PrimaseThis RNA polymerase synthesizes an RNA primer antiparallel to the template DNA strand.
  • Which of the following statements about Okazaki fragments in E. coli is true?
  • Which of the following is true of DNA during interphase?
  • Which of the following statements about DNA synthesis is true?
  • Which of the following enzymes creates a primer for DNA polymerase?
Primers are short sequences that allow the initiation of DNA synthesis.When a primer is added to a single strand of DNA, DNA polymerase can start adding nucleotides to synthesize a complementary strand.
  • Which of the following is true of DNA during interphase?
  • Which of the following statements about Okazaki fragments in E. coli is true?
  • Which of the following statements about DNA synthesis is true?
  • Which of the following enzymes creates a primer for DNA polymerase?
They are formed on the lagging strand of DNA.While DNA is synthesized continuously on the leading strand, Okazaki fragments are formed on the lagging strand because DNA synthesis always proceeds in the 5' to 3' direction.
  • Which of the following is true of DNA during interphase?
  • Which of the following statements about Okazaki fragments in E. coli is true?
  • Which of the following enzymes creates a primer for DNA polymerase?
  • Which of the following statements about DNA synthesis is true?
DNA and proteinsLong DNA molecules are associated with proteins that allow DNA to coil and pack.
  • What are the repetitive DNA sequences present at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes called?
  • Which of the following enzymes creates a primer for DNA polymerase?
  • What are chromosomes made of?
  • What catalyzes DNA synthesis?
telomeresTelomeres consist of many copies of a short DNA sequence that is bound by specific proteins.
  • Which of the following statements about Okazaki fragments in E. coli is true?
  • Which part of a deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) molecule provides the energy for DNA synthesis?
  • What are the repetitive DNA sequences present at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes called?
  • Which of the following enzymes creates a primer for DNA polymerase?
Each new double helix consists of one old and one new strand.
  • Polynucleotides
  • Semiconservative.
  • Helicase
  • Nucleotides
A covalent bond forms between the carbon at the 3' position of a nucleotide and the phosphate group at the 5' position of the next nucleotide.
  • Nucleotides
  • Semiconservative.
  • Helicase
  • Polynucleotides
It exists as chromatin and is unavailable for gene expression.Chromatin is the term for the loosely coiled DNA observed in cells during interphase. Even during interphase, however, parts of the chromosome may still be rather tightly coiled and packed.
  • Which of the following is true of DNA during interphase?
  • Which of the following statements about Okazaki fragments in E. coli is true?
  • Which of the following statements about DNA synthesis is true?
  • Which of the following enzymes creates a primer for DNA polymerase?
It untwists the double helix and separates the two DNA strands. By pulling apart and untwisting the DNA strands, helicase makes them available for replication.
  • Helicase
  • Nucleotides
  • Semiconservative.
  • Polynucleotides
Phosphate groupsThe potential energy stored in the bonds of the phosphates provides the energy for DNA synthesis
  • Which of the following enzymes creates a primer for DNA polymerase?
  • Which part of a deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) molecule provides the energy for DNA synthesis?
  • Which of the following statements about Okazaki fragments in E. coli is true?
  • What are the repetitive DNA sequences present at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes called?
-begin high-quality CPR and apply and AED as soon as possible.Page 660, Emergency Medical Care for Cardiac Arrest
  • You and your partner arrive at the scene of a middle-aged man who collapsed about 5 minutes ago. He is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless. Bystanders are present, but have not provided any care. You should:-have your partner perform CPR while you question the bystanders.-immediately apply the AED pads and analyze his cardiac rhythm.-begin high-quality CPR and apply and AED as soon as possible.-perform two-rescuer CPR for 5 minutes and request ALS backup.
  • A patient in cardiac arrest is wearing an external defibrillator vest, which is interfering with effective chest compressions. The EMT should:-remove the battery from the monitor and then remove the vest.-leave the battery attached to the monitor and remove the vest.-remove the battery from the monitor and leave the vest in place.-perform ventilations only and allow the vest device to defibrillate.
  • A patient with atherosclerotic heart disease experiences chest pain during exertion because:-the lumen of the coronary artery is narrowed and cannot accommodate increased blood flow.-the coronary arteries suddenly spasm and cause a marked reduction in myocardial blood flow.-the ragged edge of a tear in the coronary artery lumen causes local blood clotting and arterial narrowing.-tissues of the myocardium undergo necrosis secondary to a prolonged absence of oxygen.
  • The EMT should use an AED on a child between 1 month and 8 years of age if:-pediatric pads and an energy-reducing device are available.-special pads are used and the child has profound tachycardia.-his or her condition is rapidly progressing to cardiac arrest.-he or she is not breathing and has a weakly palpable pulse.
-pediatric pads and an energy-reducing device are available.Page 655, Cardiac Arrest
  • Most AEDs are set up to adjust the voltage based on the impedance, which is the:-distance between the two AED pads on the chest.-actual amount of energy that the AED will deliver.-direction that the electrical flow takes in the body.-resistance of the body to the flow of electricity.
  • You and your partner arrive at the scene of a middle-aged man who collapsed about 5 minutes ago. He is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless. Bystanders are present, but have not provided any care. You should:-have your partner perform CPR while you question the bystanders.-immediately apply the AED pads and analyze his cardiac rhythm.-begin high-quality CPR and apply and AED as soon as possible.-perform two-rescuer CPR for 5 minutes and request ALS backup.
  • Which of the following is NOT a common sign or symptom associate with malfunction of an implanted cardiac pacemaker?-Heart rate less than 60 beats/min.-Syncope or dizziness.-A rapid heart rate.-Generalized weakness.
  • The EMT should use an AED on a child between 1 month and 8 years of age if:-pediatric pads and an energy-reducing device are available.-special pads are used and the child has profound tachycardia.-his or her condition is rapidly progressing to cardiac arrest.-he or she is not breathing and has a weakly palpable pulse.
-family history.Page 637, Pathophysiology
  • The electrical impulses generated by the heart originates in the:-coronary artery.-atrioventricular node.-sinoatrial node.-bundle of His.
  • Which of the following signs is commonly observed in patients with right-sided heart failure?-Pulmonary edema.-Flat jugular veins.-Labored breathing.-Dependent edema.
  • Risk factors for AMI that cannot be controlled include:-family history.-excess stress.-hyperglycemia.-lack of exercise.
  • Deoxygenated blood from the body returns to the:-left atrium.-right atrium.-right ventricle.-left ventricle.
-Dependent edema.Page 642, Pathophysiology
  • Which of the following signs is commonly observed in patients with right-sided heart failure?-Pulmonary edema.-Flat jugular veins.-Labored breathing.-Dependent edema.
  • Which of the following is NOT a common sign or symptom associate with malfunction of an implanted cardiac pacemaker?-Heart rate less than 60 beats/min.-Syncope or dizziness.-A rapid heart rate.-Generalized weakness.
  • Risk factors for AMI that cannot be controlled include:-family history.-excess stress.-hyperglycemia.-lack of exercise.
  • After the AED has delivered a shock, the EMT should:-assess for a carotid pulse.-immediately resume CPR.-re-analyze the cardiac rhythm.-transport the patient at once.
-the lumen of the coronary artery is narrowed and cannot accommodate increased blood flow.Page 636, Pathophysiology
  • A 66-year-old female with a history of hypertension and diabetes presents with substernal chest pressure of 2 hours' duration. Her blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg, her pulse is 100 beats/min and irregular, her respirations are 22 breaths/min, and her oxygen saturation is 92%. The patient does not have prescribed nitroglycerin, but her husband does. You should:-give her high-flow oxygen, attach the AED, and transport at once.-obtain a SAMPLE history and contact medical control for advice.-administer oxygen, give her 324 mg of aspirin, and assess her further.-give her one nitroglycerin and reassess her systolic blood pressure.
  • A patient with atherosclerotic heart disease experiences chest pain during exertion because:-the lumen of the coronary artery is narrowed and cannot accommodate increased blood flow.-the coronary arteries suddenly spasm and cause a marked reduction in myocardial blood flow.-the ragged edge of a tear in the coronary artery lumen causes local blood clotting and arterial narrowing.-tissues of the myocardium undergo necrosis secondary to a prolonged absence of oxygen.
  • You and your partner arrive at the scene of a middle-aged man who collapsed about 5 minutes ago. He is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless. Bystanders are present, but have not provided any care. You should:-have your partner perform CPR while you question the bystanders.-immediately apply the AED pads and analyze his cardiac rhythm.-begin high-quality CPR and apply and AED as soon as possible.-perform two-rescuer CPR for 5 minutes and request ALS backup.
  • A patient in cardiac arrest is wearing an external defibrillator vest, which is interfering with effective chest compressions. The EMT should:-remove the battery from the monitor and then remove the vest.-leave the battery attached to the monitor and remove the vest.-remove the battery from the monitor and leave the vest in place.-perform ventilations only and allow the vest device to defibrillate.
-have chronic hypertension.Page 642, Pathophysiology
  • Signs and symptoms of a hypertensive emergency would MOST likely be delayed in patients who:-are older than 40 years of age.-regularly take illegal drugs.-have chronic hypertension.-have had a stroke in the past.
  • Which of the following is NOT a common sign or symptom associate with malfunction of an implanted cardiac pacemaker?-Heart rate less than 60 beats/min.-Syncope or dizziness.-A rapid heart rate.-Generalized weakness.
  • Angina pectoris occurs when:-myocardial oxygen demand exceeds supply.-one or more coronary arteries suddenly spasm.-a coronary artery is totally occluded by plaque.-myocardial oxygen supply exceeds the demand.
  • When preparing to obtain a 12-lead ECH, the "LL" and "RL" electrodes should be placed:-on the thighs or ankles.-on the lower abdomen.-on either side of the chest.-anywhere on the arms.
-assess the adequacy of his respirations.Page 643, Patient Assessment
  • A 49-year-old male presents with an acute onset of crushing chest pain and diaphoresis. You should:-administer up to 324 mg of baby aspirin.-assess the adequacy of his respirations.-administer up to three doses of nitroglycerin.-obtain vita signs and a SAMPLE history.
  • Most AEDs are set up to adjust the voltage based on the impedance, which is the:-distance between the two AED pads on the chest.-actual amount of energy that the AED will deliver.-direction that the electrical flow takes in the body.-resistance of the body to the flow of electricity.
  • A patient tells you that he has a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). Which of the following conditions should you suspect that he has experienced?-Thoracic aortic aneurysm-Uncontrolled hypertension-Acute myocardial infarction-Obstructive lung disease
  • A dissecting aortic aneurysm occurs when:-all layers of the aorta suddenly contract.-the aorta ruptures, resulting in profound bleeding.-a weakened area develops in the aortic wall.-the inner layers of the aorta become separated.
-myocardial oxygen demand exceeds supply.Page 637, Pathophysiology
  • A dissecting aortic aneurysm occurs when:-all layers of the aorta suddenly contract.-the aorta ruptures, resulting in profound bleeding.-a weakened area develops in the aortic wall.-the inner layers of the aorta become separated.
  • After the AED has delivered a shock, the EMT should:-assess for a carotid pulse.-immediately resume CPR.-re-analyze the cardiac rhythm.-transport the patient at once.
  • Angina pectoris occurs when:-myocardial oxygen demand exceeds supply.-one or more coronary arteries suddenly spasm.-a coronary artery is totally occluded by plaque.-myocardial oxygen supply exceeds the demand.
  • Which of the following is NOT a common sign or symptom associate with malfunction of an implanted cardiac pacemaker?-Heart rate less than 60 beats/min.-Syncope or dizziness.-A rapid heart rate.-Generalized weakness.
-Acute myocardial infarctionPage 654, Heart Surgeries and Cardiac Assistive Devices
  • A 49-year-old male presents with an acute onset of crushing chest pain and diaphoresis. You should:-administer up to 324 mg of baby aspirin.-assess the adequacy of his respirations.-administer up to three doses of nitroglycerin.-obtain vita signs and a SAMPLE history.
  • A patient tells you that he has a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). Which of the following conditions should you suspect that he has experienced?-Thoracic aortic aneurysm-Uncontrolled hypertension-Acute myocardial infarction-Obstructive lung disease
  • A dissecting aortic aneurysm occurs when:-all layers of the aorta suddenly contract.-the aorta ruptures, resulting in profound bleeding.-a weakened area develops in the aortic wall.-the inner layers of the aorta become separated.
  • Which of the following is NOT a common sign or symptom associate with malfunction of an implanted cardiac pacemaker?-Heart rate less than 60 beats/min.-Syncope or dizziness.-A rapid heart rate.-Generalized weakness.
-sinoatrial node.Page 631, Anatomy and Physiology
  • Angina pectoris occurs when:-myocardial oxygen demand exceeds supply.-one or more coronary arteries suddenly spasm.-a coronary artery is totally occluded by plaque.-myocardial oxygen supply exceeds the demand.
  • When preparing to obtain a 12-lead ECH, the "LL" and "RL" electrodes should be placed:-on the thighs or ankles.-on the lower abdomen.-on either side of the chest.-anywhere on the arms.
  • Deoxygenated blood from the body returns to the:-left atrium.-right atrium.-right ventricle.-left ventricle.
  • The electrical impulses generated by the heart originates in the:-coronary artery.-atrioventricular node.-sinoatrial node.-bundle of His.
-right atrium.Page 629-630, Anatomy and Physiology
  • When preparing to obtain a 12-lead ECH, the "LL" and "RL" electrodes should be placed:-on the thighs or ankles.-on the lower abdomen.-on either side of the chest.-anywhere on the arms.
  • After the AED has delivered a shock, the EMT should:-assess for a carotid pulse.-immediately resume CPR.-re-analyze the cardiac rhythm.-transport the patient at once.
  • The electrical impulses generated by the heart originates in the:-coronary artery.-atrioventricular node.-sinoatrial node.-bundle of His.
  • Deoxygenated blood from the body returns to the:-left atrium.-right atrium.-right ventricle.-left ventricle.
-administer oxygen, give her 324 mg of aspirin, and assess her further.Page 647, Emergency Medical Care for Chest Pain or Discomfort
  • A patient with atherosclerotic heart disease experiences chest pain during exertion because:-the lumen of the coronary artery is narrowed and cannot accommodate increased blood flow.-the coronary arteries suddenly spasm and cause a marked reduction in myocardial blood flow.-the ragged edge of a tear in the coronary artery lumen causes local blood clotting and arterial narrowing.-tissues of the myocardium undergo necrosis secondary to a prolonged absence of oxygen.
  • A patient in cardiac arrest is wearing an external defibrillator vest, which is interfering with effective chest compressions. The EMT should:-remove the battery from the monitor and then remove the vest.-leave the battery attached to the monitor and remove the vest.-remove the battery from the monitor and leave the vest in place.-perform ventilations only and allow the vest device to defibrillate.
  • A 66-year-old female with a history of hypertension and diabetes presents with substernal chest pressure of 2 hours' duration. Her blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg, her pulse is 100 beats/min and irregular, her respirations are 22 breaths/min, and her oxygen saturation is 92%. The patient does not have prescribed nitroglycerin, but her husband does. You should:-give her high-flow oxygen, attach the AED, and transport at once.-obtain a SAMPLE history and contact medical control for advice.-administer oxygen, give her 324 mg of aspirin, and assess her further.-give her one nitroglycerin and reassess her systolic blood pressure.
  • You and your partner arrive at the scene of a middle-aged man who collapsed about 5 minutes ago. He is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless. Bystanders are present, but have not provided any care. You should:-have your partner perform CPR while you question the bystanders.-immediately apply the AED pads and analyze his cardiac rhythm.-begin high-quality CPR and apply and AED as soon as possible.-perform two-rescuer CPR for 5 minutes and request ALS backup.
-remove the battery from the monitor and then remove the vest.Page 654, Heart Surgeries and Cardiac Assistive Devices
  • A patient in cardiac arrest is wearing an external defibrillator vest, which is interfering with effective chest compressions. The EMT should:-remove the battery from the monitor and then remove the vest.-leave the battery attached to the monitor and remove the vest.-remove the battery from the monitor and leave the vest in place.-perform ventilations only and allow the vest device to defibrillate.
  • You and your partner arrive at the scene of a middle-aged man who collapsed about 5 minutes ago. He is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless. Bystanders are present, but have not provided any care. You should:-have your partner perform CPR while you question the bystanders.-immediately apply the AED pads and analyze his cardiac rhythm.-begin high-quality CPR and apply and AED as soon as possible.-perform two-rescuer CPR for 5 minutes and request ALS backup.
  • A 66-year-old female with a history of hypertension and diabetes presents with substernal chest pressure of 2 hours' duration. Her blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg, her pulse is 100 beats/min and irregular, her respirations are 22 breaths/min, and her oxygen saturation is 92%. The patient does not have prescribed nitroglycerin, but her husband does. You should:-give her high-flow oxygen, attach the AED, and transport at once.-obtain a SAMPLE history and contact medical control for advice.-administer oxygen, give her 324 mg of aspirin, and assess her further.-give her one nitroglycerin and reassess her systolic blood pressure.
  • A patient with atherosclerotic heart disease experiences chest pain during exertion because:-the lumen of the coronary artery is narrowed and cannot accommodate increased blood flow.-the coronary arteries suddenly spasm and cause a marked reduction in myocardial blood flow.-the ragged edge of a tear in the coronary artery lumen causes local blood clotting and arterial narrowing.-tissues of the myocardium undergo necrosis secondary to a prolonged absence of oxygen.
-on the thighs or ankles.Page 651, Cardiac Monitoring
  • Signs and symptoms of a hypertensive emergency would MOST likely be delayed in patients who:-are older than 40 years of age.-regularly take illegal drugs.-have chronic hypertension.-have had a stroke in the past.
  • When preparing to obtain a 12-lead ECH, the "LL" and "RL" electrodes should be placed:-on the thighs or ankles.-on the lower abdomen.-on either side of the chest.-anywhere on the arms.
  • Prior to attaching the AED to a cardiac arrest patient, the EMT should:-contact medical control.-assess for a pulse for 20 seconds.-perform CPR for 30 seconds.-dry the chest if it is wet.
  • The electrical impulses generated by the heart originates in the:-coronary artery.-atrioventricular node.-sinoatrial node.-bundle of His.
are source of new alleles (genetic variation upon which natural selection operates)
  • mutations
  • chromatin
  • helicase
  • linear chromosomes
loosely packed chromatin
  • linear chromosomes
  • euchromatin
  • heterochromatin
  • chromatin
a nuclease cuts out and replaces damaged stretches of DNA
  • telomerase
  • mismatch repair of DNA (done by DNA polymerase 2)
  • nucleotide excision repair
  • mutations
catalyzes the lengthening of telomeres in germ cells (gametes)
  • telomere
  • telomerase
  • helicase
  • chromatin
repair enzymes correct errors in base pairing
  • The radioactive isotope 32P labels the T2 phage's _____.
  • nucleotide excision repair
  • mismatch repair of DNA (done by DNA polymerase 2)
  • telomerase
The role of helicases is to unwind the duplex DNA in order to provide a single-stranded DNA for replication, transcription, and recombination for instanc
  • mutations
  • telomerase
  • telomere
  • helicase
Hershey and Chase did a series of classic experiments demonstrating that DNA is the genetic material of the T2 phage.
  • helicase
  • Hershey and Chase used _____ to radioactively label the T2 phage's proteins.
  • Who demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material of the T2 phage?
  • The radioactive isotope 32P labels the T2 phage's _____.
-eukaryotic chromosomal DNA molecules have special nucleotide sequences at their ends-do not prevent shortening of DNA (postpone erosion of genes near DNA ends)-shortening of telomeres might protect cells from cancerous growth by limiting cell division
  • chromatin
  • telomerase
  • helicase
  • telomere
no way to complete 5' end as repeated rounds of replication produce shorter ends
  • linear chromosomes
  • mutations
  • heterochromatin
  • telomerase
-during interphase a few regions of chromatin (centromeres+telomeres) are highly condensed into heterochromatin-dense packing of heterochromatin makes it difficult for cell to express genetic info coded in regions
  • euchromatin
  • linear chromosomes
  • chromatin
  • heterochromatin
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