  • The ____ constructor is executed when an object is declared and initialized by using the value of another object.
  • The C++ operator ____ is used to create dynamic variables.
  • In a ____ copy, two or more pointers of the same type point to the same memory.
  • In a ____ copy, two or more pointers have their own data.
12, 81
  • The statement int p; is equivalent to int p;, which is also equivalent to the statement ____________________.
  • The C++ operator ____ is used to destroy dynamic variables.
  • The copy constructor automatically executes when, as a parameter, an object is passed by ____________________.
  • What is the output of the following code?int *p;int x;x = 12;p = &x;cout << x << ", ";*p = 81;cout << *p << endl;
  • The statement int p; is equivalent to int p;, which is also equivalent to the statement ____________________.
  • The ____ constructor is executed when an object is declared and initialized by using the value of another object.
  • The copy constructor automatically executes when, as a parameter, an object is passed by ____________________.
  • The ____ operator can be used to return the address of a private data member of a class.
  • The copy constructor automatically executes when, as a parameter, an object is passed by ____________________.
  • In C++, virtual functions are declared using the reserved word ____.
  • The ____ operator can be used to return the address of a private data member of a class.
  • In a ____ copy, two or more pointers of the same type point to the same memory.
execution or run
  • The ____ operator can be used to return the address of a private data member of a class.
  • The binding of virtual functions occurs at program ____________________ time.
  • A class ____ automatically executes whenever a class object goes out of scope.
  • The ____________________ of a base class automatically makes the destructor of a derived class virtual.
  • In a ____ copy, two or more pointers of the same type point to the same memory.
  • In C++, virtual functions are declared using the reserved word ____.
  • The C++ operator ____ is used to destroy dynamic variables.
  • The C++ operator ____ is used to create dynamic variables.
  • In C++, virtual functions are declared using the reserved word ____.
  • A class ____ automatically executes whenever a class object goes out of scope.
  • The copy constructor automatically executes when, as a parameter, an object is passed by ____________________.
  • In C++, ____ is called the address of operator.
43, 43
  • What is the output of the following code?int *p;int x;x = 76;p = &x;*p = 43;cout << x << ", " << *p << endl;
  • The statement int p; is equivalent to int p;, which is also equivalent to the statement ____________________.
  • The copy constructor automatically executes when, as a parameter, an object is passed by ____________________.
  • The statement that declares board to be an array of six pointers wherein each pointer is of type int is: int ____________________;
  • void pointerParameters(int &p, double q){...}In the function pointerParameters, the parameter p is a(n) ____________________ parameter.
  • The statement that declares board to be an array of six pointers wherein each pointer is of type int is: int ____________________;
  • What is the output of the following code?int *p;int x;x = 12;p = &x;cout << x << ", ";*p = 81;cout << *p << endl;
  • The copy constructor automatically executes when, as a parameter, an object is passed by ____________________.
  • An array created during the execution of a program is called a(n) ____ array.
  • In ____ binding, the necessary code to call a specific function is generated by the compiler.
  • Consider the following declaration of a struct:struct studentType{char name[26];double gpa;int sID;char grade;};studentType student;studentType *studentPtr;The statement (*studentPtr).gpa = 2.5; is equivalent to ___________________ = 2.5;
  • The code int *p; declares p to be a(n) ____ variable.
  • What is the value of x after the following statements execute?int x = 25;int *p;p = &x;*p = 46;
  • The ____ constructor is executed when an object is declared and initialized by using the value of another object.
  • What is the output of the following statements?int x = 33;int *q;q = &x;cout << *q << endl;
  • What is the output of the following code?int *p;int x;x = 76;p = &x;*p = 43;cout << x << ", " << *p << endl;
  • In C++, ____ is called the address of operator.
  • A class ____ automatically executes whenever a class object goes out of scope.
  • In a ____ copy, two or more pointers of the same type point to the same memory.
  • The ____ operator can be used to return the address of a private data member of a class.
  • Consider the following declaration of a struct:struct studentType{char name[26];double gpa;int sID;char grade;};studentType student;studentType *studentPtr;The statement (*studentPtr).gpa = 2.5; is equivalent to ___________________ = 2.5;
  • Given the declaration int *a;, the statement a = new int[50]; dynamically allocates an array of 50 components of the type ____.
  • In ____ binding, the necessary code to call a specific function is generated by the compiler.
  • The code int *p; declares p to be a(n) ____ variable.
  • Consider the following declaration of a struct:struct studentType{char name[26];double gpa;int sID;char grade;};studentType student;studentType *studentPtr;The statement (*studentPtr).gpa = 2.5; is equivalent to ___________________ = 2.5;
  • In ____ binding, the necessary code to call a specific function is generated by the compiler.
  • An array created during the execution of a program is called a(n) ____ array.
  • The ____ constructor is executed when an object is declared and initialized by using the value of another object.
  • Run-time binding is also known as ____ binding.
  • In C++, virtual functions are declared using the reserved word ____.
  • The C++ operator ____ is used to destroy dynamic variables.
  • In a ____ copy, two or more pointers have their own data.
  • In C++, you declare a pointer variable by using the ____ symbol.
  • In a ____ copy, two or more pointers have their own data.
  • The C++ operator ____ is used to destroy dynamic variables.
  • In C++, virtual functions are declared using the reserved word ____.
rulerType(const rulerType& myRuler)
  • Consider the following statements:void pointerParameters(int &p, double q){...}In the function pointerParameters, the parameter q is a(n) ____________________ parameter.
  • Consider the following statement: ptrMemberVarType objectThree(objectOne);The values of the member variables of objectOne are being copied into the corresponding member variables of objectThree. This initialization is called the ____.
  • Consider the following statements:class shape{public:virtual void draw() = 0;virtual void move(double x, double y) = 0;...};The code above is an example of a(n) ____________________ class definition.
  • Which of the following would be appropriate syntax for the heading of a copy constructor for a class called rulerType?a. rulerType() b. copy rulerType(int inches, int centimeters) c. rulerType(const rulerType& myRuler) d. rulerType(int inches, int centimeters)
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