Sprains indicate damage to what joint component?
  • Ligaments ( In a sprain, the ligaments that reinforce a joint are stretched or torn.)
  • the knee (The knee is a synovial joint and, therefore, is composed of a space filled with synovial fluid between the bones that form the joint.)
  • synchondrosis (the growth plate is composed of hyaline cartilage.)
  • A symphysis. Is a cartilaginous joint, not a fibrous joint.
Which of the following is NOT an example of a fibrous joint?
  • Amphiarthrosis
  • osteoarthritis; chronic degenerative joint disease. (Osteoarthritis is a common, chronic degenerative joint disease often called "wear-and-tear arthritis.")
  • gomphosis
  • A symphysis. Is a cartilaginous joint, not a fibrous joint.
bones united mainly by fibrocartilage
  • syndesmoses
  • symphyses
  • gomphoses
  • synchondroses
Which of the following is classified as a fibrous joint?
  • A symphysis. Is a cartilaginous joint, not a fibrous joint.
  • Amphiarthrosis
  • gomphoses
  • gomphosis
A synovial joint is an example of a(n) ____________.
  • both may be slightly movable ( Depending on the length of the fibers uniting the bones in a syndesmosis, the joint may permit some movement. Symphyses, where bones are united by fibrocartilage, also permit some movement. Both may be classified as amphiarthroses.)
  • synchondrosis; a plate of hyaline cartilage unites the bones. (A synchondrosis is a plate of hyaline cartilage that unites the bones. Epiphyseal plates are examples of synchondroses.)
  • diarthrosis (Synovial joints are those in which the articulating bones are separated by a fluid-containing joint cavity. This arrangement permits substantial freedom of movement, and all synovial joints are freely movable diarthrosis.)
  • osteoarthritis; chronic degenerative joint disease. (Osteoarthritis is a common, chronic degenerative joint disease often called "wear-and-tear arthritis.")
What is a common characteristic of a syndesmosis and a symphysis?
  • synchondroses and sutures (Sutures between the skull bones fuse together to form the strong and immobile cranium. Likewise, the synchondroses of the epiphyseal plates in a long bone ossify, fusing the epiphyses to the diaphysis. Both of these events occur during normal growth and development of the skeleton.)
  • the knee (The knee is a synovial joint and, therefore, is composed of a space filled with synovial fluid between the bones that form the joint.)
  • diarthrotic synovial joints (Synovial joints contain synovial fluid to permit greater mobility. Joints that are classified as diarthrotic are freely moving. Most joints of the highly mobile skeleton are diarthrotic synovial joints.)
  • both may be slightly movable ( Depending on the length of the fibers uniting the bones in a syndesmosis, the joint may permit some movement. Symphyses, where bones are united by fibrocartilage, also permit some movement. Both may be classified as amphiarthroses.)
Which of the following refers to a joint that is slightly movable?
  • gomphosis
  • Amphiarthrosis
  • Synovial
  • A symphysis. Is a cartilaginous joint, not a fibrous joint.
Which of the following represents a structural classification for joints that are separated by a joint cavity?
  • Amphiarthrosis
  • gomphosis
  • Synovial
  • Lyme disease
Which of the following are correctly paired?
  • the knee (The knee is a synovial joint and, therefore, is composed of a space filled with synovial fluid between the bones that form the joint.)
  • synchondrosis; a plate of hyaline cartilage unites the bones. (A synchondrosis is a plate of hyaline cartilage that unites the bones. Epiphyseal plates are examples of synchondroses.)
  • A symphysis. Is a cartilaginous joint, not a fibrous joint.
  • osteoarthritis; chronic degenerative joint disease. (Osteoarthritis is a common, chronic degenerative joint disease often called "wear-and-tear arthritis.")
Which of the following is true regarding the structure indicated by the black arrow in Figure A?
  • A or the epiphyseal plate
  • synarthrotic (The cartilage joint formed between the first rib and the manubrium is immovable, unlike other rib connections to the sternum.)
  • B ( Overuse and normal aging can cause degeneration of the cartilage in joints, leading to osteoarthritis.)
  • It becomes ossified late in adult development. (The dense connective tissue that originally forms sutures ossifies to form synostoses during middle age.)
  • can also be found in ankle between the lateral malleolus and the medial malleolus
  • B ( Overuse and normal aging can cause degeneration of the cartilage in joints, leading to osteoarthritis.)
Which of the joints will eventually develop into a synostosis?
  • A or the epiphyseal plate
  • fibrous joints
  • synarthrotic (The cartilage joint formed between the first rib and the manubrium is immovable, unlike other rib connections to the sternum.)
  • It becomes ossified late in adult development. (The dense connective tissue that originally forms sutures ossifies to form synostoses during middle age.)
Osteoarthritis is considered ____________.
  • synchondrosis; a plate of hyaline cartilage unites the bones. (A synchondrosis is a plate of hyaline cartilage that unites the bones. Epiphyseal plates are examples of synchondroses.)
  • a type of arthritis, referred to as degenerative joint disease or "wear-and-tear arthritis". (Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic arthritis and is related to the normal aging process.)
  • osteoarthritis; chronic degenerative joint disease. (Osteoarthritis is a common, chronic degenerative joint disease often called "wear-and-tear arthritis.")
  • diarthrosis (Synovial joints are those in which the articulating bones are separated by a fluid-containing joint cavity. This arrangement permits substantial freedom of movement, and all synovial joints are freely movable diarthrosis.)
Which of the following best describes the joint labeled B in the figure?
  • A or the epiphyseal plate
  • synarthrotic (The cartilage joint formed between the first rib and the manubrium is immovable, unlike other rib connections to the sternum.)
  • B ( Overuse and normal aging can cause degeneration of the cartilage in joints, leading to osteoarthritis.)
  • It becomes ossified late in adult development. (The dense connective tissue that originally forms sutures ossifies to form synostoses during middle age.)
What material is found in C and D that is not found in A and B?
  • synarthrotic (The cartilage joint formed between the first rib and the manubrium is immovable, unlike other rib connections to the sternum.)
  • fibrocartilage (Fibrocartilage forms part of the articular materials on the bones shown in C and D, but it is not found in A and B.)
  • B ( Overuse and normal aging can cause degeneration of the cartilage in joints, leading to osteoarthritis.)
  • ligaments (The band of fibrous tissue that connects two bones is generally referred to as a ligament. In the case of the gomphosis shown in C, the fibrous connection is specifically termed the periodontal ligament.)
Most joints of the body and nearly all the joints in the limbs are __________.
  • diarthrotic synovial joints (Synovial joints contain synovial fluid to permit greater mobility. Joints that are classified as diarthrotic are freely moving. Most joints of the highly mobile skeleton are diarthrotic synovial joints.)
  • bones joined by a fluid-filled articular capsule. (Synovial joints, those formed by uniting bones via an articular capsule containing synovial fluid, separate the bones and provide the greatest amount of freedom. They are classified as diarthroses, or freely moving joints.)
  • osteoarthritis; chronic degenerative joint disease. (Osteoarthritis is a common, chronic degenerative joint disease often called "wear-and-tear arthritis.")
  • both may be slightly movable ( Depending on the length of the fibers uniting the bones in a syndesmosis, the joint may permit some movement. Symphyses, where bones are united by fibrocartilage, also permit some movement. Both may be classified as amphiarthroses.)
Why it is easier for a fall or blow to cause a dislocated shoulder injury than for a comparable fall or blow to cause a dislocated hip injury?
  • muscle strengthening exercises
  • shallower joint socket
  • Synovial
  • Lyme disease
"peg-in-socket" fibrous joint
  • gomphoses
  • gomphosis
  • symphyses
  • Lyme disease
What structural arrangement usually permits the greatest freedom of movement in a joint?
  • synchondroses and sutures (Sutures between the skull bones fuse together to form the strong and immobile cranium. Likewise, the synchondroses of the epiphyseal plates in a long bone ossify, fusing the epiphyses to the diaphysis. Both of these events occur during normal growth and development of the skeleton.)
  • bones joined by a fluid-filled articular capsule. (Synovial joints, those formed by uniting bones via an articular capsule containing synovial fluid, separate the bones and provide the greatest amount of freedom. They are classified as diarthroses, or freely moving joints.)
  • diarthrotic synovial joints (Synovial joints contain synovial fluid to permit greater mobility. Joints that are classified as diarthrotic are freely moving. Most joints of the highly mobile skeleton are diarthrotic synovial joints.)
  • diarthrosis (Synovial joints are those in which the articulating bones are separated by a fluid-containing joint cavity. This arrangement permits substantial freedom of movement, and all synovial joints are freely movable diarthrosis.)
The release of the enzyme metalloproteinase is thought to contribute to the development of ___________.
  • Osteoarthritis (The current theory on the development of osteoarthritis is that normal joint use releases the enzyme metalloproteinase that breaks down articular cartilage and eventually leads to the development of this condition.)
  • osteoarthritis; chronic degenerative joint disease. (Osteoarthritis is a common, chronic degenerative joint disease often called "wear-and-tear arthritis.")
  • synchondroses and sutures (Sutures between the skull bones fuse together to form the strong and immobile cranium. Likewise, the synchondroses of the epiphyseal plates in a long bone ossify, fusing the epiphyses to the diaphysis. Both of these events occur during normal growth and development of the skeleton.)
  • diarthrosis (Synovial joints are those in which the articulating bones are separated by a fluid-containing joint cavity. This arrangement permits substantial freedom of movement, and all synovial joints are freely movable diarthrosis.)
Based upon structural classification, what type of joint is a suture?
  • osteoarthritis; chronic degenerative joint disease. (Osteoarthritis is a common, chronic degenerative joint disease often called "wear-and-tear arthritis.")
  • fibrous joint (Sutures are classified structurally as fibrous joints. They would be classified functionally as synarthrotic joints based upon their degree of movement.)
  • diarthrosis (Synovial joints are those in which the articulating bones are separated by a fluid-containing joint cavity. This arrangement permits substantial freedom of movement, and all synovial joints are freely movable diarthrosis.)
  • synchondrosis; a plate of hyaline cartilage unites the bones. (A synchondrosis is a plate of hyaline cartilage that unites the bones. Epiphyseal plates are examples of synchondroses.)
All three joints in the figure are classified as __________.
  • ligaments (The band of fibrous tissue that connects two bones is generally referred to as a ligament. In the case of the gomphosis shown in C, the fibrous connection is specifically termed the periodontal ligament.)
  • fibrocartilage (Fibrocartilage forms part of the articular materials on the bones shown in C and D, but it is not found in A and B.)
  • A or the epiphyseal plate
  • fibrous joints
Which of the following are correctly matched?
  • A symphysis. Is a cartilaginous joint, not a fibrous joint.
  • Amphiarthrosis
  • the knee (The knee is a synovial joint and, therefore, is composed of a space filled with synovial fluid between the bones that form the joint.)
  • osteoarthritis; chronic degenerative joint disease. (Osteoarthritis is a common, chronic degenerative joint disease often called "wear-and-tear arthritis.")
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