Read the excerpt from Act IV of Hamlet.Claudius: Follow her close; give her good watch, I pray you. [Exit HORATIO.]O! this is the poison of deep grief; it springsAll from her father's death. O Gertrude, Gertrude!When sorrows come, they come not single spies,But in battalions. First, her father slain;Next, your son gone; but he most violent authorOf his own just remove: the people muddied,Thick and unwholesome in their thoughts and whispers,For good Polonius' death; and we have done but greenly,In hugger-mugger to inter him: poor OpheliaDivided from herself and her fair judgment,Without the which we are pictures, or mere beastsHow does the excerpt reveal character development?Claudius exhibits sincere mourning for his friend Polonius.Claudius exhibits sensitivity toward Ophelia and regret for his actions.Claudius shows his resolve to help Ophelia by suggesting medical attention.Claudius shows his regret for previous behavior by seeking forgiveness.
  • muddledillogicalmelancholy
  • Not C Laertes's chaotic entrance makes Claudius become violent.
  • manipulitive
  • B Claudius exhibits sensitivity toward Ophelia and regret for his actions.
Read the excerpt from Act IV of Hamlet.Claudius: Where are my Switzers? Let them guard the door.What is the matter?Gentleman: Save yourself, my lord;The ocean, overpeering of his list,Eats not the flats with more impetuous hasteThan young Laertes, in a riotous head,O'erbears your officers. The rabble call him lord;And, as the world were now but to begin,Antiquity forgot, custom not known,The ratifiers and props of every word,They cry, 'Choose we; Laertes shall be king!' Caps, hands, and tongues, applaud it to the clouds,'Laertes shall be king, Laertes king!'Which statement best describes how this plot event shapes Claudius?Laertes's arrival renders Claudius remorseful and contrite.Laertes's popular support increases Claudius's insecurities.Laertes's chaotic entrance makes Claudius become violent.Laertes's demands prompt Claudius to change his politics.
  • muddledillogicalmelancholy
  • manipulitive
  • Not C Laertes's chaotic entrance makes Claudius become violent.
  • B Claudius exhibits sensitivity toward Ophelia and regret for his actions.
In act IV of Hamlet, Claudius's interaction with Laertes suggests that Claudius is
  • muddledillogicalmelancholy
  • B Claudius exhibits sensitivity toward Ophelia and regret for his actions.
  • Not C Laertes's chaotic entrance makes Claudius become violent.
  • manipulitive
Laertes returns to Denmark to confront Claudius about his father's death. This is part of the plot'srising action.climax.falling action.resolution.
  • A exposition.
  • B rising action
  • C nervous, defensive
  • A rising action.
Hamlet stages a performance about a murder to discern Claudius's guilt. This is part of Hamlet's
  • C nervous, defensive
  • B rising action
  • A exposition.
  • A rising action.
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