He argued that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property.
  • natural rights philosophy (John Locke)
  • "rights of englishmen"
  • tidewater (as distinguished from Piedmont)
  • farewell address (george washington)
(late 1500s) Bound together five tribes-the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas, and the Senecas-in the Mohawk Valley of what is now New York State. (36)
  • Committees Of Correspondence
  • Iroquois Confederacy
  • Pontiac's Rebellion
  • Proclamation Of 1763
(1763) Bloody campaign waged by Ottawa chief Pontiac to drive the British out of Ohio Country. It was brutally crushed by British troops, who resorted to distributing blankets infected with smallpox as means to put down the rebellion. (109)
  • Iroquois Confederacy
  • Shay's Rebellion
  • Pontiac's Rebellion
  • Battle Of Fallen Timbers
A feature of the Constitution that requires each of the three branches of government executive, legislative, and judicial-to be relatively independent of the others so that one cannot control the others. From this premise, adison developed his system of checks & balances setting power against power.
  • republicanism
  • bill of rights
  • separation of powers
  • federalism
1790s, this party follows a strict interpretation of the constitution and favors a small government. They want the US to be a nation of small, independent farmers. Madison and Jefferson are a part of this and it was not a party developed formally when Washington was in office.
  • Democratic-Republicans
  • Scots-Irish
  • "republican motherhood"
  • Articles of Confederation
(1789-1799) A period of radical social and political upheaval in French and European history. The absolute monarchy that had ruled France for centuries collapsed in three years. Old ideas about hierarchy and tradition succumbed to new Enlightenment principles of citizenship and inalienable rights.
  • Hamilton's Financial Plan
  • Shay's Rebellion
  • Battle Of Fallen Timbers
  • French Revolution
Eighteenth-century British political commentators who agitated against political corruption and emphasized the threat to liberty posed by arbitrary power. Their writings shaped American political thought and made colonists especially alert to encroachments on their rights. (113)
  • Committees Of Correspondence
  • Sons Of Liberty
  • Jean-jacques Rousseau
  • Radical Whigs
A constitutional arrangement whereby power is divided between national and sub national governments, each of which enforces its own laws directly on its citizens and neither of which can alter the arrangement without the consent of the other.
  • Bill Of Rights
  • Separation Of Powers
  • Republicanism
  • Federalism
A formal announcement issued by President George Washington on April 22, 1793, declaring the United States a neutral nation in the conflict between Great Britain and France that had begun with the French Revolution. It threatened legal proceedings against any American providing assistance to warring countries.
  • Jay's Treaty
  • Hamilton's Financial Plan
  • Proclamation of Neutrality
  • Pinckney's Treaty
(1774) Series of punitive measurements passed in retaliation for the Boston Tea Party, closing the Port of Boston, revoking a number of rights in the Massachusetts colonial charter, and expanding the Quartering Act to allow for the lodging of soldiers in private homes. In response, colonists convened the First Continental Congress and called for a complete boycott of British goods. (122)
  • Committees Of Correspondence
  • Stamp Act
  • Intolerable Acts
  • Proclamation Of 1763
(1764) Armed march of Philadelphia Bay by Scotts-Irish frontiersmen in protest against the Quaker establishment's lenient policies toward Native Americans. (80)
  • Sons Of Liberty
  • Scots-irish
  • Paxton Boys
  • Pontiac's Rebellion
Areas of low, flat plains near the seacoast of Virginia and North Carolina. The gentry controlled this area in Colonial America.
  • vaqueros
  • corridos
  • iroquois confederacy
  • tidewater (as distinguished from Piedmont)
(1794) Negotiated by Chief Justice John Jay in an effort to avoid war with Britain, the treaty included a British promise to evacuate outposts outposts on U.S. soil and pay damages for seized American vessels, in exchange for which Jay bound the United States to repay pre-Revolutionary War debts and to abide by Britain's restrictive trading policies toward France. (193)
  • Kentucky And Virginia Resolutions
  • Jay's Treaty
  • Hamilton's Financial Plan
  • Pinckney's Treaty
Proponents of the 1787 Constitution, they favored a strong national government, arguing arguing that the checks and balances in the new Constitution would safeguard the people's liberties. (173)
  • Federalists
  • Abigail Adams
  • U.S. Constitution
  • separation of powers
Patriotic groups that played a central role in agitating against the Stamp Act and enforcing non-importation agreements. (117)
  • Loyalists
  • Sons of Liberty
  • Committees of Correspondence
  • Federalists
1723- 1790; Scottish; "Wealth of Nations"; first economist; "laissez-faire capitalism"; not completely against govt regulation; pro free trade; let individuals pursue own interest; attacks mercantilism- peep do thinks out of self interest (baker); prices should be fluctuated on just supply & demand- not what gov't say it is; philosophe; not hard-core conservative (gov't does have part); didn't trust businessmen; economics should have an economic (not military) end goal; skilled workforce and strong infrastructure determines power of country, (Scottish economist) in The Wealth of Nations, he created the concept of laissez-faire ( government should leave economy alone) & applied natural law to means of production & exchange (supply & demand); saw mercantilism as government interference in economy or free trade; believed that enlightened self-interest would create the best production & exchange for market conditions; government should only have 3 roles: protect society from invasion (army); defend citizens from injustice (police); & keep up public works (roads, canals, bridges) that private individuals could not afford to provide but that society needed
  • John Locke
  • Adam Smith
  • Karl Marx
  • Jean-jacques Rousseau
Term prevalent in seventeenth-century England and America referring to certain historically established rights, beginning with the rights of the Magna Carta, that all English subjects were understood to have. These included the right not to be kept in prison without a trial, the right to trial by jury, security in one's home from unlawful entry, and no taxation without consent, among others
  • separation of Powers
  • u.s. constitution
  • "rights of Englishmen"
  • iroquois confederacy
Opponents of the 1787 Constitution, they cast the document as antidemocratic, objected to the subordination of the states to the central government, and feared encroachment on individuals' liberties in the absence of a bill of rights. (173)
  • Anti-Federalists
  • Federalists
  • Pontiac's Rebellion
  • Shay's Rebellion
The document written in 1787 and ratified in 1788 that sets forth the institutional structure of the U.S. government and the tasks these institutions perform. It replaced the Articles of Confederation.
  • U.S. Constitution
  • Bill Of Rights
  • Declaration Of Independence
  • Northwest Ordinance
(1712-1778) French writer and Enlightenment philosopher who wrote a book called, The Social Contract, where he stated that people were basically good, and that society, and its unequal distribution of wealth, were the cause of most problems. Rousseau believed that government should be run according to the will of the majority, which he called the General Will. He claimed that the General Will would always act in the best interest of the people.
  • Abigail Adams
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Voltaire
  • Adam Smith
A group of restless people who fled their home in Scotland in the 1600s to escape poverty and religious oppression. They first relocated to Ireland and then to America in the 1700s. They left their mark on the backcountry of Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia. These areas are home to many Presbyterian churches established by the Scots-Irish. Many people in these areas are still very independent like their ancestors.
  • Loyalists
  • Paxton Boys
  • Radical Whigs
  • Scots-Irish
American colonists who opposed the Revolution and maintained their loyalty to the King; sometimes referred to as "Tories." (139)
  • Democratic-republicans
  • Sons Of Liberty
  • Federalists
  • Loyalists
(1796) George Washington's address at the end of his presidency, warning against "permanent alliances" with other nations. Washington did not oppose all alliances, but believed that the young, fledgling nation should forge allegiances only on a temporary basis, in extraordinary circumstances. (193)
  • Separation of powers
  • Abigail adams
  • Farewell Address (George Washington)
  • Tidewater (as distinguished from piedmont)
attempt by catholic church to incorporate indians into spanish colonial society --> teaching indians agricultural methods and catholic religion, providing inconsistent protection from exploitative spanish soldiers and settlers, expecting indians to serve as servants and laborers, and spreading european diseases to indian tribes
  • Intolerable acts
  • Stamp act
  • Mission System (Spanish System)
  • Pinckney's treaty
Gave America source of desperately needed money, supplies & troops. Confronted Britain with an international war that challenged its domination of the Atlantic World. It was an unlikely alliance since France was a Catholic monarchy and America was Protestant federation of republicans. French foreign minister Conte Vergennes was determined to avenge loss of Canada to Britain. Was secretly loaning to the colonies and than established a formal alliance after the Battle of Saratoga. We used the French's rivalry with Britain to win them over. We agreed that neither side would sign a peace treaty without the "liberty, sovereignty & independence" of America
  • "rights Of Englishmen"
  • French-American Alliance
  • Pontiac's Rebellion
  • Iroquois Confederacy
(1787) Created a policy for administering the Northwest Territories. It included a path to statehood and forbade the expansion of slavery into the territories. (166)
  • Separation Of Powers
  • Bill Of Rights
  • Articles Of Confederation
  • Northwest Ordinance
(1791) Popular term for the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The amendments secure key rights for individuals and reserve to the states all powers not explicitly delegated or prohibited by the Constitution. (182)
  • Stamp Act
  • Mission System (Spanish System)
  • Bill of Rights
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(1765) Widely unpopular tax on an array of paper goods, repealed in 1766 after mass protests erupted across the colonies. Colonists developed the principle of "no taxation without representation" that questioned Parliament's authority over the colonies and laid the foundation for future revolutionary claims. (116)
  • Intolerable Acts
  • Bill Of Rights
  • Proclamation Of 1763
  • Stamp Act
Decree issued by Parliament in the wake of Pontiac's uprising, prohibiting settlement beyond the Appalachians. Contributed to rising resentment of British rule in the American colonies. (111)
  • Proclamation of 1758
  • Proclamation of 1863
  • Proclamation of 1763
  • Proclamation of 1768
(1754-1763) Nine-year war between the British and the French in North America. It resulted in the expulsion of the French from the North American mainland and helped spark the Seven Years' War in Europe. (104)
  • Northwest Ordinance
  • French and Indian War (Seven Years' War)
  • Committees of Correspondence
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers
(1772 and after) Local committees established across Massachusetts, and later in each of the thirteen colonies, to maintain colonial opposition to British policies through the exchange of letters and pamphlets. (120)
  • Committees of Correspondence
  • Radical Whigs
  • Northwest Ordinance
  • Proclamation of Neutrality
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