it has 26 protons and 26 electrons.
  • Which of these groups plays a major role in energy transfer?
  • An atom has four electrons in its valence shell. What type(s) of covalent bonds is it capable of forming with oxygen?
  • Cis-trans isomers (geometric isomers) are molecules that _____.
  • An atom of iron has the atomic number 26. This means that
  • The large diversity of shapes of biological molecules is possible because of the extensive presence of _____ in the molecules.
  • Visualize the structural formula of each of the following hydrocarbons. Which hydrocarbon has a double bond in its carbon skeleton?
  • Molecules that have the same chemical formula (same numbers of each atom) but different three-dimensional shapes are called _____.
  • Variations in the reactive properties of different organic molecules are most closely associated with _____. See Concept 4.3
are mirror images
  • Which of these is a carbonyl group?
  • Enantiomers are molecules that _____.
  • Organic chemistry is currently defined as
  • Which of these is a hydroxyl group?
CThis is a carbonyl group.
  • Which of these is a carbonyl group?
  • Which of these is a phosphate group?
  • Which of these is a hydroxyl group?
  • Which of these groups plays a major role in energy transfer?
Amino and carboxyl are functional groups.(Read about the variety of biologically important functional groups and note the structure and functional properties of amino and carboxyl groups.)
  • Identify the functional groups.
  • Which of the following best describes cis-trans isomers? See Concept 4.2
  • which of these is an amino group?
  • Which of these is a phosphate group?
Enantiomers differ in biological activity.(Because enantiomers are mirror images of each other, working molecules distinguish the two versions by shape. Usually, one isomer is biologically active and the other is inactive.)
  • Which statement about isomers is correct?
  • Which of the functional groups behaves as a base?
  • How do isomers differ from one another?
  • Which of these is a phosphate group?
C3H8(This is a typical hydrocarbon with single covalent bonds; the number of hydrogen atoms is equal to two times the number of carbon atoms plus 2.)
  • Which of the functional groups behaves as a base?
  • Which of these is a carbonyl group?
  • Which of the following best describes cis-trans isomers? See Concept 4.2
  • Which of the following is a hydrocarbon?1.C3H82.CCl2F23.CO24.H2CO35.C6H12O6
They differ in their spatial arrangement around inflexible double bonds(Cis-trans isomers maintain the same covalent partnerships, but the atoms may be arranged differently.)
  • Which of the functional groups behaves as a base?
  • Which of the following is a hydrocarbon?1.C3H82.CCl2F23.CO24.H2CO35.C6H12O6
  • Which of the following best describes cis-trans isomers? See Concept 4.2
  • Which of these groups is characteristic of thiols?
d.(Hydroxyl groups are characteristic of alcohol.)
  • Which of these groups is characteristic of thiols?
  • Which of these is a hydroxyl group?
  • Which of these groups plays a major role in energy transfer?
  • Which of these functional groups is characteristic of alcohol?
  • which of these is an amino group?
  • Which statement about isomers is correct?
  • This pair of molecules are _____.
  • These molecules are _____.
Since carbon atoms are tetravalent (able to form four bonds), atoms may branch off a carbon atom in as many as four places. The ability of a carbon atom to form four different bonds allows carbon to form many different sizes and types of molecules. Carbon atoms may form chains, rings, or combinations of chains and rings. The tetravalence of carbon makes it particularly well-suited to forming the backbone of a huge diversity of organic molecules.
  • These molecules are _____.
  • Which of the following best describes cis-trans isomers? See Concept 4.2
  • Which molecules show an appropriate number of bonds around each carbon atom?
  • Which of functional groups listed below behaves as an acid?
  • An atom of iron has the atomic number 26. This means that
  • Which of these groups plays a major role in energy transfer?
  • which of these is an amino group?
  • What kind of effect does R-dopa have on Parkinson's disease?
not isomers( because they have different molecular formula)
  • Cis-trans isomers (geometric isomers) are molecules that _____.
  • L-dopa is used to treat _____
  • Which of these is a hydroxyl group?
  • This pair of molecules are _____.
A (amino group)(the electronegativity of nitrogen means that amino groups tend to pick up hydrogen ions)
  • Which of these groups is characteristic of thiols?
  • Which of the following best describes cis-trans isomers? See Concept 4.2
  • Which of the following is a hydrocarbon?1.C3H82.CCl2F23.CO24.H2CO35.C6H12O6
  • Which of the functional groups behaves as a base?
FThis is a carboxyl group
  • Which of these is a carboxyl group?
  • The molecule shown here contains four functional groups.Highlight all the atoms of the four functional groups, but do not highlight any bonds. When you click on each atom, it will change color. To deselect an atom, click on it again. Before you submit, check that you have not selected any bonds.
  • Which of these is a carbonyl group?
  • Which chemical group is most likely to be responsible for an organic molecule behaving as a base?
DThis is a hydroxyl group.
  • Which of these groups plays a major role in energy transfer?
  • Which of these is a phosphate group?
  • Which of these is a carbonyl group?
  • Which of these is a hydroxyl group?
e. Sulfhydryl thiols are characterized by the presence of a sulfhydryl group
  • Which of these groups is characteristic of thiols?
  • Which of these is a phosphate group?
  • Which of these groups plays a major role in energy transfer?
  • Which of these functional groups is characteristic of alcohol?
Hydrogen(In fact, some argue that carbon dioxide should not be considered an organic molecule because it does not contain hydrogen.)
  • Which of functional groups listed below behaves as an acid?
  • Cis-trans isomers (geometric isomers) are molecules that _____.
  • Which of the following best describes cis-trans isomers? See Concept 4.2
  • Most organic compounds contain carbon and _____.
-alcohol: is highly polar and may act as a weak acid (OH)-carboxylic acid: acts as an acid (COOH)aldehyde: may be a structural isomer of a ketone (C=O)-thiol: forms disulfide bonds (S-H)-amine: acts as a base (NH2)-organic phosphate: contributes negative charge (PO4)
  • Which statement about isomers is correct?
  • Based on the electron configuration of the elements below, which would exhibit a chemical behavior most like that of oxygen?C , O , H,N,S,P where the upper index is atomic mass and the lower index is atomic number.Based on the electron configuration of the elements below, which would exhibit a chemical behavior most like that of oxygen?, where the upper index is atomic mass and the lower index is atomic number.carbonnitrogensulfurphosphorus
  • Functional groups confer specific chemical properties to the molecules of which they are a part. In this activity, you will identify which compounds exhibit certain chemical properties as well as examples of those six different compounds.Drag one molecule and one chemical property to each bin. If one property can apply to more than one functional group, choose the best answer for each functional group
  • Variations in the reactive properties of different organic molecules are most closely associated with _____. See Concept 4.3
phosphate(The addition and release of phosphate groups to and from ADP and ATP is how cells store chemical energy and expend it to accomplish work.)
  • What functional group is commonly used in cells to transfer energy from one organic molecule to another? See Concept 4.3
  • The molecule shown here contains four functional groups.Highlight all the atoms of the four functional groups, but do not highlight any bonds. When you click on each atom, it will change color. To deselect an atom, click on it again. Before you submit, check that you have not selected any bonds.
  • Which chemical group is most likely to be responsible for an organic molecule behaving as a base?
  • Citric acid makes lemons taste sour. Which of the following is a functional group that would cause a molecule such as citric acid to be acidic?
single and double bonds
  • Molecules that have the same chemical formula (same numbers of each atom) but different three-dimensional shapes are called _____.
  • An atom of iron has the atomic number 26. This means that
  • Variations in the reactive properties of different organic molecules are most closely associated with _____. See Concept 4.3
  • An atom has four electrons in its valence shell. What type(s) of covalent bonds is it capable of forming with oxygen?
  • The molecule shown here contains four functional groups.Highlight all the atoms of the four functional groups, but do not highlight any bonds. When you click on each atom, it will change color. To deselect an atom, click on it again. Before you submit, check that you have not selected any bonds.
  • Which chemical group is most likely to be responsible for an organic molecule behaving as a base?
  • Which molecules show an appropriate number of bonds around each carbon atom?
  • Citric acid makes lemons taste sour. Which of the following is a functional group that would cause a molecule such as citric acid to be acidic?
H-SPO4O-HNH2A functional group is a group of atoms bonded together in a specific way that can replace a hydrogen atom in a hydrocarbon. The molecule shown here contains four functional groups (−OH−OH, −SH−SH, −NH2−NH2, and −OPO2−3−OPO32−) attached to a carbon chain that is six carbon atoms long.
  • What functional group is commonly used in cells to transfer energy from one organic molecule to another? See Concept 4.3
  • Citric acid makes lemons taste sour. Which of the following is a functional group that would cause a molecule such as citric acid to be acidic?
  • Which chemical group is most likely to be responsible for an organic molecule behaving as a base?
  • The molecule shown here contains four functional groups.Highlight all the atoms of the four functional groups, but do not highlight any bonds. When you click on each atom, it will change color. To deselect an atom, click on it again. Before you submit, check that you have not selected any bonds.
b.Phosphate groups are a component of ATP.
  • Which of these groups plays a major role in energy transfer?
  • Which of these is a hydroxyl group?
  • Which of these is a carbonyl group?
  • Which of these functional groups is characteristic of alcohol?
FBy donating hydrogen ions, carboxyl groups act as an acid.
  • Which of these functional groups is characteristic of alcohol?
  • Which of these groups plays a major role in energy transfer?
  • Which of these groups is characteristic of thiols?
  • Which of functional groups listed below behaves as an acid?
0 h : 0 m : 1 s

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