In how many ways can an object be passed to a function?
  • a) 1
  • b) 2
  • c) 3
  • d) 4
If an object is passed by value _____________
  • a) A new copy of object is created implicitly
  • b) The object itself is used
  • c) Address of the object is passed
  • d) A new object is created with new random values
Pass by address passes the address of object _________ and pass by reference passes the address of the object _________
  • a) Explicitly, explicitly
  • b) Implicitly, implicitly
  • c) Explicitly, Implicitly
  • d) Implicitly, explicitly
If an object is passed by reference, the changes made in the function ___________
  • a) Are reflected to the main object of caller function too
  • b) Are reflected only in local scope of the called function
  • c) Are reflected to the copy of the object that is made during pass
  • d) Are reflected to caller function object and called function object also
Constructor function is not called when an object is passed to a function, will its destructor be called when its copy is destroyed?
  • a) Yes, depending on code
  • b) Yes, must be called
  • c) No, since no constructor was called
  • d) No, since same object gets used
When an object is returned by a function, a _______________ is automatically created to hold the return value.
  • a) Temporary object
  • b) Virtual object
  • c) New object
  • d) Data member
Is the destruction of temporary object safe (while returning object)?
  • a) Yes, the resources get free to use
  • b) Yes, other objects can use the memory space
  • c) No, unexpected side effects may occur
  • d) No, always gives rise to exceptions
How to overcome the problem arising due to destruction of temporary object?
  • a) Overloading insertion operator
  • b) Overriding functions can be used
  • c) Overloading parenthesis or returning object
  • d) Overloading assignment operator and defining copy constructor
How many objects can be returned at once?
  • a) Only 1
  • b) Only 2
  • c) Only 16
  • d) As many as required
What will be the output of the following code? Class A { int i; public : A(int n) { i=n; cout<<”inside constructor ”; } ~A() { cout<<”destroying ”<<i; } void seti(int n) { i=n; } int geti() { return I; } }; void t(A ob) { cout<<”something ”; } int main() { A a(1); t(a); cout<<”this is i in main ”; cout<<a.geti(); }
  • a) inside constructor something destroying 2this is i in main destroying 1
  • b) inside constructor something this is i in main destroying 1
  • c) inside constructor something destroying 2this is i in main
  • d) something destroying 2this is i in main destroying 1
It is necessary to return the object if it was passed by reference to a function.
  • a) Yes, since the object must be same in caller function
  • b) Yes, since the caller function needs to reflect the changes
  • c) No, the changes are made automatically
  • d) No, the changes are made explicitly
How many objects can be passed to a function simultaneously?
  • a) Only 1
  • b) Only an array
  • c) Only 1 or an array
  • d) As many as required
If an object is passed by address, will be constructor be called?
  • a) Yes, to allocate the memory
  • b) Yes, to initialize the members
  • c) No, values are copied
  • d) No, temporary object is created
Is it possible that an object of is passed to a function, and the function also have an object of same name?
  • a) No, Duplicate declaration is not allowed
  • b) No, 2 objects will be created
  • c) Yes, Scopes are different
  • d) Yes, life span is different
Passing an object using copy constructor and pass by value are same.
  • a) True
  • b) False
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