In what ways are computer-related jobs similar to fully developed professions? How are computer-related careers different from a fully developed profession?
  • Yes, there is a duty to help others in need. The role of a single whistle blower is so heavy that it should be shouldered by a group.
  • Utilitarian grounds allow maximization of the bottom line. Utilitarian thinking allows an organization to do something that is slightly bad in order to reap a greater good. Undisclosed bad deeds are less harmful than those brought into the light, thus utilitarian thinking can create an atmosphere in which free communication or organizational actions is suppressed. In this environment those who wish to report financial irregularities or product defects are ignored or silenced.
  • It is not comprehensive. Focuses on what a moral person would do in a situation.
  • Similarity: requires a high level of education and practical experience. IEEE-CS and ACM exist as professional organizations.Differences: computer programmers rarely work with a single client at a time as do fully developed professions. A college degree and certification or licensing
The Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice was developed by the twolargest organizations supporting the computing field: _______________________.
  • software engineer
  • the Association for Computing Machinery and the Institute for Electrical and ElectronicsEngineers.
  • the IEEE Computer Society and theAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • The ACM is opposed to the licensing of software engineers.
Roger Boisjoly provided a Presidential commission with documents supporting his hypothesis about how the cold temperature had causes the failure of an O-ring on the Space Shuttle Challenger. For this action, Boisjoly was labeled a ______________.
  • licensing.
  • certification
  • whistleblower.
  • accreditation
The process by which candidates are evaluated to determine their readiness to enter theprofession is called _________________.
  • certification
  • licensing.
  • accreditation
  • None of the above
Why do businesses and governments often use utilitarian thinking to determine the proper courseof action? What is a disadvantage of the utilitarian approach to decision-making?
  • Yes, there is a duty to help others in need. The role of a single whistle blower is so heavy that it should be shouldered by a group.
  • Bs
  • Similarity: requires a high level of education and practical experience. IEEE-CS and ACM exist as professional organizations.Differences: computer programmers rarely work with a single client at a time as do fully developed professions. A college degree and certification or licensing
  • Utilitarian grounds allow maximization of the bottom line. Utilitarian thinking allows an organization to do something that is slightly bad in order to reap a greater good. Undisclosed bad deeds are less harmful than those brought into the light, thus utilitarian thinking can create an atmosphere in which free communication or organizational actions is suppressed. In this environment those who wish to report financial irregularities or product defects are ignored or silenced.
Do you agree with Michael McFarland that a team of engineers bears greater moral responsibilitythan any individual member of the team? Explain.
  • the weather in Florida was unusually cold.
  • Yes, there is a duty to help others in need. The role of a single whistle blower is so heavy that it should be shouldered by a group.
  • It is not comprehensive. Focuses on what a moral person would do in a situation.
  • Similarity: requires a high level of education and practical experience. IEEE-CS and ACM exist as professional organizations.Differences: computer programmers rarely work with a single client at a time as do fully developed professions. A college degree and certification or licensing
Why is it usually difficult to assign moral responsibility for computer system failures to aparticular individual? What are the implications for the organizations that create these systems?
  • Utilitarian grounds allow maximization of the bottom line. Utilitarian thinking allows an organization to do something that is slightly bad in order to reap a greater good. Undisclosed bad deeds are less harmful than those brought into the light, thus utilitarian thinking can create an atmosphere in which free communication or organizational actions is suppressed. In this environment those who wish to report financial irregularities or product defects are ignored or silenced.
  • It is not comprehensive.
  • accreditation
  • Bs
Michael McFarland argues that a team of engineers should be held to a higher level of moralresponsibility than ____________________.
  • certification
  • None of the above
  • mandatory drug testing
  • any of its members
A mature profession insists that its members complete an initial professional education. Theprocess by which the profession assures that this formal course work meets its standards iscalled ___________.
  • whistleblower.
  • any of its members
  • certification
  • accreditation
How does virtue ethics relate to the Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice?
  • The ACM is opposed to the licensing of software engineers.
  • It is not comprehensive.
  • does not work directly with individual clients.
  • It is not comprehensive. Focuses on what a moral person would do in a situation.
Why is good judgment required in order to use the Software Engineering Code of Ethics effectively?
  • None of the above
  • It is not comprehensive.
  • It is not comprehensive. Focuses on what a moral person would do in a situation.
  • mandatory drug testing
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