Who was finally most responsible for the Senate defeat of the Treaty of Versailles?
  • death sentence for the League.
  • isolationists
  • gave the Allied leaders in Paris a stronger bargaining position
  • prohibition; woman suffrage
Those who protested conscription during World War I did so because
  • hey disliked the idea of compelling a person to serve
  • they announced that they would wage unrestricted sub warfare in the Atlantic
  • gave the Allied leaders in Paris a stronger bargaining position
  • he oversold Wilson's ideals and led the world to expect too much
The two groups who suffered most from the violaton of civil liberties during World War I were
  • Russia, Belgium and Italy
  • after German U-Boats sank 4 unarmed American merchant vessels
  • forcing some people to buy war bonds, having "meatless and wheatless" days, and seizing enemy merchant vessels trapped in American harbors
  • German Americans and social radicals.
The major problem for George Creel and his Committee on Public Information was that
  • isolationists
  • gave the Allied leaders in Paris a stronger bargaining position
  • he oversold Wilson's ideals and led the world to expect too much
  • hey disliked the idea of compelling a person to serve
In Congress, the most reliable support for Wilson's position on the League of Nations came from
  • isolationists
  • democrats
  • racial violence in the North
  • robbed Congress of its war-declaring powers.
The Zimmermann note involved a proposed secret agreement between
  • delay and amend the treaty.
  • the US troop reserves
  • did not include the US
  • Germany and Mexico
During World War I, the government's treatment of labor could be best described as
  • forcing some people to buy war bonds, having "meatless and wheatless" days, and seizing enemy merchant vessels trapped in American harbors
  • the release of thousands of German troops for deployment on the front in France
  • Russia, Belgium and Italy
  • fair..
The Germans were heavily demoralized by
  • not ready for its leap into global war
  • the US troop reserves
  • did not include the US
  • delay and amend the treaty.
In an effort to make economic mobilization more efficient during World War I, the federal government took over and operated
  • the German Kaiser be forced from power
  • voluntary compliance
  • the railroads
  • did not command a legislative majority at home
Russia's withdrawal from World War I in 1918 resulted in
  • after German U-Boats sank 4 unarmed American merchant vessels
  • Russia, Belgium and Italy
  • the release of thousands of German troops for deployment on the front in France
  • fair..
As a condition of ending World War I, Woodrow Wilson demanded that
  • not ready for its leap into global war
  • establish the League of Nations
  • the German Kaiser be forced from power
  • finally received the right to vote
Grievances of labor during and shortly after World War I include all of the following
  • the railroads
  • the inability to gain the right to organize, war spawned inflation, and violence against workers by employers
  • St. Mihiel and the Meuse-Argonne Offensive.
  • the German Kaiser be forced from power
Most of the money raised to finance World War I came from
  • did not include the US
  • the railroads
  • Germany and Mexico
  • loans
The World War I military draft
  • ...
  • fair..
  • after German U-Boats sank 4 unarmed American merchant vessels
  • marked the beginning of a German withdrawal that was never reversed
As a result of their work supporting the war effort, women
  • establish the League of Nations
  • Germany and Mexico
  • finally received the right to vote
  • did not include the US
the following was among Wilson's Fourteen Points upon which he based America's idealistic foreign policy in World War I?
  • did not command a legislative majority at home
  • foodstuffs, oil, munitions, and morale
  • reduction of armaments,abolition of secret treaties, a new international organization to guarantee collective security,and the principle of national self-determination for subject peoples.
  • St. Mihiel and the Meuse-Argonne Offensive.
Most wartime mobilization agencies relied on _______________ to prepare the economy for war.
  • loans
  • did not include the US
  • Germany and Mexico
  • voluntary compliance
When the United States entered the war in 1917, most Americans did not believe that
  • it would be necessary to send a large American army to Europe
  • St. Mihiel and the Meuse-Argonne Offensive.
  • not ready for its leap into global war
  • been willing to compromise with the League opponents in Congress
President Wilson viewed America's entry into World War I as an opportunity for the United States to
  • the release of thousands of German troops for deployment on the front in France
  • General John J. Pershing.
  • to shape a new international order based on the ideals of democracy
  • after the Treaty of Versailles had been signed
The United States used all of the following methods to support the war effort
  • forcing some people to buy war bonds, having "meatless and wheatless" days, and seizing enemy merchant vessels trapped in American harbors
  • fair..
  • pledging to make the war "a war to end all wars" and to make the world safe for democracy
  • ...
At the Paris Peace Conference, Wilson sought all of the following goals
  • preventing a seizure of territory by the victors, a world parliament of nations to provide collective security, national self-determination for smaller European nations, free trade and freedom of the seas.except:an end to the European colonial empires in Africa and Asia.
  • hey disliked the idea of compelling a person to serve
  • democrats
  • robbed Congress of its war-declaring powers.
The supreme military commander of American forces during World War I was
  • to shape a new international order based on the ideals of democracy
  • General John J. Pershing.
  • The movement of tens of thousands of Southern blacks north during WWI resulted in
  • pledging to make the war "a war to end all wars" and to make the world safe for democracy
The Second Battle of the Marne was significant because it
  • after German U-Boats sank 4 unarmed American merchant vessels
  • Russia, Belgium and Italy
  • marked the beginning of a German withdrawal that was never reversed
  • forcing some people to buy war bonds, having "meatless and wheatless" days, and seizing enemy merchant vessels trapped in American harbors
Two constitutional amendments adopted in part because of wartime influences were the Eighteenth, which dealt with _______________, and the Nineteenth, whose subject was _______________.
  • isolationists
  • prohibition; woman suffrage
  • he oversold Wilson's ideals and led the world to expect too much
  • death sentence for the League.
Republican isolationists successfully turned Warren Harding's 1920 presidential victory into a
  • gave the Allied leaders in Paris a stronger bargaining position
  • prohibition; woman suffrage
  • isolationists
  • death sentence for the League.
Opposition to the League of Nations by many United States Senators during the Paris Peace Conference
  • he oversold Wilson's ideals and led the world to expect too much
  • death sentence for the League.
  • gave the Allied leaders in Paris a stronger bargaining position
  • they announced that they would wage unrestricted sub warfare in the Atlantic
President Woodrow Wilson persuaded the American people to enter World War I by
  • the release of thousands of German troops for deployment on the front in France
  • pledging to make the war "a war to end all wars" and to make the world safe for democracy
  • Russia, Belgium and Italy
  • marked the beginning of a German withdrawal that was never reversed
Senate opponents of the League of Nations as proposed in the Treaty of Versailles argued that it
  • death sentence for the League.
  • racial violence in the North
  • robbed Congress of its war-declaring powers.
  • democrats
President Wilson broke diplomatic relations with Germany when
  • hey disliked the idea of compelling a person to serve
  • he oversold Wilson's ideals and led the world to expect too much
  • his attempt to use the presidential election of 1920 to gain support for the Treaty of Versailles but it became a death sentence for the League of Nations
  • they announced that they would wage unrestricted sub warfare in the Atlantic
The chief difference between Woodrow Wilson and the parliamentary statesmen at the Paris peace table was that Wilson
  • did not include the US
  • foodstuffs, oil, munitions, and morale
  • been willing to compromise with the League opponents in Congress
  • did not command a legislative majority at home
Woodrow Wilson's call for a "solemn referendum" in 1920 referred to
  • his attempt to use the presidential election of 1920 to gain support for the Treaty of Versailles but it became a death sentence for the League of Nations
  • they announced that they would wage unrestricted sub warfare in the Atlantic
  • isolationists
  • hey disliked the idea of compelling a person to serve
The major weakness of the League of Nations was that it
  • finally received the right to vote
  • not ready for its leap into global war
  • St. Mihiel and the Meuse-Argonne Offensive.
  • did not include the US
During World War I, American troops fought in all of the following countries
  • the release of thousands of German troops for deployment on the front in France
  • Russia, Belgium and Italy
  • ...
  • fair..
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