Which of the following is true of viroids?
  • Latent infections can persist for years in an individual without causing any symptoms.
  • To package and protect the viral genome
  • Viroids are short pieces of naked RNA.
  • Normal host cellular prion proteins (PrPC) are converted into scrapie proteins (PrPSc)
How does the number of infectious prions increase?
  • During lysogeny, the viral genome integrates into the host DNA, becoming a physical part of the chromosome.
  • Spikes are found on some viruses. They are very consistent in structure and can be used for identification.
  • Prions transform normal proteins into the misfolded beta-pleated sheet configuration; therefore, prions multiply by conversion.
  • The prophage in specialized transduction carries with it pieces of the host chromosomal DNA.
We sometimes are able to generate antibodies (immune system proteins) that bind to and cover up some of the proteins on the outermost portion of a virus while it is in the bloodstream. This renders the virus unable to reproduce. Which step of viral replication are antibodies directly preventing?
  • Latent infections can persist for years in an individual without causing any symptoms.
  • release
  • Scrapie
  • attachment
Which of the following is true regarding cultivation and isolation of animal viruses?
  • During lysogeny, the viral genome integrates into the host DNA, becoming a physical part of the chromosome.
  • They require a host in order to reproduce.
  • Diploid cell culture lines, developed from human embryos, are widely used for culturing viruses that require a human host.
  • Normal host cellular prion proteins (PrPC) are converted into scrapie proteins (PrPSc)
Enveloped viruses have a layer of lipids surrounding their capsid. This envelope is made mostly of host cell membrane. In which step does the virus acquire this envelope?
  • release
  • Scrapie
  • attachment
  • They lack nucleic acid.
Which of the following statements concerning viruses is true?
  • During lysogeny, the viral genome integrates into the host DNA, becoming a physical part of the chromosome.
  • Normal host cellular prion proteins (PrPC) are converted into scrapie proteins (PrPSc)
  • The "host range" for a virus is determined by the presence or absence of particular components on the surface of a host cell that are required for the virus to attach.
  • Latent infections can persist for years in an individual without causing any symptoms.
In what year did Stanley Prusiner discover prions?
  • Scrapie
  • They lack nucleic acid.
  • Proteinaceous infectious particles
  • 1982
Which of the following statements concerning prion diseases is true?
  • The "host range" for a virus is determined by the presence or absence of particular components on the surface of a host cell that are required for the virus to attach.
  • Latent infections can persist for years in an individual without causing any symptoms.
  • Normal host cellular prion proteins (PrPC) are converted into scrapie proteins (PrPSc)
  • During lysogeny, the viral genome integrates into the host DNA, becoming a physical part of the chromosome.
What is the function of the structural elements of a virus?
  • To package and protect the viral genome
  • The capsid breaks apart, releasing the viral genome.
  • The multimers are more stable and resistant to protease.
  • Viroids are short pieces of naked RNA.
Why are the beta-pleated multimers of PrP potentially pathogenic?
  • To package and protect the viral genome
  • The capsid breaks apart, releasing the viral genome.
  • assisting in normal synaptic development and function.
  • The multimers are more stable and resistant to protease.
What happens to the packaged DNA of a specialized transduced phage when it infects a new recipient cell?
  • The host DNA integrates, with the prophage, into the new recipient chromosome.
  • The prophage in specialized transduction carries with it pieces of the host chromosomal DNA.
  • The "host range" for a virus is determined by the presence or absence of particular components on the surface of a host cell that are required for the virus to attach.
  • The prophage takes an antibiotic resistance gene with it and is packaged with the newly synthesized viral DNA.
The normal function of the PrP protein in mammals is believed to be
  • The multimers are more stable and resistant to protease.
  • assisting in normal synaptic development and function.
  • Normal PrP have alpha-helices; infectious PrP have beta-pleated sheets.
  • To package and protect the viral genome
How can specialized transduction contribute to the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in a bacterial population?
  • The host DNA integrates, with the prophage, into the new recipient chromosome.
  • The prophage in specialized transduction carries with it pieces of the host chromosomal DNA.
  • The prophage takes an antibiotic resistance gene with it and is packaged with the newly synthesized viral DNA.
  • Normal PrP have alpha-helices; infectious PrP have beta-pleated sheets.
Which disease did Stanley Prusiner first identify as being caused by prions?
  • Latent infections can persist for years in an individual without causing any symptoms.
  • The "host range" for a virus is determined by the presence or absence of particular components on the surface of a host cell that are required for the virus to attach.
  • Scrapie
  • Normal host cellular prion proteins (PrPC) are converted into scrapie proteins (PrPSc)
How are prions different from other infectious agents?
  • Proteinaceous infectious particles
  • The multimers are more stable and resistant to protease.
  • To package and protect the viral genome
  • They lack nucleic acid.
Which of the following statements regarding latent viral infections is true?
  • Normal host cellular prion proteins (PrPC) are converted into scrapie proteins (PrPSc)
  • During lysogeny, the viral genome integrates into the host DNA, becoming a physical part of the chromosome.
  • The "host range" for a virus is determined by the presence or absence of particular components on the surface of a host cell that are required for the virus to attach.
  • Latent infections can persist for years in an individual without causing any symptoms.
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