When a government passes a law granting citizens tax credits if they use public transportation on a regular basis, which technique of policy enactment is it using?
  • poverty, civil rights, and health care
  • incentive
  • the State Department
  • hortatory
Communism and socialism are largely based on the works of which economist?
  • Karl Marx
  • money
  • sales tax
  • hortatory
Which primary areas did President Johnson's Great Society seek to address?
  • the State Department
  • Its role is to regulate the US financial system.
  • poverty, civil rights, and health care
  • incentive
Imagine driving down the highway and reading a sign that states "Save the planet—don't litter." Which technique of policy enactment is being used?
  • having a large ocean on each side of the country
  • increased price of the good
  • hortatory
  • sales tax
Economics is the study of what?
  • the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
  • to preserve international peace through discussion
  • the government's attempt to solve internal problems
  • to preserve competition among business firms
Which historical event is the best example of domestic policy?
  • Congress approves a declaration of war on a foreign enemy.
  • Medicare
  • the Affordable Care Act
  • a formal agreement between two or more nations
What geographic feature made early Americans consider isolationist policies?
  • Its role is to regulate the US financial system.
  • having a large ocean on each side of the country
  • to preserve international peace through discussion
  • A solution might become obsolete over time.
If the demand for a good increases without its supply increasing, what change will occur?
  • Yes, because eventually the debt must be repaid with interest.
  • A solution might become obsolete over time.
  • Its role is to regulate the US financial system.
  • increased price of the good
Which economic mechanism does a barter system operate without?
  • money
  • Karl Marx
  • sales tax
  • Its role is to regulate the US financial system.
Which program created during President Johnson's administration focuses on providing health coverage to the elderly?
  • poverty, civil rights, and health care
  • the Affordable Care Act
  • Congress approves a declaration of war on a foreign enemy.
  • Medicare
What is the purpose of federal antitrust laws?
  • to preserve competition among business firms
  • to preserve international peace through discussion
  • Its role is to regulate the US financial system.
  • the government's attempt to solve internal problems
What is the primary mission of the United Nations?
  • to preserve international peace through discussion
  • to preserve competition among business firms
  • Its role is to regulate the US financial system.
  • the government's attempt to solve internal problems
Which phrase best describes domestic policy?
  • to preserve competition among business firms
  • to preserve international peace through discussion
  • the government's attempt to solve internal problems
  • Its role is to regulate the US financial system.
What is a treaty?
  • a formal agreement between two or more nations
  • to preserve competition among business firms
  • the Affordable Care Act
  • to preserve international peace through discussion
Is there a potential problem if governments continually finance goods and services with borrowed money?
  • increased price of the good
  • Yes, because eventually the debt must be repaid with interest.
  • having a large ocean on each side of the country
  • A solution might become obsolete over time.
Which kind of tax is paid when purchasing consumer goods and services?
  • Its role is to regulate the US financial system.
  • increased price of the good
  • sales tax
  • A solution might become obsolete over time.
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