feedback inhibition
  • Which of the following is changed by the presence of an enzyme in a reaction?
  • An exergonic reaction __________ free energy, and an endergonic reaction __________ free energy.
  • ATP allosterically inhibits enzymes in ATP-producing pathways. The result of this is called __________.
  • What would the value of ΔS be for a chemical reaction in which a molecule is broken down into smaller components?
Energy can be freely transformed among different forms as long as the total energy is conserved.
  • Which of the following correctly states the relationship between anabolic and catabolic pathways?
  • Which of the following statements about the active site of an enzyme is correct?
  • Which of the following states the relevance of the first law of thermodynamics to biology?
  • Which of the following is an example of the second law of thermodynamics as it applies to biological reactions?
The free energy released by ATP hydrolysis that may be coupled to an endergonic process via the formation of a phosphorylated intermediate.
  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding kinetic and potential energy?
  • Which of the following statements correctly describes cofactors and coenzymes?
  • What best characterizes the role of ATP in cellular metabolism?
  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding ATP?
allosteric regulation
  • The primary manner in which cells manage their energy resources in order to do work is called energy coupling. Which of the following statements accurately defines energy coupling?
  • What would the value of ΔS be for a chemical reaction in which a molecule is broken down into smaller components?
  • Which of the following is an example of the second law of thermodynamics as it applies to biological reactions?
  • The process of stabilizing the structure of an enzyme in its active form by the binding of a molecule is an example of __________.
The aerobic respiration of one molecule of glucose produces six molecules each of carbon dioxide and water.
  • Which of the following statements about the active site of an enzyme is correct?
  • Which of the following correctly states the relationship between anabolic and catabolic pathways?
  • Which of the following is an example of the second law of thermodynamics as it applies to biological reactions?
  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding competitive and noncompetitive enzyme inhibitors?
ATP acts as an allosteric inhibitor to many of the enzymes involved in metabolism, thus slowing their function.
  • As ATP begins to build up in a cell, metabolism slows down. How does this happen?
  • Cells use ATP constantly, but ATP is considered a renewable resource. What process makes this possible?
  • Which of the following statements about the active site of an enzyme is correct?
  • Which of the following statements correctly describes cofactors and coenzymes?
The enzyme is adapted for low pH but is denatured at neutral pH, leaving it nonfunctional
  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding ATP?
  • At low temperatures, a particular enzyme catalyzes a reaction, but at a slow rate. At high temperatures, the enzyme is completely inactive. What statement best explains the difference in how temperature affects the function of this enzyme?
  • At low pH, a particular enzyme catalyzes a reaction at a high rate. At neutral pH, the enzyme is completely inactive. What statement best explains the difference in how pH affects the function of this enzyme?
  • Which of the following is an example of the second law of thermodynamics as it applies to biological reactions?
By binding to motor proteins
  • How does ATP drive transport work inside a cell?
  • Which of the following is changed by the presence of an enzyme in a reaction?
  • How does ATP drive mechanical work inside a cell?
  • Which of the following reactions would be endergonic?
The action of competitive inhibitors may be reversible or irreversible.
  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding ATP?
  • Which of these statements about enzyme inhibitors is true?
  • Which of the following statements about the active site of an enzyme is correct?
  • Which of the following is true regarding metabolic pathways?
Kinetic energy is associated with the relative motion of objects, and potential energy is the energy that matter possesses because of its location or structure.
  • Which of the following states the relevance of the first law of thermodynamics to biology?
  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding kinetic and potential energy?
  • Which of the following statements correctly describes cofactors and coenzymes?
  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding competitive and noncompetitive enzyme inhibitors?
Anabolic pathways synthesize more complex organic molecules using the energy derived from catabolic pathways.
  • Which of the following states the relevance of the first law of thermodynamics to biology?
  • Which of the following correctly states the relationship between anabolic and catabolic pathways?
  • Which of the following is an example of the second law of thermodynamics as it applies to biological reactions?
  • Which of the following is true regarding metabolic pathways?
high or low pH may disrupt hydrogen bonding or ionic interactions and thus change the shape of the active site
  • Which of the following is true regarding metabolic pathways?
  • Enzyme activity is affected by pH because __________.
  • Which of these statements about enzyme inhibitors is true?
  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding ATP?
By phosphorylating a transport protein
  • How does ATP drive mechanical work inside a cell?
  • How does ATP drive transport work inside a cell?
  • Which of the following statements about enzymes is true?
  • Which of the following reactions would be endergonic?
releases; absorbs
  • An exergonic (spontaneous) reaction is a chemical reaction that __________.
  • Which of the following is changed by the presence of an enzyme in a reaction?
  • An exergonic reaction __________ free energy, and an endergonic reaction __________ free energy.
  • ATP allosterically inhibits enzymes in ATP-producing pathways. The result of this is called __________.
releasing free energy that can be coupled to other reactions
  • An exergonic reaction __________ free energy, and an endergonic reaction __________ free energy.
  • An exergonic (spontaneous) reaction is a chemical reaction that __________.
  • Which of these statements about enzyme inhibitors is true?
  • In general, the hydrolysis of ATP drives cellular work by __________.
At low temperatures, there is not enough free energy for the enzyme to function at a high rate, and at high temperatures, the enzyme is denatured, leaving it nonfunctional.
  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding kinetic and potential energy?
  • At low pH, a particular enzyme catalyzes a reaction at a high rate. At neutral pH, the enzyme is completely inactive. What statement best explains the difference in how pH affects the function of this enzyme?
  • At low temperatures, a particular enzyme catalyzes a reaction, but at a slow rate. At high temperatures, the enzyme is completely inactive. What statement best explains the difference in how temperature affects the function of this enzyme?
  • What best characterizes the role of ATP in cellular metabolism?
The activation energy
  • Which of the following is changed by the presence of an enzyme in a reaction?
  • Which of these statements about enzyme inhibitors is true?
  • Which of the following statements about the active site of an enzyme is correct?
  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding ATP?
The energy in an ATP molecule is released through hydrolysis of one of the phosphate groups.
  • Which of the following is true regarding metabolic pathways?
  • Which of these statements about enzyme inhibitors is true?
  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding ATP?
  • Which of the following statements about the active site of an enzyme is correct?
releases energy when proceeding in the forward direction
  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding kinetic and potential energy?
  • An exergonic reaction __________ free energy, and an endergonic reaction __________ free energy.
  • An exergonic (spontaneous) reaction is a chemical reaction that __________.
  • What best characterizes the role of ATP in cellular metabolism?
Glucose + fructose → sucrose
  • Which of the following reactions would be endergonic?
  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding ATP?
  • Which of the following statements about enzymes is true?
  • Which of the following is changed by the presence of an enzyme in a reaction?
Enzymes speed up the rate of the reaction without changing the ΔG for the reaction.
  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding ATP?
  • Which of the following is true regarding metabolic pathways?
  • Which of the following statements about enzymes is true?
  • Which of the following statements about enzyme function is correct?
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