What was East Germany's biggest problem after it opened its borders?
  • a wall that separated East and West Berlin
  • East Germany lost large numbers of skilled workers.
  • It was home to many ethnic groups.
  • West Germany would have grown much stronger than East Germany.
Why was the end to communism in Czechoslovakia termed the "Velvet Revolution"?
  • East Germany lost large numbers of skilled workers.
  • The transition was remarkably smooth.
  • a wall that separated East and West Berlin
  • It was home to many ethnic groups.
What was the Berlin Wall?
  • a wall that separated East and West Berlin
  • It was home to many ethnic groups.
  • West Germany would have grown much stronger than East Germany.
  • East Germany lost large numbers of skilled workers.
Germany was reunified in
  • break away.
  • 1990.
  • a wall that separated East and West Berlin
  • economies.
Read this excerpt from a summary of events in Srebrenica.Zina Hasanovic is one of the lucky ones - she knows what happened to her husband, Haris. As Serbian bullets raced through a group of tightly-packed Muslim prisoners, Haris, mortally wounded, fell on top of his first cousin and best friend, Mevludin Oric. Mevludin lay on the ground, covered in blood and for hours pretended to be dead. He managed to escape to tell Zina of her husband's fate.Why is Zina Hasanovic referred to as "one of the lucky ones"?
  • West Germany would have grown much stronger than East Germany.
  • East Germany lost large numbers of skilled workers.
  • a wall that separated East and West Berlin
  • Most people never learned the fate of their loved ones.
If East and West Germany had not reunified, it is most likely that
  • West Germany would have grown much stronger than East Germany.
  • It was home to many ethnic groups.
  • Most people never learned the fate of their loved ones.
  • East Germany lost large numbers of skilled workers.
What happened when the Czechs tried to implement liberal reforms in 1968?
  • People traveled freely between East and West Germany.
  • The USSR and other Warsaw pact nations invaded.
  • East Germany lost large numbers of skilled workers.
  • Lech Walesa became the first freely elected president.
What happened in Poland in 1989?
  • Poland.
  • The USSR and other Warsaw pact nations invaded.
  • Lech Walesa became the first freely elected president.
  • People traveled freely between East and West Germany.
What is the most likely reason the republics of Yugoslavia held together until the fall of communism?
  • Dictator Josep Tito was a very powerful leader.
  • East Germany lost large numbers of skilled workers.
  • The transition was remarkably smooth.
  • a wall that separated East and West Berlin
After the fall of communism, the Yugoslavian republics began to
  • West Germany would have grown much stronger than East Germany.
  • economies.
  • East Germany lost large numbers of skilled workers.
  • break away.
  • a wall that separated East and West Berlin
  • It was home to many ethnic groups.
  • Germany was reunified in __________.
  • Czechoslovakia's split into two countries
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