What happens during anaphase1
  • haploid generation, reduction division upto fertilization, lower forms and becomes reduced and dependent in higher plants,gametes which on fusion produce sporophyte
  • CO2 is reduced
  • Homologs separte and migrate toward opposite poles
  • prevents G-protein in activation which leads to the continous production of cAMP
Why is the cirtric acid cycle called a cycle
  • Sexual reproduction involves the two alternating processes of meiosis and fertilization
  • specialized cells release hormone molecules into the circulatory system, permitting distant cells to be affected.
  • because the 4 carbon acid that accepts the acetyl CoA in the st step of the cycle is regented by the last step of the cycle
  • Oxygen atoms has a higher affinity for electrons than carbon atoms
In a rosebush, chlorophyII is located in ___________.
  • Thylakoids which are in chloroplasts in the mesophyll cells of a leaf
  • transport electron from photosystem II to photosystem I
  • WATER: the splitting of water provides the source of electron of photosystems 11
  • the flow H+ across a membrane through the ATP synthase enzyme
Where do the electrons needed by photosystem II originate ?
  • Water
  • water ... NADPH
  • WATER: the splitting of water provides the source of electron of photosystems 11
  • The calvin cycle
The ATP synthese in a human cell obtains enery for makimg ATP directly from
  • Thylakoids which are in chloroplasts in the mesophyll cells of a leaf
  • affect the membrane potential
  • the flow H+ across a membrane through the ATP synthase enzyme
The binding of a signal molecule to a ligand gated ion channel ________
  • water ... NADPH
  • affect the membrane potential
  • extract usable energy from gluocse
  • take unused energy from glucose
During respration in the eukaryotic cell reaction of glycolysis
  • Oxygen (O2)
  • Glucose
  • the Cytosol
  • The calvin cycle
What is Gametophyte ?
  • Light reactions are reactions which are initiated by light (also photoinduced reactions). Generally light energy is converted into chemical energy
  • prevents G-protein in activation which leads to the continous production of cAMP
  • Homologs separte and migrate toward opposite poles
  • haploid generation, reduction division upto fertilization, lower forms and becomes reduced and dependent in higher plants,gametes which on fusion produce sporophyte
What happens during the Calvin cycle?
  • Homologs separte and migrate toward opposite poles
  • Sexual reproduction involves the two alternating processes of meiosis and fertilization
  • CO2 is reduced
  • photorespiration
_____ has a longer wavelength than _____.
  • photosynthesis.
  • glycolysis
  • CO2 is reduced
  • Red ... green
In eukaryotic cell ____ is a a second messager that is produced as a response to am external signal such as a hormone?
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • cytoplasm
  • Cyckio AMP
  • Ligand- gated
What wavelengths of light absorbed by pigments in the granum are mainly in which range
  • an action spectrum
  • Sugar molecules and in water
  • Blue- Violet and Red Orange
In photosynthesis what is the fate of the oxygen atoms present in CO2? They end up ____.
  • Blue- Violet and Red Orange
  • Sugar molecules and in water
  • the (inner ) thylakoid space
  • their eletrons become excited.
The distance between the crests of waves is called
  • photorespiration
  • Water
  • glycolysis
  • wavelength
Why do the oxidation of organic compounds by molecular oxygen (O2) yeilds so much energy?
  • Oxygen atoms has a higher affinity for electrons than carbon atoms
  • Rapidly move throughout the cell by diffuision
  • Oxygen (O2)
  • there are diffrences in the proteins found in the two types of cells
Carbon fixation involves the addition of carbon dioxide to _____.
  • Stroma
  • ATP
  • RuBP
  • Water
During the reaction C6H12O6+6O2 =6CO2 +6H2O which compound is reduced as a result of reaction
  • Oxygen (O2)
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • GlucoseCarbon Dioxide
  • Oxygen atoms has a higher affinity for electrons than carbon atoms
During the reaction C6H12O6+6O2 =6CO2 +6H2O what is oxidized?
  • GlucoseCarbon Dioxide
  • Glucose
  • Water
  • glycolysis
Where do the eletrons needed by photosystems originate
  • Water
  • Oxygen atoms has a higher affinity for electrons than carbon atoms
  • because the 4 carbon acid that accepts the acetyl CoA in the st step of the cycle is regented by the last step of the cycle
  • WATER: the splitting of water provides the source of electron of photosystems 11
During photosynthesis an electron transport chain is used to _______
  • transport electron from photosystem II to photosystem I
  • Sugar molecules and in water
  • Rapidly move throughout the cell by diffuision
  • the flow H+ across a membrane through the ATP synthase enzyme
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