(written in two parts in 1835 and 1840) discusses the advantages of democracy and consequences of the majority's unlimited power. First to raise topics of American practicality over theory, the industrial aristocracy, and the conflict between the masses and individuals.
  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Alexis de Tocqueville
  • James Fenimore Cooper, The Last of the Mohicans
  • Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
Social reformer, leader in women's movement and a transcendentalist. Edited The Dial (1840-1842)
  • Hudson River School of Art
  • Margaret Fuller
  • Lyceum Movement
  • Edgar Allan Poe
came from France to America inHe observed democracy in government and society.
  • Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
  • Alexis de Tocqueville
  • Henry David Thoreau
  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
(1855) was his first volume of poetry. He broke away from the traditional forms and content of New England poetry by describing the life of working Americans and using words like "I reckon", "duds", and "folks". He loved people and expressed the new democracy of a nation finding itself. He had radical ideas and abolitionist views - ______________ was considered immoral. Patriotic.
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, The Blithedale Romance
  • Edgar Allan Poe
  • Herman Melville, Moby Dick
  • Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
An experiment in Utopian socialism, it lasted for six years (1841-1847) in New Roxbury, Massachusetts.
  • Brook Farm
  • Alexis de Tocqueville
  • Henry David Thoreau
  • The Dial
a complex artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in the second half of the 18th century in Europe, and gained strength in reaction to the Industrial Revolution. In part, it was a revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalisation of nature
  • Brook Farm
  • Transcendentalism
  • Romanticism
  • "On Civil Disobedience"
an American novelist. She is best known for the novel Little Women, set in the _______ family home, Orchard House in Concord, Massachusetts, and published inThis novel is loosely based on her childhood experiences with her three sisters.
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, The Blithedale Romance
  • Louisa May Alcott
  • Edgar Allan Poe
  • Washington Irving
an American book written by noted Transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau. The work is part personal declaration of independence, social experiment, voyage of spiritual discovery, satire, and manual for self reliance. Published in 1854, it details Thoreau's experiences over the course of two years in a cabin he built near ________ Pond
  • Walden
  • The Dial
  • "On Civil Disobedience"
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson
Began by Josiah Holbrok in the 1820, _________ were local organizations that sponsored public lectures. Lectures were held on such topics as astronomy, biology, physiology, geology, conversation. The spread of these lecture revealed the widespread hunger for knowledge and refinement.
  • Lyceum Movement
  • Edgar Allan Poe
  • Hudson River School of Art
  • Margaret Fuller
A philosophy pioneered by Ralph Waldo Emerson in the 1830's and 1840's, in which each person has direct communication with God and Nature, and there is no need for organized churches. It incorporated the ideas that mind goes beyond matter, intuition is valuable, that each soul is part of the Great Spirit, and each person is part of a reality where only the invisible is truly real. Promoted individualism, self-reliance, and freedom from social constraints, and emphasized emotions.
  • "On Civil Disobedience"
  • Romanticism
  • Transcendentalism
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson
A transcendentalist and friend of Emerson. He lived alone on Walden Pond with only $8 a year from 1845-1847 and wrote about it in Walden.
  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Alexis de Tocqueville
  • Henry David Thoreau
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson
One of his novels shows the hypocrisy and insensitivity of New England puritans by showing their cruelty to a woman who has committed adultery and is forced to wear a scarlet "A". Another novel based on __________________'s experiences at Brook Farm
  • Washington Irving
  • Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, The Blithedale Romance
  • Edgar Allan Poe
In Henry David Thoreau's essay, "________________," he inspired social and political reformers because he had refused to pay a poll tax in protest of slavery and the Mexican-American War, and had spent a night in jail. He was an extreme individualist and advised people to protest by not obeying laws (passive resistance).
  • "On Civil Disobedience"
  • Henry David Thoreau
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
the publication of the transcendentalists. It appealed to people who wanted "perfect freedom", "progress in philosophy and theology . . . and hope that the future will not always be as the past."
  • Brook Farm
  • Walden
  • Henry David Thoreau
  • The Dial
1826 - It is about a scout named Hawkeye during the French and Indian War, while he was in his prime. It is one of the Leatherstocking Tales, about a frontiersman and a noble Indian, and the clash between growing civilization and untamed wilderness.
  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • James Fenimore Cooper, The Last of the Mohicans
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
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