which of the following is used for computations in CPM
  • monitoring resources
  • normal time
  • subtasks in major tasks
  • there is an inherent danger of placing too much emphasis on the critical path
which of the following represents the FIRST step to crash a project
  • straightforward concept and not mathematically complex
  • compute the crash cost per week for each activity in the network
  • if a specific project has multiple critical paths, all of them will have the same duration
  • make sure all necessary activities are finished in proper sequence and on time
which of the following does NOT belong in the controlling phase of project management
  • microsoft project
  • subtasks in major tasks
  • monitoring resources
  • define the project
the difference between AON and AOA networks is that
  • nodes consume no resources or time in AOA networksnodes designate activities in AON, while arrows designate activities in AOAboth are acceptable in practice, however, microsoft project uses AONAOA networks sometimes require dummy activitiesALL OF ABOVE ARE TRUE
  • there is an inherent danger of placing too much emphasis on the critical path
  • the job is familiar to the existing organization
  • PERT employs three time estimates for each activity
which of the following does not belong in the planning phase of project management
  • subtasks in major tasks
  • factor-rating method
  • define the project
  • monitoring resources
which of the following is an advantage of PERT and CPM
  • straightforward concept and not mathematically complex
  • there is an inherent danger of placing too much emphasis on the critical path
  • if a specific project has multiple critical paths, all of them will have the same duration
  • compute the crash cost per week for each activity in the network
the three phases involved in the management of large projects are
  • planning, scheduling, and controlling
  • pinpoint activities that need to be closely watched
  • probability estimates for on-time comletion
  • pessimistic time
which of the following statements is an assumption PERT makes regarding the probability of finishing the project on time
  • total project completion time follows a normal probability distribution
  • if a specific project has multiple critical paths, all of them will have the same duration
  • make sure all necessary activities are finished in proper sequence and on time
  • compute the crash cost per week for each activity in the network
gantt charts are
  • used when two activities have identical starting and ending events
  • planning charts used to schedule resources and allocate time
  • planning, scheduling, and controlling
  • pinpoint activities that need to be closely watched
microsoft project calls an activity a
  • subtasks in major tasks
  • task
  • beta
  • normal time
the _______ distribution is used by PERT analysis to calculate expected activity times and variances
  • beta
  • factor-rating method
  • task
  • pessimistic time
computerized PERT/CPM reports and charts do NOT include
  • PERT employs three time estimates for each activity
  • the job is familiar to the existing organization
  • probability estimates for on-time comletion
  • planning, scheduling, and controlling
which of the following statements regarding critical path is true
  • if a specific project has multiple critical paths, all of them will have the same duration
  • all activities on the critical path have their LS equal to the maximum EF of all immediate predecessors.
  • make sure all necessary activities are finished in proper sequence and on time
  • on a specific project, there can be multiple critical paths, all with exactly the same duration
the main difference between PERT and CPM is that
  • PERT employs three time estimates for each activity
  • straightforward concept and not mathematically complex
  • probability estimates for on-time comletion
  • the job is familiar to the existing organization
which of the following activities are not part of project scheduling
  • on a specific project, there can be multiple critical paths, all with exactly the same duration
  • there is an inherent danger of placing too much emphasis on the critical path
  • if a specific project has multiple critical paths, all of them will have the same duration
  • make sure all necessary activities are finished in proper sequence and on time
dummy activities
  • used when two activities have identical starting and ending events
  • planning charts used to schedule resources and allocate time
  • compute the crash cost per week for each activity in the network
  • the sum of variances of all activities on the critical path
which of the following is the third level in work breakdown structure (WBS)
  • subtasks in major tasks
  • define the project
  • factor-rating method
  • monitoring resources
the project organization may be less helpful when
  • there is an inherent danger of placing too much emphasis on the critical path
  • the sum of variances of all activities on the critical path
  • the job is familiar to the existing organization
  • PERT employs three time estimates for each activity
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