Neo-Freudian personality theorists were most likely to disagree with Freud about the importance of:
  • the sense of self
  • learned helplessness.
  • childhood sexual instincts.
  • describing; explaining
Which of the following tests was empirically derived?
  • behavioral consistency.
  • MMPI
  • self-serving bias
  • self-determination.
According to Freud, defense mechanisms are used by the:
  • ego to prevent threatening impulses from being consciously recognized
  • reality principle; pleasure principle
  • behavioral consistency.
  • the thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories, of which we are largely unaware.
The humanistic perspective emphasized the importance of:
  • self-determination.
  • self-serving bias
  • self-serving bias.
  • attributional style.
Because Mr. Maloney trusts his employees, he treats them very kindly. His kindness leads them to work diligently on his behalf, which in turn increases his trust in them. This pattern of trust, kindness, diligence, and increasing trust illustrates what is meant by:
  • made no neurological sense.
  • reciprocal determinism.
  • an internal locus of control.
  • behavioral consistency.
Which of the following is most likely to be associated with high self-esteem?
  • self-concept
  • self-serving bias.
  • self-serving bias
  • self-determination.
Dogs strapped into a harness and given repeated and unavoidable shocks developed:
  • meaningless inkblots.
  • learned helplessness.
  • describing; explaining
  • expressive styles.
Carl Rogers suggested that the ________ is a central feature of personality.
  • self-serving bias.
  • self-concept
  • self-serving bias
  • self-determination.
The famous test introduced by Hermann Rorschach asks test-takers to respond to:
  • describing; explaining
  • expressive styles.
  • meaningless inkblots.
  • self-determination.
Contemporary psychologists are most likely to consider ________ to be of pivotal importance to personality.
  • self-serving bias.
  • the sense of self
  • self-serving bias
  • comprehensive
Refer to the above diagrams, in which AD1 and AS1 are the "before" curves and AD2 and AS2 are the "after" curves. Other things equal, a decrease in resource prices is depicted by: A) panel (A) only. B) panel (B) only. C) panel (C) only D) panels (B) and (C)
  • 30 percent
  • C
  • A
  • D
Refer to the above diagrams, in which AD1 and AS1 are the "before" curves and AD2 and AS2 are the "after" curves. Other things equal, a decline in net exports caused by the foreign purchases effect of a price-level increase is depicted by the: A) shift of the AD curve in panel (A). C) shift of the AS curve in panel (B). B) move from point a to point b in panel (B). D) move from point a to point c in panel (C).
  • D
  • A
  • B
  • C
Refer to the above diagrams, in which AD1 and AS1 are the "before" curves and AD2 and AS2 are the "after" curves. Other things equal, an increase in investment spending is depicted by: A) panel (A) only. B) panel (B) only. C) panel (C) only D) panels (B) and (C).
  • an increase in the international value of the dollar
  • B
  • D
  • C
Refer to the above diagrams, in which AD1 and AS1 are the "before" curves and AD2 and AS2 are the "after" curves. Other things equal, a decline in investment spending caused by the interest-rate effect of a price-level increase is depicted by the: A) shift of the AD curve in panel (A). C) move from point a to point b in panel (B). B) shift of the AS curve in panel (B). D) move from point a to point c in panel (C).
  • C
  • B
  • increase in government regulation.
  • 150 and $300, respectively.
Refer to the above diagrams, in which AD1 and AS1 are the "before" curves and AD2 and AS2 are the "after" curves. Growth, full-employment and price stability is depicted by: A) panel (A) only. B) panel (B) only. C) panel (C) only D) panels (B) and (C).
  • D
  • supply curve to shift to the left.
  • C
  • F and C, respectively.
Refer to the above diagrams, in which AD1 and AS1 are the "before" curves and AD2 and AS2 are the "after" curves. Other things equal, inflation is absent in: A) panel (A) only. B) panel (B) only. C) panel (C) only D) panels (A) and (C).
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 150 and $300, respectively.
Refer to the above diagrams, in which AD1 and AS1 are the "before" curves and AD2 and AS2 are the "after" curves. Other things equal, a decline in productivity is depicted by: A) panel (A) only. B) panel (B) only. C) panel (C) only D) panels (B) and (C).
  • B
  • F and C, respectively.
  • C
  • A
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