The phrase "The present is the key to the past" describes which type of geologic thinking?
  • Uniformitarianism.
  • Continental crust.
  • Sedimentary rocks.
  • Precambrian.
Which region of Earth is composed of abundant amounts of granite?
  • The mantle.
  • Continental crust.
  • Sedimentary rocks.
  • Precambrian.
Which layer of Earth possesses the greatest thickness?
  • Precambrian.
  • Continental crust.
  • Basalt.
  • The mantle.
  • The universe originated about 13.7 billion years ago with a period of rapid expansion called the Big Bang.The outer part of the Earth consists of several large plates that move and interact with each other, thus producing earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges.
  • A scientist proposes that a recently discovered large ring-shaped structure is the remains of an ancient meteorite crater.
  • The Redwall Formation in the GrandCanyon is composed primarily of limestone.
  • The asthenosphere is solid, but mobile, while the lithosphere is solid and relatively rigid.
Which ERA contains the longest expanse of time in the geologic record?
  • Continental crust.
  • The mantle.
  • Sedimentary rocks.
  • Precambrian.
How could you test whether the core of another planet were completely solid?
  • S waves do not travel through the outer core.P waves slow down and refract at the boundary between the mantle and the outer core.
  • A shadow zone exists where S waves do not arrive on the side of Earth opposite the focus of an earthquake.
  • Set off a bomb to create seismic waves. If S waves arrive on the opposite side of the planet, then the core is solid.
  • Seismic waves move along curved ray paths because of changing properties of rocks.
  • The universe originated about 13.7 billion years ago with a period of rapid expansion called the Big Bang.The outer part of the Earth consists of several large plates that move and interact with each other, thus producing earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges.
  • A scientist proposes that a recently discovered large ring-shaped structure is the remains of an ancient meteorite crater.
  • The Redwall Formation in the GrandCanyon is composed primarily of limestone.
  • S waves do not travel through the outer core.P waves slow down and refract at the boundary between the mantle and the outer core.
What is the D" layer?
  • Seismic waves move along curved ray paths because of changing properties of rocks.
  • The Redwall Formation in the GrandCanyon is composed primarily of limestone.
  • A partially molten layer above the outer core at the base of the mantle.
  • Oceanic and continental.
Which of the following rock types is most abundant on Earth's land surface?
  • Seismic waves move along curved ray paths because of changing properties of rocks.
  • Continental crust.
  • Sedimentary rocks.
  • Basalt.
The doctrine of ______ held that the major features of the surface of the earth were created by sudden, short-lived, violent events.
  • Catastrophism.
  • Continental crust.
  • Outer core.
  • Uniformitarianism.
Why do geologists believe the inner core is solid?
  • A shadow zone exists where S waves do not arrive on the side of Earth opposite the focus of an earthquake.
  • P waves refract at the boundary between the outer core and inner core.
  • S waves do not travel through the outer core.P waves slow down and refract at the boundary between the mantle and the outer core.
  • P-wave and S-wave arrival times.
What happens to the atmosphere as you move away from Earth's surface?
  • The atmosphere thins.
  • Thermal energy from within Earth.
  • Sedimentary rocks.
  • The mantle.
What data provided information about the existence of different zones within Earth?
  • Oceanic and continental.
  • P-wave and S-wave arrival times.
  • Crust, mantle, outer core, inner core.
  • Thermal energy from within Earth.
Which of the following rocks best represents the typical composition of oceanic crust?
  • Sedimentary rocks.
  • Because the asthenosphere is composed of weak, hot, and dense rock, the cold, rigid, less dense lithospheric plates are capable of moving on it.
  • Basalt.
  • Seismic waves move along curved ray paths because of changing properties of rocks.
The magnetic field of Earth is thought to originate in which of the following layers?
  • Precambrian.
  • The mantle.
  • Catastrophism.
  • Outer core.
What are the four primary zones in Earth's interior?
  • Thermal energy from within Earth.
  • Crust, mantle, outer core, inner core.
  • P-wave and S-wave arrival times.
  • Oceanic and continental.
What are the two types of crust?
  • Thermal energy from within Earth.
  • Oceanic and continental.
  • Crust, mantle, outer core, inner core.
  • P-wave and S-wave arrival times.
The Principle of ________ states that the physical, chemical, and biological processes at work shaping the Earth today have also operated in the geologic past.
  • Sedimentary rocks.
  • Catastrophism.
  • Uniformitarianism.
  • Continental crust.
Which of the following responses best describes why the lithospheric plates are able to move around on the surface of Earth?
  • Because the asthenosphere is composed of weak, hot, and dense rock, the cold, rigid, less dense lithospheric plates are capable of moving on it.
  • Seismic waves move along curved ray paths because of changing properties of rocks.
  • Basalt.
  • Sedimentary rocks.
Why do we believe Earth's outer core is a liquid?
  • S waves do not travel through the outer core.P waves slow down and refract at the boundary between the mantle and the outer core.
  • P waves refract at the boundary between the outer core and inner core.
  • Set off a bomb to create seismic waves. If S waves arrive on the opposite side of the planet, then the core is solid.
  • A shadow zone exists where S waves do not arrive on the side of Earth opposite the focus of an earthquake.
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