔH is independent of the physical state of the reactants
Since the enthalpy of elements in their natural state is taken zero, the heat of formation of compounds .... [ KCET 1993]
  • a) is always negative
  • b) is always positive
  • c) may be negative or positive
  • d) is zero
The enthalpy change(-ΔH) for the neutralization of 1M HCl by caustic potash in dilute solution at 298K is ... [ BHU 1993]
  • a) 68 kJ
  • b) 65 kJ
  • c) 57.3 kJ
  • d) 50 kJ
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