Which cartilage belonging to the larynx anchors vocal cords?
  • pulmonary ventilation and external respirationPulmonary ventilation and external respiration take place in only the respiratory system.
  • cricoid cartilageThe cricoid cartilage makes a complete ring around the airway, stabilizing the glottis, the vocal cords, and the epiglottis.
  • arytenoid cartilageThe arytenoid cartilages serve as an anchor for the vocal cords. They can be controlled using muscles to give different tones during speech.
  • alveoliAlveoli are thin-walled air sacs that are the sites of gas exchange. Along with the respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts, the alveoli make up the respiratory zone.
Which of these structures forms a complete ring around the airway?
  • pulmonary ventilation and external respirationPulmonary ventilation and external respiration take place in only the respiratory system.
  • arytenoid cartilageThe arytenoid cartilages serve as an anchor for the vocal cords. They can be controlled using muscles to give different tones during speech.
  • alveoliAlveoli are thin-walled air sacs that are the sites of gas exchange. Along with the respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts, the alveoli make up the respiratory zone.
  • cricoid cartilageThe cricoid cartilage makes a complete ring around the airway, stabilizing the glottis, the vocal cords, and the epiglottis.
Which of the following is/are part(s) of the respiratory zone structures?
  • pulmonary ventilation and external respirationPulmonary ventilation and external respiration take place in only the respiratory system.
  • alveoliAlveoli are thin-walled air sacs that are the sites of gas exchange. Along with the respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts, the alveoli make up the respiratory zone.
  • pharynxThe funnel-shaped pharynx connects the nasal cavity and mouth superiorly to the larynx and esophagus inferiorly. Commonly called the throat, the pharynx is the site where our respiratory pathway, from nose to larynx, crosses the digestive pathway, from mouth to esophagus.
  • cricoid cartilageThe cricoid cartilage makes a complete ring around the airway, stabilizing the glottis, the vocal cords, and the epiglottis.
Which of the following is an organ shared by the respiratory system and the digestive system?
  • alveoliAlveoli are thin-walled air sacs that are the sites of gas exchange. Along with the respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts, the alveoli make up the respiratory zone.
  • nasopharynxThe opening to the pharyngotympanic tube is in the nasopharynx above the uvula and near the pharyngeal tonsil.
  • pulmonary ventilation and external respirationPulmonary ventilation and external respiration take place in only the respiratory system.
  • pharynxThe funnel-shaped pharynx connects the nasal cavity and mouth superiorly to the larynx and esophagus inferiorly. Commonly called the throat, the pharynx is the site where our respiratory pathway, from nose to larynx, crosses the digestive pathway, from mouth to esophagus.
What part of the larynx covers the laryngeal inlet during swallowing to keep food out of the lower respiratory passages?
  • alveoliAlveoli are thin-walled air sacs that are the sites of gas exchange. Along with the respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts, the alveoli make up the respiratory zone.
  • epiglottisWhen the larynx is elevated during the act of swallowing, the epiglottis is pressed over the glottis to prevent swallowed food from entering the lower respiratory passages.
  • nasopharynxThe opening to the pharyngotympanic tube is in the nasopharynx above the uvula and near the pharyngeal tonsil.
  • oropharynxThe palatine tonsils are found in the part of the pharynx that is shared with the oral cavity and is known as the oropharynx.
Which of the following processes are unique to the respiratory system?
  • cricoid cartilageThe cricoid cartilage makes a complete ring around the airway, stabilizing the glottis, the vocal cords, and the epiglottis.
  • pulmonary ventilation and external respirationPulmonary ventilation and external respiration take place in only the respiratory system.
  • alveoliAlveoli are thin-walled air sacs that are the sites of gas exchange. Along with the respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts, the alveoli make up the respiratory zone.
  • nasopharynxThe opening to the pharyngotympanic tube is in the nasopharynx above the uvula and near the pharyngeal tonsil.
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