During transcription
  • ribosomes in the cell cytoplasm.
  • DNA polymerase is an enzyme that builds new strands of DNA. It does this by adding DNA nucleotides one at a time.
  • Organize the spindle during mitosis
  • DNA is used as a template to make RNA
Which of the following concerning the nuclear envelope ?
  • envelope is particularly important in mitosis.
  • mRNA attaches to the small subunit of a ribosome
  • Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
  • DNA polymerase is an enzyme that builds new strands of DNA. It
Match the stage of interphase with the event ( s ) that occur
  • Non-dividing stage involving rapid growth, DNA replication, and preparation for division
  • Chromatin condenses into chromosomes; centrioles move toward opposite poles of the cell.
  • Separation two identical sets of chromosomes to opposite sides of the parent cell
  • The cell is metabolically active, synthesizing proteins, and growing rapidly
Ribosomes are found
  • in the cytosol and on the rough endoplasmic reticulum
  • mRNA moves from the nucleus to the cytoplasm following RNA processing
  • envelope is particularly important in mitosis.
  • mRNA attaches to the small subunit of a ribosome
When a double helix of DNA is replicated, two complete helices are formed Together, these helices are called sister
  • Ribosome
  • Peroxisome
  • chromatids
  • Microfilaments
Match the form of RNA with its function : rRNA
  • Uses an anticodon to guide its attached amino acid to the complementary codon on the mRNA at the ribosome
  • Chromosomes uncoil and revert to chromatin; nuclear membranes form around the sets of chromosomes.
  • Combines in a complex with proteins to make the large and small subunits of a ribosome
  • Determines shape the cell as well as distribution of cellular organelles
Match the members of the cytoskeleton with their characteristics: These thinnest members of the cytoskeleton are composed of strands of actin protein
  • Microtubules
  • Intermediate filaments
  • Ribosomes
  • Microfilaments
Correctly match the term and definition: microvilli
  • Motile cellular extensions found in large numbers in some epithelial cells
  • Tiny fingerlike projections of the plasma membrane; increase surface area for absorption
  • Combines in a complex with proteins to make the large and small subunits of a ribosome
  • Chromatin condenses into chromosomes; centrioles move toward opposite poles of the cell.
Which statement about DNA replication is FALSE?
  • DNA ligase
  • mRNA moves from the nucleus to the cytoplasm following RNA processing
  • mRNA attaches to the small subunit of a ribosome
  • DNA ligase adds nucleotides to the lagging strand
Match the organelle with its characteristics : mitochondrion
  • DNA replicates.
  • Ribosomes
  • Possesses a cis and trans side; composed of cistermac
  • Cristae: matris
What is the name of the process by which the cytoplasm divides in two?
  • DNA ligase
  • G1, S, and G2
  • Cytokinesis
  • Cristae: matris
Match the form of RNA with its function : mRNA
  • Chromosomes uncoil and revert to chromatin; nuclear membranes form around the sets of chromosomes.
  • The cell is metabolically active, synthesizing proteins, and growing rapidly
  • Carries genetic instructions from the nucleus to the site of protein synthesis
  • Chromatin condenses into chromosomes; centrioles move toward opposite poles of the cell.
Match the member of the cytoskeleton with their characteristies: These members of the cytoskeleton are composed of spherical quickly assembled and disansembled by the cell.
  • Microfilaments
  • Protein synthesis
  • Microtubules
  • Ribosomes
which of the following cell structure functions as the control center of the cell
  • G1, S, and G2
  • Nucleus
  • Cytokinesis
  • Peroxisome
which nucleic acid transcription but not translation in the synthesis of a particular polypeptide?
  • G1, S, and G2
  • DNA ligase
  • DNA
  • Peroxisome
During which phase of mitosis do the nuclear envelope and nucleoli disappear?
  • Prophase
  • Anaphase
  • interphase
  • Metaphase
During following phases does DNA replication occur?
  • Synthesis
  • Anaphase
  • Prophase
  • Telophase
Which of the following cell organelles possesses oxidase enzymes that function in neutralizing harmful free radicals?
  • Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
  • Golgi apparatus
  • Peroxisome
  • Ribosome
The term "central dogma of molecular biology" was coined by a co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, Francis Crick. The term is used to define how information flows in biological systems. Which of the following DNA, proteins provide simple the "central dogma?
  • Separation two identical sets of chromosomes to opposite sides of the parent cell
  • The cell is metabolically active, synthesizing proteins, and growing rapidly
  • DNA polymerase is an enzyme that builds new strands of DNA. It
  • DNA allows the production of mRNA. mRNA allows for the production of protein.
Which of the following lists, in correct order, the phases of interphase?
  • Golgi apparatus
  • G1, S, and G2
  • Peroxisome
  • Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
Match the stage of th cell cycle with the events that occur: cytokinesis
  • The cell is metabolically active, synthesizing proteins, and growing rapidly
  • Possesses a cis and trans side; composed of cistermac
  • Determines shape the cell as well as distribution of cellular organelles
  • Division of the parent cell cytoplasm into two daughter cells
Match the stage of interphase withghe events) that occurís) s
  • Protein synthesis
  • Cristae: matris
  • Ribosomes
  • DNA replicates.
Which of the following cell organelles produces vesicles?
  • G1, S, and G2
  • mRNA attaches to the small subunit of a ribosome
  • envelope is particularly important in mitosis.
  • Golgi apparatus
Match the form of A with its function : tRNA
  • Uses an anticodon to guide its attached amino acid to the complementary codon on the mRNA at the ribosome
  • Combines in a complex with proteins to make the large and small subunits of a ribosome
  • Chromosomes uncoil and revert to chromatin; nuclear membranes form around the sets of chromosomes.
  • Chromatin condenses into chromosomes; centrioles move toward opposite poles of the cell.
During DNA replication, which nucleotide will bind to an A nucleotide in the original or parental DNA Strand?
  • Prophase
  • S
  • T
  • interphase
Match the stage of mitosis with the event(s) that occur(s): anaphase
  • Possesses a cis and trans side; composed of cistermac
  • Sets of chromosomes are moved to opposite sides of the cell.
  • Separation two identical sets of chromosomes to opposite sides of the parent cell
  • Non-dividing stage involving rapid growth, DNA replication, and preparation for division
Match the structure with its function : centrioles
  • Organize the spindle during mitosis
  • Determines shape the cell as well as distribution of cellular organelles
  • Protein synthesis
  • Possesses a cis and trans side; composed of cistermac
Which statement best describes strand characteristics as it relates to DNA replication?
  • Chromosomes uncoil and revert to chromatin; nuclear membranes form around the sets of chromosomes.
  • DNA polymerase is an enzyme that builds new strands of DNA. It does this by adding DNA nucleotides one at a time.
  • The leading strand is built continuously, and the lagging strand is built in pieces.
  • The cell is metabolically active, synthesizing proteins, and growing rapidly
Which of the following new strands of DNA?
  • eprophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
  • DNA polymerase is an enzyme that builds new strands of DNA. It
  • A molecule of RNA is formed based on the sequence of nucleotides in DNA
  • Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
During which of the following phases does chromatin condense and become chromosomes?
  • Metaphase
  • eprophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
  • interphase
  • prophase
Correctly match the term and definition: flagella 6
  • Motile cellular extensions found in large numbers in some epithelial cells
  • Long, celitular projections that are tail-like and ald in propulsion
  • Determines shape the cell as well as distribution of cellular organelles
  • The cell is metabolically active, synthesizing proteins, and growing rapidly
Which of the following builds new strands of DNA?
  • envelope is particularly important in mitosis.
  • DNA ligase adds nucleotides to the lagging strand
  • A molecule of RNA is formed based on the sequence of nucleotides in DNA
  • DNA polymerase is an enzyme that builds new strands of DNA. It does this by adding DNA nucleotides one at a time.
Cyanide poisioning prevents production of ATP. Thus, cyanide directly affects which of the shown organelles?
  • Anaphase
  • Metaphase
  • prophase
  • Ribosome
Cristac are found in which of the following cell organelles?
  • Cytokinesis
  • mitochondria
  • G1, S, and G2
  • Cristae: matris
Correctly match the term and definition : spherical prote in molecules around which wraps
  • Histones
  • Ribosome
  • Cytokinesis
  • Ribosomes
you reyǐ this is headed towards mitochondria where it will oxidize food fuels to form harmful substanices. That organielle is the
  • interphase
  • prophase
  • peroxisome
  • Telophase
Correctly match the term and definition: cilla
  • Motile cellular extensions found in large numbers in some epithelial cells
  • Tiny fingerlike projections of the plasma membrane; increase surface area for absorption
  • mRNA moves from the nucleus to the cytoplasm following RNA processing
  • Carries genetic instructions from the nucleus to the site of protein synthesis
Match the structure with its function: microtubules
  • Combines in a complex with proteins to make the large and small subunits of a ribosome
  • Organize the spindle during mitosis
  • Determines shape the cell as well as distribution of cellular organelles
  • The cell is metabolically active, synthesizing proteins, and growing rapidly
Match the organelle with its characteristic : Golgi apparatus
  • Possesses a cis and trans side; composed of cistermac
  • Uses an anticodon to guide its attached amino acid to the complementary codon on the mRNA at the ribosome
  • The cell is metabolically active, synthesizing proteins, and growing rapidly
  • Combines in a complex with proteins to make the large and small subunits of a ribosome
Lysosomes Rsform which of the following cellular functions?
  • Intracellular digestion
  • Cristae: matris
  • Motile cellular extensions found in large numbers in some epithelial cells
  • mitochondria
DNA is replicated during the subphase of interphase of the cell cycle.
  • DNA ligase
  • T
  • S
  • Anaphase
Which protein joins together the Okazaki fragments of DNA lagging strand?
  • Anaphase
  • DNA ligase
  • interphase
  • Cytokinesis
Match the cell structure to its function : Golgi apparatus
  • Protein packaging and modification
  • Protein synthesis
  • Combines in a complex with proteins to make the large and small subunits of a ribosome
  • Contain digestive enzymes
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