What are the criticisms of the Montessori approach to early education? Based on the text and in class discussion, do you agree with these criticisms? Answer: Critics of the Montessori approach believe that it neglects children's socioemotional development. For example, although Montessori
  • d. Teaching should begin toward the upper limit of a child's zone of proximal development.
  • difficult for children to master alone but can be learned with the guidance and assistance of adults or more-skilled children. The lower limit are the level of skill reached by the child working independently. The upper limit additional responsibility the child can accept with the assistance of an able instructor.
  • fosters independence and the development of cognitive skills, it deemphasizes verbal interaction between the teacher and child, and between peers. it restricts imaginative play and that its heavy reliance on self-corrective materials may not adequately allow for creativity and for a variety of learning styles.
  • with older children and adults. Some preschoolers are highly resistant to interviewers' suggestions, whereas others immediately succumb to the slightest suggestion. Interviewing techniques can produce substantial distortions in children's reports about highly salient events.
A group of children were put through a task where they were asked to say the word "night" when they see a picture of a sun, and the word "day" when they see a picture of a moon and stars.
  • It is especially frustrating to his parents when Toby does not sit still through dinner. Which of the following should Toby's parents do? d. Be assured that his behavior is normal for his age
  • b. He tries to place each block perfectly on top of the other, upsetting those already stacked.
  • This is an example of a(n) _____ function, which describes several functions—such as inhibition and planning—that are important for flexible, future-oriented behavior. a. executive
  • Answer: One criticism of Vygotsky's theory is that Vygotsky was not specific enough about age-related changes. Another criticism is that Vygotsky did not adequately describe how changes in socioemotional capabilities contribute to cognitive development.
Leopold asks his pediatrician how many hours of sleep his young child should be getting each night. He is told _____ hours.
  • d. 5-year-olds.
  • b. egocentrism.
  • d. 11 to 13
  • d. birth to 3
_____ attention involves action planning, allocating attention to goals, error detection and compensation, monitoring progress on tasks, and dealing with novel or difficult circumstances.
  • b. Myelination
  • c. Executive
  • d. planfulness.
  • b. overweight.
It is now accepted that autism is linked to:
  • a. genetic and brain abnormalities.
  • a. dramatic changes in local patterns within
  • a. short-term memory increases during early childhood.
  • c. external speech precedes internal speech.
Debra is very active. She loves to tumble and show off. She is always trying out what her parents consider to be hair-raising stunts. She also loves races and believes she can run faster than her parents. This type of activity level and confidence is most characteristic of:
  • c. Montessori
  • c. motor vehicle accidents.
  • b. overweight.
  • d. 5-year-olds.
The second substage of preoperational thought, occurring between approximately 4 and 7 years of age, is characterized by the use of:
  • Answer: Rochel Gelman
  • b. 2 to 7
  • c. primitive reasoning.
  • b. ethnic differences among them.
The inability to distinguish between one's own perspective and someone else's perspective is known as _____.
  • c. attention
  • a. Vygotsky's
  • c. egocentrism
  • a. animism.
The symbolic function sub-stage occurs roughly between the ages of 2 andIn this substage, the young child gains the ability to mentally represent an object that is not present but still suffer from limitations like egocentrism and animism...
  • with older children and adults. Some preschoolers are highly resistant to interviewers' suggestions, whereas others immediately succumb to the slightest suggestion. Interviewing techniques can produce substantial distortions in children's reports about highly salient events.
  • The intuitive thought substage occurs between approximately 4 and 7 years of age when children begin to use primitive reasoning and want to know the answers to questions.
  • Heather tells her parents all about the balloons and bubbles but cannot remember any of the safety rules the officer presented. Heather obviously paid more attention to what was _____. a. salient
  • more for themselves, the adults begin to withdraw these supports. This shows the adults' involvement in the children's: a. zone of proximal development.
Which of the following educational strategies would Vygotsky say should be incorporated into the classroom?
  • d. Offering just enough assistance to the child to accomplish the task
  • d. Teaching should begin toward the upper limit of a child's zone of proximal development.
  • a. Children are at risk for health problems when they live in homes in which a parent smokes.
  • c. By age 6, the brain has reached about 95 percent of its adult size
"Tools of the Mind" is a program that is grounded in _____ theory of cognitive development.
  • a. 30 seconds
  • a. jumping; writing
  • c. Centration is reflected in lack of conservation.
  • a. Vygotsky's
Sharon, 3, can solve 4-piece jigsaw puzzles on her own, but needs her parents' help to solve 6-piece jigsaw puzzles. Which of the following represents the upper limit of Sharon's zone of proximal development (ZPD) for solving such puzzles?
  • b. Sharon solving a 6-piece puzzle on her own
  • d. Symbolic function
  • b. sociocultural influences
  • b. developmentally appropriate practice
Irene is taking a test where she hears a random list of numbers, which she is then asked to repeat in the right order. Irene is having her _____ memory tested.
  • c. Montessori
  • d. low-income
  • d. short-term
  • d. Sustained
Which of the following is a factor in increasing the physical activity of preschool children?
  • c. By age 6, the brain has reached about 95 percent of its adult size
  • a. Competing activities
  • b. Parents' perception that it is safe for their children to play outside
  • c. Centration is reflected in lack of conservation.
Researchers have found that in children from 3 to 6 years of age, the most rapid growth takes place in the _____ lobe areas of the brain.
  • c. frontal
  • d. short-term
  • b. 2 to 7
  • c. 6 or 7
Zone of proximal development (ZPD) is Vygotsky's term for:
  • Tale writes on the lines, trying to represent each word with some letters or symbols. This process is called: b. scaffolding writing.
  • d. the range of tasks difficult for a child to master alone but that can be learned with help from adults.
  • d. Teaching should begin toward the upper limit of a child's zone of proximal development.
  • c. the task is more difficult than the child can do alone.
_____ attention is focused and extended engagement with an object, task, event, or other aspect of the environment.
  • b. two hours
  • d. Sustained
  • d. Body mass index
  • c. 14,000
In Piaget's theory, failing the conservation-of-liquid task demonstrates:
  • a. fatty
  • c. dramatic play
  • c. centration.
  • c. poverty.
Fred and Wayne are 4-year-olds and friends. When they are together, they often wrestle, run, race, push, and shove each other. Although their level of activity often aggravates their parents, we know that these activities will:
  • b. Sharon solving a 6-piece puzzle on her own
  • a. dramatic changes in local patterns within
  • Answer: Zone of proximal development
  • a. help the boys develop gross motor skills.
What are the current areas of controversy in early childhood education?
  • a. curriculum and universal preschool education in the United States.
  • c. By age 6, the brain has reached about 95 percent of its adult size
  • Answer: Two current controversies in early childhood education involve (1) what the curriculum for early childhood education should be, and (2) whether preschool education should be universal in the United States.
  • Answer: Symbolic function substage
A common nutritional problem in early childhood, which results from the failure to eat adequate amounts of quality meats and dark green vegetables. and causes chronic fatigue.
  • c. iron deficiency anemia
  • c. executive function.
  • c. private speech
  • Answer: Iron deficiency anemia
Critics of universal preschool education argue that:
  • c. Thought and language develop independently at first and merge later in development.
  • a. They only provide for low-income families.
  • b. Vygotsky overemphasized the role of language in thinking.
  • b. research has not proven that nondisadvantaged children benefit from attending a preschool.
Gina, 6, has a BMI in the 95th percentile. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, she would be classified as:
  • d. short-term
  • b. overweight.
  • d. Body mass index
  • b. Montessori approach
The poor are the majority in nearly _____ of the nations of the world.
  • c. attention
  • a. one-fifth
  • a. fatty
  • a. child-centered.
The theory of _____ refers to awareness of one's own mental processes and the mental processes of others.
  • a. genetic and brain abnormalities.
  • c. mind
  • b. 2 to 7
  • c. 6 or 7
Aubrey is in a school that takes into account the typical development of children within an age span, as well as the uniqueness of the child. It also emphasizes the importance of creating settings that encourage active learning and reflect the child's interests and capabilities.
  • This view represents a _____. Answer: developmentally appropriate practice aka DAP
  • b. likely to be socially competent.
  • a. help the boys develop gross motor skills.
  • b. Sharon solving a 6-piece puzzle on her own
Deaths in young children due to HIV/AIDS especially occur in countries:
  • b. research has not proven that nondisadvantaged children benefit from attending a preschool.
  • b. with high rates of poverty and low levels of education.
  • a. do not yet perform reversible mental actions.
  • d. It neglects children's socioemotional development.
In moving from Piaget to Vygotsky, the conceptual shift is one from:
  • a. one-fifth
  • a. child-centered kindergarten
  • a. the individual to collaboration.
  • b. with high rates of poverty and low levels of education.
Competent early childhood programs should focus:
  • b. educational program for young children.
  • a. on cognitive development and socioemotional development.
  • d. be content that this is normal for Manuel's age.
  • c. the task is more difficult than the child can do alone.
Piaget's preoperational stage is so named because he believed that children at this age:
  • c. A child's cognitive skills in the process of maturing
  • b. considering combinations of features.
  • a. do not yet perform reversible mental actions.
  • d. be content that this is normal for Manuel's age.
According to critics of universal preschool education:
  • b. research has not proven that nondisadvantaged children benefit from attending a preschool.
  • b. it is more important to improve preschool education for young children who are disadvantaged rather than funding preschool education for all 4-year-old children.
  • b. An instructor helps students with laboratory work, showing them how to do things the students cannot yet do.
  • Older children rehearse the digits more than younger children do. Speed—especially the speed with which memory items can be identified—and efficiency of processing information are important, too.
When adults are working with young children, they often provide a lot of hints, assistance, instructions, and other support to help the children succeed. As the children demonstrate they can do
  • more for themselves, the adults begin to withdraw these supports. This shows the adults' involvement in the children's: a. zone of proximal development.
  • b. intuitive thought.
  • circle of children and each child is required to catch the teacher's eye before being permitted to leave the group, is an example of this type of exercise. b. attention
  • Heather tells her parents all about the balloons and bubbles but cannot remember any of the safety rules the officer presented. Heather obviously paid more attention to what was _____. a. salient
Which of the following describes what Lev Vygotsky believed about the development of thought and language?
  • c. Thought and language develop independently at first and merge later in development.
  • b. Reduce playground hazards
  • a. the false-belief task is a complicated one that involves a number of factors.
  • a. They only provide for low-income families.
Five-year old Donna speaks in shorter, simpler sentences to her baby brother, in a very informal way with friends, and uses a more formal language with her father's friends. Donna is demonstrating her grasp of:
  • c. syntax.
  • b. overweight.
  • a. pragmatics.
  • d. short-term
This researcher showed that when the child's attention to relevant aspects of the conservation task is improved, the child is more likely to conserve.
  • b. intuitive thought.
  • Answer: Rochel Gelman
  • c. gross motor skills.
  • Answer: Symbolic function substage
When 4- and 5-year olds scramble over jungle gyms and race their friends, they are demonstrating their:
  • c. at risk of being overweight.
  • Answer: Conservation
  • c. gross motor skills.
  • b. Montessori approach
Which of the following statements regarding autism in children is true?
  • d. Offering just enough assistance to the child to accomplish the task
  • a. Higher-functioning children with autism show reasonable progress in understanding others' desires.
  • b. An instructor helps students with laboratory work, showing them how to do things the students cannot yet do.
  • c. Scaffolding
Several operations, such as inhibition and planning, that are important for flexible, future-oriented behavior and may also be connected to theory of mind development are known as:
  • c. executive function.
  • a. symbolic function
  • a. Competing activities
  • b. developmentally appropriate practice
Juan and his little sister, Anne, are each given a large cookie. Their mother breaks Anne's cookie into four pieces to help her eat it more easily. Juan immediately begins to cry and says that it is not fair for his sister to get so many cookies when he only has one. Juan is showing a lack of:
  • b. conservation.
  • d. 11 to 13
  • b. egocentrism.
  • c. Tyrone, African American boy, urban, middle-socioeconomic-status, and firstborn
Which of the following is true of Lev Vygotsky's educational applications?
  • b. research has not proven that nondisadvantaged children benefit from attending a preschool.
  • d. Teaching should begin toward the upper limit of a child's zone of proximal development.
  • b. Parents' perception that it is safe for their children to play outside
  • d. the range of tasks difficult for a child to master alone but that can be learned with help from adults.
Children can experience a number of sleep problems including narcolepsy which is characterized by:
  • d. Ethnic origin and nutrition
  • b. ethnic differences among them.
  • c. Centration is reflected in lack of conservation.
  • a. extreme daytime sleepiness.
Ethan, age 4, reasons that every time he sees a lightning bolt in the sky, angels are turning on their flashlights. Ethan's primitive reasoning about lightning is characteristic of:
  • c. iron deficiency anemia
  • b. overweight.
  • c. executive function.
  • b. intuitive thought.
A police officer visits Timothy and Evelyn's class to discuss safety rules. To attract the children's attention, the officer brings colorful balloons and lots of jars of bubbles for the children to blow. Later,
  • Timothy tells his parents all about the safety rules the officer discussed. Timothy obviously paid attention to what was _____. b. relevant
  • c. motor vehicle accidents.
  • Answer: One criticism of Vygotsky's theory is that Vygotsky was not specific enough about age-related changes. Another criticism is that Vygotsky did not adequately describe how changes in socioemotional capabilities contribute to cognitive development.
  • Heather tells her parents all about the balloons and bubbles but cannot remember any of the safety rules the officer presented. Heather obviously paid more attention to what was _____. a. salient
Approximately _____ children is estimated to have some sort of autism spectrum disorder.
  • c. 14,000
  • d. 4 to 5
  • b. 1 in 150
  • c. poverty.
Dorothy is enrolled in a preschool where she spends much of her time in unstructured activity. She plays with different toys she chooses, and her teacher facilitates rather than teaches. Which of the following approaches is Dorothy's preschool using?
  • b. myelination
  • d. low-income
  • c. Montessori
  • c. Executive
_____ is a process in which nerve cells are covered and insulated with a layer of fat cells.
  • c. attention
  • b. Myelination
  • a. Vygotsky's
  • d. Sustained
A police officer visits Ben and Heather's class to discuss safety rules. To attract the children's attention, the officer brings colorful balloons and lots of jars of bubbles for the children to blow. Later,
  • 1) Assess the child's zone of proximal development. 2) Use the child's ZPD in teaching. 3) Use more-skilled peers as teachers. 4) Place instruction in a meaningful context. 5) Transform the classroom with Vygotskian ideas.
  • Which of the following represents the lower limit of Kevin's zone of proximal development (ZPD) for walking? c. Kevin walking alone by holding onto a piece of furniture with his hands
  • Heather tells her parents all about the balloons and bubbles but cannot remember any of the safety rules the officer presented. Heather obviously paid more attention to what was _____. a. salient
  • Answer: An operation is a reversible mental action that allows children to do mentally what before they could only do physically. Tasks that illustrate lack of operations could be conservation, serration, the three mountain task, etc
Two current controversies in early childhood education, as given in the text, involve:
  • a. curriculum and universal preschool education in the United States.
  • d. Offering just enough assistance to the child to accomplish the task
  • a. Children are at risk for health problems when they live in homes in which a parent smokes.
  • c. By age 6, the brain has reached about 95 percent of its adult size
Which of the following should be minimized in order to improve the eating behavior of children?
  • b. Parents' perception that it is safe for their children to play outside
  • c. Thought and language develop independently at first and merge later in development.
  • b. Reduce playground hazards
  • a. Competing activities
Which of the following determines the categories for obesity, overweight, and at risk for being overweight?
  • a. Competing activities
  • d. Body mass index
  • c. By age 6, the brain has reached about 95 percent of its adult size
  • d. Universal preschool would bring billions of dollars of cost savings because of a diminished need for remedial and justice services.
A cognitive theorist who emphasized the social contexts of learning and the construction of knowledge through social interaction.
  • Answer: Lev Vygotsky
  • Answer: Rochel Gelman
  • c. Tyrone, African American boy, urban, middle-socioeconomic-status, and firstborn
  • Answer: Symbolic function substage
When looking at the heights and weights of preschool children around the world, we know that there are:
  • b. ethnic differences among them.
  • b. likely to be socially competent.
  • c. gross motor skills.
  • a. extreme daytime sleepiness.
In general, conservation involves the ability to understand that changes in physical arrangement:
  • d. 5-year-olds.
  • d. he has started to understand that people can have ambivalent feelings.
  • d. are more likely to use alcohol in adolescence.
  • a. do not change an object's basic properties.
Scientists have found that there are _____ the brains of children between the ages of 3 and 15.
  • a. do not yet perform reversible mental actions.
  • a. dramatic changes in local patterns within
  • b. developmentally appropriate practice
  • a. extreme daytime sleepiness.
Define what Piaget meant by an operation. What would be one task that preoperational children fail at because they lack operations?
  • a. the false-belief task is a complicated one that involves a number of factors.
  • more for themselves, the adults begin to withdraw these supports. This shows the adults' involvement in the children's: a. zone of proximal development.
  • b. Parents' perception that it is safe for their children to play outside
  • Answer: An operation is a reversible mental action that allows children to do mentally what before they could only do physically. Tasks that illustrate lack of operations could be conservation, serration, the three mountain task, etc
Piaget called the second substage in preoperational thought "intuitive" because of the absence of the use of _____ in children in that stage.
  • d. rational thinking
  • c. iron deficiency anemia
  • c. private speech
  • a. pragmatics.
Toby is 3 years old. His parents are concerned because he is always running and jumping around. He cannot seem to sit still. Even when watching his favorite movie on TV, he fidgets and wiggles.
  • Answer: Lev Vygotsky
  • However, she is egocentric and holds what her parents describe as "magical beliefs." Patricia is in Piaget's _____ stage of development. d. preoperational
  • It is especially frustrating to his parents when Toby does not sit still through dinner. Which of the following should Toby's parents do? d. Be assured that his behavior is normal for his age
  • d. 5-year-olds.
Briefly describe what is meant by a child's "theory of mind"? What is one way to measure theory of mind?
  • Answer: Even young children are curious about the nature of the human mind. They have a theory of mind, which refers to awareness of one's own mental processes and the mental processes of others.
  • Answer: An operation is a reversible mental action that allows children to do mentally what before they could only do physically. Tasks that illustrate lack of operations could be conservation, serration, the three mountain task, etc
  • 1) Assess the child's zone of proximal development. 2) Use the child's ZPD in teaching. 3) Use more-skilled peers as teachers. 4) Place instruction in a meaningful context. 5) Transform the classroom with Vygotskian ideas.
  • Heather tells her parents all about the balloons and bubbles but cannot remember any of the safety rules the officer presented. Heather obviously paid more attention to what was _____. a. salient
"My computer doesn't like me—it keeps eating my pictures," says 3-year old Kimberly. This is an example of:
  • a. pragmatics.
  • c. syntax.
  • c. 14,000
  • a. animism.
In short-term memory, individuals retain information for up to _____ if there is no rehearsal of the information.
  • a. 30 seconds
  • a. one-fifth
  • a. Vygotsky's
  • c. Scaffolding
Four-year old Nathan is good at stacking his playing blocks to make tall structures. However, he still knocks them over occasionally. Which of the following is the MOST likely reason for this?
  • c. motor vehicle accidents.
  • d. are more likely to use alcohol in adolescence.
  • b. He tries to place each block perfectly on top of the other, upsetting those already stacked.
  • d. private speech.
List three ways that Lev Vygotsky's theory can be incorporated in classrooms. Answer: Some of the ways that Vygotsky's theory can be incorporated in classrooms are:
  • Heather tells her parents all about the balloons and bubbles but cannot remember any of the safety rules the officer presented. Heather obviously paid more attention to what was _____. a. salient
  • 1) Assess the child's zone of proximal development. 2) Use the child's ZPD in teaching. 3) Use more-skilled peers as teachers. 4) Place instruction in a meaningful context. 5) Transform the classroom with Vygotskian ideas.
  • Answer: An operation is a reversible mental action that allows children to do mentally what before they could only do physically. Tasks that illustrate lack of operations could be conservation, serration, the three mountain task, etc
  • fosters independence and the development of cognitive skills, it deemphasizes verbal interaction between the teacher and child, and between peers. it restricts imaginative play and that its heavy reliance on self-corrective materials may not adequately allow for creativity and for a variety of learning styles.
The awareness of one's own mental processes and the mental processes of others.
  • b. Montessori approach
  • Answer: Two current controversies in early childhood education involve (1) what the curriculum for early childhood education should be, and (2) whether preschool education should be universal in the United States.
  • Answer: Theory of mind
  • Answer: Egocentrism
Briefly state two criticisms leveled against Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development.
  • Answer: One criticism of Vygotsky's theory is that Vygotsky was not specific enough about age-related changes. Another criticism is that Vygotsky did not adequately describe how changes in socioemotional capabilities contribute to cognitive development.
  • c. animism
  • Answer: Theory of mind
  • b. He tries to place each block perfectly on top of the other, upsetting those already stacked.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a person with a BMI at the 90th percentile is:
  • a. places the pieces awkwardly.
  • b. ethnic differences among them.
  • b. it is more important to improve preschool education for young children who are disadvantaged rather than funding preschool education for all 4-year-old children.
  • c. at risk of being overweight.
Early Head Start was established in 1995 to serve children from _____ years of age.
  • a. Children who are overweight at age 3 are also at risk of being overweight at age 12.
  • c. motor vehicle accidents.
  • d. birth to 3
  • c. poverty.
Tale is in a "Tools of the Mind" classroom. His teacher guides him to plann his own message by drawing a line to stand for each word he says. Tale then repeats the message, pointing to each line as he/she says the word. Finally,
  • a. help the boys develop gross motor skills.
  • This view represents a _____. Answer: developmentally appropriate practice aka DAP
  • Tale writes on the lines, trying to represent each word with some letters or symbols. This process is called: b. scaffolding writing.
  • The intuitive thought substage occurs between approximately 4 and 7 years of age when children begin to use primitive reasoning and want to know the answers to questions.
Over the past week, Walter has been trying to learn to tie his shoelaces. Initially, his mother was holding his hands and working his fingers through the process, but now that Walter's gotten better at it, she only guides him verbally. Which of the following is this an example of?
  • c. 6 or 7
  • c. Scaffolding
  • d. planfulness.
  • d. short-term
One of the criticisms of "false-belief tasks" as indicators of understanding the thoughts of children is that:
  • c. Thought and language develop independently at first and merge later in development.
  • Answer: Even young children are curious about the nature of the human mind. They have a theory of mind, which refers to awareness of one's own mental processes and the mental processes of others.
  • d. be content that this is normal for Manuel's age.
  • a. the false-belief task is a complicated one that involves a number of factors.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only children and adolescents at or above the _____ percentile are classified as obese.
  • d. rational thinking
  • c. at risk of being overweight.
  • a. fatty
  • a. 97th
Developmentally appropriate practices at the kindergarten level are likely to be:
  • a. Vygotsky's
  • a. child-centered.
  • a. jumping; writing
  • b. two hours
Educators refer to this type of schooling as _____, which is based on knowledge of the typical progress of children within an age span, as well as the uniqueness of the child.
  • b. considering combinations of features.
  • b. developmentally appropriate practice
  • c. executive function.
  • b. her memories are highly susceptible to suggestion.
With regard to perception, by _____ years of age, a child recognizes that another person will see what is in front of his/her own eyes instead of what is in front of the child's eyes.
  • Answer: Rochel Gelman
  • d. 5
  • a. 2
  • b. morphological
Three-and-a-half-year-old Ruth draws a picture with lavender, purple, and blue colors intermixed with green, yellow, and brown. "It's a boat on the ocean at sunset, with whales jumping all around it!" she explains to her teacher. Which of the following does this explain?
  • b. Myelination
  • d. Symbolic function
  • d. planfulness.
  • Answer: Symbolic function substage
Michelle, 4, talks to herself frequently, especially when she is trying to solve a difficult problem. Lev Vygotsky would say that Michelle is:
  • b. likely to be socially competent.
  • a. places the pieces awkwardly.
  • a. child-centered kindergarten
  • d. Ethnic origin and nutrition
Briefly describe the two stages of preoperational thought. Provide an example of children's thinking at each stage.
  • Answer: The Piagetian preoperational stage in cognitive development can be divided into two substages: the symbolic function substage and the intuitive thought substage...
  • 1) Assess the child's zone of proximal development. 2) Use the child's ZPD in teaching. 3) Use more-skilled peers as teachers. 4) Place instruction in a meaningful context. 5) Transform the classroom with Vygotskian ideas.
  • a. curriculum and universal preschool education in the United States.
  • Which of the following represents the lower limit of Kevin's zone of proximal development (ZPD) for walking? c. Kevin walking alone by holding onto a piece of furniture with his hands
A young child might be heard saying, "That tree pushed the leaf off and it fell down." The child's belief that the tree is capable of action is referred to as _____.
  • c. syntax.
  • a. 97th
  • c. animism
  • c. attention
Kevin is just learning to walk. He can take a few steps by himself if he uses both hands to hold on to a piece of furniture for support, but he can walk out into the middle of the room only if one of his parents holds his hands.
  • circle of children and each child is required to catch the teacher's eye before being permitted to leave the group, is an example of this type of exercise. b. attention
  • Heather tells her parents all about the balloons and bubbles but cannot remember any of the safety rules the officer presented. Heather obviously paid more attention to what was _____. a. salient
  • Older children rehearse the digits more than younger children do. Speed—especially the speed with which memory items can be identified—and efficiency of processing information are important, too.
  • Which of the following represents the lower limit of Kevin's zone of proximal development (ZPD) for walking? c. Kevin walking alone by holding onto a piece of furniture with his hands
When experimenters ask children to judge whether two complex pictures are the same, preschool children tend to use a haphazard comparison strategy, not examining all of the details before making a judgment, exhibiting a lack of:
  • a. symbolic function
  • c. iron deficiency anemia
  • d. planfulness.
  • c. private speech
The range of tasks that are too difficult for children to master alone but that can be learned with the guidance and assistance of adults or more-skilled children.
  • Answer: Zone of proximal development
  • c. at risk of being overweight.
  • b. likely to be socially competent.
  • a. help the boys develop gross motor skills.
Which of the following did Vygotsky call the "buds" or "flowers" of development?
  • b. Vygotsky overemphasized the role of language in thinking.
  • a. Children are at risk for health problems when they live in homes in which a parent smokes.
  • d. Offering just enough assistance to the child to accomplish the task
  • c. A child's cognitive skills in the process of maturing
The leading cause of death in young children in the United States is:
  • a. do not change an object's basic properties.
  • c. motor vehicle accidents.
  • c. at risk of being overweight.
  • c. gross motor skills.
What have been found to be the two most important contributors to height differences among children worldwide?
  • d. Ethnic origin and nutrition
  • d. rational thinking
  • d. Body mass index
  • c. at risk of being overweight.
According to Rochel Gelman, _____ is especially important in explaining conservation.
  • b. Myelination
  • c. attention
  • c. poverty.
  • b. two hours
In 1965, the federal government began an effort to break the cycle of poverty and poor education for young children in the United States through:
  • d. Project Head Start.
  • b. egocentrism.
  • Timothy tells his parents all about the safety rules the officer discussed. Timothy obviously paid attention to what was _____. b. relevant
  • Answer: Lev Vygotsky
It is only by age 7 that children begin to recognize all of the following EXCEPT:
  • b. developmentally appropriate practice
  • c. the task is more difficult than the child can do alone.
  • b. with high rates of poverty and low levels of education.
  • d. people can have ambivalent feelings.
Young children from _____ families are the most likely to develop iron deficiency anemia.
  • b. two hours
  • b. 1 in 150
  • d. low-income
  • c. poverty.
What is the zone of proximal development (ZPD)? What are its lower and upper limits? How could you use peer scaffolding to teach children mathematics within the zone? Answer: The zone of proximal development (ZPD), developed by Lev Vygotsky, consists of the range of tasks that are too
  • d. Universal preschool would bring billions of dollars of cost savings because of a diminished need for remedial and justice services.
  • Older children rehearse the digits more than younger children do. Speed—especially the speed with which memory items can be identified—and efficiency of processing information are important, too.
  • difficult for children to master alone but can be learned with the guidance and assistance of adults or more-skilled children. The lower limit are the level of skill reached by the child working independently. The upper limit additional responsibility the child can accept with the assistance of an able instructor.
  • c. Thought and language develop independently at first and merge later in development.
In the development of language and thought:
  • a. They only provide for low-income families.
  • d. people can have ambivalent feelings.
  • c. external speech precedes internal speech.
  • a. on cognitive development and socioemotional development.
The inability to distinguish between one's own perspective and the perspective of another.
  • Answer: Egocentrism
  • c. animism
  • Answer: Zone of proximal development
  • a. Higher-functioning children with autism show reasonable progress in understanding others' desires.
During early childhood, on average, girls are _____ than boys.
  • b. morphological
  • a. jumping; writing
  • c. slightly smaller
  • a. one-fifth
The second Piagetian stage of development is the preoperational stage, which lasts from approximately _____ years of age.
  • b. ethnic differences among them.
  • c. attention
  • c. gross motor skills.
  • b. 2 to 7
Three-year-old Betty's favorite pastime is scribbling designs. She says the drawings represent her parents, cat, bicycle, and home. This indicates that Betty is in the _____ substage of Piaget's preoperational stage.
  • a. symbolic function
  • c. primitive reasoning.
  • c. executive function.
  • c. slightly smaller
Six-year-old Shirley, a witness to a robbery, was asked to testify at the trial. The defense argued that her testimony would be invalid because:
  • d. It neglects children's socioemotional development.
  • b. Sharon solving a 6-piece puzzle on her own
  • b. Parents' perception that it is safe for their children to play outside
  • b. her memories are highly susceptible to suggestion.
Alan, who is 18 months old, hates spinach but says "Yum!" when he sees his mother eating her favorite spinach casserole. This indicates that:
  • a. do not change an object's basic properties.
  • c. Tyrone, African American boy, urban, middle-socioeconomic-status, and firstborn
  • d. 11 to 13
  • d. he has started to understand that people can have ambivalent feelings.
Zelda, 3, is always asking questions like "Where Daddy is going?" and "What Mommy is doing?" This indicates that she is yet to learn the auxiliary-inversion rule and to apply rules of:
  • c. poverty.
  • c. frontal
  • c. syntax.
  • c. Montessori
Which of the following statements about childhood obesity is true?
  • a. do not change an object's basic properties.
  • d. 11 to 13
  • a. Children who are overweight at age 3 are also at risk of being overweight at age 12.
  • b. An instructor helps students with laboratory work, showing them how to do things the students cannot yet do.
Cynthia is showing a number of behaviors different from children her age, including deficits in social interaction and communication as well as repetitive behaviors or interests. She is indifferent toward others and prefers to be alone. She is more interested in objects than people.
  • d. 5-year-olds.
  • It is MOST likely that she suffers from _____. d. autism
  • However, she is egocentric and holds what her parents describe as "magical beliefs." Patricia is in Piaget's _____ stage of development. d. preoperational
  • It is especially frustrating to his parents when Toby does not sit still through dinner. Which of the following should Toby's parents do? d. Be assured that his behavior is normal for his age
After the age of _____, children attend more efficiently to the dimensions of the task that are relevant.
  • d. short-term
  • c. Scaffolding
  • c. gross motor skills.
  • c. 6 or 7
By the end of early childhood, girls have more _____ tissue than boys.
  • a. Vygotsky's
  • b. 2 to 7
  • c. frontal
  • a. fatty
In Central European countries, such as Hungary, kindergarten children participate in exercises designed to improve their _____. An eye-contact exercise, in which the teacher sits in the center of a
  • circle of children and each child is required to catch the teacher's eye before being permitted to leave the group, is an example of this type of exercise. b. attention
  • Answer: Two current controversies in early childhood education involve (1) what the curriculum for early childhood education should be, and (2) whether preschool education should be universal in the United States.
  • c. Montessori
  • b. An instructor helps students with laboratory work, showing them how to do things the students cannot yet do.
In a study comparing the memory spans of preschool and elementary school children, the latter group consistently scored better. This apparent increase in memory span with age could be explained partly by how:
  • b. Sharon solving a 6-piece puzzle on her own
  • circle of children and each child is required to catch the teacher's eye before being permitted to leave the group, is an example of this type of exercise. b. attention
  • b. older children rehearse the digits more than younger children do.
  • Older children rehearse the digits more than younger children do. Speed—especially the speed with which memory items can be identified—and efficiency of processing information are important, too.
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