White House aide who participated in the Watergate cover-up; in a plea bargain he testified that President Nixon knew and participated in the cover-up. Many did not believe his testimony until the White house tapes surfaced
  • H.R. Haldeman
  • John Dean
  • Ho Chi Minh
  • John Winthrop
agreement at the Constitutional Convention that broke the impasse over taxation and representation in the House of Representatives; the delegates agreed to count slaves as three-fifths of a person for both. This formula had been used in 1783 to make financial assessments among the states under the Articles.
  • Three Fifths Compromise
  • John Jay
  • Iran Hostage Crisis
  • Indentured servants
presidential message in which Washington warned the nation to avoid both entangling foreign alliances and domestic "factions" (political parties); the ideas of the address became the basis of isolationist arguments for the next 150 years.
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • George Washington
  • Whiskey Rebellion
  • Farewell Address
radical political organization founded by Tom Hayden and others; it set forth its ideal in the port huron statement: government should promote equality, fairness, and be responsive to people. It was probably the most important student proest group of the 1960s
  • Democratic Republican Party
  • Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
  • Society of Friends (Quakers)
  • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
a tax on over fifty items such as pamphlets, newspapers, playing cards, and dice; it set off a strong protest among the colonists, who claimed it was an internal tax designed only to raise revenue and therefore unlawful for Parliament to levy.
  • Navigation Acts
  • Sons Of Liberty
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Stamp Act
85 essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay and published in newspapers to convince New York to ratify the Constitution; taken together, they are seen as a treatise on the foundations of the Constitution.
  • Virginia Plan
  • Federalist Papers
  • New Jersey Plan
  • Sugar Act
Communist leader of North Vietnam; he and his Viet Minh/Viet Cong allies fought French and American forces to a standstill in Vietnam, 1946-Considered a nationalist by many, others viewed him as an agent of the Soviet Union and China
  • Ho Chi Minh
  • James Madison
  • Thomas Paine
  • John Winthrop
autocratic and unpopular governor of the Dominion of New England; he was toppled from power and was caught while trying to make his escape dressed as a woman.
  • Roger Williams
  • William Penn
  • Edmund Andros
  • John Locke
king of England during the American Revolution. Until 1776, the colonists believed he supported their attempt to keep their rights. in reality, he was a strong advocate for harsh policies toward them.
  • George III
  • Samuel Adams
  • Loyalists
  • George Washington
leader of the Puritans who settled in Massachusetts Bay in the 1630s; he called for Puritans to create "a city upon a hill" and guided the colony through many crises, including the banishments of Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson.
  • Kate Millett
  • John Winthrop
  • Betty Friedan
  • James McCord
agreement that provided England would evacuate a series of forts in U.S. territory along the Great Lakes; in return, the United States agreed to pay pre-Revolutionary War debts owed to Britain. The British also partially opened the West Indies to American shopping. The treaty was barely ratified in the face of strong Republican opposition.
  • Alien And Sedition Acts
  • Pinckney's Treaty
  • Jay's Treaty
  • Xyz Affair
persons who opposed ratification of the U.S. Constitution by the states; in general, they feared the concentration of power the Constitution would place in the national government.
  • Jimmy Carter
  • Federalists
  • Anti-Federalists
  • Strict Constructionist
political party led by Thomas Jefferson; it feared centralized political power, supported states' rights, opposed Hamilton's financial plan, and supported ties with France. It was heavily influenced by a agrarian interests in the southern states.
  • Federalist Party
  • Democratic Republican Party
  • Society of Friends (Quakers)
  • Strict Constructionist
economic doctrine that called for the mother country to dominate and regulate it colonies; the system fixed trade patterns, maintained high tariffs, and discouraged manufacturing in the colonies.
  • Mercantilism
  • Woodstock
  • John Smith
  • Hippies
name applied to a series of events that began when the nixon white house tried to plac eillegal phjone taps on democrats in june 1972 the burglars were caught and rather than accept the legal and political fall out nixon and his aides obstructed the investigation which cost him his office and sent several of his top aides to prison
  • Watergate scandal
  • Whiskey Rebellion
  • Pontiac's Rebellion
  • Silent Majority
incident in which Iranian radicals, with government support, seized 52 Americans from the US embassy and held them for 444 days; ostensibly demanding the return of the deposed Shah to stand trial, the fundamentalist clerics behind the seizure also hoped to punish the United States for other perceived past wrongs.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion
  • Shay's rebellion
  • Watergate scandal
  • Iran Hostage Crisis
scandal that erupted after the Reagan administration sold weapons to Iran in hopes of freeing American hostages in Lebanon; money from the arms sales was used to aid the Contras (anti-Communist insurgents) in Nicaragua, even though Congress had prohibited this assistance. Talk of Reagan's impeachment ended when presidential aides took the blame for the illegal activity.
  • Iran-Contra Affair
  • Whiskey Rebellion
  • Annapolis Convention
  • Indentured servants
political party led by Alexander Hamilton; it favored a strong central government, commercial interests, Hamilton;s financial plan, and close ties to England. Its membership was strongest among the merchant class and property owners.
  • Democratic Republican Party
  • Gerald Ford
  • Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
  • Federalist Party
reaction against the Sedition Act; written by Madison for Virginia and Jefferson for Kentucky, they stated that when the national government exceeded its powers under the Constitution, the states had the right to nullify the law. Essentially, the resolutions held that the Constitution was a compact among the states and they were its final arbiter.
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
  • Whiskey Rebellion
  • Ben Franklin
  • Virtual Representation
Indian uprising in the Ohio Valley region that killed 2,000 settlers; as a result, the British sought peace with the Indians by prohibiting colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains (the Proclamation of 1763). The Americans saw this ban as an unlawful restrictions of their rights and generally ignored it.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion
  • XYZ Affair
  • Iran Hostage Crisis
  • Annapolis Convention
strong nationalist who organized the Annapolis Convention, authored the Virginia Plan for the Constitution, and drafted the constitutional amendments that became the Bill of Rights; he was also a founding member of the Democratic Republican Party.
  • Samuel Adams
  • Thomas Paine
  • James McCord
  • James Madison
advisor to Presidents Nixon and Ford; he was architect of the Vietnam settlement, the diplomatic opening of China, and détente with the Soviet Union
  • Spiro Agnew
  • Jimmy Carter
  • Henry Kissinger
  • Ho Chi Minh
the major success of Congress under the Articles of Confederation that organized the Northwest territory for future statehood; the law provided territorial status for a region when its population reached 5,At 60,000, the territory could petition for statehood with the same rights as existing states. It set into law the procedure for expanding the nation that eventually led to the admission of many other new states. Also, byt outlawing slavery in the Northwest Territory, it represented the first action by the national government against that institution.
  • Farewell Address
  • Democratic Republican Party
  • Stamp Act Congress
  • Northwest Ordinance
chief body in England for governing the colonies; the group gathered information, reviewed appointments in America and advised the monarch on colonial policy.
  • Dominion of New England
  • Board of Trade and Plantations
  • Edmund Andros
  • Warren Burger
vice president, 1969-1973, a vocal critic of antiwar and civil rights opponents of the Nixon administration; he resigned the vice presidency in 1973 when it was discovered he has accepted bribes as governor of maryland and as vice president
  • Spiro Agnew
  • Jimmy Carter
  • Henry Kissinger
  • Ronald Reagan
a turning point of the Revolution in October 1777, when an army of 6,000 British soldiers surrendered in new York; the battle resulted from a British attempt to divide the colonies through the Hudson River Valley. The American victory convinced the French to ally with the colonies and assured the ultimate success of independence.
  • Battle of Saratoga
  • Alien and Sedition Acts
  • Reagan Revolution
  • Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
a key aide to President Nixon who ordered the CIA and FBI not to probe too deeply into the Watergate break-in; he helped provide money to keep the burglars quiet and was later sentenced to prison for his rile in Watergate.
  • James Mccord
  • Henry Kissinger
  • H.R. Haldeman
  • Jimmy Carter
government organized and administered by the church; in Massachusetts Bay colony, only church members could vote in town meetings. The government levied taxes on both church members and nonmembers and required attendance for all at religious services.
  • Samuel Adams
  • Jimmy Carter
  • James McCord
  • Theocracy
an early advocate of independence who was a strong opponent of the Stamp Act and great defender of individual rights; in 1775, he declared: "Give me liberty, or give me death."
  • Patrick Henry
  • George Washington
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Samuel Adams
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court although considered more conservative in leadership than earl warren his court uphelp school busing a woman's right to an abortion and ordered nixon to surrender the watergate tapes
  • Jimmy Carter
  • Spiro Agnew
  • Warren Burger
  • Henry Kissinger
Congregational minister of the 1740s who was a leading voice of the Great Awakening; his "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" attacked ideas of easy salvation and reminded the colonists of the absolute sovereignty of God.
  • William Penn
  • Jonathan Edwards
  • Roger Williams
  • John Locke
cartel of oil exporting nations which used oil as a weapon t alter america's middle east policy it organized a serioes of oil boycotts that roiled the united states econdomy throughout the 1970s
  • Democratic Republican Party
  • Federalist Party
  • Kate Millett
  • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
British policy before 1763 of generally leaving the colonies alone to conduct their own internal affairs; the abandonment of this policy after 1763 was a major factor leading to revolution and independence.
  • Bacon's rebellion
  • Salutary neglect
  • Mercantilism
  • Navigation acts
series of English laws to enforce the mercantile system; the laws established control over colonial trade, excluded all but British ships in commerce, and enumerated goods that had to be shipped to England or to other English colonies. The acts also restricted colonial manufacturing.
  • Navigation Acts
  • Headright System
  • Stamp Act
  • Mercantilism
Quaker founder of Pennsylvania; he intended it to be a Quaker haven, but all religions were tolerated. The colony had very good relations with Native Americans at first.
  • Roger Williams
  • John Locke
  • John Smith
  • William Penn
believed the Anglican Church retained too many Catholic ideas and sought to purify the Church of England; the Puritans believed in predestination (man saved or damned at birth) and also held that God was watchful and granted salvation only to those who adhered to His goodness as interpreted by the church. The Puritans were strong in New England and very intolerant of other religious groups.
  • Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
  • Sugar Act
  • Congregationalists (Puritans)
  • Headright system
first secretary of state. Led opposition to Hamilton/Washington plan to centralize power. Elected President and vice president.
  • Alexander Hamilton
  • George Washington
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • John Locke
founded by Betty Friedan and others in 1966 it focused on womens rights in the workplace fought against legal and economic discrimination agianst women and lobbied for the Equal Rights Amendment
  • Board of Trade and Plantations
  • Congregationalists (Puritans)
  • National Organization for Women
  • Stamp Act Congress
offered by William Paterson to counter the Virginia Plan; it favored a one-house of Congress with equal representation for each state. It maintained much of the Articles of Confederation but strengthened the government's power to tax and regulate commerce.
  • Alien And Sedition Acts
  • Virginia Plan
  • New Jersey Plan
  • Stamp Act
passed as the British Parliament repealed the Stamp Act; a face-saving action, it asserted Parliament's sovereignty over colonial taxation and legislative policies.
  • Stamp Act
  • Headright system
  • Declaratory Act
  • Sugar Act
religious revival in the colonies in 1730s and 1740s; George Whitefield and Johathan Edwards preached a message of atonement for sins by admitting them to God. The movement attempted to combat the growing secularism and rationalism of med-eighteenth century America.
  • Bacon's Rebellion
  • Roger Williams
  • Dominion Of New England
  • First Great Awakening
an uprising in western Massachusetts between August 1786 and February 1787 that closed the courts and threatened revolution in the state; the central government's inability to suppress the revolt reinforced the belief that the Articles of Confederation needed to be strengthened or abandoned.
  • Shay's rebellion
  • Silent Majority
  • Stono Rebellion
  • Sons of Liberty
English philosopher who wrote that governments have a duty to protect people's life, liberty, and property; many colonial leaders read his ideas and incorporated them into their political rhetoric and thinking.
  • Jonathan Edwards
  • John Locke
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • William Penn
levied taxes on imported items such as paper, glass, and tea; these taxes were designed to address colonial resistance to "internal taxation" like the Stamp Act, which had no connection to trade and was intended only to raise revenue. However, the colonials viewed these as revenue-raising measures and refused to pay these taxes as well.
  • Stamp Act
  • John Winthrop
  • Ronald Reagan
  • Townshend Acts
a siege that ended in October 1781 when Washington trapped 8,000 British soldiers on a peninsula in Virginia after a British campaign in the southern colonies; this defeat caused the British to cease large-scale fighting in America and to start negotiations, which eventually led to the colonies' independence.
  • Salem witch hunt
  • Seven Years War
  • Anglican Church
  • Battle of Yorktown
uprising in western Pennsylvania in 1794 over an excise tax levied on whiskey; farmers saw the tax as an unjust and illegal levy, like the Stamp Act. President Washington crushed the rebellion with overwhelming force and thereby demonstrated the power of the new government to maintain order and carry out the law.
  • Alien And Sedition Acts
  • Bacon's Rebellion
  • Whiskey Rebellion
  • Xyz Affair
president, 1974-1977, who served without being elected either president or vice president; appointed vice president under the terms of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment when Spiro Agnew resigned, he assumed the presidency when Nixon resigned.
  • Jimmy Carter
  • George III
  • Warren Burger
  • Gerald Ford
persons who favored ratification of the U.S. Constitution by the states; they are not to be confused with the later Federalist Party.
  • Anti-Federalists
  • Federalists
  • George III
  • Gerald Ford
America's leading diplomat of the time who served as a statesmen and advisor throughout the Revolutionary era. He was active in all the pre-Revolutionary congresses and helped to secure the French alliance of 1778 and the Treaty of Paris, which formally ended the Revolution in 1783
  • Ben Franklin
  • Patrick Henry
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • George Washington
street gangs that formed during the Stamp Acts crisis to enforce the boycotts and prevent the distribution and sale of the tax stamps; they were the vanguard of the Revolution as they intimidated British officials with violence.
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Sons of Liberty
  • Stamp Act
  • Loyalists
broke the impasse at the Constitutional Convention over congressional representation. Congress would consist of two houses-seats in the lower assigned according to each state's population and states having equal representation in the upper chamber.
  • Silent Majority
  • Boston Massacre
  • Whiskey Rebellion
  • Great Compromise
ideal offered by Britain to colonists' demands for representation in Parliament and to establish lawful authority to tax them; the explanation was that Parliament was a collective representation of all Englishmen regardless of where they lived. According to this argument, a group's interest was represented in London by virtue of it being English. Colonial leaders rejected this position.
  • Sons Of Liberty
  • Salutary Neglect
  • Virtual Representation
  • Mercantilism
attempt to streamline colonial rule by combining all the New England colonies under the control of one governor in 1688; it was dissolved after the Glorious Revolution in England when its sponsors were deposed.
  • Salutary Neglect
  • Navigation Acts
  • Bacon's Rebellion
  • Dominion of New England
lead diplomat in negotiating the Treaty of Paris (1783); he secretly dealt with the British representatives at Paris and gained all of America's goals for independence despite the deviousness and meddling of France and Spain.
  • John Jay
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • George Washington
  • Alexander Hamilton
proposed amendment to the U.S. constitution passed by Congress and submitted to the states for ratification in 1971; outlawing discrimination based on gender, it was at first seen as a great victory by women's-rights groups. The amendment fell 3 states short of the 38 required for ratification. However, many states have adopted similar amendments to their state constitutions
  • Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
  • Act of Toleration
  • Sugar Act
  • Alien and Sedition Acts
author of "Sexual Politics", a book that energized the more radical elements in the wormens liberation movement with its confrontational messages about the male-dominated power structure in american society.
  • John Winthrop
  • Betty Friedan
  • Warren Burger
  • Kate Millett
A 1739 slave rebellion in Charleston, South Carolina
  • Navigation Acts
  • Whiskey Rebellion
  • Stono Rebellion
  • Salutary Neglect
one of the "plumbers" who worked for the White House to plug "leaks" to the media; he committeed illegal break-ins and surveillances. His revelations in 1973 that he was being paid to keep quiet began the unraveling of the Watergate cover-up
  • James McCord
  • Warren Burger
  • Henry Kissinger
  • H.r. Haldeman
label nixon gave to middle-class americans who supported him, obeyed the laws, and wanted "peace with honor" in vietnam, he contrasted this group with students and civil rights activists who disrupted the country with protests in the late 1960s and early 1970s
  • Whiskey Rebellion
  • Sons of Liberty
  • Silent Majority
  • Indentured servants
Church of England started by King Henry VIII in 1533; the monarch was head of the church, which was strongest in North America in the Southern Colonies. By 1776, it was second-largest church in America behind the Congregationalists.
  • John Locke
  • John Mitchell
  • Roger Williams
  • Anglican Church
period of hysteria in 1692, when a group of teenaged girls accused neighbors of bewitching them; in ten months, nineteen people were executed and hundreds imprisoned. The hysteria subsided when the girls accused the more prominent individuals in the colony, including the governor's wife
  • Alien and Sedition Acts
  • Salem witch hunt
  • Seven Years War
  • Battle of Yorktown
writer of Common Sense, an electrifying pamphlet of January 1776 calling for a break with England; written with great passion and force, it swept the colonies and provided a clear rationale for colonial independence.
  • H.R. Haldeman
  • Thomas Paine
  • Gerald Ford
  • James Madison
strong nationalist, first secretary of the treasury; he supported a strong central government and was founder of the Federalist Party.
  • Alexander Hamilton
  • George Washington
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • John Jay
diplomatic effort by John Adams to soothe the French, who were upset over Jay's Treaty and American neutrality in their conflict with Britain; 3 American delegates to France were told they must offer a bribe before any negotiations could begin. They refused, and the humiliation heightened tensions between the 2 countries and set off war hysteria in the United States.
  • Jay's Treaty
  • Alien And Sedition Acts
  • Whiskey Rebellion
  • XYZ Affair
author of The Feminine Mystique (1963), which raised the issue of a woman's place in society and how deadening suburban "happiness" could be for women; her ideas sparked the women's movement to life in the 1960s.
  • George McGoven
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Betty Friedan
  • John Dickinson
colonists who remained loyal to England; they often were older, better educated people who were members of the Anglican Church. The British hoped to use them as a pacification force but failed to organize them properly.
  • Samuel Adams
  • Loyalists
  • Sons Of Liberty
  • George Washington
British actions to punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party; they included closing the port of Boston, revoking Massachusetts's charter, trying all British colonial officals accused of misdeeds outside the colony, and housing British troops in private dwellings. In the colonies, these laws were known as the Intolerable Acts, and they brought on the First Continental Congress in 1774.
  • Halfway Covenant
  • Townshend Acts
  • Virginia Plan
  • Coercive Acts
first popularity-elected legislative assembly in America; it met in jamestown in 1619
  • Stamp Act Congress
  • Democratic Republican Party
  • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
  • House of Burgesses
written agreement in 1620 to create a body politic among the male settlers in Plymouth; it the forerunner to charters and constitutions that were eventually adopted in all the colonies.
  • Salutary neglect
  • Three Fifths Compromise
  • Shay's rebellion
  • Mayflower Compact
members of the youthful counterculture that dominated many college campuses in the 1960s; rather than promoting a political agenda, they challenged conventional sexual standards, rejected traditional economic values, and encouraged the use of drugs.
  • Stagflation
  • New Left
  • Shay's rebellion
  • Hippies
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