The poses of the women and the intense lighting used in the scene.
  • What does the image above depict?
  • What common themes are present in Spanish Baroque art?
  • How does the artist create tension in the piece above?
  • How does the artist create unity of form in the painting above?
The figures move diagonally to create a triangular composition.
  • How does the artist create movement in the painting above?
  • Who is pictured in the image below?
  • What artist painted the image above?
  • Who was the artist of the piece above clearly inspired by?
The artist fuses sculpture and painting to eliminate any appearance of architectural division.
  • How does the artist create unity of form in the painting above?
  • What does the image above depict?
  • What common themes are present in Spanish Baroque art?
  • How does the artist create tension in the piece above?
Cornaro Chapel, a funerary chapel.
  • What does the image above depict?
  • How does the artist create unity of form in the painting above?
  • What is tenebrism?
  • How does the artist create tension in the piece above?
  • What is pictured below?
  • What does the image above depict?
  • What common themes are present in Spanish Baroque art?
  • What is tenebrism?
Pope Innocent X.
  • What artist painted the image above?
  • Who painted the image above?
  • Who painted this famous ceiling (above)?
  • Who is pictured in the image below?
A style of painting using sharp contrasts of light and dark.
  • What is tenebrism?
  • What does the image above depict?
  • What is pictured below?
  • How does the artist create tension in the piece above?
  • Who painted the image above?
  • Who was the artist of the piece above clearly inspired by?
  • What artist painted the image above?
  • Who painted this famous ceiling (above)?
Diego Velasquez.
  • What artist painted the image above?
  • Who painted the image above?
  • Who is pictured in the image below?
  • Who painted this famous ceiling (above)?
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