Which of the following people would be least at risk of getting an STI?
  • normal functioning of only a few organs
  • a person who is in a monogamous relationship and has protected sex
  • chromosomal disease
  • develop strong family foundations, accept change, develop healthy conflict resolution skills
In general, which of the following is NOT true concerning teens and marriage?
  • During adolescence, friendship circles change because of romantic relationships.
  • Guidelines make allowances for dietary restrictions
  • Many married teens remain together for a large number of years.
  • continued aggression between parties
Which of the following BEST describes why women should avoid drinking alcohol when pregnant?
  • to aid product marketers
  • During pregnancy, mothers should abstain from drinking alcohol because a fetus's liver is unable to process alcohol due to underdevelopment.
  • ignoring stress signals
  • Guidelines make allowances for dietary restrictions
Which of the following results from an uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells?
  • ignoring stress signals
  • During adolescence, friendship circles change because of romantic relationships.
  • chromosomal disease
  • normal functioning of only a few organs
One important action that communities can take to help protect the public from communicable diseases is to provide farmers with safe, clean water for watering crops.
  • T
  • F
  • vigorous intensity
  • The FITT principle makes it easier for individuals to incorporate lifestyle activities into their fitness programs.
Which of the following statements is NOT true about the consequences of alcohol?
  • Adolescents who drink alcohol are more likely to drop out of high school than their peers who don't drink.
  • a person who is in a monogamous relationship and has protected sex
  • develop strong family foundations, accept change, develop healthy conflict resolution skills
  • continued aggression between parties
Rachel wants to improve her body composition by reducing her BMI. She swims with her friends after school two days a week and eats a well-balanced diet. What else should she do to ensure that she properly applies all the necessary FITT principles in her plan?
  • She should eat a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet and add five days of weight training to her exercise routine.
  • The FITT principle makes it easier for individuals to incorporate lifestyle activities into their fitness programs.
  • Many married teens remain together for a large number of years.
  • develop strong family foundations, accept change, develop healthy conflict resolution skills
The body needs fat for __________.
  • transport of vitamins
  • chromosomal disease
  • ignoring stress signals
  • to aid product marketers
Which of the following BEST describes the process of developing and maintaining a strong family relationship?
  • normal functioning of only a few organs
  • During pregnancy, mothers should abstain from drinking alcohol because a fetus's liver is unable to process alcohol due to underdevelopment.
  • develop strong family foundations, accept change, develop healthy conflict resolution skills
  • a person who is in a monogamous relationship and has protected sex
Which of the following statements is NOT true about social changes during adolescence.
  • During pregnancy, mothers should abstain from drinking alcohol because a fetus's liver is unable to process alcohol due to underdevelopment.
  • During adolescence, friendship circles change because of romantic relationships.
  • to aid product marketers
  • ignoring stress signals
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