Smoking, drinking, or using drugs are all considered to be negative ways of coping with stress.
  • True
  • False
Marriage and graduation can be stressful life events.
  • True
  • False
Which of the following is NOT a way to redirect your energy?
  • C. agreeing with everything and everyone
  • D. obsessing about the problem
  • False
  • A. graduation
Healthy behaviors include all of the following EXCEPT:
  • C. agreeing with everything and everyone
  • A. graduation
  • D. obsessing about the problem
  • True
Everyone reacts to stress in the same way.
  • True
  • False
Keeping a journal is not an effective way of keeping stress under control.
  • True
  • False
Lashing out at others is a healthy way of coping with stress.
  • True
  • False
Talking with a trusted person about what stresses you is an example of what type of coping strategy?
  • D. obsessing about the problem
  • A. graduation
  • C. constructing an inflexible plan
  • D. both A and C
List and briefly describe some examples of positive ways to cope with stress.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Positive coping skills include redirecting energy, which includes trying something new like a creative project or working out; relaxing and laughing, which help recharge your energy; maintaining a positive attitude, which includes being confident and embracing positive values; seeking support from trusted persons; and expressing oneself, which is important because it allows you to express your thoughts and desires.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: By adopting a "relax and laugh" coping strategy, it will make me choose to spend time with people that make me laugh. It might also help me participate in activities that are enjoyable and elicit laughter. It might also improve my immune system because laughter and relaxation boost an immune system. Relaxation also helps recharge your batteries.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night improves concentration and allows for clearer thoughts. Sleep can also improve individual mood and attitude. It also improves physical health and chances of success.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Some negative coping strategies include smoking, drinking alcohol, or using drugs. It might also include over- and undereating as a way to manage stress. Lashing out at others is another negative way stress shows. Finally, many choose to avoid the problem altogether by sleeping too much, watching TV or playing on the computer hour after hour, and withdrawing from family and friends.
Describe the importance of getting enough sleep.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Positive coping skills include redirecting energy, which includes trying something new like a creative project or working out; relaxing and laughing, which help recharge your energy; maintaining a positive attitude, which includes being confident and embracing positive values; seeking support from trusted persons; and expressing oneself, which is important because it allows you to express your thoughts and desires.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Some negative coping strategies include smoking, drinking alcohol, or using drugs. It might also include over- and undereating as a way to manage stress. Lashing out at others is another negative way stress shows. Finally, many choose to avoid the problem altogether by sleeping too much, watching TV or playing on the computer hour after hour, and withdrawing from family and friends.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night improves concentration and allows for clearer thoughts. Sleep can also improve individual mood and attitude. It also improves physical health and chances of success.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: By adopting a "relax and laugh" coping strategy, it will make me choose to spend time with people that make me laugh. It might also help me participate in activities that are enjoyable and elicit laughter. It might also improve my immune system because laughter and relaxation boost an immune system. Relaxation also helps recharge your batteries.
Explain how relaxing and/or laughing helps to reduce stress.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: By adopting a "relax and laugh" coping strategy, it will make me choose to spend time with people that make me laugh. It might also help me participate in activities that are enjoyable and elicit laughter. It might also improve my immune system because laughter and relaxation boost an immune system. Relaxation also helps recharge your batteries.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night improves concentration and allows for clearer thoughts. Sleep can also improve individual mood and attitude. It also improves physical health and chances of success.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Positive coping skills include redirecting energy, which includes trying something new like a creative project or working out; relaxing and laughing, which help recharge your energy; maintaining a positive attitude, which includes being confident and embracing positive values; seeking support from trusted persons; and expressing oneself, which is important because it allows you to express your thoughts and desires.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Some negative coping strategies include smoking, drinking alcohol, or using drugs. It might also include over- and undereating as a way to manage stress. Lashing out at others is another negative way stress shows. Finally, many choose to avoid the problem altogether by sleeping too much, watching TV or playing on the computer hour after hour, and withdrawing from family and friends.
When practicing refusal skills, it is beneficial to participate in a potentially stressful or threatening situation.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: I may tell my friend that a poor diet can lead to fatique and the inability to concentrate on or prepare effectively for her exam. Rather than drinking soda, I would recommend that my friend drink more water and limit comfort foods. I also may remind my friend that eating a balanced diet helps to decrease any school- or work-related stress.
  • F
  • fighting to release energy
  • all of the above
Once the cause of stress has been identified, there are no behaviors that can lessen the effect of or eliminate the stress.
  • all of the above
  • F
  • fighting to release energy
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Positive coping skills include redirecting energy, which includes trying something new like a creative project or working out; relaxing and laughing, which help recharge your energy; maintaining a positive attitude, which includes being confident and embracing positive values; seeking support from trusted persons; and expressing oneself, which is important because it allows you to express your thoughts and desires.
Briefly describe some examples of negative ways to cope with stress.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: By adopting a "relax and laugh" coping strategy, it will make me choose to spend time with people that make me laugh. It might also help me participate in activities that are enjoyable and elicit laughter. It might also improve my immune system because laughter and relaxation boost an immune system. Relaxation also helps recharge your batteries.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night improves concentration and allows for clearer thoughts. Sleep can also improve individual mood and attitude. It also improves physical health and chances of success.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Some negative coping strategies include smoking, drinking alcohol, or using drugs. It might also include over- and undereating as a way to manage stress. Lashing out at others is another negative way stress shows. Finally, many choose to avoid the problem altogether by sleeping too much, watching TV or playing on the computer hour after hour, and withdrawing from family and friends.
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Positive coping skills include redirecting energy, which includes trying something new like a creative project or working out; relaxing and laughing, which help recharge your energy; maintaining a positive attitude, which includes being confident and embracing positive values; seeking support from trusted persons; and expressing oneself, which is important because it allows you to express your thoughts and desires.
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