Individuals who cannot afford an attorney have a constitutional right to have one appointed to them. Which Supreme Court case was instrumental in guaranteeing this right?
  • on personal recognizance.
  • Gideon v. Wainwright
  • 20 and 29.
  • A criminal in compliance will likely receive an early release of up to one-third the term, while a criminal in violation may be sent to jail for the remainder of his or her sentence.
The most prison-prone group in society is between the ages of
  • Gideon v. Wainwright
  • A criminal in compliance will likely receive an early release of up to one-third the term, while a criminal in violation may be sent to jail for the remainder of his or her sentence.
  • 20 and 29.
  • state prison board.
What is one of the biggest issues in regard to perpetuating criminal activities in Texas?
  • the University of Texas corruption scandal
  • The requirements placed on offenders are so difficult to comply with that offenders will likely disregard the requirements and hope to not get caught.
  • 14 percent
  • 10.87 years
Inmates at state jails served on average ________ percent of their sentences before being released.
  • 58.1
  • 99.4
  • 38.
  • state prison board.
A major criticism of the grand jury is that i
  • the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles
  • with a unanimous vote.
  • clear a crowded district court docket by negotiating guilty pleas in criminal cases
  • usually hears only what the prosecutor chooses to let it hear.
What is the average amount of time an inmate spends on death row in Texas before execution?
  • 14 percent
  • 10.87 years
  • The requirements placed on offenders are so difficult to comply with that offenders will likely disregard the requirements and hope to not get caught.
  • murder of a child under the age of 12
In the 1972 case of Ruiz v. Estelle, the U.S. federal court determined that
  • Texas executes more individuals than any other state and has a statistically low rate of successfully appealed capital cases.
  • plea bargain between the defendant and the state
  • state prison board.
  • inmates' constitutionally guaranteed rights had been violated in Texas prisons.
In Texas, the legal standard of proof "beyond a reasonable doubt" is used in which type(s) of cases?
  • murder of a child under the age of 12
  • both felony and misdemeanor cases
  • $147 million; $3 billion
  • the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles
Which of the following best describes capital punishment in Texas?
  • Texas executes more individuals than any other state and has a statistically low rate of successfully appealed capital cases.
  • inmates' constitutionally guaranteed rights had been violated in Texas prisons.
  • state prison board.
  • plea bargain between the defendant and the state
Regarding the rules of community supervision (probation) requirements, what are the results of compliance versus violation?
  • Gideon v. Wainwright
  • Texas executes more individuals than any other state and has a statistically low rate of successfully appealed capital cases.
  • 20 and 29.
  • A criminal in compliance will likely receive an early release of up to one-third the term, while a criminal in violation may be sent to jail for the remainder of his or her sentence.
All of the following reasons listed make adjustment to life outside prison an extremely difficult experience EXCEPT
  • the University of Texas corruption scandal
  • murder of a child under the age of 12
  • Since 1977, the electric chair has been the means for execution in Texas.
  • a lack of economic incentive to hire parolees.
What are plea bargains used to do?
  • The requirements placed on offenders are so difficult to comply with that offenders will likely disregard the requirements and hope to not get caught.
  • clear a crowded district court docket by negotiating guilty pleas in criminal cases
  • the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles
  • Since 1977, the electric chair has been the means for execution in Texas.
If a person cannot provide bail on his or her own or cannot pay a bondsman, the accused can possibly be released
  • state prison board.
  • on personal recognizance.
  • the three strikes provision.
  • inmates' constitutionally guaranteed rights had been violated in Texas prisons.
Which of the following makes the decision to grant parole?
  • the University of Texas corruption scandal
  • murder of a child under the age of 12
  • the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles
  • Since 1977, the electric chair has been the means for execution in Texas.
Jurors determine a guilty verdict in criminal cases
  • the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles
  • county attorney
  • with a unanimous vote.
  • vote a "true bill."
In the past 20 years, the costs of prison construction and maintenance have risen from approximately ________ to approximately ________.
  • both felony and misdemeanor cases
  • All of these are correct.
  • the University of Texas corruption scandal
  • $147 million; $3 billion
The ________ usually provides legal advice to the county commissioners.
  • 14 percent
  • vote a "true bill."
  • 10.87 years
  • county attorney
A person convicted of a third felony can be sentenced to life imprisonment based on
  • state prison board.
  • on personal recognizance.
  • plea bargain between the defendant and the state
  • the three strikes provision.
What percentage of Texas prison inmates have been convicted of drug offenses?
  • vote a "true bill."
  • 14 percent
  • 10.87 years
  • property
The Ruiz case was a class-action suit on behalf of inmates that began in 1972, and it focused on issues of
  • both felony and misdemeanor cases
  • All of these are correct.
  • $147 million; $3 billion
  • murder of a child under the age of 12
Which of the following is NOT an explanation for why Texas has one of the most controversial death penalty systems in the United States?
  • murder of a child under the age of 12
  • the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles
  • Since 1977, the electric chair has been the means for execution in Texas.
  • the University of Texas corruption scandal
In 2014, prisoners were serving about ________ percent of their sentences before being released.
  • 12; 6
  • 99.4
  • 38.
  • 58.1
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