The ion that controls the widest variety of intracellular activities is __________.
  • Inositol triphosphate and diacylglycerol
  • calcium
  • ion channels
  • The signal is halted by the binding of an inactivator molecule to the signal molecule.
Which specific characteristic must a signaling molecule have in order to bind to a cytosolic or nuclear receptor?
  • It must be lipophilic.
  • Gap junction signaling
  • Integrin receptor
  • Protein kinase A
Which form of cell-to-cell communication uses the direct transfer of electrical and chemical signals?
  • Gap junction signaling
  • Integrin receptor
  • Protein kinase A
  • It must be lipophilic.
Cells can decrease receptor activity by down-regulation and through which other mechanism?
  • Integrin receptor
  • Desensitization
  • Protein kinase A
  • gases such as nitric oxide
Negative feedback in reflex loops __________.
  • Inositol triphosphate and diacylglycerol
  • is common because it promotes homeostasis
  • It blocks production of prostaglandins.
  • Insulin, which causes the target cell to take up glucose from the blood.
The most rapid intracellular responses to signals result from activation of receptors that are also __________.
  • ion channels
  • Signal amplification
  • Protein kinase A
  • It must be lipophilic.
The neurotransmitter norepinephrine __________.
  • Insulin, which causes the target cell to take up glucose from the blood.
  • Atenolol is a drug that binds to β1-adrenergic receptors reducing blood pressure.
  • One hormone molecule causes the activation of more than one second messenger molecule.
  • causes some blood vessels to dilate and others to constrict, because different vessels have different receptors for norepinephrine
Which type of receptor alters the cytoskeleton when its ligand binds to it?
  • Intracellular Ca2+
  • It must be lipophilic.
  • Protein kinase A
  • Integrin receptor
What determines which cells act as targets for endocrine signals?
  • Atenolol is a drug that binds to β1-adrenergic receptors reducing blood pressure.
  • Inositol triphosphate and diacylglycerol
  • those cells with receptors specific for the signaling molecule
  • Insulin, which causes the target cell to take up glucose from the blood.
Choose the correct example of signal amplification.
  • The signal is halted by the binding of an inactivator molecule to the signal molecule.
  • Atenolol is a drug that binds to β1-adrenergic receptors reducing blood pressure.
  • Autocrine signals are produced by and act upon the same cell.
  • One hormone molecule causes the activation of more than one second messenger molecule.
Which is the best example of a second messenger?
  • Integrin receptor
  • Nitric oxide
  • Intracellular Ca2+
  • Insulin, which causes the target cell to take up glucose from the blood.
The hypothalamus senses the temperature of the blood via thermoreceptors. When blood temperature begins to drop, the hypothalamus releases a hormone, TRH, that stimulates the release of TSH from the anterior pituitary gland. TSH causes the thyroid gland to release thyroid hormone (TH). TH causes an increase in body temperature, which causes the hypothalamus to stop releasing TRH. In this reflex pathway, what is the response?
  • It must be lipophilic.
  • Intracellular Ca2+
  • Signal amplification
  • increased body temperature
α-adrenergic receptors have a higher affinity for norepinephrine than for epinephrine. β-adrenergic receptors have a higher affinity for epinephrine than for norepinephrine. Which concept about receptor function do these statements reflect?
  • competition
  • G protein action
  • ion channels
  • Desensitization
Which gas is also a paracrine signaling molecule?
  • Nitric oxide
  • Integrin receptor
  • Protein kinase A
  • Intracellular Ca2+
The binding of a single ligand to its receptor can activate many second messengers. Which characteristic of signal transduction systems is this?
  • Signal amplification
  • It must be lipophilic.
  • ion channels
  • Gap junction signaling
Compared to endocrine reflexes, neural reflexes __________.
  • Inositol triphosphate and diacylglycerol
  • respond rapidly, and are very brief
  • It blocks production of prostaglandins.
  • is common because it promotes homeostasis
Which molecule of the GPCR-adenylyl cyclase signal transduction system phosphorylates proteins to create the cellular response?
  • Gap junction signaling
  • G protein action
  • Protein kinase A
  • Integrin receptor
Signal molecules that degrade most rapidly, resulting in very brief effects, are __________.
  • Desensitization
  • gases such as nitric oxide
  • Gap junction signaling
  • Protein kinase A
The supply of higher education in the United States is:
  • Highly price inelastic.
  • Relatively elastic.
  • Perfectly inelastic.
  • Relatively price inelastic.
Which of the following is not an example of pricing based on group differences in elasticity of demand?
  • Cash rebates for purchases of automobiles.
  • Ace bandage; firm rubber tie-down
  • Tea to be positive, but negative for cream.
  • Colleges charging lower tuition for low-income students.
The narrower the definition of a product:
  • Greater in the long run than in the short run.
  • The greater the amount of time over which buyers adjust to a price change.
  • Amount of time the producer has to adjust inputs in response to a price change.
  • The larger the number of substitutes and the greater the price elasticity of demand.
We would expect the cross elasticity of demand between dress shirts and ties to be:
  • Tea to be positive, but negative for cream.
  • Positive, indicating substitute goods.
  • Relatively price inelastic.
  • Negative, indicating complementary goods.
Price elasticity of demand is generally:
  • Greater in the long run than in the short run.
  • Buyer responsiveness to price changes
  • The larger the number of substitutes and the greater the price elasticity of demand.
  • The greater the amount of time over which buyers adjust to a price change.
The elasticity of demand for a product is likely to be greater:
  • The greater the amount of time over which buyers adjust to a price change.
  • The larger the number of substitutes and the greater the price elasticity of demand.
  • The sensitivity of consumer purchases to price changes.
  • Greater in the long run than in the short run.
Gigantic State University raises tuition for the purpose of increasing its revenue so that more faculty can be hired. GSU is assuming that the demand for education at GSU is:
  • Relatively price inelastic.
  • Inelastic.
  • A higher price to the group that has the less elastic demand
  • Relatively inelastic
Suppose that a firm has "pricing power" and can segregate its market into two distinct groups based on differences in elasticities of demand. The firm might charge:
  • Inelastic.
  • Relatively inelastic
  • A higher price to the group that has the less elastic demand
  • Relatively price inelastic.
Supply curves tend to be:
  • The greater the amount of time over which buyers adjust to a price change.
  • The larger the number of substitutes and the greater the price elasticity of demand.
  • Amount of time the producer has to adjust inputs in response to a price change.
  • More elastic in the long run because there is time for firms to enter or leave the industry.
We would expect the cross elasticity of demand between Pepsi and Coke to be:
  • Positive, indicating substitute goods.
  • Relatively price inelastic.
  • Buyer responsiveness to price changes
  • Negative, indicating complementary goods.
The demand schedules for such products as eggs, bread, and electricity tend to be:
  • Negative, indicating complementary goods.
  • Positive, indicating substitute goods.
  • Relatively price inelastic.
  • Relatively elastic.
The supply of known Monet paintings is:
  • Perfectly inelastic.
  • Relatively price inelastic.
  • Relatively elastic.
  • Highly price inelastic.
The supply curve of antique reproductions is:
  • Perfectly inelastic.
  • Relatively price inelastic.
  • Relatively elastic.
  • Highly price inelastic.
An antidrug policy that reduces the supply of heroin might:
  • The larger the number of substitutes and the greater the price elasticity of demand.
  • Increase street crime because the addict's demand for heroin is highly inelastic.
  • The greater the amount of time over which buyers adjust to a price change.
  • Amount of time the producer has to adjust inputs in response to a price change.
The demand for a necessity whose cost is a small portion of one's total income is:
  • Relatively inelastic
  • A higher price to the group that has the less elastic demand
  • Relatively price inelastic.
  • Inelastic.
Compared to coffee, we would expect the cross elasticity of demand for:
  • Positive, indicating substitute goods.
  • Tea to be positive, but negative for cream.
  • Negative, indicating complementary goods.
  • Buyer responsiveness to price changes
Elastic demand is analogous to a __________ and inelastic demand to a _________.
  • Ace bandage; firm rubber tie-down
  • Cash rebates for purchases of automobiles.
  • Relatively price inelastic.
  • Negative, indicating complementary goods.
If the University Chamber Music Society decides to raise ticket prices to provide more funds to finance concerts, the Society is assuming that the demand for tickets is:
  • Relatively price inelastic.
  • Inelastic.
  • Relatively inelastic
  • A higher price to the group that has the less elastic demand
The concept of price elasticity of demand measures:
  • Buyer responsiveness to price changes
  • Goods for which the income elasticity coefficient is relatively high and positive
  • The greater the amount of time over which buyers adjust to a price change.
  • The sensitivity of consumer purchases to price changes.
Which of the following are common traits of chloroplasts and mitochondria?
  • smooth ER: lipid synthesis, poison detoxification, calcium ion storagerough ER: protein synthesisGolgi apparatus: protein modification and sorting, cisternal maturationlysosomes: autophagy, macromolecule digestion- The endomembrane system is critical for the synthesis, processing, and movement of proteins and lipids in the cell. The smooth ER functions mainly in lipid synthesis and processing. The rough ER is the site of secretory protein synthesis. These proteins are processed further in the Golgi apparatus, from where they are dispatched in vesicles to the plasma membrane. Lysosomes, whose enzymes and membranes are made and processed by the rough ER and Golgi apparatus, function in the hydrolysis of macromolecules, such as in phagocytosis and autophagy.
  • transferring of information from DNA to messenger RNA- Transcription is the first of the two main steps of protein synthesis.
  • The protein is translated on free ribosomes and then passes through the pore complex to enter the nucleus.
  • Both have their own DNA.- Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain their own DNA and ribosomes.- Mitochondria and chloroplasts each appear to have evolved from free-living bacterial forms.
Plant cells and animal cells share many of the same structures, but each type of cell also has unique structures. In this activity, you will indicate which cell structures are found only in plant cells, only in animal cells, or in both plant and animal cells.
  • smooth ER: lipid synthesis, poison detoxification, calcium ion storagerough ER: protein synthesisGolgi apparatus: protein modification and sorting, cisternal maturationlysosomes: autophagy, macromolecule digestion- The endomembrane system is critical for the synthesis, processing, and movement of proteins and lipids in the cell. The smooth ER functions mainly in lipid synthesis and processing. The rough ER is the site of secretory protein synthesis. These proteins are processed further in the Golgi apparatus, from where they are dispatched in vesicles to the plasma membrane. Lysosomes, whose enzymes and membranes are made and processed by the rough ER and Golgi apparatus, function in the hydrolysis of macromolecules, such as in phagocytosis and autophagy.
  • insulin, ER protein, lysosomal enzyme - Most proteins that function in the cytosol (such as actin) or in the nucleus (such as DNA polymerase) are synthesized by free ribosomes. Proteins that function within the endomembrane system (such as lysosomal enzymes) or those that are destined for secretion from the cell (such as insulin) are synthesized by bound ribosomes.As a protein destined for the endomembrane system is being synthesized by a ribosome, the first amino acids in the growing polypeptide chain act as a signal sequence. That signal sequence ensures that the ribosome binds to the outer membrane of the ER and that the protein enters the ER lumen.
  • strong, protective structure made from cellulose fibrils
  • plant cell only: central vacuole, cellulose cell wall, chloroplastanimal cell only: centrioleboth: mitochondrion, endoplasmic reticulum, cytoskeleton, Golgi apparatus nucleus, plasma membrane- Plant cells and animal cells have more in common than they have differences. Nevertheless, plant cells' unique structures play important roles. Photosynthesis occurs in plant cells' chloroplasts. The plant cell's central vacuole takes up most of the space within the cell and serves a variety of functions, including storage and hydrolysis of organic compounds. Plant cell walls, which are composed primarily of cellulose, protect the cells from damage and maintain their shape. Cellulose is the most abundant organic compound on the planet.
plant cell wall
  • produces chemical energy (ATP) that can power the cell
  • strong, protective structure made from cellulose fibrils
  • makes sugar by converting light energy into chemical energy
  • regulates cytoplasm composition, creates internal pressure, and stores cell compunds
Which of the following pathways would a protein destined for the interior of the nucleus follow?
  • endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
  • The protein is translated on free ribosomes and then passes through the pore complex to enter the nucleus.
  • Both have their own DNA.- Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain their own DNA and ribosomes.- Mitochondria and chloroplasts each appear to have evolved from free-living bacterial forms.
  • transferring of information from DNA to messenger RNA- Transcription is the first of the two main steps of protein synthesis.
  • regulates cytoplasm composition, creates internal pressure, and stores cell compunds
  • makes sugar by converting light energy into chemical energy
  • produces chemical energy (ATP) that can power the cell
  • strong, protective structure made from cellulose fibrils
central vacuole
  • makes sugar by converting light energy into chemical energy
  • produces chemical energy (ATP) that can power the cell
  • strong, protective structure made from cellulose fibrils
  • regulates cytoplasm composition, creates internal pressure, and stores cell compunds
golgi apparatus
  • regulates cytoplasm composition, creates internal pressure, and stores cell compunds
  • makes sugar by converting light energy into chemical energy
  • produces chemical energy (ATP) that can power the cell
  • modifies and packages proteins
The _____ serves as the finishing and shipping area for products of the endomembrane system. This organelle adds molecular identification tags, or shipping codes, to products bound for other parts of the cell.
  • smooth ER: lipid synthesis, poison detoxification, calcium ion storagerough ER: protein synthesisGolgi apparatus: protein modification and sorting, cisternal maturationlysosomes: autophagy, macromolecule digestion- The endomembrane system is critical for the synthesis, processing, and movement of proteins and lipids in the cell. The smooth ER functions mainly in lipid synthesis and processing. The rough ER is the site of secretory protein synthesis. These proteins are processed further in the Golgi apparatus, from where they are dispatched in vesicles to the plasma membrane. Lysosomes, whose enzymes and membranes are made and processed by the rough ER and Golgi apparatus, function in the hydrolysis of macromolecules, such as in phagocytosis and autophagy.
  • lysosome
  • Golgi apparatus
  • endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
The various parts of the endomembrane system serve different functions in the cell. In this activity, you will identify the roles of each part of the endomembrane system.
  • Golgi apparatus
  • plant cell only: central vacuole, cellulose cell wall, chloroplastanimal cell only: centrioleboth: mitochondrion, endoplasmic reticulum, cytoskeleton, Golgi apparatus nucleus, plasma membrane- Plant cells and animal cells have more in common than they have differences. Nevertheless, plant cells' unique structures play important roles. Photosynthesis occurs in plant cells' chloroplasts. The plant cell's central vacuole takes up most of the space within the cell and serves a variety of functions, including storage and hydrolysis of organic compounds. Plant cell walls, which are composed primarily of cellulose, protect the cells from damage and maintain their shape. Cellulose is the most abundant organic compound on the planet.
  • insulin, ER protein, lysosomal enzyme - Most proteins that function in the cytosol (such as actin) or in the nucleus (such as DNA polymerase) are synthesized by free ribosomes. Proteins that function within the endomembrane system (such as lysosomal enzymes) or those that are destined for secretion from the cell (such as insulin) are synthesized by bound ribosomes.As a protein destined for the endomembrane system is being synthesized by a ribosome, the first amino acids in the growing polypeptide chain act as a signal sequence. That signal sequence ensures that the ribosome binds to the outer membrane of the ER and that the protein enters the ER lumen.
  • smooth ER: lipid synthesis, poison detoxification, calcium ion storagerough ER: protein synthesisGolgi apparatus: protein modification and sorting, cisternal maturationlysosomes: autophagy, macromolecule digestion- The endomembrane system is critical for the synthesis, processing, and movement of proteins and lipids in the cell. The smooth ER functions mainly in lipid synthesis and processing. The rough ER is the site of secretory protein synthesis. These proteins are processed further in the Golgi apparatus, from where they are dispatched in vesicles to the plasma membrane. Lysosomes, whose enzymes and membranes are made and processed by the rough ER and Golgi apparatus, function in the hydrolysis of macromolecules, such as in phagocytosis and autophagy.
  • produces chemical energy (ATP) that can power the cell
  • strong, protective structure made from cellulose fibrils
  • makes sugar by converting light energy into chemical energy
  • regulates cytoplasm composition, creates internal pressure, and stores cell compunds
Not a component of synthetic media
  • yeast extract
  • Mesophiles
  • Reducing media
  • hyperthermophiles-no water
At what point in the bacterial growth curve are bacteria most vulnerable to antibiotics?
  • Selective
  • Mesophiles
  • 24 minutes
  • log phase
Obligated anaerobes
  • The length of time it takes for a cell to divide
  • do not produce superoxide dismutase ion
  • turbidity, metabolic activity, dry weight
  • Salmonella (anaerobic growth & catalase)
direct methods of measuring microbial growth
  • The length of time it takes for a cell to divide
  • hyperthermophiles-no water
  • Plate countsFiltrationMPNDirect microscopic count
  • turbidity, metabolic activity, dry weight
Most bacteria grow best at pH
  • log phase
  • protiens
  • yeast extract
  • 6.5-7.5
If you start out with a population dennsity of 100 CFU/mL of a bacterium that divides every 30 minutes, what will the population density be at the end of 8 hours, assuming the cells are in the log phase of growth?
  • complex medium
  • 65536600 CFU/mL
  • 3,600,000
  • Reducing media
Human pathogenic bacteria are classified as ____________ because of their growth temperature requirements
  • log phase
  • 24 minutes
  • Mesophiles
  • Selective
36 colonies grew in nutrient agar from 0.1 mL of a sample withrawn from a solution diluted at 10^-4 in a standard plate count procedure. How many cells were in the original sample?
  • 24 minutes
  • 65536600 CFU/mL
  • log phase
  • 3,600,000
Generation time can be best defined as
  • The length of time it takes for a cell to divide
  • turbidity, metabolic activity, dry weight
  • Plate countsFiltrationMPNDirect microscopic count
  • 24 minutes
A medium that contains lauryl sulfate inhibits growth of gram-positive bacteria. This medium is:
  • 24 minutes
  • Mesophiles
  • log phase
  • Selective
Generation time of a bacterial population that increases from 10k cells to 10m cells in four hours growth?
  • 24 minutes
  • log phase
  • The direct microscope count
  • Mesophiles
Which of the following is mismatched?
  • hyperthermophiles-no water
  • The direct microscope count
  • The length of time it takes for a cell to divide
  • yeast extract
S-S agar inhibits gram-positive bacteria. On this medium, bacteria that ferment lactose produce red colonies and bacteria that do not ferment lactose produce colorless colonies. This medium is:
  • Selective
  • hyperthermophiles-no water
  • The direct microscope count
  • Selective and differential
Indirect methods of measuring microbial growth
  • Salmonella (anaerobic growth & catalase)
  • The length of time it takes for a cell to divide
  • turbidity, metabolic activity, dry weight
  • Plate countsFiltrationMPNDirect microscopic count
Facultative anaerobe
  • The length of time it takes for a cell to divide
  • do not produce superoxide dismutase ion
  • turbidity, metabolic activity, dry weight
  • Salmonella (anaerobic growth & catalase)
To cultivate anaerobic bacteria, one must use special media called
  • complex medium
  • Selective
  • Reducing media
  • 24 minutes
Grays Company has inventory of 10 units at a cost of $10 each on AugustOn August 3, it purchased 20 units at $12 each. 12 units are sold on AugustUsing the FIFO perpetual inventory method, what amount will be reported as cost of goods sold for the 12 units that were sold? $$$$$140.
  • 276
  • 124
  • 60,000
  • FIFO.
Days' sales in inventory is calculated as: Ending inventory divided by cost of goods sold. Cost of goods sold divided by ending inventory. Ending inventory divided by cost of goods sold timesCost of goods sold divided by ending inventory timesEnding inventory times cost of goods sold
  • Ending inventory divided by cost of goods sold times 365
  • Are included in inventory at their net realizable value.
  • Damaged inventory that cannot be sold.
  • Goods shipped by the owner to the consignee who sells the goods to the owner
Consignment goods are: Goods shipped by the owner to the consignee who sells the goods for the owner. Reported in the consignee's books as inventory. Goods shipped to the consignor who sells the goods for the owner. Not reported in the consignor's inventory since they do not have possession of the inventory. Always paid for by the consignee when they take possession.
  • Cost of goods sold divided by average merchandise inventory.
  • Ending inventory divided by cost of goods sold times 365
  • Goods shipped by the owner to the consignee who sells the goods to the owner
  • Cost of goods sold to be overstated and net income to be understated.
One application of internal control when taking a physical count of inventory is the use of pre-numbered inventory tickets. True False
  • Current replacement cost.
  • Specific identification method.
  • Lower of cost or market.
  • T
On March 31 a company needed to estimate its ending inventory to prepare its first quarter financial statements. The following information is available: Beginning inventory, January 1: $4,000 Net sales: $80,000 Net purchases: $78,000 The company's gross margin ratio is 25%. Using the gross profit method, the cost of goods sold would be: $60,$20,$58,$63,$19,500.
  • FIFO.
  • 60,000
  • Goods shipped by the owner to the consignee who sells the goods to the owner
  • 4.79.
The reliability of the gross profit method depends on a good estimate of the gross profit ratio. True False
  • T
  • Specific identification method.
  • Weighted average.
  • LIFO method.
What is the ultimate outcome of a data warehouse?Data relationshipsData marketingData goalsData marts
  • Veracity
  • Database
  • Master data management
  • Dart marts
Which of the following are the reasons business analysis is difficult from operational databases? (Check all that apply.)Inconsistent data definitionsConsistent data definitionsLack of data standardsInadequate data usefulnessEffective direct data accessHigh data quality
  • EnterpriseDepartmentIndividual
  • Inconsistent data definitionsLack of data standardsInadequate data usefulness
  • AccurateCompleteConsistentTimelyUnique
  • Duplicate dataNon-formatted dataViolates business rules dataNonintegrated data
Which of the following represent the five common characteristics of high-quality information?AccurateCompleteContentClassificationConsistentTimelyTime-seriesUnique
  • EnterpriseDepartmentIndividual
  • AccurateCompleteConsistentTimelyUnique
  • DocumentPresentationDatabase
  • A database can support many logical views
Which of the following represent the information formats in an organization? (Check all that apply.)DocumentEnterprisePresentationDepartmentDatabaseIndividual
  • Information integrity issue
  • EnterpriseDepartmentIndividual
  • AccurateCompleteConsistentTimelyUnique
  • DocumentPresentationDatabase
Which of the following is a problem associated with dirty data? (Check all that apply.)Duplicate dataCorrect dataAccurate dataNon-formatted dataViolates business rules dataNonintegrated data
  • Inconsistent data definitionsLack of data standardsInadequate data usefulness
  • EnterpriseDepartmentIndividual
  • Duplicate dataNon-formatted dataViolates business rules dataNonintegrated data
  • AccurateCompleteConsistentTimelyUnique
Which of the following represent the information levels in an organization? (Check all that apply.)DocumentEnterprisePresentationDepartmentSummaryIndividual
  • DocumentPresentationDatabase
  • AccurateCompleteConsistentTimelyUnique
  • Information integrity issue
  • EnterpriseDepartmentIndividual
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