refers to the measurement of humans
  • 12. The term Ankylosis literally means:
  • 61. The term Anthropo/metr/ic means:
  • 11. The medical term Burs/itis literally means:
  • 69. The diagnostic term Syn/dactylia means:
the toe or toes of the foot are bent over or down
  • 24. The diagnostic term Avulsion means:
  • 26. The diagnostic term Herniated Disc means:
  • 58. The diagnostic term Hammer Toe means:
  • 54. The diagnostic term Osteosarcoma means:
  • 36. The surgical term that actually means "surgically breaking joint apart" is:
  • 65. A procedure of making a record of muscle activity is called:
  • 39. The term for X-ray film (recording) of a joint is:
  • 40. The procedural term that means visual examination inside a joint is:
crooked, stiff, bent/condition; bones pathologically fused together
  • 58. The diagnostic term Hammer Toe means:
  • 61. The term Anthropo/metr/ic means:
  • 12. The term Ankylosis literally means:
  • 18. The combining form scolio- means:
kypho- - kyph/o/sis
  • 18. The combining form scolio- means:
  • 17. The combining forms that mean "stone" are:
  • 13. The combining form of a term that means "hump or hunchback" is ________, and the medical condition of __________ is the backward bending of the thoracic (chest vertebrae) spine.
  • 8. The combining word form that refers to the "spine, vertebral column, and/or vertebra" is:
excision of posterior vertebral arch and cutting the vertebral column
  • 34. The surgical term Phalang/ectomy means:
  • 28. The surgical terms Lamin/ectomy and Rachi/o/tomy actually mean:
  • 35. The surgical term that means "incision into the skull to drain fluid" is:
  • 51. The diagnostic term Rotator Cuff Avulsion actually means:
inflammation of a bone joint causing bone hypertrophy
  • 49. The diagnostic term Osteoarthritis means:
  • 24. The diagnostic term Avulsion means:
  • 50. The diagnostic term Bunion (turnip sac) actually means:
  • 26. The diagnostic term Herniated Disc means:
myelo- "osteomyelitis or myelogram"
  • 21. The diagnostic terms My/asthenia and Neur/asthenia mean:
  • 17. The combining forms that mean "stone" are:
  • 15. The combining form __________ means bone marrow or spinal cord.
  • 8. The combining word form that refers to the "spine, vertebral column, and/or vertebra" is:
petro- and litho-
  • 72. The muscle term ad/duct/or literally means:
  • 16. The combining forms that mean "movement or motion" are:
  • 17. The combining forms that mean "stone" are:
  • 76. The machine that records muscle activity is called the:
  • 23. The diagnostic term that means abnormal build up of calcium on the kneecap (patella) surface is:
  • 62. A bone process or eye membrane disease term that means resembling a wing is ________:
  • 27. The diagnostic term that means abnormal loss of bone density or increased bone poros/ity is:
  • 33. The surgical term that means fusing together of the spine (vertebrae) is:
hematoma formation, with ligaments that are stretched, or partially or fully torn
  • 6. The ankle bones are called the ________ bones:
  • 67. The diagnostic term Anterior Polio/myel/itis means an:
  • 49. The diagnostic term Osteoarthritis means:
  • 19. An ankle sprain is often characterized by ________:
  • 27. The diagnostic term that means abnormal loss of bone density or increased bone poros/ity is:
  • 23. The diagnostic term that means abnormal build up of calcium on the kneecap (patella) surface is:
  • 25. The diagnostic term for a disease that causes excessive amounts of uric acid crystals in the blood to be deposited in joint (elbow or toe) is:
  • 20. The diagnostic term Ankylos/ing Spondyl/itis refers to the auto-immune condition of Rheumatoid Arthritis and actually means:
  • 45. The medical term that means an artificial substitute or addition replacing a missing body part (teeth, feet, hearing aid, eye lens) is:
  • 44. The healing specialty that emphasizes a system of therapy based on the manipulation of the vertebral column and other bones of the body by hand is:
  • 36. The surgical term that actually means "surgically breaking joint apart" is:
  • 13. The combining form of a term that means "hump or hunchback" is ________, and the medical condition of __________ is the backward bending of the thoracic (chest vertebrae) spine.
DO and DC
  • 66. The condition resulting in spasms of the nerves and muscles due to an abnormally low concentration of calcium in the blood is:
  • 57. An Osteopathic Physician is represented by the Medical Abbreviation ____ and a Chiropractic Physician is represented by the Medical Abbreviation _______.
  • 62. A bone process or eye membrane disease term that means resembling a wing is ________:
  • 44. The healing specialty that emphasizes a system of therapy based on the manipulation of the vertebral column and other bones of the body by hand is:
  • 10. The diagnostic term that literally means inflamed joint is:
  • 33. The surgical term that means fusing together of the spine (vertebrae) is:
  • 36. The surgical term that actually means "surgically breaking joint apart" is:
  • 3. The first seven bones of the vertebral column (forming the neck) are the:
inflammation (viral based attack) of the frontal gray horn of the spinal cord
  • 50. The diagnostic term Bunion (turnip sac) actually means:
  • 21. The diagnostic terms My/asthenia and Neur/asthenia mean:
  • 47. The diagnostic term Ankylosing Spondylitis means:
  • 67. The diagnostic term Anterior Polio/myel/itis means an:
flat foot
  • 26. The diagnostic term Herniated Disc means:
  • 22. The diagnostic term that means pain in the tendon is:
  • 47. The diagnostic term Ankylosing Spondylitis means:
  • 73. The diagnostic term Pes Planus means:
tearing lose of a body part like a bone chip or ligament
  • 54. The diagnostic term Osteosarcoma means:
  • 24. The diagnostic term Avulsion means:
  • 49. The diagnostic term Osteoarthritis means:
  • 52. The diagnostic term Bunion (turnip sac) actually means:
  • 42. A physician who uses techniques and treatments common to Medical Doctors and Chiropractic Physicians is a(n):
  • 32. The term Chiro/pract/or literally means:
  • 36. The surgical term that actually means "surgically breaking joint apart" is:
  • 27. The diagnostic term that means abnormal loss of bone density or increased bone poros/ity is:
tenalgia or tenodynia
  • 68. The diagnostic term My/asthenia Gravis actually means:
  • 56. The diagnostic term Sub/luxation actually means:
  • 53. The diagnostic term Pre/patellar Burs/itis means:
  • 22. The diagnostic term that means pain in the tendon is:
  • 36. The surgical term that actually means "surgically breaking joint apart" is:
  • 39. The term for X-ray film (recording) of a joint is:
  • 9. The term that means cartilage swelling or cartilage tumor is:
  • 10. The diagnostic term that literally means inflamed joint is:
  • 65. A procedure of making a record of muscle activity is called:
  • 7. The combining forms or terms that literally mean "rib" are:
  • 31. The surgical term for the repair of cartilage is called:
  • 76. The machine that records muscle activity is called the:
  • 9. The term that means cartilage swelling or cartilage tumor is:
  • 35. The surgical term that means "incision into the skull to drain fluid" is:
  • 33. The surgical term that means fusing together of the spine (vertebrae) is:
  • 31. The surgical term for the repair of cartilage is called:
the process or procedure of inspection
  • 59. The term Examination means:
  • 29. The surgical term Arthr/o/desis means:
  • 58. The diagnostic term Hammer Toe means:
  • 12. The term Ankylosis literally means:
  • 46. The diagnostic term Spondylo/listh/esis literally and actually means:
  • 77. The literal meaning of the diagnostic term Cardio/myo/path/y is:
  • 68. The diagnostic term My/asthenia Gravis actually means:
  • 22. The diagnostic term that means pain in the tendon is:
muscle weakness and nerve weakness
  • 14. The diagnostic term Genu Varum ( knees are in the varus position) means:
  • 21. The diagnostic terms My/asthenia and Neur/asthenia mean:
  • 47. The diagnostic term Ankylosing Spondylitis means:
  • 22. The diagnostic term that means pain in the tendon is:
muscles that have faulty development; and wasting away of the muscles that did develop properly
  • 70. The diagnostic term Muscular Dys/trophy means:
  • 49. The diagnostic term Osteoarthritis means:
  • 67. The diagnostic term Anterior Polio/myel/itis means an:
  • 21. The diagnostic terms My/asthenia and Neur/asthenia mean:
bone marrow or red marrow
  • 14. The diagnostic term Genu Varum ( knees are in the varus position) means:
  • 1. The myeloid tissue in cancellous bone is semi-liquid and produces most RBCs, WBCs, and Platelets is usually referred to as:
  • 43. The medical term for a specialist who treats and diagnoses foot disease and disorders such as corns, bunions, claw foot, ingrown toenails, and par/onych/itis is a(n):
  • 20. The diagnostic term Ankylos/ing Spondyl/itis refers to the auto-immune condition of Rheumatoid Arthritis and actually means:
  • 1. The myeloid tissue in cancellous bone is semi-liquid and produces most RBCs, WBCs, and Platelets is usually referred to as:
  • 31. The surgical term for the repair of cartilage is called:
  • 43. The medical term for a specialist who treats and diagnoses foot disease and disorders such as corns, bunions, claw foot, ingrown toenails, and par/onych/itis is a(n):
  • 4. The third set of 5 large vertebrae, which form the inward curve of the lower spine and are the spinal column's major weight bearers, are called:
  • 10. The diagnostic term that literally means inflamed joint is:
  • 23. The diagnostic term that means abnormal build up of calcium on the kneecap (patella) surface is:
  • 27. The diagnostic term that means abnormal loss of bone density or increased bone poros/ity is:
  • 22. The diagnostic term that means pain in the tendon is:
  • 35. The surgical term that means "incision into the skull to drain fluid" is:
  • 23. The diagnostic term that means abnormal build up of calcium on the kneecap (patella) surface is:
  • 28. The surgical terms Lamin/ectomy and Rachi/o/tomy actually mean:
  • 36. The surgical term that actually means "surgically breaking joint apart" is:
one who practices by hand
  • 74. The muscle term supinator means:
  • 42. A physician who uses techniques and treatments common to Medical Doctors and Chiropractic Physicians is a(n):
  • 72. The muscle term ad/duct/or literally means:
  • 32. The term Chiro/pract/or literally means:
  • 35. The surgical term that means "incision into the skull to drain fluid" is:
  • 23. The diagnostic term that means abnormal build up of calcium on the kneecap (patella) surface is:
  • 47. The diagnostic term Ankylosing Spondylitis means:
  • 46. The diagnostic term Spondylo/listh/esis literally and actually means:
  • 33. The surgical term that means fusing together of the spine (vertebrae) is:
  • 35. The surgical term that means "incision into the skull to drain fluid" is:
  • 27. The diagnostic term that means abnormal loss of bone density or increased bone poros/ity is:
  • 34. The surgical term Phalang/ectomy means:
heavy because of muscle weakness
  • 52. The diagnostic term Bunion (turnip sac) actually means:
  • 68. The diagnostic term My/asthenia Gravis actually means:
  • 47. The diagnostic term Ankylosing Spondylitis means:
  • 53. The diagnostic term Pre/patellar Burs/itis means:
  • 45. The medical term that means an artificial substitute or addition replacing a missing body part (teeth, feet, hearing aid, eye lens) is:
  • 20. The diagnostic term Ankylos/ing Spondyl/itis refers to the auto-immune condition of Rheumatoid Arthritis and actually means:
  • 66. The condition resulting in spasms of the nerves and muscles due to an abnormally low concentration of calcium in the blood is:
  • 44. The healing specialty that emphasizes a system of therapy based on the manipulation of the vertebral column and other bones of the body by hand is:
bone tumors that causes hard tissue to become soft and fleshy
  • 24. The diagnostic term Avulsion means:
  • 54. The diagnostic term Osteosarcoma means:
  • 49. The diagnostic term Osteoarthritis means:
  • 58. The diagnostic term Hammer Toe means:
  • 14. The diagnostic term Genu Varum ( knees are in the varus position) means:
  • 21. The diagnostic terms My/asthenia and Neur/asthenia mean:
  • 46. The diagnostic term Spondylo/listh/esis literally and actually means:
  • 68. The diagnostic term My/asthenia Gravis actually means:
fusing/process vertebrae/inflamed
  • 69. The diagnostic term Syn/dactylia means:
  • 21. The diagnostic terms My/asthenia and Neur/asthenia mean:
  • 56. The diagnostic term Sub/luxation actually means:
  • 47. The diagnostic term Ankylosing Spondylitis means:
one who/draws/toward
  • 11. The medical term Burs/itis literally means:
  • 76. The machine that records muscle activity is called the:
  • 72. The muscle term ad/duct/or literally means:
  • 17. The combining forms that mean "stone" are:
  • 72. The muscle term ad/duct/or literally means:
  • 30. An instrument used to cut bone is called a(n):
  • 40. The procedural term that means visual examination inside a joint is:
  • 10. The diagnostic term that literally means inflamed joint is:
medi- or meso-
  • 72. The muscle term ad/duct/or literally means:
  • 35. The surgical term that means "incision into the skull to drain fluid" is:
  • 64. A muscle directional term for middle or toward the middle is:
  • 31. The surgical term for the repair of cartilage is called:
carpus or carpals
  • 40. The procedural term that means visual examination inside a joint is:
  • 35. The surgical term that means "incision into the skull to drain fluid" is:
  • 5. The wrist bones composed of 8 small bones in two rows are called the:
  • 36. The surgical term that actually means "surgically breaking joint apart" is:
rachi/o- and spondyl/o-
  • 8. The combining word form that refers to the "spine, vertebral column, and/or vertebra" is:
  • 13. The combining form of a term that means "hump or hunchback" is ________, and the medical condition of __________ is the backward bending of the thoracic (chest vertebrae) spine.
  • 33. The surgical term that means fusing together of the spine (vertebrae) is:
  • 36. The surgical term that actually means "surgically breaking joint apart" is:
lumbar vertebrae
  • 1. The myeloid tissue in cancellous bone is semi-liquid and produces most RBCs, WBCs, and Platelets is usually referred to as:
  • 4. The third set of 5 large vertebrae, which form the inward curve of the lower spine and are the spinal column's major weight bearers, are called:
  • 44. The healing specialty that emphasizes a system of therapy based on the manipulation of the vertebral column and other bones of the body by hand is:
  • 45. The medical term that means an artificial substitute or addition replacing a missing body part (teeth, feet, hearing aid, eye lens) is:
that which bind together
  • 29. The surgical term Arthr/o/desis means:
  • 22. The diagnostic term that means pain in the tendon is:
  • 75. The muscle term sphincter means:
  • 41. The medical term "Gangli/ec/tom/y" means:
partial joint dislocation
  • 53. The diagnostic term Pre/patellar Burs/itis means:
  • 22. The diagnostic term that means pain in the tendon is:
  • 56. The diagnostic term Sub/luxation actually means:
  • 69. The diagnostic term Syn/dactylia means:
  • 8. The combining word form that refers to the "spine, vertebral column, and/or vertebra" is:
  • 27. The diagnostic term that means abnormal loss of bone density or increased bone poros/ity is:
  • 3. The first seven bones of the vertebral column (forming the neck) are the:
  • 7. The combining forms or terms that literally mean "rib" are:
  • 23. The diagnostic term that means abnormal build up of calcium on the kneecap (patella) surface is:
  • 45. The medical term that means an artificial substitute or addition replacing a missing body part (teeth, feet, hearing aid, eye lens) is:
  • 43. The medical term for a specialist who treats and diagnoses foot disease and disorders such as corns, bunions, claw foot, ingrown toenails, and par/onych/itis is a(n):
  • 41. The medical term "Gangli/ec/tom/y" means:
Carpal Tunnel
  • 40. The procedural term that means visual examination inside a joint is:
  • 5. The wrist bones composed of 8 small bones in two rows are called the:
  • 35. The surgical term that means "incision into the skull to drain fluid" is:
  • 37. CTS is an abbreviation for ___________ Syn/drome (sign and symptom complex).
  • 71. The muscle or body term trauma means:
  • 24. The diagnostic term Avulsion means:
  • 2. The upper jawbone is called the:
  • 73. The diagnostic term Pes Planus means:
  • 16. The combining forms that mean "movement or motion" are:
  • 39. The term for X-ray film (recording) of a joint is:
  • 60. A Optometric Physician uses the Medical Abbreviation:
  • 7. The combining forms or terms that literally mean "rib" are:
ruptured or protruding inter/vertebral disk cartilage
  • 48. The diagnostic term Rheumat/oid Arthr/itis means:
  • 54. The diagnostic term Osteosarcoma means:
  • 26. The diagnostic term Herniated Disc means:
  • 58. The diagnostic term Hammer Toe means:
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