When computers are recycled in the United States in ways that limit environmental pollution, they are ____.
  • Groundwater moves over larger distances, over longer timescales.
  • disassembled into their basic parts and recycled in various ways
  • Aquitards must be present both above and below the aquifer.
  • lead embedded in the glass of the monitor
Saltwater contamination can be a problem for cities in the continental interior because significant quantities of seawater were trapped in ancient sedimentary rocks of marine origin.
  • True
  • False
What prevents water at the bottom of the underground caverns from boiling at the normal surface temperature?
  • when the cone of depression of a second well intersects the deepest part of Well A
  • The pressure from the weight of overlying water causes the boiling point to increase.
  • the distance between two wells that penetrate the zone of saturation
  • Cool groundwater seeps back into the underground chambers, and the cycle starts again.
What geologic process is responsible for warming the water at Hot Springs National Park?
  • flowing artesian well
  • nonflowing artesian well
  • Normal geothermal gradient
  • The electronics were sent to developing countries.
lead embedded in the glass of the monitor
  • computerDVD playermicrowave
  • Normal geothermal gradient
  • a confined aquifer
  • The water table elevation decreases.
Which of the following is a requirement for an artesian system to exist?
  • Aquitards must be present both above and below the aquifer.
  • Saltwater contaminationReversing the direction of flow in the aquiferSubsidence
  • the distance between two wells that penetrate the zone of saturation
  • Agriculture and irrigation
Which of the following materials would make the best aquitard?
  • shale
  • Saltwater contaminationReversing the direction of flow in the aquiferSubsidence
  • clay
  • Calcite
The presence of the Green River has a significant impact on the water table in the area around Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky. How does the relationship between the Green River and the water table affect cave passage formation?
  • Hidden River Cave and the dump sites are connected via various sinkholes and subterranean passages.
  • The pressure from the weight of overlying water causes the boiling point to increase.
  • when the cone of depression of a second well intersects the deepest part of Well A
  • As the Green River erodes downward, the water table will lower as the groundwater flows toward the stream, carving new cave passages further from the surface.
When might a well, Well A, go dry
  • when the amount of water flowing toward the well equals the amount of water being pumped out of the well.
  • Cool groundwater seeps back into the underground chambers, and the cycle starts again.
  • The pressure from the weight of overlying water causes the boiling point to increase.
  • when the cone of depression of a second well intersects the deepest part of Well A
A perched aquifer is located directly above a(n) __________.
  • grassy field
  • Sand
  • Calcite
  • aquitard
In the late twentieth century, Hidden River Cave had suffered from significant pollution and bad odor. Although various chemical pollutants had been dumped or spilled nearby, none had intentionally been disposed of in Hidden River Cave. How did they end up there?
  • The pressure from the weight of overlying water causes the boiling point to increase.
  • Precipitation infiltrates into the subsurface via sinkholes and flows through subterranean passages to the Green River Valley.
  • Hidden River Cave and the dump sites are connected via various sinkholes and subterranean passages.
  • The water table was much lower and the features were formed by water dripping from the ceiling into an air-filled chamber
What happens after a geyser erupts?
  • The pressure from the weight of overlying water causes the boiling point to increase.
  • when the cone of depression of a second well intersects the deepest part of Well A
  • Cool groundwater seeps back into the underground chambers, and the cycle starts again.
  • the shape that the water table takes on near a pumping well
An artesian well must tap into ______.
  • computerDVD playermicrowave
  • water table will rise
  • grassy field
  • a confined aquifer
The water table will undulate with the ground surface. It will be low where the surface is high and high where the surface is low.
  • True
  • False
Which of the following accounts for the largest usage of groundwater in the United States?
  • Agriculture and irrigation
  • Aquitards must be present both above and below the aquifer.
  • the distance between two wells that penetrate the zone of saturation
  • Groundwater moves over larger distances, over longer timescales.
A __________ is located where the pressure surface is above the aquifer, but below the ground.
  • flowing artesian well
  • nonflowing artesian well
  • Geysers
  • Normal geothermal gradient
A(n) __________ acts as a conduit that brings heated water to the surface.
  • False
  • shale
  • fault
  • nonflowing artesian well
Which of the following has the highest permeability?
  • Sand
  • Calcite
  • clay
  • Agriculture and irrigation
What is the cone of depression?
  • the water table is lower than the stream surface
  • the distance between two wells that penetrate the zone of saturation
  • when the cone of depression of a second well intersects the deepest part of Well A
  • the shape that the water table takes on near a pumping well
Which of the following can result from excessive pumping of groundwater?
  • Groundwater moves over larger distances, over longer timescales.
  • Aquitards must be present both above and below the aquifer.
  • Saltwater contaminationReversing the direction of flow in the aquiferSubsidence
  • the distance between two wells that penetrate the zone of saturation
Worldwide, the largest percentage of freshwater readily available to humans is stored in _______.
  • pore spaces between rocks and sediments
  • should recycle outdated electronics
  • The water table elevation decreases.
  • the distance between two wells that penetrate the zone of saturation
How will the water table respond when there is a drought?
  • flowing artesian well
  • water table will rise
  • The water table elevation decreases.
  • Agriculture and irrigation
How does the water table change around a pumping water well?
  • the distance between two wells that penetrate the zone of saturation
  • the water table is lower than the stream surface
  • The water table elevation decreases.
  • should recycle outdated electronics
In order for an aquifer to use useful for human consumption, what kind of porosity and permeability should it have?
  • fault
  • High porosity, high permeability
  • should recycle outdated electronics
  • under pressure rises above the aquifer level
__________ are intermittent springs that eject columns of water and steam at various time intervals.
  • False
  • Geysers
  • grassy field
  • nonflowing artesian well
One of the main messages in the film about e-waste is that responsible consumers _____.
  • The water table elevation decreases.
  • should recycle outdated electronics
  • Groundwater moves over larger distances, over longer timescales.
  • Agriculture and irrigation
In a losing stream, _____.
  • the water table is lower than the stream surface
  • The water table elevation decreases.
  • The water table was much lower and the features were formed by water dripping from the ceiling into an air-filled chamber
  • the distance between two wells that penetrate the zone of saturation
An artesian system is present when groundwater __________.
  • should recycle outdated electronics
  • The water table elevation decreases.
  • under pressure rises above the aquifer level
  • fault
A ___ is an example of a groundwater recharge area.
  • a confined aquifer
  • aquitard
  • grassy field
  • Geysers
Which of the following is necessary to calculate hydraulic gradient?
  • the distance between two wells that penetrate the zone of saturation
  • Saltwater contaminationReversing the direction of flow in the aquiferSubsidence
  • Aquitards must be present both above and below the aquifer.
  • the shape that the water table takes on near a pumping well
As shown by the South Dakota example, artesian systems __________.
  • Aquitards must be present both above and below the aquifer.
  • are able to transmit water great distances from recharge to discharge areas
  • the distance between two wells that penetrate the zone of saturation
  • Saltwater contaminationReversing the direction of flow in the aquiferSubsidence
While on vacation, you visit a local Imax theater and see a movie about cave diving in the Yucatan Peninsula. In one of the caves they dive in, which is currently filled with water, you notice the divers swimming past some stalactites and stalagmites. If the water table is now above the level of the ceiling of the cave, what does the presence of the cave decorations indicate about past water table levels?
  • The water table was much lower and the features were formed by water dripping from the ceiling into an air-filled chamber
  • the distance between two wells that penetrate the zone of saturation
  • As the Green River erodes downward, the water table will lower as the groundwater flows toward the stream, carving new cave passages further from the surface.
  • Saltwater contaminationReversing the direction of flow in the aquiferSubsidence
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