A nurse is preparing to administer a time-critical medication to a client atWhich of the following times are appropriate for the nurse to administer the medication? (Select all that apply.)07000745083008450900
  • Withhold the medication.
  • 07450830The nurse should follow facility policy when selecting the time to administer medication to the client. Typically, facility policy permits the nurse to administer a time-critical medication 30 min before or after the scheduled time for administration. 0745 is within 30 min of the 0800 administration time.0830 is within 30 min of the 0800 administration time. Administering time-critical medications, such as antibiotics, in a timely manner helps to maintain therapeutic levels of the medication in the client's blood.
  • Provide client education about the medication.Check the expiration date of the medication.Verify the dosage of the medication.Ask the client if they have any allergies.The nurse should provide education for the client regarding the name and purpose of each medication when administering them to the client.The nurse should review the package information prior to administering the medication, including the expiration date.The nurse should review the package information prior to administering the medication, including the medication name and dosage.The nurse should ask the client about any allergies that they have to decrease the risk of an adverse reaction.
  • Injecting the insulin
A nurse working in a medical-surgical unit is preparing to administer medications to a client. The nurse plans to use two forms of identification to verify that she has the right client. Which of the following actions can the nurse take to identify the client? (Select all that apply.)Compare the name on the client's wristband with the name in the medication administration record (MAR).Ask the client to state his date of birth.Check the room number in the medication administration record (MAR) with the room number of the client.Ask the client to state his name.Use the bar code scan to identify the client.
  • Provide client education about the medication.Check the expiration date of the medication.Verify the dosage of the medication.Ask the client if they have any allergies.The nurse should provide education for the client regarding the name and purpose of each medication when administering them to the client.The nurse should review the package information prior to administering the medication, including the expiration date.The nurse should review the package information prior to administering the medication, including the medication name and dosage.The nurse should ask the client about any allergies that they have to decrease the risk of an adverse reaction.
  • Compare the name on the client's wristband with the name in the medication administration record (MAR).Ask the client to state his date of birth.(MAR) with the room number of the client.Ask the client to state his name.Use the bar code scan to identify the client.Verifying the data on the client's wrist band is an acceptable method of identification.The client's date of birth is an acceptable identifier.The client's full name is an acceptable identifier.Scanning the client's bar code is an acceptable method of identification.
  • Obtain the client's vital signs.
  • Validate that the dosage is within the safe range.Confirm the medication amount is appropriate for the child.The nurse should validate that the dosage is within the safe range by using the child's current weight and a medication reference text that indicates appropriate dosage parameters. Closely adhering to the rights of medication administration, which include the right medication, right dose, right time, right route, right client, and right documentation, helps to reduce medication errors.The nurse should confirm the medication amount is appropriate when ensuring administration of the right dose to the child. Closely adhering to the rights of medication administration, which include the right medication, right dose, right time, right route, right client, and right documentation, helps to reduce medication errors.
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