During meditative relaxation, a part of the ________ lobe that tracks where we are in space is ________ active than usual.
  • parietal; less
  • heart rates
  • physically abused
  • stress appraisal.
The basic components of emotion are:
  • tendency for standards of judgment to be heavily influenced by previous experiences.
  • Milos learns to relax by being provided with information on changes in his heart rate.
  • decrease oxygen consumption and decrease blood pressure.
  • expressive behaviors, physiological arousal, and conscious experience.
People from different cultures are most likely to differ with respect to:
  • rats could control the termination of the shocks.
  • introverts do better than extraverts and women do better than men.
  • bacterial infections; viral infections
  • how they interpret hand gestures such as the "thumbs up" signal.
Activation of the sympathetic nervous system:
  • increased; remained almost unchanged
  • expressive behaviors, physiological arousal, and conscious experience.
  • increases respiration and decreases salivation.
  • introverts do better than extraverts and women do better than men.
Surveys of subjective well-being in 82 countries indicate that the two countries with the highest levels of self-reported happiness are:
  • Puerto Rico and Mexico.
  • perspiration levels.
  • psychophysiological
  • prefrontal cortex.
Imitating another person's facial expression of emotion is most likely to facilitate:
  • an empathic response.
  • prefrontal cortex.
  • perspiration levels.
  • parietal; less
When shown a face with an evenly mixed expression of fear and anger, ________ children were much quicker than other children to see anger.
  • prefrontal cortex.
  • physically abused
  • perspiration levels.
  • heart rates
Bernard is an ambitious, highly competitive corporation lawyer who recently had a heart attack. He tends to be impatient and a perfectionist, and he gets angry over little things. Research suggests that Bernard's susceptibility to heart attacks may be most closely linked to his:
  • spillover effect.
  • adaptation-level phenomenon.
  • James-Lange theory.
  • anger.
During the first few weeks of law school, students were observed to have stronger immune systems if they:
  • James-Lange theory.
  • were optimistic.
  • increased; remained almost unchanged
  • stress appraisal.
Alex experiences little stress because he expects things to work out the way he wants them to. This best illustrates the value of:
  • emotion-focused coping.
  • higher rates of death
  • are well educated.
  • an optimistic explanatory style.
Undergraduate women who had been sexually abused as children were especially likely to report health problems if they had:
  • those who have been recently widowed or divorced are more vulnerable to disease.
  • more prejudice.
  • kept the abuse a secret.
  • emotion-focused coping.
During World War II, promotion rates in the U.S. Air Corps were so rapid for the group as a whole that many individual soldiers in this military branch were unhappy about the speed at which they were promoted. Their unhappiness is best explained in terms of the:
  • "It annoys me that you leave your dirty clothes for me to pick up."
  • relative deprivation principle.
  • James-Lange
  • Philip, a competitive, hot-tempered corporation president
During the last four decades, the buying power of Americans has ________ and their self-reported personal happiness has ________.
  • viral; the exchange of bodily fluids
  • facial expressions of emotion.
  • increases respiration and decreases salivation.
  • increased; remained almost unchanged
Which form of treatment has claimed to correct imbalances of energy flow at identifiable points close to the skin?
  • two-factor theory.
  • acupuncture
  • left hemisphere
  • are well educated.
A therapist tells a patient who is afraid of elevators that his rapid breathing while on an elevator is not due to fear but is a natural consequence of too little oxygen in a small, enclosed space. With this new interpretation of his arousal, the patient no longer dreads elevators. The reduction in the patient's fear is best understood in terms of the:
  • left hemisphere
  • alarm reaction
  • blood pressure increase
  • two-factor theory.
Haley's parents bought her a used bicycle for her birthday. She was thrilled until she learned that her best friend received a brand new bicycle on her birthday. Haley's declining satisfaction illustrates the:
  • positively correlated; negatively correlated
  • relative deprivation principle.
  • have little effect on; have little effect on
  • adaptation-level phenomenon.
Rannilt was euphoric after learning that she had been accepted by the medical school of her choice. After a few weeks, however, she is only mildly excited when she thinks about her admission to medical school. This change in her feelings can best be explained in terms of the:
  • adaptation-level phenomenon.
  • relative deprivation principle.
  • a biopsychosocial approach.
  • the adaptation-level phenomenon
Which of the following factors has been found to be clearly related to feelings of general happiness or life satisfaction?
  • autonomic nervous system.
  • having a meaningful religious faith
  • facial expressions of emotion.
  • James-Lange theory.
A psychologist would most likely use biofeedback to provide clients with information about their:
  • were optimistic.
  • parietal; less
  • muscle tension.
  • James-Lange theory.
Boyd, a suspect in a criminal investigation, has agreed to take a lie detector test. The machine used in this test is most likely to measure his:
  • the adaptation-level phenomenon
  • relaxation training.
  • perspiration levels.
  • prefrontal cortex.
Aerobic exercise is associated with:
  • decrease oxygen consumption and decrease blood pressure.
  • increased levels of serotonin and increased levels of the endorphins
  • the process by which we appraise and cope with environmental threats and challenges.
  • how they interpret hand gestures such as the "thumbs up" signal.
Luigi minimized the stress of testing positive for HIV by viewing this circumstance as an opportunity for a renewed religious commitment and spiritual growth. His reaction best illustrates the importance of:
  • stress appraisal.
  • physically abused
  • parasympathetic
  • spillover effect.
The fact that facial expressions of emotion tend to intensify the experience of emotion serves to support the:
  • physically abused
  • James-Lange theory.
  • facilitate the relaxation response.
  • an empathic response.
Cameron, a 50-year-old electrician, opens his pay envelope and, to his surprise, finds a pink slip inside indicating that he has been fired from his job. Which phase of the general adaptation syndrome is Cameron most likely experiencing?
  • more prejudice.
  • emotion-focused coping.
  • higher rates of death
  • alarm reaction
Our most rapid and automatic emotional responses may result from the routing of sensory input through the thalamus directly to the:
  • parietal; less
  • prefrontal cortex.
  • anger.
  • amygdala.
Noticing that his heart was pounding and that his palms were sweaty while he was taking a difficult test, Harley concluded that he was "anxious." Noticing that his heart was pounding and that his palms were sweaty when an attractive lady asked him to dance, Harley concluded that he was "falling in love." The differing emotions experienced by Harley can best be explained by the:
  • epinephrine and norepinephrine
  • two-factor theory.
  • kept the abuse a secret.
  • are well educated.
Men and women students watched film clips that were sad, happy, or frightening. Measures taken during their viewing of films showed that the genders differed the most in their:
  • relative deprivation principle.
  • aerobic exercise; relaxation exercises
  • spillover effect.
  • facial expressions of emotion.
Rats that received electric shocks were unlikely to develop ulcers if the:
  • rats could control the termination of the shocks.
  • decrease oxygen consumption and decrease blood pressure.
  • viral; the exchange of bodily fluids
  • alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion.
Despite the very stressful events in his life, Mark has been able to maintain good health. This is because of his persistent optimism, and the emotional support of his family. An integrated understanding of Mark's well-being is most clearly provided by:
  • facial expressions of emotion.
  • relative deprivation principle.
  • were optimistic.
  • a biopsychosocial approach.
Which of the following best explains why both million-dollar lottery winners and paraplegics report similar levels of happiness?
  • the suppression of immune responses.
  • Puerto Rico and Mexico.
  • less susceptible to heart attacks.
  • the adaptation-level phenomenon
The two-factor theory of emotion places more emphasis on the importance of ________ than does the James-Lange theory.
  • autonomic nervous system.
  • cognitive activity
  • James-Lange theory.
  • relaxation training.
In terms of ability to recognize others' facial expressions of emotion:
  • alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion.
  • increased levels of serotonin and increased levels of the endorphins
  • Milos learns to relax by being provided with information on changes in his heart rate.
  • introverts do better than extraverts and women do better than men.
Andrea's physician has suggested that a program of relaxation training would provide the best treatment for her high blood pressure. The physician probably considers Andrea's hypertension to be a(n) ________ illness.
  • psychophysiological
  • catharsis hypothesis.
  • stress appraisal.
  • prefrontal cortex.
Cassandra's mother told her, "You know you are in love when your heart beats fast and you experience that unique trembling feeling inside." This remark best illustrates the ________ theory of emotion.
  • parietal; less
  • James-Lange
  • James-Lange theory.
  • best; moderate
Researchers are least likely to suggest that stress influences the progression of ________ in humans.
  • advanced cancer
  • prefrontal cortex.
  • James-Lange theory.
  • muscle tension.
A loss of perceived control tends to result in:
  • bacterial infections; viral infections
  • viral; the exchange of bodily fluids
  • the suppression of immune responses.
  • alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion.
Logan is an unsuccessful businessman who feels little satisfaction with life. In order to increase his subjective well-being, Logan should:
  • are well educated.
  • an optimistic explanatory style.
  • imagine what his life might be like if he were suffering from a fatal disease.
  • kept the abuse a secret.
After stockbrokers who lived alone had adopted a pet cat or dog, they were able to face stress with less ________ than their counterparts without pets.
  • blood pressure increase
  • kept the abuse a secret.
  • emotion-focused coping.
  • higher rates of death
B lymphocytes inhibit ________, whereas T lymphocytes inhibit ________.
  • having a meaningful religious faith
  • bacterial infections; viral infections
  • increases respiration and decreases salivation.
  • decrease oxygen consumption and decrease blood pressure.
The threat to one's immune system is greatest during the ________ phase of the GAS.
  • exhaustion
  • alarm reaction
  • physiological arousal
  • acupuncture
Thaddeus will play a violin solo at his school tomorrow. His musical performance is likely to be ________ if his physiological arousal during the performance is ________.
  • autonomic nervous system.
  • best; moderate
  • heart rates
  • parasympathetic
The most important benefit of biofeedback is its capacity to:
  • expressive behaviors, physiological arousal, and conscious experience.
  • increases respiration and decreases salivation.
  • alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion.
  • facilitate the relaxation response.
Aviad, a 50-year-old banking executive and Type A personality, recently suffered a serious heart attack. To prevent a recurrence, Aviad would probably benefit most from:
  • perspiration levels.
  • relaxation training.
  • catharsis hypothesis.
  • the placebo effect.
Rapid fear reactions to sensory input in the absence of conscious thought are possible because certain neural pathways bypass the:
  • perspiration levels.
  • Puerto Rico and Mexico.
  • psychophysiological
  • prefrontal cortex.
Rosaria is upset with her husband for not putting his dirty clothes in the laundry basket. Anger experts would most likely recommend that she deal with her frustration by saying to him:
  • James-Lange
  • Wang Lung, a relaxed, easy-going dentist
  • "It annoys me that you leave your dirty clothes for me to pick up."
  • positively correlated; negatively correlated
In the 1920s, Walter Cannon discovered that stress produced an outpouring of ________ into the bloodstream.
  • those who have been recently widowed or divorced are more vulnerable to disease.
  • epinephrine and norepinephrine
  • kept the abuse a secret.
  • two-factor theory.
The term catharsis refers to emotional:
  • release.
  • amygdala.
  • anger.
  • CAM.
The adaptationlevel phenomenon refers to the:
  • decrease oxygen consumption and decrease blood pressure.
  • the process by which we appraise and cope with environmental threats and challenges.
  • tendency for standards of judgment to be heavily influenced by previous experiences.
  • expressive behaviors, physiological arousal, and conscious experience.
In which country are people most likely to convey obvious facial expressions of their inner feelings?
  • Australia
  • anger.
  • physically abused
  • were optimistic.
The autonomic nervous system regulates the ________ that accompanies different emotions.
  • left hemisphere
  • physiological arousal
  • kept the abuse a secret.
  • blood pressure increase
Who is the best example of a Type A personality?
  • Philip, a competitive, hot-tempered corporation president
  • James-Lange
  • Wang Lung, a relaxed, easy-going dentist
  • "It annoys me that you leave your dirty clothes for me to pick up."
After being physically aroused by his daily three-mile run, Martin finds that he experiences stronger resentment if his wife asks for an unexpected favor and more intense romantic feelings if she kisses him. Martin's experience can best be explained by the:
  • emotion-focused coping.
  • kept the abuse a secret.
  • blood pressure increase
  • two-factor theory.
A psychotherapist suggests that Theresa can effectively reduce the anger she feels toward her ex-boyfriend by tearing pictures of him into little pieces. This therapeutic technique is based on the:
  • psychophysiological
  • relative deprivation principle.
  • relaxation training.
  • catharsis hypothesis.
Mildly depressed female students assigned to a program of ________ reported a greater decrease in depression than those assigned to a program of ________.
  • relative deprivation principle.
  • aerobic exercise; relaxation exercises
  • sometimes emotions precede cognition.
  • facial expressions of emotion.
AIDS is caused by a ________ infection spread primarily through ________.
  • viral; the exchange of bodily fluids
  • the suppression of immune responses.
  • facilitate the relaxation response.
  • aerobic exercise; relaxation exercises
The three successive phases of the general adaptation syndrome are:
  • decrease oxygen consumption and decrease blood pressure.
  • alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion.
  • some emotional reactions involve no conscious thinking.
  • bacterial infections; viral infections
In their classic nine-year study, Friedman and Rosenman reported that, compared to Type A men, Type B men were:
  • were optimistic.
  • aerobic exercise; relaxation exercises
  • less susceptible to heart attacks.
  • increased; remained almost unchanged
When confronted by an armed robber, your emotional arousal is likely to be accompanied by:
  • prefrontal cortex.
  • advanced cancer
  • relaxation training.
  • slowing of digestion.
Evidence that people can develop an emotional preference for stimuli to which they have been unknowingly exposed has convinced Robert Zajonc that:
  • increased; remained almost unchanged
  • the adaptation-level phenomenon
  • aerobic exercise; relaxation exercises
  • sometimes emotions precede cognition.
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