All of the following are strategies for inclusion EXCEPT:
  • focusing on understanding what a speaker is saying as they are saying it
  • asking a member of a minority group to speak for how the group feels
  • othering
  • some employers treat Sena's family members as dishonest because of their skin color and are unwilling to hire them.
Another word for "fairness" is _________.
  • I agree
  • False
  • True
  • equity
Thinking about a person or group as "not one of us" is an example of:
  • some employers treat Sena's family members as dishonest because of their skin color and are unwilling to hire them.
  • I agree
  • asking a member of a minority group to speak for how the group feels
  • othering
In the context of diversity, equity, and inclusion, how is privilege defined?
  • privilege describes the set of advantages that a group gains when another group is stereotyped, stigmatized, or otherwise oppressed
  • focusing on understanding what a speaker is saying as they are saying it
  • the idea that oppressions — including racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexism — often overlap
  • Yes, because he's applying a stereotype and making assumptions about gender, gender identity, and intelligence/math skills
People with privilege tend to work hard; people without privilege, generally, do not work hard.
  • True
  • False
Diversity is about _______.
  • all of the above
  • understanding and honoring the ways people are unique
  • the idea that oppressions — including racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexism — often overlap
  • focusing on understanding what a speaker is saying as they are saying it
"Intersectionality" refers to _______.
  • privilege describes the set of advantages that a group gains when another group is stereotyped, stigmatized, or otherwise oppressed
  • the idea that oppressions — including racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexism — often overlap
  • Check in with themself about how they're feeling, and be open to finding an ally who can work with Tanner so he understands the concerns
  • understanding and honoring the ways people are unique
Because of his race, people often comment with surprise that Jamal is "well spoken." This is an example of:
  • othering
  • No, Taylor is being condescending and could lose his friend's trust
  • Microaggressions
  • an identity conflict
Theresa is studying with several good friends for a Calculus exam. In an attempt to reduce everyone's stress, Rex suggests a competition within their study group. If the guys average a better score, then the ladies buy dinner; if the ladies do better, the guys pick up the tab. "Guess you'll be buying dinner." Rex jokes. "Cause women and math — it's not your fault — it's just not your thing."Is Rex's statement problematic?
  • privilege describes the set of advantages that a group gains when another group is stereotyped, stigmatized, or otherwise oppressed
  • Yes, because he's applying a stereotype and making assumptions about gender, gender identity, and intelligence/math skills
  • the idea that oppressions — including racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexism — often overlap
  • Check in with themself about how they're feeling, and be open to finding an ally who can work with Tanner so he understands the concerns
After many years of being a student, supporting herself through gardening and landscape jobs, Neka received her degree and took a position as a teacher in a small town. She is most likely to experience which of the following?
  • an identity transition
  • understanding and honoring the ways people are unique
  • equity
  • all of the above
Cian, a college student, wants to graduate before getting married. He feels tension between his religion's expectation to avoid premarital sex and his college friends' expectations that he be sexually active while in school. Cian is experiencing _______.
  • No, Taylor is being condescending and could lose his friend's trust
  • othering
  • Microaggressions
  • an identity conflict
Which best describes the skill of active listening?
  • understanding and honoring the ways people are unique
  • the idea that oppressions — including racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexism — often overlap
  • privilege describes the set of advantages that a group gains when another group is stereotyped, stigmatized, or otherwise oppressed
  • focusing on understanding what a speaker is saying as they are saying it
It's very hard to know how to help when someone is saying or doing something hurtful.
  • equity
  • I agree
  • False
  • True
In the context of diversity, equity, and inclusion, which is an example of oppression?
  • privilege describes the set of advantages that a group gains when another group is stereotyped, stigmatized, or otherwise oppressed
  • asking a member of a minority group to speak for how the group feels
  • some employers treat Sena's family members as dishonest because of their skin color and are unwilling to hire them.
  • othering
Power, in the context of diversity, equity, and inclusion refers to:
  • an identity transition
  • False
  • I agree
  • all of the above
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