Led the Texian Army to victory which led to the creation of the Republic of Texas; first and third President of the Republic of Texas.
  • Sam Houston
  • War of 1812
  • Burning of DC
  • Battle of New Orleans
Military conflict between Mexico and settlers in Texas; October 2, 1835- April 21, 1836; Animosity between the Mexican government and Texians began when Mexican Pres. Gen. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna abolished the federal Constitution of 1824 and proclaimed more centralizing 1835 Constitution in its place; Sam Houston led the Texian Army to victory over a portion of the Mexican Army under Santa Anna; resulted in the creation of the Republic of Texas in 1836.
  • Panic of 1837
  • 1836 Election
  • 1840 Election
  • Texan Independence War- 1836
The forcible relocation and movement of Native Americans (specifically 5 Civilized Tribes) from their homelands to the Indian Territory; brought about by the Indian Removal Act of 1830 signed into law by president Andrew Jackson.
  • Burning of DC
  • War Hawks
  • "Spoils system"
  • Trail of Tears
December 15, 1814-January 4, 1815; New England's opposition to the war reached the point where secession from the US was discussed; the return of status quo ante bellum disgraced the Federalist Party, which disbanded in most places.
  • Nullification Crisis
  • Star Spangled Banner
  • Hartford Convention
  • Tariff of Abominations
aka The Tariff of 1828; A protective tariff passed by Congress designed to protect industry in the northern US; southerners labeled it the Tariff of Abominations because of the effects it had on the Southern economy; led to the Nullification Crisis.
  • Tariff of Abominations
  • South Carolina Exposition
  • Star Spangled Banner
  • "Kitchen Cabinet"
9th president of the United States who died days after elected into office; gained national fame for leading US forces against American Indians in the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811; general in the War of 1812, his most notable contribution was the victory at the Battle of the Thames in 1813.
  • "Corrupt Bargain"
  • Wm. Henry Harrison
  • John C. Calhoun
  • James Monroe
January 8, 1815; Final major battle of the War of 1812; Major General Andrew Jackson and his American Forces defeated an invading British Army intent on seizing New Orleans and the vast territory America had acquired in the Louisiana Purchase.
  • The Bank War
  • War Hawks
  • Oliver H. Perry
  • Battle of New Orleans
Treaty between US and Britain enacted in 1817; Signed April 28-29, 1817 in Washington DC; provided for the demilitarization of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain; agreement indicated improving relations between US/Britain in the period following the War of 1812; negotiated by Secretary of State Richard Rush and British Minister to Washington Sir Charles Bagot.
  • "Divorce" Bill
  • Rush-Bagot Agreement
  • Adams-Onis Treaty
  • The American System
American author best known for The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle; Along with James Fenimore Cooper was among the first American writers to earn acclaim in Europe.
  • Andrew Jackson
  • Specie Circular
  • Stephen Decatur
  • Washington Irving
Famous debate in the US between Daniel Webster (Senator of MA) and Robert Y. Hayne (Senator of South Carolina); January 19-27, 1830; regarding protectionist tariffs; heated speeches between Webster and Hayne were unplanned and stemmed from debate over a resolution by Connecticut Senator Samuel Foote calling for the temporary suspension of further land surveying until land already on the market was sold; Webster's "Second Reply to Hayne" (1830).
  • Tariff of Abominations
  • Webster-Hayne Debate
  • Defense of Ft. McHenry
  • Hartford Convention
Part of the Indian Removal policy that was signed into law by Andrew Jackson in 1830; strongly supported in the South where states were eager to gain access to lands occupied by the Five Civilized Tribes.
  • Indian Removal Act
  • Oliver H. Perry
  • Rush-Bagot Agreement
  • The American System
American statesman who represented Kentucky in the Senate and the House of Representatives where he served as Speaker; served as Secretary of State from 1825-1829; leading war hawk and played a significant role in leading the nation in the War of 1812; invented the American System; opposed the annexation of Texas, Mexican American War, and Manifest Destiny; nicknamed The Great Compromiser; member of the Great Triumvirate along with Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun.
  • James Madison
  • Henry Clay
  • John C. Calhoun
  • Specie Circular
Started by modernizers who saw President Andrew Jackson as a dangerous man on horseback with a reactionary opposition to the forces of social, economic and moral modernization; majority of founders supported Jeffersonian Democracy/ Democratic- Republican Party; Republicans who formed the party were led by Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams.
  • Wm. Henry Harrison
  • Trail of Tears
  • Birth of the Whig Party
  • "Spoils system"
Fought on September 10, 1813 in Lake Erie during the War of 1812; 9 vessels from the US Navy defeated and captured 6 vessels of Great Britain's Royal Navy; ensured American control of the lake and allowed Americans to recover Detroit and win the Battle of the Thames to break the Indian confederation of Tecumseh; biggest naval battle of the War of 1812.
  • Rush-Bagot Agreement
  • Battle of Lake Erie
  • War of 1812
  • Oliver H. Perry
Served in the war of 1812 and earned the title of "Hero of Lake Erie" for leading American forces in a decisive naval victory at the Battle of Lake Erie.
  • Battle of Lake Erie
  • Burning of DC
  • Oliver H. Perry
  • The Bank War
A sectional crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson created by South Carolina's 1832 Ordinance of Nullification; Ordinance declared by the power of the Sate itself that the federal Tariff of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional.
  • Defense of Ft. McHenry
  • "Kitchen Cabinet"
  • Tariff of Abominations
  • Nullification Crisis
American naval officer notable for his heroism in the Barbary Wars and the War of 1812; first American celebrated as a nation military hero who had not fought in the American Revolution.
  • John C. Calhoun
  • Wm. Henry Harrison
  • Henry Clay
  • Stephen Decatur
Andrew Jackson vs. John Quincy Adams; John C. Calhoun is Jackson's Vice and also served as Quincy Adams' Vice; Jackson won in a "landslide."
  • "Old Hickory"
  • Panic of 1837
  • 1828 Election
  • Missouri Compromise
Signed on December 24, 1814 in Ghent, Belgium; peace treaty that ended the War of 1812 between the US and Britain; treaty largely resorted relations between 2 nations to status quo ante bellum; news of treaty did not spread back to American until after the Battle of New Orleans had begun.
  • Andrew Jackson
  • Daniel Webster
  • Rush-Bagot Agreement
  • Treaty of Ghent
Laws passed in the US to limit basic human rights and civil liberties of blacks.
  • "Kitchen Cabinet"
  • Black Codes
  • "Old Hickory"
  • "G.T.T."
Vice President under Andrew Jackson; leading Southern politician; began his political career as a nationalist and an advocate of protective tariffs, later he becomes an advocate of free trade, states' rights, limited government, and nullification.
  • Wm. Henry Harrison
  • Nicholas Biddle
  • John C. Calhoun
  • "Corrupt Bargain"
John Quincy Adams vs. Andrew Jackson (and William H. Crawford and Henry Clay); John Quincy is elected by decision of the House of Representatives; only election in which the presidency had to be decided by the House because no candidate received a majority of electoral college votes and the only election in which the president with the most electoral votes was not elected president.
  • Tariff of 1816
  • 1824 Election
  • Missouri Compromise
  • 1828 Election
Term used by political opponents of Andrew Jackson to describe the collection of unofficial advisers he consulted in parallel to the United States Cabinet following his purge of the cabinet at the end of the Eaton Affair and his break with VP John C. Calhoun 1831.
  • Hartford Convention
  • Star Spangled Banner
  • South Carolina Exposition
  • "Kitchen Cabinet"
originally Telemaque; African American slave brought to the US from the Caribbean; After purchasing his freedom he planned what would have been one of the largest slave rebellions in the US; Word of his plans got out and at Charleston South Carolina authorities arrested him before the uprising could begin.
  • Denmark Vesey
  • "Kitchen Cabinet"
  • "King Andrew"
  • Star Spangled Banner
Martin Van Buren defeated William Henry Harrison and Hugh Lawson White (Whig Party) ; election predominantly remembered for 3 reasons- first/only election in which a Vice Presidential election was thrown into the Senate, the only race in which a major political party intentionally ran several presidential candidates (Whigs), last election (until 1988) to result in the elevation of an incumbent Vice President to the nation's highest office through means other than the president's death or resignation.
  • 1828 Election
  • Panic of 1837
  • 1836 Election
  • 1840 Election
1830-1831; Scandal involving members of President Andrew Jackson's Cabinet and their wives; Second Lady Florida Calhoun led other Cabinet wives in an "anti-Peggy" coalition after Peggy married John Henry Eaton; led to the "reorganization" of Jackson's cabinet and the forced resignation of John C. Calhoun.
  • Peggy Eaton Affair
  • James Monroe
  • Maysville Road Veto
  • "Corrupt Bargain"
War between US and Britain; America declared war in 1812 because of trade restrictions, impressments, British support of American Indian tribes against American expansion, and humiliation of American honor.
  • War of 1812
  • Burning of DC
  • War Hawks
  • The Bank War
8th president; Secretary of State under Andrew Jackson from 1829-1831; key organizer of the Democratic Party/ key in building organizational structure for Jacksonian democracy and dominant figure in the Second Party System; his administration was largely characterized by the Panic of 1837, Aroostook War, and Caroline Affair.
  • Martin Van Buren
  • Specie Circular
  • Maysville Road Veto
  • Peggy Eaton Affair
Euphemism for slavery and the economic ramifications of it in the American South; popular expression in the legislative bodies.
  • Nullification Crisis
  • Defense of Ft. McHenry
  • "Peculiar Institution"
  • Hartford Convention
August 24,1814 (during the War of 1812); British Army occupied Washington DC and set fire to many public buildings following the American defeat at the Battle of Bladensburg; Facilities of the US Government (i.e. White House and Capitol) were largely destroyed.
  • Battle of Lake Erie
  • Burning of DC
  • War Hawks
  • "Spoils system"
1816-1824; Period in the US political history in which partisan bitterness abated; took place during James Monroe's presidency.
  • War Hawks
  • War of 1812
  • Era of Good Feelings
  • Battle of New Orleans
Name given to the controversy over the Second Bank of the United States and the attempts to destroy it by President Andrew Jackson; the only nationwide bank at the time and along with president Nicholas Biddle exerted tremendous influence over the nation's financial system; Jackson viewed second bank as a monopoly; vetoed the renewal charter in 1832.
  • The Bank War
  • Oliver H. Perry
  • Sam Houston
  • War of 1812
Protective tariff enforced between 1816-1824; formed the basis of the Compromise of 1833, ending the Nullification Crisis in which South Carolina had threatened secession from the US; Introduced by Secretary of Treasury Alexander J. Dallas and advocated by Speaker of the House Henry Clay; Daniel Webster and John Randolph strongly opposed.
  • Tariff of Abominations
  • Tariff of 1816
  • Panic of 1819
  • Nullification Crisis
aka American Way; mercantilist economic plan based on the "American School" ideas of Alexander Hamilton consisting of a high tariff to support internal improvement; plan was advanced by the Whig Party, more specifically Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and John Quincy Adams.
  • Wm. Henry Harrison
  • "Divorce" Bill
  • Indian Removal Act
  • The American System
4th president from 1809-1817; author and "Father of the Constitution;" co-wrote the Federalist Papers and wrote the Bill of Rights; secretly co-authored the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions in 1798; as Secretary of State for Jefferson he supervised the Louisiana Purchase, sponsored the Embargo Act of 1807; poorly prepared the nation into the War of 1812; supported the creation of the second National Bank and high tariff in 1815.
  • Wm. Henry Harrison
  • James Monroe
  • "Corrupt Bargain"
  • James Madison
Influential leader of the Seminoles; led a small bands of warriors in the Second Seminole War when the US tried to remove the Seminoles from their land.
  • Osceola
  • John C. Calhoun
  • Nicholas Biddle
  • Specie Circular
National anthem of the US; lyrics come from "Defense of Fort McHenry" written by Francis Scott Key after witnessing bombardment of Fort McHenry by the British Royal Navy ships in Chesapeake Bay during the Battle of Fort McHenry in the War of 1812.
  • South Carolina Exposition
  • Hartford Convention
  • Star Spangled Banner
  • Tariff of Abominations
Written in 1828 by John C. Calhoun; Document that protests against the Tariff of 1828 and stated that if the tariff was not repealed, South Carolina would secede; led to Calhoun's Doctrine of Nullification which had the same idea as the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions.
  • Tariff of Abominations
  • South Carolina Exposition
  • Star Spangled Banner
  • Nullification Crisis
A practice where a political party, after winning an election, gives government jobs to its voters as a reward for working toward victory and as an incentive to keep working for the party.
  • Martin Van Buren
  • "Spoils system"
  • Birth of the Whig Party
  • Trail of Tears
Financial crisis in the US built on a speculative fever; May 10, 1837 New York City- every band began to accept payment only in specie (gold and silver coinage); based on the assumption by former president Andrew Jackson that the government was selling lad for state bank notes of questionable value; Panic followed a 5-year depression with the failure of banks and record high unemployment levels.
  • 1828 Election
  • Panic of 1819
  • Tariff of 1816
  • Panic of 1837
President of the Second Bank of the United States.
  • James Monroe
  • John Quincy Adams
  • Nicholas Biddle
  • Specie Circular
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