Plague is caused by which bacteria?
  • A. Clostridium
  • B. Mycobacteria
  • C. Yersinia Pestis
  • D. None of the above
Which of the following is/are different forms of the plague?
  • A. Bubonic Plague
  • B. Septicemic Plague
  • C. Pneumonic Plague
  • D. All the above
How people get infected from the plague?
  • A. When a person is bitten by a flea infected with the plague bacteria.
  • B. People get infected through direct contact with infected tissues or fluids while handling an animal that is sick or has died from the plague.
  • C. People can become infected from inhaling the respiratory droplets after close contact with cats and humans with pneumonic plague.
  • D. All the above.
Which type of plague is the most serious form of the disease and can be spread from person to person?
  • A. Bubonic plague
  • B. Septicemic plague
  • C. Pneumonic plague
  • D. None of the above
What is the incubation period of the bubonic plague?
  • A. 2 to 3 days
  • B. 3 to 4 days
  • C. 2 to 4 days
  • D. 3 to 7 days
Which of the following is/are the symptoms of bubonic plague?
  • A. Fever
  • B. Muscle pain
  • C. Swollen lymph nodes
  • D. All the above
Which of the following is/are the symptoms of pneumonic plague?
  • A. Severe cough
  • B. Difficulty breathing
  • C. Chest pain
  • D. All the above
What type of treatment is provided to the plague patient?
  • A. Antibiotic
  • B. Hospitalised
  • C. Medically isolated
  • D. All the above
Which of the following preventive measures should be taken during the plague?
  • A. Reduce rodent habitat around your home, workplace, and recreational areas.
  • B. Keep fleas off of your pets by applying flea control products.
  • C. Use repellent if you think you could be exposed to rodent fleas during activities such as camping, hiking, or working outdoors.
  • D. All the above
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