why is it important to flush the enteral feeding of an NG Tube with internet feedings
  • assess the clients ability to help with the transfer
  • smaller nipplesmore pendulousnipple inversion
  • water helps clear the tube so it doesn't get clogged
  • stop the feeling to prevent aspiration pneumonia
what are age related finding when examining the head and neck of an older adult
  • tooth lossglare intolerancethickening eardrums
  • apply elastic stockings change position frequently
  • resonance tactile fremitusbronchovesicular sounds
  • smaller nipplesmore pendulousnipple inversion
what action should be performed before preparing to insert an NG tube for a client who requires gastric decompression
  • review a signal the client can use a feeling any distresslay a towel across the clients chestuse a water-based lubricant to reduce complications related to aspiration
  • call light in reachprovide nonskid footwearcomplete fall risk assessment
  • are more prone dehydrationneed the same amount of vitamins and minerals as the young adults domany need calcium supplementshave a slower metabolic rate, need fewer caloriesneed more carbs and fiberreduce intake of fats and empty calories
  • insert speculum slightly down and forwarddo not touch the ear canal with the speculumuse the light to visualize the typmanic membrane on a cone shape
what should be included in a teaching about carbon monoxide poisoning
  • urinary incontinenceacute confusionagitation
  • child obesitysubstance use disorderscoliosisstranger awareness
  • carbon monoxide binds with hemoglobin in the body
  • establish consistent boundaries
a client scheduled for two physical therapy sessions today. what should the nurse take into consideration for the care of the Muslim client
  • discuss the daily schedule with a client to make sure the client will have time for prayer
  • provides cognitive restorationit is difficult to awake a person vivid dreams are common
  • ask if the patient is in pain
  • assess the clients ability to help with the transfer
what are expected findings when asculatating and percussing the thorax
  • apply elastic stockings change position frequently
  • when the enema solutionposition the client on their left side with right leg flexedlubricate the rectal tube
  • Bradypneaorthostatic hypotensionnausea
  • resonance tactile fremitusbronchovesicular sounds
what do you do if a patient experiences fluid overload from an IV
  • stop being fusion and remove the catheterElevate the extremityencourage active range of motionapply warm or cold compress depending on solutionrestart the infusion proximal to the site or another extremity
  • do you eat alone or with someone have you started any new medswhat have you eaten in the last 24 hour are you on a fixed income
  • expressing concern about the next generation welcome opportunities to be creative and productive become involved with community issues
  • stop and fusion and raise the head of theassess Vital Signs and oxygen saturationadjust the rate as prescribedadminister diuretics if prescribed
when evaluating a clients neurosensory system, to evaluate stereognosis the nurse should ask the client to close his eyes and identify what
  • a familiar object she places in his hand
  • presence of Associated symptoms
  • hold cane on the right sidekeep two points of support on the floorafter advancing cane, move weaker leg forward
  • discontinue the infusion
what type of lesions are considered vesicles
  • herpes simplexvaricella
  • joint commission state boards of nursingfood and drug administration
  • Robert test
  • tympanyborborgymi
a client reports severe sore throat, pain when swallowing and swollen lymph nodes. what stage of infection is this
  • illness
  • infiltration or extravasation
  • affective
  • presence of Associated symptoms
what are manifestations of hypovolemia
  • tachycardiasyncopedecreased skin turgor
  • building models video gamesreading
  • fevermalaiseincrease in pulse and respiratory rate
  • tooth lossglare intolerancethickening eardrums
what is an example of a middle aged adults psychosocial development
  • allow plenty of time for position changes make sure they have any sensory aids in placeallow them to take their time answering questions allow them to use bathroom before beginning
  • weber testing shows lateralization to the right earno signs of obstruction to the left ear canalRinne test showing length of time is decreased for ear bone conductionair conduction greater than bone conduction in the left ear
  • expressing concern about the next generation welcome opportunities to be creative and productive become involved with community issues
  • place patient on sideadminister meds as prescribedbe prepared to insert airway do not leave client alone during a seizure
whole grain such as barley and oats, raw veggies, cabbage, legumes, lentils, black beans are
  • extrapyramidal symptoms
  • high in fiber
  • hypotension
  • semi-fowlers
cardiac rehabilitation and home health care are what levels of care
  • tertiary
  • auacultation
  • restorative
  • secondary
what are appropriate interventions for a client who reports losing control of urine when coughing laughing or sneezing
  • decreased heightnail thickeningdecreased bladder capacity
  • decrease or avoid caffeineavoid the intake of alcohol
  • tooth lossglare intolerancethickening eardrums
  • fevermalaiseincrease in pulse and respiratory rate
what are the recommended immunizations for adolescents 12-22
  • resonance tactile fremitusbronchovesicular sounds
  • varicella human papilloma virus seasonal influenza
  • smaller nipplesmore pendulousnipple inversion
  • complete a fall risk assessment
what are interventions for seclusion and restraints
  • maintaining an open postureestablishing and maintaining eye contactresponding positively when giving feedback
  • temperature around the IV site is cooler The IV dressing is dampthe tissue around the venipuncture site is swollen
  • decreased respiratory movement, decreased oxygen and carbon monoxide exchange stasis of secretions and decreased and weekend respiratory muscles, atelectasis and hypostatic pneumonia
  • assess restraints every 2 hoursassess food, fluids, comfort, and safety and document every 15-30 mins
ecchymosis at IV site indicates
  • hematoma
  • hypotension
  • assault
  • cyanoisis
characteristics for bulimia nervosa
  • place client in semi-fowlers position rest one arm over abdomenobserve one full cycle before counting
  • apply suction while withdrawing the catheteruse a new catheter for each suctioning attemptlimit suctioning to two to three attempts
  • filling and emptying containersplaying with blocks looking at books
  • cycle of binge eating followed by purging lack of control during bingesat least two binges per week for at least 3 months
what are the health care regulatory agencies
  • capillary refill in 2 secondsthick skin on soles of feetnumerous light brown macules on the face
  • distended neck veinsincreased blood pressuretachycardiashortness of breathcrackles in the lungsedema
  • joint commission state boards of nursingfood and drug administration
  • closure of the mitral valveclosure of tricuspid valve
what are actions for a patient who has had a seizure
  • auscultate bowel soundsassist the client an upright positiontest the pH of gastric aspirate
  • temperature around the IV site is cooler The IV dressing is dampthe tissue around the venipuncture site is swollen
  • capillary refill in 2 secondsthick skin on soles of feetnumerous light brown macules on the face
  • place patient on sideadminister meds as prescribedbe prepared to insert airway do not leave client alone during a seizure
who is at risk for complications from food poisoning
  • Implement airborne precautions
  • do not measure temp rectally
  • immunocompromised individuals
  • Infuse hypotonic IV fluids
prior to administering medication what is the highest priority action
  • hypotensionfeverpoor skin turgor
  • carbon monoxide binds with hemoglobin in the body
  • increase calcium and fiberdecrease sodium
  • identify the clients medication allergies
a 82 year old client in ER has temp of 101, pulse 114, respiration ofhe is restless and skin is warm.. what actions are appropriate
  • help clients see benefits of their actionsidentify clients support system suggest community resourcesteach stress management strategies
  • provides cognitive restorationit is difficult to awake a person vivid dreams are common
  • place patient on sideadminister meds as prescribedbe prepared to insert airway do not leave client alone during a seizure
  • obtain filter specimen before initiating antimicrobialsencourage restassist with oral hygiene frequently increase fluids
what is an a typical indication of an infection
  • establish consistent boundaries
  • smaller nipplesmore pendulousnipple inversion
  • urinary incontinenceacute confusionagitation
  • closure of the mitral valveclosure of tricuspid valve
what are expected findings of an older adult during a breast exam
  • increase calcium and fiberdecrease sodium
  • smaller nipplesmore pendulousnipple inversion
  • carbon monoxide binds with hemoglobin in the body
  • assess the clients ability to help with the transfer
what nutritional interventions are recommended for older adults
  • complete a fall risk assessment
  • varicella human papilloma virus seasonal influenza
  • increase calcium and fiberdecrease sodium
  • diureticscorticosteroidsantipsychotics
what does a sequential compression device SCD do
  • keeps blood pumping in legs
  • complete a fall risk assessment
  • skin coloredemaskin temp
  • establish consistent boundaries
clients as risk for food poisoning are instructed to eat and drink what
  • do not measure temp rectally
  • only pasteurized milk. yogurt, cheese and other dairy products
  • resonance tactile fremitusbronchovesicular sounds
  • apply elastic stockings change position frequently
what vaccines are appropriate for young adults 20-35
  • apply pressure after IV catheter removalis warm compress and elevation after the bleeding stops
  • varicellapolioseasonal influenza
  • human papilloma virus measles, mumps, rubellavaricella
  • Bradypneaorthostatic hypotensionnausea
expected gross motor skills of a 6 month infant
  • rolls from back to front nears weight on legssits unsupported
  • only pasteurized milk. yogurt, cheese and other dairy products
  • call light in reachprovide nonskid footwearcomplete fall risk assessment
  • some vision and hearing decline slow fine finger movementsome short term memory decline
in order to facilitate effective communication with a school-age child who is seated do what
  • extrapyramidal symptoms
  • sit at eye level with a child
  • a familiar object she places in his hand
  • trying to increase her independence
what instructions should be given to a client who is recovering from a minor musculoskeletal injury of the left lower extremities
  • hold cane on the right sidekeep two points of support on the floorafter advancing cane, move weaker leg forward
  • place patient on sideadminister meds as prescribedbe prepared to insert airway do not leave client alone during a seizure
  • child obesitysubstance use disorderscoliosisstranger awareness
  • phlebitis or thrombophlebitis
what immunizations are recommended for an older adult 65 and older
  • ibuprofen, Advilcimetidine, tagametsunvaststin, zocoramiodarone, cordarone
  • resonance tactile fremitusbronchovesicular sounds
  • increase calcium and fiberdecrease sodium
  • pneumococcal immunizationseye exammental health screening DEXA scanning
after inspecting the abdomen what should be done next
  • tympanyborborgymi
  • cellulitis
  • Robert test
  • auacultation
what are expected decreases in physical function of a middle age adult
  • smaller nipplesmore pendulousnipple inversion
  • concave thoracic spine posteriorly concave lumbar spine posteriorly muscles slightly larger on his dominant side
  • hypotensionfeverpoor skin turgor
  • metabolismgastric secretionglomerular function
what is the priority action for a client with a history of falls
  • enlargement of the testes and the scrotum
  • varicella human papilloma virus seasonal influenza
  • smaller nipplesmore pendulousnipple inversion
  • complete a fall risk assessment
pain, Warmth, edema, induration, red streaking, fever, chills, malaise at IV site
  • Implement airborne precautions
  • Robert test
  • the same religious beliefs may influence individuals
  • cellulitis
a client with narcolepsy should do what to help with self management
  • use incentive spirometer
  • do not measure temp rectally
  • assess the clients ability to help with the transfer
  • take naps when feeling sleepy
what are the adverse effects of opioid analgesia
  • urinary incontinenceacute confusionagitation
  • tachycardiasyncopedecreased skin turgor
  • Bradypneaorthostatic hypotensionnausea
  • diureticscorticosteroidsantipsychotics
what heart sound is the left midclavicular line
  • apply pressure after IV catheter removalis warm compress and elevation after the bleeding stops
  • closure of the mitral valveclosure of tricuspid valve
  • enlargement of the testes and the scrotum
  • resonance tactile fremitusbronchovesicular sounds
what are expected findings when assessing the clients skin
  • capillary refill in 2 secondsthick skin on soles of feetnumerous light brown macules on the face
  • apply pressure after IV catheter removalis warm compress and elevation after the bleeding stops
  • call light in reachprovide nonskid footwearcomplete fall risk assessment
  • place patient on sideadminister meds as prescribedbe prepared to insert airway do not leave client alone during a seizure
what immunizations are recommended for a middle aged adult 35-65
  • apply elastic stockings change position frequently
  • varicellaherpes zosterinfluenza
  • complete a fall risk assessment
  • tooth lossglare intolerancethickening eardrums
what findings of a skin assessment require immediate intervention
  • cyanoisis
  • carbon monoxide binds with hemoglobin in the body
  • tertiary
  • auacultation
a client has a rwctured femur and a BP of 140/94 what action should be done
  • Infuse hypotonic IV fluids
  • ask if the patient is in pain
  • establish consistent boundaries
  • use incentive spirometer
what are appropriate actions when initiating a bladder training program
  • Palpatine the thyroid in the lower half of the neckfeeling the thyroid ascend when patient swallows finding symmetric extension of the trachea on both sides of the midline
  • resonance tactile fremitusbronchovesicular sounds
  • decrease or avoid caffeineavoid the intake of alcohol
  • have the client record voting timesgraduate increase the voting intervalsremind the clamp to hold urine until next scheduled time
guidelines for measuring respiratory rates
  • place patient on sideadminister meds as prescribedbe prepared to insert airway do not leave client alone during a seizure
  • call light in reachprovide nonskid footwearcomplete fall risk assessment
  • hand and finger spasms during BP cuff inflationvitamin D deficiencyrisk of pathologic fractures risk for seizures
  • place client in semi-fowlers position rest one arm over abdomenobserve one full cycle before counting
when assessing an adult ear canal with an horoscope what actions are appropriate
  • auscultate bowel soundsassist the client an upright positiontest the pH of gastric aspirate
  • insert speculum slightly down and forwarddo not touch the ear canal with the speculumuse the light to visualize the typmanic membrane on a cone shape
  • expressing concern about the next generation welcome opportunities to be creative and productive become involved with community issues
  • when the enema solutionposition the client on their left side with right leg flexedlubricate the rectal tube
what are expected findings when assessing the thyroid gland
  • expressing concern about the next generation welcome opportunities to be creative and productive become involved with community issues
  • distended neck veinsincreased blood pressuretachycardiashortness of breathcrackles in the lungsedema
  • Palpatine the thyroid in the lower half of the neckfeeling the thyroid ascend when patient swallows finding symmetric extension of the trachea on both sides of the midline
  • capillary refill in 2 secondsthick skin on soles of feetnumerous light brown macules on the face
what are nutritional needs and considerations for older adults
  • place patient on sideadminister meds as prescribedbe prepared to insert airway do not leave client alone during a seizure
  • HCT 55%serum osmolarity greater than 300serum sodium 150urine specific gravity 1.035elevated serum creatine
  • varicella human papilloma virus seasonal influenza
  • are more prone dehydrationneed the same amount of vitamins and minerals as the young adults domany need calcium supplementshave a slower metabolic rate, need fewer caloriesneed more carbs and fiberreduce intake of fats and empty calories
what are expected findings of a young adult male clients musculoskeletal system
  • resonance tactile fremitusbronchovesicular sounds
  • concave thoracic spine posteriorly concave lumbar spine posteriorly muscles slightly larger on his dominant side
  • have the client record voting timesgraduate increase the voting intervalsremind the clamp to hold urine until next scheduled time
  • capillary refill in 2 secondsthick skin on soles of feetnumerous light brown macules on the face
pallor, local swelling and decrease skin temp around the site, damp dressing, slowed rate of infusion is an indication
  • infiltration or extravasation
  • ask if the patient is in pain
  • do not measure temp rectally
  • Infuse hypotonic IV fluids
intermittent infusion tubing should be changed how often
  • Robert test
  • cyanoisis
  • use incentive spirometer
  • every 24 hours
how long should a medication be administered in within the scheduled time
  • 30 minutes
  • semi-fowlers
  • stop being fusion and remove the catheterElevate the extremityencourage active range of motionapply warm or cold compress depending on solutionrestart the infusion proximal to the site or another extremity
  • secondary
what client is at risk for hypovolemia
  • do not measure temp rectally
  • restlessnesstachypneapallor
  • postureskin lesionsspeech
  • client who has heart failure
what is the highest priority assessment before performing in enteral feeding to a client with an NG Tube
  • complete a fall risk assessment
  • Infuse hypotonic IV fluids
  • MedicareMedicaid
  • verify the placement of the tube
the intensive care unit, oncology, treatment center and burn center are what level of care
  • secondary
  • primary
  • cyanoisis
  • tertiary
what are early indications of hypoxemia
  • client who has heart failure
  • restlessnesstachypneapallor
  • immunocompromised individuals
  • resonance tactile fremitusbronchovesicular sounds
a patient states he is thinking of leaving the hospital against medical advice. the nurse gave him a PRN sedative with his usual meds without him requesting it. this is considered
  • testicular exam
  • false imprisonment
  • affective
  • skin coloredemaskin temp
what interventions should be used of an older adult during an exam
  • weber testing shows lateralization to the right earno signs of obstruction to the left ear canalRinne test showing length of time is decreased for ear bone conductionair conduction greater than bone conduction in the left ear
  • expressing concern about the next generation welcome opportunities to be creative and productive become involved with community issues
  • wear a mask when providing care within 3ft of the clientplace a surgical mask on the client if being transported to another unitwear a gown when performing care that involves secretions
  • allow plenty of time for position changes make sure they have any sensory aids in placeallow them to take their time answering questions allow them to use bathroom before beginning
what tests should be performed to test balance
  • herpes simplexvaricella
  • insert the needle with the bevel up in the angle of 10 to 30 degreesafter seeing a flashback of blood lower the how close to the skin to prepare for threading the needle into the veinapply pressure 1.25 inches above the insertion site to remove
  • Robert test
  • client who has heart failure
what should the nurse examine to assess the patients peripheral vascular system who is post-op knees surgery
  • skin coloredemaskin temp
  • Implement airborne precautions
  • carbon monoxide binds with hemoglobin in the body
  • establish consistent boundaries
an okder adult has tenting of the akin on hia forearm. what explains this
  • loss of adipose tissuedehydrationdiminished akin elasticity
  • ask if the patient is in pain
  • only pasteurized milk. yogurt, cheese and other dairy products
  • resonance tactile fremitusbronchovesicular sounds
immunizations and education for minimizing risk factors for illness are what level of care
  • restorative
  • secondary
  • extrapyramidal symptoms
  • preventative care
how to administer ear drops in an adult patient
  • allow plenty of time for position changes make sure they have any sensory aids in placeallow them to take their time answering questions allow them to use bathroom before beginning
  • Palpate the thyroid in the lower half of the neckfeeling the thyroid ascend when patient swallows finding symmetric extension of the trachea on both sides of the midline
  • place patient on sideadminister meds as prescribedbe prepared to insert airway do not leave client alone during a seizure
  • pull the auricle upward and outward to open the ear canalapply pressure with the finger to the tragus after administeringavoid using cotton ball in the ear canal can cause bacteria
what are expected findings for a client who has had diarrhea for 4 days
  • tympanyborborgymi
  • complete a fall risk assessment
  • Bradypneaorthostatic hypotensionnausea
  • hypotensionfeverpoor skin turgor
what are clinical manifestations of infiltration
  • have the client record voting timesgraduate increase the voting intervalsremind the clamp to hold urine until next scheduled time
  • decreased respiratory movement, decreased oxygen and carbon monoxide exchange stasis of secretions and decreased and weekend respiratory muscles, atelectasis and hypostatic pneumonia
  • temperature around the IV site is cooler The IV dressing is dampthe tissue around the venipuncture site is swollen
  • ibuprofen, Advilcimetidine, tagametsunvaststin, zocoramiodarone, cordarone
what findings suggest a client with a history of herpes zoster is experiencing post therapetic neuralgia
  • report of continued pain following resolution of rash
  • closure of the mitral valveclosure of tricuspid valve
  • carbon monoxide binds with hemoglobin in the body
  • verify the placement of the tube
a client has a fractured femur and a BP of 140/94 what action should be done
  • identify the clients medication allergies
  • discuss the daily schedule with a client to make sure the client will have time for prayer
  • offering the client a pain scale to measure his pain
  • ask if the patient is in pain
an abdomen assessment shoes distension, protrusion at midline, taut skin and no involvement in flanks. what is the cause of distension
  • semi-fowlers
  • flatus
  • assault
  • tertiary
when assessing an adult ear canal with an otoscope what actions are appropriate
  • concave thoracic spine posteriorly concave lumbar spine posteriorly muscles slightly larger on his dominant side
  • have the client record voting timesgraduate increase the voting intervalsremind the clamp to hold urine until next scheduled time
  • insert speculum slightly down and forwarddo not touch the ear canal with the speculumuse the light to visualize the typmanic membrane on a cone shape
  • expressing concern about the next generation welcome opportunities to be creative and productive become involved with community issues
during a Neuro exam what are expected findings with aging
  • place patient on sideadminister meds as prescribedbe prepared to insert airway do not leave client alone during a seizure
  • capillary refill in 2 secondsthick skin on soles of feetnumerous light brown macules on the face
  • call light in reachprovide nonskid footwearcomplete fall risk assessment
  • some vision and hearing decline slow fine finger movementsome short term memory decline
what are expected findings when ausculating and percussing the abdomen
  • tympanyborborgymi
  • hypotensionfeverpoor skin turgor
  • concave thoracic spine posteriorly concave lumbar spine posteriorly muscles slightly larger on his dominant side
  • resonance tactile fremitusbronchovesicular sounds
what directions should be given when testing cranial nerve 5
  • call light in reachprovide nonskid footwearcomplete fall risk assessment
  • close your mouthclench your teethtell me when you feel a touch
  • tooth lossglare intolerancethickening eardrums
  • resonance tactile fremitusbronchovesicular sounds
what should be included in health promotion and primary prevention for a school-aged child
  • fevermalaiseincrease in pulse and respiratory rate
  • apply suction while withdrawing the catheteruse a new catheter for each suctioning attemptlimit suctioning to two to three attempts
  • child obesitysubstance use disorderscoliosisstranger awareness
  • postureskin lesionsspeech
a client who has a heat stroke will have what
  • do not measure temp rectally
  • use incentive spirometer
  • hypotension
  • affective
a client reports abdominal cramping during a cleansing enema what should the intervention be
  • do not measure temp rectally
  • lower the enema fluid container, this slows the rate of installation
  • the same religious beliefs may influence individuals
  • ask if the patient is in pain
scoliosis is more common with who and when should screening be done
  • identify the clients medication allergies
  • take naps when feeling sleepy
  • girls and during adolescents growth spurts
  • only pasteurized milk. yogurt, cheese and other dairy products
a client asks to move from the bed to the chair what is the priority action
  • offering the client a pain scale to measure his pain
  • take naps when feeling sleepy
  • assess the clients ability to help with the transfer
  • loss of adipose tissuedehydrationdiminished akin elasticity
an older adult has tenting of the skin on his forearm. what explains this
  • apply elastic stockings change position frequently
  • loss of adipose tissuedehydrationdiminished skin elasticity
  • carbon monoxide binds with hemoglobin in the body
  • ask if the patient is in pain
a nurse ask a client who is come to the ER reporting severe abdominal pain whether he has nausea and vomiting. the nurse is assessing
  • the same religious beliefs may influence individuals
  • complete a fall risk assessment
  • presence of Associated symptoms
  • phlebitis or thrombophlebitis
what strategies should be used during a physical exam
  • distended neck veinsincreased blood pressuretachycardiashortness of breathcrackles in the lungsedema
  • use open and closed ended questionsreduce environment noiseperform the general surgery before the exam
  • place patient on sideadminister meds as prescribedbe prepared to insert airway do not leave client alone during a seizure
  • concave thoracic spine posteriorly concave lumbar spine posteriorly muscles slightly larger on his dominant side
an abdomen assessment shows distension, protrusion at midline, taut skin and no involvement in flanks. what is the cause of distension
  • presence of Associated symptoms
  • infiltration or extravasation
  • phlebitis or thrombophlebitis
  • flatus
a client has amphetamine overdose and sensory overload what intervention should the nurse implement
  • provides cognitive restorationit is difficult to awake a person vivid dreams are common
  • verify the placement of the tube
  • water helps clear the tube so it doesn't get clogged
  • provide a private room and limit stimulation
play activity of toddlers should be
  • call light in reachprovide nonskid footwearcomplete fall risk assessment
  • human papilloma virus measles, mumps, rubellavaricella
  • joint commission state boards of nursingfood and drug administration
  • filling and emptying containersplaying with blocks looking at books
what bed position should the bed be in for a client receiving eternal tube feeding due to dysphagia
  • Robert test
  • stop the feeling to prevent aspiration pneumonia
  • illness
  • semi-fowlers
what are the five stages of grief
  • decreased heightnail thickeningdecreased bladder capacity
  • denialangerbargainingdepressionacceptance
  • enlargement of the testes and the scrotum
  • varicella human papilloma virus seasonal influenza
what are expected changes in aging
  • concave thoracic spine posteriorly concave lumbar spine posteriorly muscles slightly larger on his dominant side
  • denialangerbargainingdepressionacceptance
  • closure of the mitral valveclosure of tricuspid valve
  • decreased heightnail thickeningdecreased bladder capacity
what should be the first action of a patient who has pulmonary tuberculosis
  • do you ear alone or with someone have you started any new medswhat have you eaten in the last 24 hour are you on a fixed income
  • varicellaherpes zosterinfluenza
  • carbon monoxide binds with hemoglobin in the body
  • Implement airborne precautions
21 year old with a sore throat tells doctor he has not seen the doctor since highschool. what screening should be done
  • skin coloredemaskin temp
  • obtain culture specimen before initiating antimicrobialsencourage restassist with oral hygiene frequently increase fluids
  • semi-fowlers
  • testicular exam
what should the nurse suggest regarding discipline for a toddler
  • carbon monoxide binds with hemoglobin in the body
  • complete a fall risk assessment
  • establish consistent boundaries
  • skin coloredemaskin temp
what should you do during therapy for a patient with MRSA
  • monitor the clients serum antimicrobial levels
  • enlargement of the testes and the scrotum
  • establish consistent boundaries
  • postureskin lesionsspeech
what are effects of immobility of the cardio vascular system
  • orthostatic hypotensionstasis of blood in legs increased risk of thrombusless fluid volume in circulatory system diminished autonomic response increased oxygen requirementsdecreased cardiac output, poor cardiac effectiveness, increased cardiac workload
  • Palpate the thyroid in the lower half of the neckfeeling the thyroid ascend when patient swallows finding symmetric extension of the trachea on both sides of the midline
  • capillary refill in 2 secondsthick skin on soles of feetnumerous light brown macules on the face
  • are more prone dehydrationneed the same amount of vitamins and minerals as the young adults domany need calcium supplementshave a slower metabolic rate, need fewer caloriesneed more carbs and fiberreduce intake of fats and empty calories
what characteristics should be included when explaining rapid eye movement REM sleep
  • auscultate bowel soundsassist the client an upright positiontest the pH of gastric aspirate
  • concave thoracic spine posteriorly concave lumbar spine posteriorly muscles slightly larger on his dominant side
  • provides cognitive restorationit is difficult to awake a person vivid dreams are common
  • pneumococcal immunizationseye exammental health screening DEXA scanning
rehab, learning-self management procedures, strategies are what type of prevention
  • cellulitis
  • restorative
  • tertiary
  • cyanoisis
what to do if a patient with an IV has a hematoma
  • discontinue the infusion and remove the catheterElevate the extremityapply warm compress 3 to 4 times a dayobtain a specimen for cultureadminister antibiotics, analgesics, antipyretics
  • closure of the mitral valveclosure of tricuspid valve
  • apply pressure after IV catheter removalis warm compress and elevation after the bleeding stops
  • body weight less than 85% of idealfears being fatfeels fatfemales no menses for atleast 3 consecutive
what are the federally funded health care finances
  • varicellapolioseasonal influenza
  • MedicareMedicaid
  • varicella human papilloma virus seasonal influenza
  • enlargement of the testes and the scrotum
taking courses, reading about bike safety is what kind of prevention
  • girls and during adolescents growth spurts
  • secondary
  • primary
  • cyanoisis
what are the findings that indicate a sensorineural hearing loss in the left
  • expressing concern about the next generation welcome opportunities to be creative and productive become involved with community issues
  • allow plenty of time for position changes make sure they have any sensory aids in placeallow them to take their time answering questions allow them to use bathroom before beginning
  • orthostatic hypotensionstasis of blood in legs increased risk of thrombusless fluid volume in circulatory system diminished autonomic response increased oxygen requirementsdecreased cardiac output, poor cardiac effectiveness, increased cardiac workload
  • weber testing shows lateralization to the right earno signs of obstruction to the left ear canalRinne test showing length of time is decreased for ear bone conductionair conduction greater than bone conduction in the left ear
a client is reporting pain despite analgesia. The nurse can assess the intensity of the Pain by
  • ask if the patient is in pain
  • verify the placement of the tube
  • only pasteurized milk. yogurt, cheese and other dairy products
  • offering the client a pain scale to measure his pain
what are behaviors of active listening
  • denialangerbargainingdepressionacceptance
  • maintaining an open postureestablishing and maintaining eye contactresponding positively when giving feedback
  • distended neck veinsincreased blood pressuretachycardiashortness of breathcrackles in the lungsedema
  • capillary refill in 2 secondsthick skin on soles of feetnumerous light brown macules on the face
what are appropriate steps for the nurse to take when preparing for a cleansing enema
  • when the enema solutionposition the client on their left side with right leg flexedlubricate the rectal tube
  • tooth lossglare intolerancethickening eardrums
  • maintaining an open postureestablishing and maintaining eye contactresponding positively when giving feedback
  • weber testing shows lateralization to the right earno signs of obstruction to the left ear canalRinne test showing length of time is decreased for ear bone conductionair conduction greater than bone conduction in the left ear
foods that are low in fiber and easy to digest, dairy products, eggs, custard, yogurt
  • tympanyborborgymi
  • low residue diet
  • water helps clear the tube so it doesn't get clogged
  • secondary
a hospital is conducting a community blood pressure screening in its lobby. what level of care is this
  • cyanoisis
  • semi-fowlers
  • tertiary
  • primary
what is the proper procedures an IV catheter
  • are more prone dehydrationneed the same amount of vitamins and minerals as the young adults domany need calcium supplementshave a slower metabolic rate, need fewer caloriesneed more carbs and fiberreduce intake of fats and empty calories
  • complete a fall risk assessment
  • orthostatic hypotensionstasis of blood in legs increased risk of thrombusless fluid volume in circulatory system diminished autonomic response increased oxygen requirementsdecreased cardiac output, poor cardiac effectiveness, increased cardiac workload
  • insert the needle with the bevel up in the angle of 10 to 30 degreesafter seeing a flashback of blood lower the how close to the skin to prepare for threading the needle into the veinapply pressure 1.25 inches above the insertion site to remove
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