Block grants are designed to
  • required that all states offer marriage licenses to two people of the same sex.
  • required state and local authorities to check the fingerprints of people being booked into jail against a Homeland Security database
  • give the states considerable discretion in how money from the federal government should be spent.
  • It was the first time since the New Deal that the Supreme Court limited the power of Congress as outlined under the commerce clause
The full faith and credit clause of the Constitution requires
  • Liberals tend to prefer a strong federal government because they value equality more than liberty
  • States lacked the power to implement and enforce laws and relied, therefore, on local governments
  • States to honor each other's public acts and legal decisions
  • Diverse ethnic or language groups
The privileges and immunities clause of Article IV is also referred to as the ________ clause.
  • categorical
  • comity
  • Constitutional under congress's power to tax
  • preemption
An example of ________ is when federal officials force state officials to implement more stringent water pollution regulations.
  • devolution
  • preemption
  • Constitutional under congress's power to tax
  • Block grants
A federal grant to states to assist in the building of new public schools is an example of a ________ grant.
  • concurrent
  • preemption
  • categorical
  • Block grants
The state government's authority to regulate the safety, health, and morals of its citizens is called the ________ power.
  • John Marshall
  • Police
  • General revenue sharing
  • Franklin Roosevelt
The Supreme Court's decision in King v. Burwell (2015) was significant because it
  • established the supremacy of the national government in all matters affecting interstate commerce.
  • concurrent
  • ensured that federal subsidies to help pay for health insurance would be available to residents in all states
  • give the states considerable discretion in how money from the federal government should be spent.
Using block grants to return power to the states was part of ________ during the Nixon (1969-1974) and Reagan (1981-1989) administrations.
  • Federal; unitary
  • Cooperative federalism
  • New Federalism
  • The supremacy clause
When Alaska passed a law in the 1970s that gave state residents preference over nonresidents in obtaining work on oil pipelines, this law violated the ________ clause.
  • Privileges and immunities
  • concurrent
  • shared by both state and federal governments
  • Tenth
As of 2016, which of following statements about immigration law is most accurate?
  • The supreme court has ruled that state police are allowed to check the immigration status of anyone stopped or arrested.
  • Regulating local workplaces was beyond the scope of interstate commerce at the time and was, therefore, perceived to be an unconstitutional exercise of power by the federal government.
  • John Marshall
  • Franklin Roosevelt
The Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) was significant because it
  • concurrent
  • It was the first time since the New Deal that the Supreme Court limited the power of Congress as outlined under the commerce clause
  • established the supremacy of the national government in all matters affecting interstate commerce.
  • required that all states offer marriage licenses to two people of the same sex.
The form of federal assistance called ________ provides money to state governments with no strings attached.
  • The great depression
  • Full faith and credit clause of the Constitution
  • General revenue sharing
  • Home rule
Which of the following statements best describes the 2005 Supreme Court ruling on medicinal marijuana?
  • The power to regulate commercial activity
  • The federal government has the power to regulate use of medicinal marijuana under the commerce clause
  • The federal government sets detailed educational guidelines that all local governments must implement.
  • Liberals tend to prefer a strong federal government because they value equality more than liberty
The fact that state governments are required to enforce restraining orders placed on stalkers and batterers in other states is a result of the
  • Article I
  • Full faith and credit clause of the Constitution
  • Regulating local workplaces was beyond the scope of interstate commerce at the time and was, therefore, perceived to be an unconstitutional exercise of power by the federal government.
  • John Marshall
What is the purpose of the Tenth Amendment?
  • To limit the powers of the federal government by reserving certain powers to the states and to the people
  • To promote the development of commercial activity between and among the states
  • limit the costs associated with unfunded mandates by ensuring that Congress knows how much it is expecting of state and local governments and the private sector.
  • It prevents states from discriminating against nonresidents
Which of the following statements best describes state-level same-sex marriage laws prior to 2015?
  • Each generation has provided its own answer to the question of "who should do what" in America's system of federalism.
  • The power to regulate commercial activity
  • Thirteen states had passed laws prohibiting same-sex couples from being legally married.
  • Liberals tend to prefer a strong federal government because they value equality more than liberty
________ powers exist when both the state and national governments share authority in certain domains.
  • reserved
  • devolution
  • concurrent
  • equality
Which of the following Supreme Court cases limited federal power?
  • Facilitate and enhance
  • Thirteen states had passed laws prohibiting same-sex couples from being legally married.
  • Tenth amendment
  • United States v. Lopez and Printz v. United States
In a decision on the Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court ruled that
  • Tenth
  • shared by both state and federal governments
  • the requirement that individuals purchase health care insurance coverage or pay a penalty to the federal government
  • state governments could decline to expand Medicaid coverage without losing their existing Medicaid funds from the federal government.
Which of the following economic policies did the national government implement during the nineteenth century?
  • The power to regulate commercial activity
  • Chartering a national bank
  • The supremacy clause
  • The federal government sets detailed educational guidelines that all local governments must implement.
Federal officials seeking to give states more authority are most likely to support
  • reserved
  • Block grants
  • preemption
  • devolution
How did dual federalism help to establish a "commercial republic"?
  • The full faith and credit clause and the privileges and immunities clause
  • The function of the federal government was to promote and assist commerce
  • Liberals tend to prefer a strong federal government because they value equality more than liberty
  • There is a need for greater accountability in how the funds are actually spent by the states
The number of categorical grants in the United States increased dramatically during the
  • comity
  • devolution
  • reserved
  • 1960s
Which of the following statements best describes the history of American federalism?
  • There is a need for greater accountability in how the funds are actually spent by the states
  • Liberals tend to prefer a strong federal government because they value equality more than liberty
  • Since the founding, there has been considerable debate about the allocation of responsibilities between the states and the federal government
  • The federal government could do little to alleviate the misery caused by the depression and state and local governments should be responsible for responding to the crisis
Prior to the Supreme Court's 2015 ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, ________ states recognized same-sex marriage.
  • 25
  • 37
  • The supremacy clause
  • The federal government could do little to alleviate the misery caused by the depression and state and local governments should be responsible for responding to the crisis
To what does the "individual mandate" in the Affordable Care Act refer?
  • The federal government has the power to regulate use of medicinal marijuana under the commerce clause
  • Liberals tend to prefer a strong federal government because they value equality more than liberty
  • the requirement that individuals purchase health care insurance coverage or pay a penalty to the federal government
  • The federal government sets detailed educational guidelines that all local governments must implement.
Which level of government writes the majority of criminal laws?
  • The State Governments
  • Article I
  • Facilitate and enhance
  • Police
Which of the following statements about American federalism is true?
  • There is a need for greater accountability in how the funds are actually spent by the states
  • Thirteen states had passed laws prohibiting same-sex couples from being legally married.
  • Liberals tend to prefer a strong federal government because they value equality more than liberty
  • Each generation has provided its own answer to the question of "who should do what" in America's system of federalism.
Nations that adopt a federal arrangement are most likely to have
  • Diverse ethnic or language groups
  • Constitutional under congress's power to tax
  • The years immediately preceding the civil war
  • To limit the powers of the federal government by reserving certain powers to the states and to the people
The United States, Canada, and Switzerland are all ________ systems of government while France is a ________ system of government.
  • Federal; unitary
  • preemption
  • devolution
  • Chartering a national bank
The Secure Communities program
  • required state and local authorities to check the fingerprints of people being booked into jail against a Homeland Security database
  • shared by both state and federal governments
  • required that all states offer marriage licenses to two people of the same sex.
  • state governments could decline to expand Medicaid coverage without losing their existing Medicaid funds from the federal government.
The principle of ________ gives the federal government the power to override any state or local law in one particular area of policy.
  • comity
  • Preemption
  • devolution
  • reserved
Which of the following statements best summarizes President Herbert Hoover's views on federal action during the Great Depression?
  • It had been used by southern opponents of the civil rights movement to support Jim Crow laws.
  • The federal government could do little to alleviate the misery caused by the depression and state and local governments should be responsible for responding to the crisis
  • The supremacy clause
  • The federal government sets detailed educational guidelines that all local governments must implement.
Federalism is best defined as a system of government
  • There is a need for greater accountability in how the funds are actually spent by the states
  • limit the costs associated with unfunded mandates by ensuring that Congress knows how much it is expecting of state and local governments and the private sector.
  • It had been used by southern opponents of the civil rights movement to support Jim Crow laws.
  • In which power is divided between a national government and lower level governments
Why did local governments become administratively important in the early years of the Republic?
  • States to honor each other's public acts and legal decisions
  • States lacked the power to implement and enforce laws and relied, therefore, on local governments
  • The federal government has the power to regulate use of medicinal marijuana under the commerce clause
  • The federal government sets detailed educational guidelines that all local governments must implement.
Which clause of the U.S. Constitution has been important in allowing the growth of national power?
  • The full faith and credit clause and the privileges and immunities clause
  • The commerce clause
  • Chartering a national bank
  • The years immediately preceding the civil war
During most of the nineteenth century, Congress primarily used its powers to ________ interstate commerce.
  • Regulating local workplaces was beyond the scope of interstate commerce at the time and was, therefore, perceived to be an unconstitutional exercise of power by the federal government.
  • Full faith and credit clause of the Constitution
  • Facilitate and enhance
  • Gibbons v. Ogden
An example of ________ federalism is when federal officials establish environmental standards that every state must follow.
  • regulated
  • In which power is divided between a national government and lower level governments
  • devolution
  • reserved
Which event was most influential in the rise of a more active national government?
  • Franklin Roosevelt
  • The State Governments
  • Home rule
  • The great depression
Which clauses of the U.S. Constitution involve the relationships between and among the various states?
  • It had been used by southern opponents of the civil rights movement to support Jim Crow laws.
  • The federal government has the power to regulate use of medicinal marijuana under the commerce clause
  • The supremacy clause
  • The full faith and credit clause and the privileges and immunities clause
The goal of the Unfunded Mandate Reform Act was to
  • Liberals tend to prefer a strong federal government because they value equality more than liberty
  • States to honor each other's public acts and legal decisions
  • limit the costs associated with unfunded mandates by ensuring that Congress knows how much it is expecting of state and local governments and the private sector.
  • pattern of intergovernmental cooperation that has blurred the lines between the states and the national governments.
Which clause in the U.S. Constitution affirms that national laws and treaties are the supreme law of the land?
  • The years immediately preceding the civil war
  • Preemption
  • Necessary and proper
  • The supremacy clause
The constitutional idea of states' rights was strongest during which historical period?
  • The full faith and credit clause and the privileges and immunities clause
  • The years immediately preceding the civil war
  • Constitutional under congress's power to tax
  • Thirteen states had passed laws prohibiting same-sex couples from being legally married.
Which amendment preserves a strong role for the states in the American federal republic?
  • give the states considerable discretion in how money from the federal government should be spent.
  • state governments could decline to expand Medicaid coverage without losing their existing Medicaid funds from the federal government.
  • It was the first time since the New Deal that the Supreme Court limited the power of Congress as outlined under the commerce clause
  • Tenth
Why was United States v. Lopez (1995) important?
  • established the supremacy of the national government in all matters affecting interstate commerce.
  • concurrent
  • It was the first time since the New Deal that the Supreme Court limited the power of Congress as outlined under the commerce clause
  • give the states considerable discretion in how money from the federal government should be spent.
________ is the strategy of delegating authority to a lower level of government.
  • preemption
  • equality
  • devolution
  • Necessary and proper
________ is evidenced when national officials fund a project that is actually implemented by state governments.
  • To promote the development of commercial activity between and among the states
  • Cooperative federalism
  • Federal; unitary
  • from the Founding until the New Deal
One argument for a strong federal government is that it promotes ________ across states.
  • devolution
  • Preemption
  • equality
  • concurrent
Which statement best describes American federalism since the 1930s?
  • Each generation has provided its own answer to the question of "who should do what" in America's system of federalism.
  • Although the federal government has grown significantly more powerful since the 1930s, the basic framework of American federalism has not been altered, and state governments remain important
  • The federal government sets detailed educational guidelines that all local governments must implement.
  • Liberals tend to prefer a strong federal government because they value equality more than liberty
Which of the following statements about the structure of American federalism is true?
  • It has contributed to the longevity of the U.S. government by allowing many divisive policy decisions throughout American history to be made by states.
  • Thirteen states had passed laws prohibiting same-sex couples from being legally married.
  • The Court limited the power of the national government over the state governments
  • Since the founding, there has been considerable debate about the allocation of responsibilities between the states and the federal government
By 1932, ____ percent of the labor force in the United States was unemployed.
  • the requirement that individuals purchase health care insurance coverage or pay a penalty to the federal government
  • 25
  • The federal government sets detailed educational guidelines that all local governments must implement.
  • It prevents states from discriminating against nonresidents
The Supreme Court justices determined that the individual mandate found in the Affordable Care Act was
  • States to honor each other's public acts and legal decisions
  • The full faith and credit clause and the privileges and immunities clause
  • The years immediately preceding the civil war
  • Constitutional under congress's power to tax
In a federal system, governmental responsibilities are
  • shared by both state and federal governments
  • give the states considerable discretion in how money from the federal government should be spent.
  • It was the first time since the New Deal that the Supreme Court limited the power of Congress as outlined under the commerce clause
  • required state and local authorities to check the fingerprints of people being booked into jail against a Homeland Security database
Which of the following is the best example of a unitary system of government?
  • It prevents states from discriminating against nonresidents
  • Since the founding, there has been considerable debate about the allocation of responsibilities between the states and the federal government
  • The federal government sets detailed educational guidelines that all local governments must implement.
  • the requirement that individuals purchase health care insurance coverage or pay a penalty to the federal government
Which clause is the source of implied powers under the U.S. Constitution?
  • Chartering a national bank
  • The commerce clause
  • Diverse ethnic or language groups
  • Necessary and proper
Which constitutional provision was most important in determining the Supreme Court's ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)?
  • Tenth amendment
  • Windsor v. United States
  • The fourteenth amendment
  • Gibbons v. Ogden
What is one of the biggest problems with federal block grants?
  • Liberals tend to prefer a strong federal government because they value equality more than liberty
  • There is a need for greater accountability in how the funds are actually spent by the states
  • It prevents states from discriminating against nonresidents
  • To limit the powers of the federal government by reserving certain powers to the states and to the people
What was the overall importance of McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)?
  • The court interpreted the delegated powers of Congress broadly, creating the potential for increased national powers
  • concurrent
  • shared by both state and federal governments
  • state governments could decline to expand Medicaid coverage without losing their existing Medicaid funds from the federal government.
Congressional grants paid for ________ percent of the development of an interstate highway system after World War II.
  • comity
  • 90
  • Preemption
  • 25
Unfunded mandates are unpopular among those who want to
  • Diverse ethnic or language groups
  • Reduce the power of the federal government
  • The years immediately preceding the civil war
  • The power to regulate commercial activity
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