When acetylcholine binds to its receptors, it results in __________. 4)A) the end plate potentialB) a change in ion permeabilityC) the end plate potential, a graded depolarization, and a change in ion permeabilityD) a graded depolarization
  • the end plate potential, a graded depolarization, and a change in ion permeability
  • Increasing the duration of the rest period increased muscle tension.
  • No greater muscle force can be generated and the muscle has reached maximal tetanictension.
  • When stimulus frequency increases, muscle tension increases to a maximum value.
In the lab, a researcher finds that the threshold stimulus to induce an action potential in a musclefiber's sarcolemma was 3.0 volts. Which of the following would result in muscle tension?13)A) 1.0 voltB) 3.0 volts and 4.0 voltsC) 2.0 voltsD) 3.0 voltsE) 4.0 volts
  • 3.0 volts and 4.0 volts
  • wave summation results and muscle twitches overlap
  • The muscle force generated increased.
  • maximal tetanic tension
Which of the following can trigger a muscle twitch? 8)A) electrical stimulationB) release of calcium from the sarcolemmaC) release of acetylcholine and release of calcium from the sarcolemmaD) release of acetylcholine and electrical stimulationE) release of acetylcholine
  • the number of motor units activated
  • Increasing the duration of the rest period increased muscle tension.
  • No greater muscle force can be generated and the muscle has reached maximal tetanictension.
  • release of acetylcholine and electrical stimulation
When the frequency of stimulation of a muscle is great enough, _______. 18)A) wave summation resultsB) full relaxation of the muscle occurs and wave summation resultsC) full relaxation of the muscle occursD) wave summation results and muscle twitches overlapE) muscle twitches overlap
  • release of acetylcholine and electrical stimulation
  • The length of the muscle decreases with contraction.
  • the number of motor units activated
  • wave summation results and muscle twitches overlap
Which of the following is true of the maximum stimulus frequency? 26)A) Muscle force will decrease.B) Muscle has reached maximal tetanic tension.C) No greater muscle force can be generated and the muscle has reached maximal tetanictension.D) No greater muscle force can be generated and muscle force will decrease.E) No greater muscle force can be generated.
  • The sarcomeres are decreasing in length, and the force generated decreases.
  • No greater muscle force can be generated and the muscle has reached maximal tetanictension.
  • release of acetylcholine and electrical stimulation
  • The active force can increase or decrease, depending on the starting resting length of themuscle.
As the weight increased, the distance the weight was lifted _______. 54)A) increasedB) did not changeC) decreasedD) decreased until the weight was not moved at all
  • decreased as the weight increased and increased as the weight decreased
  • increased to a point until it reached a plateau
  • release of acetylcholine and electrical stimulation
  • decreased until the weight was not moved at all
The graph of the length-tension relationship illustrates _______. 41)A) the relationship between muscle diameter and tension and the optimal sarcomere length formuscle contractionB) the optimal sarcomere length for muscle contractionC) the amount of overlap between the thick and thin filaments in the resting muscleD) the optimal sarcomere length for muscle contraction and the amount of overlap between thethick and thin filaments in the resting muscleE) the relationship between muscle diameter and tension
  • When stimulus frequency increases, muscle tension increases to a maximum value.
  • The sarcomeres are decreasing in length, and the force generated decreases.
  • wave summation results and muscle twitches overlap
  • the optimal sarcomere length for muscle contraction and the amount of overlap between thethick and thin filaments in the resting muscle
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