Read the following paragraph and decide whether each underlined part has an error.Is it a capitalization error, punctuation error, spelling error, or no error?Oxidation is a process that affects many kinds of material from, metal to human tissue. In the(case of medals, oxidation) is called "rust." oxidation is also what turns an apple slice brown.However it is possible to prevent oxidation with a protecktive coating on the surface of objects. capitalization error spelling error no error punctuation error
  • spelling error
  • are, will have been
  • smog alert
  • highest
What is the best word or words to complete this sentence.Mount Aconcagua, in the Argentine Andes, is the ______________ peak in South America. highest more high higher most high
  • tree, it
  • highest
  • Lions live in groups called "prides"
  • read, developing
Complete these sentences with who, which, that.Clara is a person ________ loves playing music more than anything else in the world. who which that
  • who
  • highest
  • teacher, Ms. Maldonado
  • Mathematician Alan Turing broke many German codes during WWII, and he also helped develop modern computers.
Read the following paragraph and decide whether each underlined part has an error.Is it a capitalization error, punctuation error, spelling error, or no error?Oxidation is a process that affects many kinds of material from, metal to human tissue. In thecase of medals, oxidation is called "rust."(oxidation is also what turns) an apple slice brown.However it is possible to prevent oxidation with a protecktive coating on the surface of objects. capitalization error spelling error no error punctuation error
  • spelling error
  • capitalization error
  • spelling
  • are, will have been
Complete this sentence with who, which, or that.Gustavo, Carmen, and Alejandro are my cousins ____________ live in Miami. who which that
  • dict
  • he, me
  • who
  • sound
What is the plural form of bacteria? bacterium bacteria bacterias bacteri
  • boat, moved
  • bacteria
  • but, and
  • onions
What is the root that could be placed in both of these words:pre____ & _____atedict pend vac tract
  • dict
  • tree
  • mathematics
  • but, and
What is the best word to complete the analogy?hypothesize: science :: estimate:____________ literature fact mathematics information
  • smog alert
  • read, developing
  • molecule ,contain
  • mathematics
What is the best word or words to complete this sentence?Edward Teach, also know as Blackbeard, was one of history's _________ pirates. dangerouser most dangerous dangerous most dangerest
  • villages
  • smog alert
  • most dangerous
  • are, will have been
Read the following paragraph and decide whether each underlined part has an error.Is it a capitalization error, punctuation error, spelling error, or no error?Oxidation is a process that affects many kinds of material from, metal to human tissue. In thecase of medals, oxidation is called "rust." oxidation is also what turns an apple slice brown.(However it is possible) to prevent oxidation with a protecktive coating on the surface of objects. spelling error punctuation error no error capitalization error
  • highest
  • punctuation error
  • conductor
  • most dangerous
Read the following paragraph and decide whether each underlined part has an error.Is it a capitalization error, punctuation error, spelling error, or no error?Oxidation is a process that affects many kinds of material from, metal to human tissue. In thecase of medals, oxidation is called "rust." oxidation is also what turns an apple slice brown.However it is possible to prevent oxidation with a (protecktive coating) on the surface of objects. spelling error punctuation error capitalization error no error
  • spelling
  • smog alert
  • highest
  • but, and
Complete these sentences with a who, which or that.The history department, ______ is in Memorial Hall, is where we are meeting today. which that who
  • teacher, Ms. Maldonado
  • who
  • novel
  • which
What is the simple subject and the simple predicate of this sentence?A water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. molecule, contains water molecule, contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. atom, molecule a water, molecule
  • molecule ,contain
  • mathematics
  • Lions live in groups called "prides"
  • Sergei, is bringing
Read the following paragraph and decide whether each underlined part has an error.Is it a capitalization error, punctuation error, spelling error, or no error?Oxidation is a process that affects many kinds of material (from, metal to human) tissue. In thecase of medals, oxidation is called "rust." oxidation is also what turns an apple slice brown.However it is possible to prevent oxidation with a protecktive coating on the surface of objects. capitalization error punctuation error spelling error no error
  • punctuation error
  • fragment
  • read, developing
  • Sergei, is bringing
What is the best word to complete the analogy?trial: judge :: orchestra: ______________ audience violinist music conductor
  • conductor
  • dict
  • bacteria
  • highest
What are the helping verbs in the sentence?By the time you are awake, I will have been driving to Wichita for three hours. are, will have been driving, awake are will have been
  • read, developing
  • Sergei, is bringing
  • are, will have been
  • is, has
What are the main verbs (not linking or helping) in the sentence?Because fewer people read a daily paper, most newspapers are developing websites. read, developing are are developing read
  • you, should wash
  • are, will have been
  • bacteria
  • read, developing
Which sentence is written correctly? The director of the school play, James e Jones, is also a drama critic for The Times. The director of the school play James E Jones is also a drama critic, for The Times. The Director of the school play James E Jones is also a drama critic for the times. The director of the school play, James E. Jones, is also a drama critic for The Times.
  • Stewart said, "I haven't had anything to eat all day, so I'm famished."
  • It was a long, cold snowy winter, so people were relieved when spring finally arrived.
  • The director of the school play, James E. Jones, is also a drama critic for The Times.
  • An effect of Rob's being laid off was that he couldn't go to any movies with me.
What is the independent clause in this sentence?Lions live in groups called "prides," which have several females and one or two males. which have several females and one or two males Lions Lions live in groups called "prides" in groups called "prides"
  • effect means "a result of" and affect means "to influence"
  • Lions live in groups called "prides"
  • anyone
  • mathematics
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