A high-stress job, overcrowding, and long commutes to work are examples of the way some psychologists conceptualize stress as a ________.
  • demanding or threatening event or situation
  • stressor
  • fight or flight
  • asthma
A(n) ________ attack is often triggered by environmental factors, such as air pollution, allergens, cigarette smoke, airway infections, cold air or a sudden change in temperature, and exercise.
  • fight or flight
  • demanding or threatening event or situation
  • asthma
  • stressor
Noomi seems to live by the "don't sweat the small stuff" concept. She is relaxed, laid-back, and never seems too concerned about meeting deadlines or finishing a to-do list. Noomi has a ________ personality.
  • Type B
  • social support
  • positive psychology
  • depersonalization
A demanding or threatening event is often called a(n) ________.
  • stressor
  • fight or flight
  • demanding or threatening event or situation
  • asthma
Advice, guidance, encouragement, acceptance, emotional comfort, and financial help are all examples of ________.
  • wanting to quit
  • social support
  • positive psychology
  • depersonalization
Brizan has just lost his job. He is proactive in trying to resolve this source of stress: He immediately uses the Internet to look up other jobs in his field and plans to eliminate non-essentials from his budget to make his savings last longer. Which type of coping approach is Brizan using?
  • forces the heart to pump harder, which puts more physical strain on the heart
  • problem focused
  • distress
  • depersonalization
What is one reason that more affluent individuals may experience better health?
  • anticipates that it could lead to some kind of harm, loss, or other negative consequence
  • They tend to believe they can personally control and manage their reaction to life's stressors.
  • beliefs about the capacity to influence and shape outcomes in our lives
  • Moderate stress can enhance both immediate and delayed recall of educational material.
Jade hears a rattle. When she turns around she sees a rattlesnake inches from her leg. Her pupils dilate, her heart pounds, and she begins to sweat. This response is called the ________ response.
  • asthma
  • fight or flight
  • demanding or threatening event or situation
  • stressor
Which kind of psychology seeks to identify and promote those qualities that lead to happy, fulfilled, and contented lives?
  • social support
  • how a threat is perceived
  • wanting to quit
  • positive psychology
What triggers the secondary appraisal of a stressor?
  • positive psychology
  • how a threat is perceived
  • wanting to quit
  • Moderate stress can enhance both immediate and delayed recall of educational material.
Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease because it ________.
  • distress
  • problem focused
  • forces the heart to pump harder, which puts more physical strain on the heart
  • anticipates that it could lead to some kind of harm, loss, or other negative consequence
Which of the following is not one of the three aspects of job burnout?
  • positive psychology
  • wanting to quit
  • how a threat is perceived
  • social support
Guidance, encouragement, acceptance, emotional comfort, and tangible assistance are all examples of ________.
  • depersonalization
  • wanting to quit
  • positive psychology
  • social support
People who reach the ________ level of stress feel burned out; they are fatigued, exhausted, and their performance begins to decline.
  • distress
  • positive psychology
  • problem focused
  • forces the heart to pump harder, which puts more physical strain on the heart
Which of the following is an example of a stimulus-based definition of stress?
  • stressor
  • fight or flight
  • demanding or threatening event or situation
  • Caroline experiences stress because she is home alone and hears unusual noises outside.
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