complete collection of cloned DNA fragments from an organism
  • recombinant dna
  • genomic library
  • cdna library
  • gene cloning
FalseTaq polymerase is derived from a species of bacteria living in hot springs, which makes it stable at the high temperature required for the denaturation step of PCR.
  • True or False? Comparison of the sequences of the same gene across species can give some insight into the existence of a common ancestor with that gene.
  • True or false? The term "sticky ends" refers to the overhanging ends on DNA that are generated by restriction enzymes, which can base pair with any DNA molecules that contain complementary sticky ends.
  • What information can not be obtained from the sequence of a gene? A) Relationship between two species B) Effects of a mutation on gene functionC) Whether the gene is methylatedD) Amino acid sequence of a gene
  • True or False? The Taq enzyme is a type of DNA polymerase that allows researchers to separate the DNA strands used during the annealing step of the PCR cycle without destroying the polymerase.
A technique to introduce recombinant DNA into cells by applying a brief electrical pulse to a solution containing cells. The electricity creates temporary holes in the cells' plasma membranes, through which DNA can enter.
  • southern blotting
  • in vitro mutagenesis
  • electroporation
  • gel electrophoresis
A technique in which RNA is first converted to cDNA by the use of the enzyme reverse transcriptase, then the cDNA is amplified by the polymerase chain reaction.
  • In Situ Hybridization
  • Cdna
  • RT-PCR
  • Recombinant Dna
E) a restriction enzyme ... DNA ligaseRestriction enzymes cut DNA molecules at specific points; in most cases, the restriction fragments have sticky ends that can base-pair with complementary sticky ends. The joined segments are then covalently fused by DNA ligase.
  • Which of the following tools of recombinant DNA technology is incorrectly paired with its use? A) DNA polymerase-polymerase chain reaction to amplify sections of DNAB) DNA ligase-cutting DNA, creating sticky ends of restriction fragments C) reverse transcriptase-production of cDNA from mRNA D) electrophoresis-separation of DNA fragmentsE) restriction enzymes-analysis of RFLPs
  • In recombinant DNA experiments, what is used to cut pieces of DNA and what joins the resulting fragments to form recombinant DNA?A) a transposon ... a restriction enzymeB) a plasmid ... DNA ligase C) DNA ligase ... a restriction enzymeD) a transposon ... a plasmidE) a restriction enzyme ... DNA ligase
  • During which step in the PCR cycle do primers form bonds with a single-stranded template?A) ExtensionB) DenaturationC) All of these stepsD) Annealing
  • Which of the following steps would be performed last when screening a cDNA library?A) Spread bacterial cells containing the library on a plate to form coloniesB) Treat DNA on the filter to make it single-stranded C) Incubate the filters with a gene-specific probeD) Match the region of radioactivity on the filter with the corresponding plate
A large-scale analysis of the genomes of many people having a certain phenotype or disease, with the aim of finding genetic markers that correlate with that phenotype or disease.
  • genetic profile
  • genome-wide association studies
  • What machine amplifies DNA?
  • expression vector
the transfer of a gene from the DNA of one organism into another organism, in order to produce an organism with desired traits
  • gel electrophoresis
  • biotechnology
  • genetic engineering
  • recombinant dna
DNA produced by combining DNA from different sources
  • genetic Engineering
  • recombinant DNA
  • gel Electrophoresis
  • biotechnology
Genetic cloning is the process by which many identical copies of a gene are produced.
  • What is the process where a recombinant plasmid is replicated?
  • What is genetic cloning?
  • restriction fragment
  • nucleic acid hybridization
an end of DNA in which one strand of the double helix extends a few units beyond the other
  • plasmid
  • restriction enzyme
  • sticky end
  • restriction fragment
A) ExtensionNucleotides are used to synthesize the complementary strand to the DNA template during the extension step.
  • During which step in the PCR cycle do primers form bonds with a single-stranded template?A) ExtensionB) DenaturationC) All of these stepsD) Annealing
  • True or False? The use of growth hormone isolated from cadavers was banned mainly because there were not enough cadavers to supply the hormone.
  • Where the does the location of restriction enzymes need to be such that you can clone a copy of the gene?
  • During which step of the PCR cycle are nucleotides used?A) ExtensionB) DenaturationC) AnnealingD) All of these steps
The phosphate group of a nucleotide contains a negative charge.
  • Which lengths of DNA strands move faster down the gel electrophoresis medium?A) SmallerB) Larger
  • What is the process where a recombinant plasmid is replicated?
  • restriction site
  • What part of the DNA molecule contains a negative charge?
Single nucleotide polymorphism, change of base of single DNA nucleotide, makes up 90% of all human genetic variation
  • RFLPs
  • plasmid
  • RNAi
  • SNP
E) DNA ligaseDNA ligase catalyzes the formation of covalent bonds between restriction fragments.
  • During which step in the PCR cycle do primers form bonds with a single-stranded template?A) ExtensionB) DenaturationC) All of these stepsD) Annealing
  • Which of the following tools of recombinant DNA technology is incorrectly paired with its use? A) DNA polymerase-polymerase chain reaction to amplify sections of DNAB) DNA ligase-cutting DNA, creating sticky ends of restriction fragments C) reverse transcriptase-production of cDNA from mRNA D) electrophoresis-separation of DNA fragmentsE) restriction enzymes-analysis of RFLPs
  • What enzyme forms covalent bonds between restriction fragments? A) DNA primaseB) DNA helicaseC) single-stranded binding proteinD) DNA polymeraseE) DNA ligase
  • What is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?A) A method to amplify a fragment of DNAB) A method to propogate a gene in bacteriaC) A method to join two fragments of DNA togetherD) A method to determine the sequence of bases in a gene
A hybridization technique that enables researchers to determine the presence of certain nucleotide sequences in a sample of DNA.
  • pcr
  • electroporation
  • gel electrophoresis
  • southern blotting
B) DNA ligase-cutting DNA, creating sticky ends of restriction fragmentsThis statement is incorrect because the action described above is the job of restriction enzymes, not DNA ligase. DNA ligase rejoins the recombinant DNA.
  • Which of the following describes the function of reverse transcriptase? A) It synthesizes double-stranded DNA molecules from single-stranded DNA moleculesB) It seals the DNA fragments togetherC) It makes complementary DNA (cDNA) from mRNA D) It cuts DNA strands at specific sequences
  • Which of the following steps would be performed last when screening a cDNA library?A) Spread bacterial cells containing the library on a plate to form coloniesB) Treat DNA on the filter to make it single-stranded C) Incubate the filters with a gene-specific probeD) Match the region of radioactivity on the filter with the corresponding plate
  • Which of the following tools of recombinant DNA technology is incorrectly paired with its use? A) DNA polymerase-polymerase chain reaction to amplify sections of DNAB) DNA ligase-cutting DNA, creating sticky ends of restriction fragments C) reverse transcriptase-production of cDNA from mRNA D) electrophoresis-separation of DNA fragmentsE) restriction enzymes-analysis of RFLPs
  • What enzyme forms covalent bonds between restriction fragments? A) DNA primaseB) DNA helicaseC) single-stranded binding proteinD) DNA polymeraseE) DNA ligase
The insertion of working copies of a gene into the cells of a person with a genetic disorder in an attempt to correct the disorder
  • recombinant dna
  • biotechnology
  • genetic engineering
  • gene therapy
B) Lack of a growth hormoneIndividuals affected by pituitary dwarfism produce little or no growth hormone.
  • What defect causes pituitary dwarfism?A) Lack of a pituitary glandB) Lack of a growth hormoneC) One defective alleleD) Neurodegeneration
  • What information can not be obtained from the sequence of a gene? A) Relationship between two species B) Effects of a mutation on gene functionC) Whether the gene is methylatedD) Amino acid sequence of a gene
  • True or False? The use of growth hormone isolated from cadavers was banned mainly because there were not enough cadavers to supply the hormone.
  • During which step in the PCR cycle do primers form bonds with a single-stranded template?A) ExtensionB) DenaturationC) All of these stepsD) Annealing
A limited gene library using complementary DNA. The library includes only the genes that were transcribed in the cells examined.
  • gene therapy
  • genomic library
  • cDNA library
  • microarray
FalseThe use of growth hormone isolated from cadavers was banned mainly because the hormone was potentially contaminated with prion proteins.
  • The nucleotide sequence of ACGT will form a pair with a DNA restriction fragment with the sticky end of the nucleotides ______.
  • True or False? The use of growth hormone isolated from cadavers was banned mainly because there were not enough cadavers to supply the hormone.
  • True or false? The term "sticky ends" refers to the overhanging ends on DNA that are generated by restriction enzymes, which can base pair with any DNA molecules that contain complementary sticky ends.
  • True or False? Comparison of the sequences of the same gene across species can give some insight into the existence of a common ancestor with that gene.
Stem cells with the potential to differentiate into any type of cell
  • totipotent
  • microarray
  • cloning vector
  • What is genetic cloning?
Short Tandem Repeating, a region of a DNA molecule that contains short segments consisting of three to seven repeating base pairs.
  • SNP
  • PCR
  • RT-PCR
  • STR
An individual's unique set of genetic markers, detected most often today by PCR or, previously, by electrophoresis and nucleic acid probes.
  • genetic profile
  • snp
  • gel electrophoresis
  • genomic library
an undifferentiated cell whose daughter cells may differentiate into other cell types (such as blood cells)
  • genetic profile
  • stem cell
  • restriction enzyme
  • gene therapy
D) be cut by the same restriction enzymeDoing so will result in the formation of complementary sticky ends.
  • In order to insert a human gene into a plasmid, both must _______.A) have identical DNA sequencesB) originate from the same type of cellC) code for the same gene productD) be cut by the same restriction enzyme E) be the same length
  • What is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?A) A method to amplify a fragment of DNAB) A method to propogate a gene in bacteriaC) A method to join two fragments of DNA togetherD) A method to determine the sequence of bases in a gene
  • What defect causes pituitary dwarfism?A) Lack of a pituitary glandB) Lack of a growth hormoneC) One defective alleleD) Neurodegeneration
  • The transfer of antibiotic-resistant genes from genetically engineered bacteria to disease-causing bacteria _____.A) would, if it occurred, be no cause for concernB) has occurred C) is likely to occur D) can never occur E) seems unlikely
TrueDNA sequence comparisons are a powerful tool by which to estimate how closely related different species are along the evolutionary timeline.
  • True or False? Comparison of the sequences of the same gene across species can give some insight into the existence of a common ancestor with that gene.
  • What enzyme forms covalent bonds between restriction fragments? A) DNA primaseB) DNA helicaseC) single-stranded binding proteinD) DNA polymeraseE) DNA ligase
  • True or False? The use of growth hormone isolated from cadavers was banned mainly because there were not enough cadavers to supply the hormone.
  • True or False? The Taq enzyme is a type of DNA polymerase that allows researchers to separate the DNA strands used during the annealing step of the PCR cycle without destroying the polymerase.
In gel electrophoresis DNA molecules migrate from the negative to the positive ends of the gel.
  • Gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments on the basis of what characteristic?
  • What is the process where a bacterium takes up a plasmid from the surrounding solution?
  • In gel electrophoresis DNA molecules migrate from _____ to _______ ends of the gel?
  • Where the does the location of restriction enzymes need to be such that you can clone a copy of the gene?
uses fluorescent dyes attached to probes to identify location of specific mRNAs in place in intact organism
  • northern blotting
  • in situ hybridization
  • rt-pcr
  • in vitro mutagenesis
RNA interference; injecting double stranded RNA into a cell turns off expression of a gene with the same sequence as the RNA
  • plasmid
  • RFLPs
  • gene therapy
  • RNAi
A) A method to amplify a fragment of DNA PCR is an in vitro DNA synthesis reaction that produces many copies of a single DNA fragment.
  • What is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?A) A method to amplify a fragment of DNAB) A method to propogate a gene in bacteriaC) A method to join two fragments of DNA togetherD) A method to determine the sequence of bases in a gene
  • What information can not be obtained from the sequence of a gene? A) Relationship between two species B) Effects of a mutation on gene functionC) Whether the gene is methylatedD) Amino acid sequence of a gene
  • Which of the following describes the function of reverse transcriptase? A) It synthesizes double-stranded DNA molecules from single-stranded DNA moleculesB) It seals the DNA fragments togetherC) It makes complementary DNA (cDNA) from mRNA D) It cuts DNA strands at specific sequences
  • What is the process where a bacterium takes up a plasmid from the surrounding solution?
Will grow in both media:B) Transformed bacteria containing a nonrecombinant plasmid C) Transformed bacteria containing a recombinant plasmid without the vgp gene D) Transformed bacteria containing a recombinant plasmid with the vgp gene Will grow only in medium without ampicillin:A) Bacteria with no plasmid (transformation did not occur) Only bacteria that were transformed (picked up a plasmid) can grow in a medium containing ampicillin. Each transformed bacterium reproduces, forming a clone of cells. The complete set of clones is called a plasmid library. Some clones in the library will have recombinant plasmids, some have recombinant plasmids without the vgp gene, and a small fraction have recombinant plasmids with the vgp gene.
  • Sort the four bacterial classes into different categories based on the medium in which they will grow.Given:A) Bacteria with no plasmid (transformation did not occur)B) Transformed bacteria containing a nonrecombinant plasmidC) Transformed bacteria containing a recombinant plasmid without the vgp gene D) Transformed bacteria containing a recombinant plasmid with the vgp geneBased on the categories:~Will grow only in medium without ampicillin~Will grow only in medium containing ampicillin ~Will grow in both media
  • Which of the following describes the function of reverse transcriptase? A) It synthesizes double-stranded DNA molecules from single-stranded DNA moleculesB) It seals the DNA fragments togetherC) It makes complementary DNA (cDNA) from mRNA D) It cuts DNA strands at specific sequences
  • What defect causes pituitary dwarfism?A) Lack of a pituitary glandB) Lack of a growth hormoneC) One defective alleleD) Neurodegeneration
  • Which of the following steps would be performed last when screening a cDNA library?A) Spread bacterial cells containing the library on a plate to form coloniesB) Treat DNA on the filter to make it single-stranded C) Incubate the filters with a gene-specific probeD) Match the region of radioactivity on the filter with the corresponding plate
The separation of nucleic acids or proteins, on the basis of their size and electrical charge, by measuring their rate of movement through an electrical field in a gel.
  • gel electrophoresis
  • genetic engineering
  • pcr
  • recombinant dna
Base pairing between a gene and a complementary sequence on another nucleic acid molecule.
  • gel electrophoresis
  • pcr
  • nucleic acid hybridization
  • nucleic acid probe
C) It makes complementary DNA (cDNA) from mRNAThe function of reverse transcriptase is similar to the reverse of transcription; it makes a single strand of complementary DNA (cDNA) from mRNA.
  • Which of the following describes the function of reverse transcriptase? A) It synthesizes double-stranded DNA molecules from single-stranded DNA moleculesB) It seals the DNA fragments togetherC) It makes complementary DNA (cDNA) from mRNA D) It cuts DNA strands at specific sequences
  • Which of the following tools of recombinant DNA technology is incorrectly paired with its use? A) DNA polymerase-polymerase chain reaction to amplify sections of DNAB) DNA ligase-cutting DNA, creating sticky ends of restriction fragments C) reverse transcriptase-production of cDNA from mRNA D) electrophoresis-separation of DNA fragmentsE) restriction enzymes-analysis of RFLPs
  • What is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?A) A method to amplify a fragment of DNAB) A method to propogate a gene in bacteriaC) A method to join two fragments of DNA togetherD) A method to determine the sequence of bases in a gene
  • What information can not be obtained from the sequence of a gene? A) Relationship between two species B) Effects of a mutation on gene functionC) Whether the gene is methylatedD) Amino acid sequence of a gene
the fragment of DNA that is produced by cleaving DNA with a restriction enzyme
  • restriction enzyme
  • restriction fragment
  • sticky end
  • recombinant dna
combines gel electrophoresis of mRNA followed by hybridization with a probe on a membrane
  • northern blotting
  • nucleic acid probe
  • in vitro mutagenesis
  • in situ hybridization
Large circular vectors that can replicate very large pieces of DNA; used to clone pieces of human chromosomes for the Human Genome Project, can clone much larger pieces of DNA but have lower copy number
  • cDNA
  • BAC
  • RFLPs
  • RNAi
A technique to discover the function of a gene by introducing specific changes into the sequence of a cloned gene, reinserting the mutated gene into a cell, and studying the phenotype of the mutant.
  • in situ hybridization
  • northern blotting
  • in vitro mutagenesis
  • genetic engineering
a small cellular inclusion consisting of a ring of DNA that is not in a chromosome but is capable of autonomous replication
  • RNAi
  • cDNA library
  • stem cell
  • plasmid
Genetically modified organism made when DNA is removed from one organism and placed within the DNA of what can be a very different organism.
  • GMO
B) Put a cDNA encoding the protein into a plasmid with a bacterial promoter sequenceOnce a cDNA is put into a plasmid with a bacterial promoter, the bacteria will transcribe and translate the gene.
  • The transfer of antibiotic-resistant genes from genetically engineered bacteria to disease-causing bacteria _____.A) would, if it occurred, be no cause for concernB) has occurred C) is likely to occur D) can never occur E) seems unlikely
  • Which of the following tools of recombinant DNA technology is incorrectly paired with its use? A) DNA polymerase-polymerase chain reaction to amplify sections of DNAB) DNA ligase-cutting DNA, creating sticky ends of restriction fragments C) reverse transcriptase-production of cDNA from mRNA D) electrophoresis-separation of DNA fragmentsE) restriction enzymes-analysis of RFLPs
  • In recombinant DNA experiments, what is used to cut pieces of DNA and what joins the resulting fragments to form recombinant DNA?A) a transposon ... a restriction enzymeB) a plasmid ... DNA ligase C) DNA ligase ... a restriction enzymeD) a transposon ... a plasmidE) a restriction enzyme ... DNA ligase
  • How can large quantities of a protein be produced from a bacterial colony containing the gene of interest? A) Construct a probe that matches part of the gene's sequence B) Put a cDNA encoding the protein into a plasmid with a bacterial promoter sequence C) Insert the plasmid containing the cDNA into bacteria D) Use reverse transcriptase to make cDNAs.
As the DNA fragments move through the gel, the longer fragments are impeded more than shorter fragments, producing characteristic banded patterns in the gel.
  • What is the process where a bacterium takes up a plasmid from the surrounding solution?
  • The unpaired nucleotides produced by the action of restriction enzymes are referred to as ____.
  • gel electrophoresis
  • Gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments on the basis of what characteristic?
A cloning vector that contains the requisite prokaryotic promoter just upstream of a restriction site where a eukaryotic gene can be inserted.
  • expression vector
  • electroporation
  • biotechnology
  • cloning vector
Cloning is known as the process where a recombinant plasmid is replicated.
  • What defect causes pituitary dwarfism?A) Lack of a pituitary glandB) Lack of a growth hormoneC) One defective alleleD) Neurodegeneration
  • What is the process where a recombinant plasmid is replicated?
  • restriction fragment
  • Which lengths of DNA strands move faster down the gel electrophoresis medium?A) SmallerB) Larger
A PCR machine amplifies (produces multiple copies of) a DNA molecule.
  • What machine amplifies DNA?
  • genome-wide association studies
  • nucleic acid hybridization
  • restriction fragment
a technique used to create multiple copies of a piece of DNA
  • PCR
  • STR
an enzyme that eventually joins the sugar-phosphate backbones of the Okazaki fragments
  • Plasmid
  • Gene therapy
  • Restriction enzyme
  • DNA ligase
The unpaired nucleotides produced by the action of restriction enzymes are referred to as sticky ends. They are called sticky ends because they will "stick" to a complementary single-stranded sequence.
  • The unpaired nucleotides produced by the action of restriction enzymes are referred to as ____.
  • True or False? The use of growth hormone isolated from cadavers was banned mainly because there were not enough cadavers to supply the hormone.
  • Gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments on the basis of what characteristic?
  • The nucleotide sequence of ACGT will form a pair with a DNA restriction fragment with the sticky end of the nucleotides ______.
A) 32Thirty-two DNA molecules are produced if two molecules are doubled four times (2^4 + 2^4 = 32).
  • During which step in the PCR cycle do primers form bonds with a single-stranded template?A) ExtensionB) DenaturationC) All of these stepsD) Annealing
  • The transfer of antibiotic-resistant genes from genetically engineered bacteria to disease-causing bacteria _____.A) would, if it occurred, be no cause for concernB) has occurred C) is likely to occur D) can never occur E) seems unlikely
  • How many DNA molecules would there be after four rounds of PCR if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules?A) 32B) 64C) 8D) 16
  • What information can not be obtained from the sequence of a gene? A) Relationship between two species B) Effects of a mutation on gene functionC) Whether the gene is methylatedD) Amino acid sequence of a gene
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