Which of the following actions is an example of positive feedback?
  • The arrival of platelets at a wound site stimulates the recruitment of more and more platelets to form a clot to stop blood from further leakage.
  • The sensory nerve endings monitor the heat output and send the information to the brain.
  • The thermostat and the furnace (or air conditioner) work together to maintain a constant temperature by cycling on and off.
  • It is a loose weave of fibers that functions as a packing material.
Cartilage is found _____.
  • stratified epithelium
  • It is a loose weave of fibers that functions as a packing material.
  • at the ends of bones such as the femur
  • The sensory nerve endings monitor the heat output and send the information to the brain.
Which of these cell junctions form a barrier to the passage of materials?
  • The arrival of platelets at a wound site stimulates the recruitment of more and more platelets to form a clot to stop blood from further leakage.
  • tight junctions
  • It is a loose weave of fibers that functions as a packing material.
  • Gap junctions
The primary role of _____ is to bind animal cells together.
  • desomosomes
  • tight junctions
  • blood
  • Gap junctions
How does connective tissue differ from the other three major tissue types?
  • The arrival of platelets at a wound site stimulates the recruitment of more and more platelets to form a clot to stop blood from further leakage.
  • Connective tissue often consists of relatively few cells embedded in an extracellular matrix.
  • metabolic alkalosis , loss of HCL acid from the stomach would cause a metabolic alkalosis.
  • The sensory nerve endings monitor the heat output and send the information to the brain.
In a respiratory acidosis the kidney would do which of the following?
  • The kidney would reabsorb bicarbonate and secrete hydrogen ions., Yes, when the kidney secretes hydrogen ions it also generates a bicarbonate ion, which further aids in decreasing the acidity of the plasma
  • respiratory alkalosis; kidneys would excrete HCO3 , during hyperventilation caused by severe anxiety, carbonic acid is excreted from the lungs in the form of CO2, thus causing an alkalosis. Kidneys would compensate by excreting HCO3.
  • The sensory nerve endings monitor the heat output and send the information to the brain.
  • The arrival of platelets at a wound site stimulates the recruitment of more and more platelets to form a clot to stop blood from further leakage.
Why is the temperature control in your home an example of a negative feedback system?
  • The thermostat and the furnace (or air conditioner) work together to maintain a constant temperature by cycling on and off.
  • metabolic alkalosis , Yes, ingestion of an antacid would increase the bicarbonate, causing a metabolic alkalosis.
  • The sensory nerve endings monitor the heat output and send the information to the brain.
  • The arrival of platelets at a wound site stimulates the recruitment of more and more platelets to form a clot to stop blood from further leakage.
The bicarbonate buffer system is one of the chemical buffer systems of the body. How would the bicarbonate buffer system work if sodium hydroxide NaOH(strong base) were added to a solution?
  • A hydrogen on carbonic acid (H2CO3) would dissociate and join the hydroxyl(OH) group on the base to form water and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) (weak base).
  • The thermostat and the furnace (or air conditioner) work together to maintain a constant temperature by cycling on and off.
  • The arrival of platelets at a wound site stimulates the recruitment of more and more platelets to form a clot to stop blood from further leakage.
  • Carbonic acid is broken down into water and CO2; the CO2 is then exhaled.
Severe anxiety would cause which type of acid-base disturbance? What would be the compensation?
  • The thermostat and the furnace (or air conditioner) work together to maintain a constant temperature by cycling on and off.
  • respiratory alkalosis; kidneys would excrete HCO3 , during hyperventilation caused by severe anxiety, carbonic acid is excreted from the lungs in the form of CO2, thus causing an alkalosis. Kidneys would compensate by excreting HCO3.
  • metabolic alkalosis , Yes, ingestion of an antacid would increase the bicarbonate, causing a metabolic alkalosis.
  • The kidney would reabsorb bicarbonate and secrete hydrogen ions., Yes, when the kidney secretes hydrogen ions it also generates a bicarbonate ion, which further aids in decreasing the acidity of the plasma
Ingesting too much antacid would cause which of the following acid-base disturbances?
  • The arrival of platelets at a wound site stimulates the recruitment of more and more platelets to form a clot to stop blood from further leakage.
  • The thermostat and the furnace (or air conditioner) work together to maintain a constant temperature by cycling on and off.
  • metabolic alkalosis , Yes, ingestion of an antacid would increase the bicarbonate, causing a metabolic alkalosis.
  • metabolic alkalosis , loss of HCL acid from the stomach would cause a metabolic alkalosis.
Vomiting will cause which type of acid-base disturbance?
  • metabolic alkalosis , Yes, ingestion of an antacid would increase the bicarbonate, causing a metabolic alkalosis.
  • metabolic alkalosis , loss of HCL acid from the stomach would cause a metabolic alkalosis.
  • Connective tissue often consists of relatively few cells embedded in an extracellular matrix.
  • The sensory nerve endings monitor the heat output and send the information to the brain.
What is the difference between a negative feedback system and a positive feedback system?
  • The thermostat and the furnace (or air conditioner) work together to maintain a constant temperature by cycling on and off.
  • In a negative feedback system, the control center signals the effector to go "on and off" to maintain a steady state (or stable equilibrium); in a positive feedback system, the effector keeps increasing its output.
  • The arrival of platelets at a wound site stimulates the recruitment of more and more platelets to form a clot to stop blood from further leakage.
  • renal system
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